

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 47 av 81

Bibliotekets tidskrifter och tidskriftsavdelning: En undersökning av högstadielevers läsning i relation till utbudet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the supply of magazines and periodicals for young people at the library. We also examine young peoples reading of magazines and periodicals and compare the librarys selection with what young people read. The main questions of this thesis are: What do young people do at the library on their spare time? What weekly magazines and periodicals do young people read? What range of magazines and periodicals do the city- and the school library have? Where is the department located and how is it designed? What kind of relationship is there between young peoples reading and the selection? To answer these questions we have done an interview with a librarian and a questionnaire among 13-16 year old children. We found that it is not often that young people read their magazines and periodicals at the library.

Miljömålsindikatorer för kommunala planbestämmelser En studie av indikatorsystem för uppföljning av delmål 2 inom miljömålet God bebyggd miljö

The purpose of this study is to propose and formulate quantitative indicators to help measure an aspect of the Environmental Objectives in Swedish legislation: ?A Good Built Environment, Interim Target 2.? The governmental bill 2004/05:150 suggests changes to Interim Target 2: By 2010 built environments of cultural heritage value will be identified and placed under long-term sustainable management. Following the revised formulation regarding sustainable management, indicators should be formulated to measure the fulfilment of sustainable management of built environments of cultural heritage value. An important part of management takes place at the municipal level of planning, where detailed development plans include regulations to protect built environments of substantial cultural heritage value. As a result, this study is focusing upon the regulatory function of the Swedish Planning and Building Act in respect to the built environments of cultural heritage value.

Massundanträngning i samband med pålning i lera

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Stadsmisson eller stadsvision En uppsats om Stadsmissionens roll i välfärdssamhället

Homelessness has always been and will always be a problem in every society. How should we organize the work and care for these people? There are three different types of welfare states, the liberal, the conservative and the social democratic. In the liberal welfare state the market is the supplier of the public good. In the conservative state the family and church and in the social democratic the state is the supplier of the public welfare.The Swedish welfare state has been the archetype of social democratic welfare with de principal of ?Folkhemmet? in focus.

Kraftkabelförläggning i mark : - en studie av produktionsmetoder

The assignment given to us by NCC was to compose a degree project based on ground excavations for power cables. The aim of the study was to examine suitable excavation methods depending on different possible terrain conditions. The amount of previously written material within this subject is nearly non- existent and therefore there is a genuine interest by the NCC to receive a compilation of different production methods. The greater part of this study is based upon interviews with several companies active within this area of expertise. The technique of placing the electricity grid beneath ground for safety is today getting more and more common.

Läkares användning av medicinska tidskrifter ? Är sjukhusbibliotekets bestånd en viktig källa?

The purpose of this study is to find out how and to what extent doctors use the hospital library?s collection of print and electronic medical journals. Major changes have the last years occurred in the journal collection. The journals are very costly and little is known about the user satisfaction with them. Therefore it?s important to examine how satisfied the users are with the collection and how they utilize it.

Hur bör en modern livsmedelsleverantör arbeta för att säkra sin position på marknaden? - en studie av det Svenska kommersiella restaurangsegmentet

Målet med denna studie är att utreda hur olika egenskaper hos leverantören prioriteras och värderas av den inköpsansvariga. Det är betydelsefullt för restaurangbranschens säljorganisationer att känna till på vilka grunder en restaurang fattar sina inköpsbeslut och hur man resonerar vid val av leverantör. Studien genererade ett antal variabler vilka livsmedelsleverantören bör studera och utvärdera, däribland varumärket, service, sortiment, kvalitet, pris, leveranssäkerhet m.fl. Men också identifierades ett antal strategier och arbetsområden vilka leverantören bör ta hänsyn till. Total Supply är ett koncept vilket respondenterna visade ett behov och önskan för.

Bestämning av jordmodul för kringfyllnadsmaterial runt rörbroar

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv

In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.

Framtagning och analys av nyckeltal genom kartläggning och fördelning av logistikkostnader på Volvo Parts Supply & Logistics

Detta kandidatprojekt har skett på uppdrag av företaget Sund Birsta och har genomförts påChalmers tekniska högskola. Företaget utvecklar, tillverkar och säljer stålverksutrustning till eninternationell marknad. Syftet med projektet har varit att skapa en prototyp av en användarvänligoch lättnavigerad kundportal baserad på Sund Birstas behov.Arbetet inleddes med en förstudie bestående av en litteraturstudie och ett besök hos företaget iSundsvall för att få en förståelse och en bra grund för det fortsatta arbetet. En kravspecifikationtogs fram efter besöket för att få en bra överblick över vad som skulle ingå i prototypen.Implementeringen utfördes enligt extremprogrammeringsmetoden där parprogrammeringanvändes. Det grafiska gränssnittet togs fram med hjälp av mock-ups och ett färgschemaskapades med hjälp av olika webbverktyg.Slutresultatet blev en prototyp implementerad i programmeringsspråket PHP och ramverketCodeIgniter.

Vad vill vi med vårt skolbibliotek? En undersökning av attityder till skolbiblioteket bland skolledare och lärare

The purpose of this study is to examine teachers and school-leaders attitude to the school library. Both the cause of and the consequences of these attitudes are examined. In order to fulfil my purpose I have examined this through both literature and empirical studies. I have interviewed the headmaster, the school librarian and two teachers at two comprehensive schools. As theoretical framework I have used David Loertschers taxonomy containing theories about the levels in an ideal school library and Miles model of school development.

Vård av kanin med gastrointestinal sjukdom

This work is intended primarily for animal nurses/veterinary technicians and describe parts of the rabbits digestive tract, causes of gastrointestinal disease, symptoms, diagnosis, general care of rabbits with gastrointestinal disease and how to prevent that gastrointestinal illness occur. The work is largely based on literature studies but also on a questionnaire sent out to rabbit owners to get answers on how they generally hold and care of rabbits, which gastrointestinal diseases that are most common, how owners care for their animals at home during illness and to examine if the owners think that the knowledge of this subject is good at his veterinarian/clinic.The purpose of this work is to improve the skills of animal nurses but also to improve the skills of owners through competent advice from animal nurses.The result show that gastrointestinal disease often is caused due to improper feeding and care of rabbits and therefore is advices from animal nurses an important part of preventive care. Animal nurses are also an important part of treatment of rabbits with gastrointestinal disease when supportive care as fluid therapy, supportive feeding and supply of a stress free environment is important for the animals to recover..

Attityder hos råvaruleverantörer till ett sågverksföretag : en fallundersökning av leverantörer till J.G. Anderssons Söner AB i Kronobergs län

It has been even more important in the forest sector in recent years to look at the whole chain from suppliers to end users, to improve operations and improve performance and the profits of the company. The research and development have been concentrated on the buyer?s market and product development, probably because this research has capability to give an increased cash flow. But to obtain stability and continuity in the production and selling units, the suppliers should also be investigated. The aim of this thesis is to study a one company's existing suppliers of roundwood and investigate the differences and attitudes they have about the company offerings.

Självscanning ? Ur butikens perspektiv

The underlying aim of this paper is to find out how the management and employees in a grocery store on a relatively small community in Sweden is experiencing Technology-Based Self-Service (TBSS), and self-scanning. And how store management and employees experience that the self-scanning ability is received by their respective consumers. Several open individual interviews were conducted with the administrative head of sales and various employees working at different departments at Coop Forum in Skara In offering self-scanning, we believe that the store provides consumers with an opportunity to perform their daily purchases by an easy and flexible approach, which we believe will have a positive impact on the entire store visit. A positive store visit, we believe play a major role in consumers choosing to do their shopping in the store.The issue to be elucidated in this paper is; How do management and employees in a grocery store perceive that self-scanning influence consumers' purchase and the service the shop offers? Why would a supermarket use self-scanning as part of the service they offer to their consumers? The report concludes the similarities and differences experienced by administrative sales manager and employees compared to previous research on the subject.

Visualizing Innovation Capital: A Case study of Technology Transfer and Biomedical start-up

Purpose: The purpose is to present a greater understanding of the progression of innovation capital in a technology transfer and biotech start-up context. The findings offer technology transfer professionals, entrepreneurs and academia an overall perception and mental framework of the technology transfer practice and the embracement of a promising invention, building upon its hidden value. Methodology: The thesis was conducted using a qualitative case study, executed with the help of interviews, in order to answer the research question: How is an embryo of innovation capital continuously cultivated in a technology transfer and biomedical start-up process? Conclusions: A technology transfer entity provides the means to establish a platform where an entrepreneur can build its own human capital, structural capital, and relationship capital. The forms of capital interact and thus create value, herein considered as innovation capital.

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