1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 11 av 81
Nationellt varumärkesbyggande : En studie om hur Botswana kan använda sig av nationellt varumärkesbyggande i landets utvecklingsprocess
In this paper I study how the repeal of the Swedish wealth tax (1 of January 2007) has affected people´s labour supply behaviour. This particular issue is relevant because it may help us understand some of the effects of the earnings tax changes that have taken place in Sweden. Accoring to standard economic theory a repealed wealth tax is similar to an income effect for the persons who previously paid the tax. That means that they theoretically will want to consume more leisure, that is decrease their labour supply. The method I am using to test this hypothesis is a difference-in-difference approach where the treatment group consists of persons who previously paid the tax and the control group of comparable persons who did not pay the tax.
Att öppna dörren till Orientens Paris - En explorativ studie av etableringsprocessen av distributionskanal för svenska tillverkningsföretag i Shanghai
Syfte: Syftet är att formulera en modell för etableringsprocessen av distributionskanal för svenska tillverkningsföretag av konsumentprodukter i Shanghai. Metod: Studiens syfte är explorativt och utgår från en abduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen grundar sig på kvalitativ forskning. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med fallföretag och utvalda experter och genom litteraturstudier fått en teoretisk referensram att arbeta utifrån. Teoretiska perspektiv: Export agents, Supply Chain management, styrsystem, industriell marknadsföring, relationsmarknadsföring.
RFID i tillverkningsföretag : Fallstudie Hästens Sängar AB
Radio Frequency Identification RFID är en teknologi för att kunna identifiera produkter via radiovågor, detta med hjälp av radiosändare. Denna uppsats intresserar sig för hur RFID kan användas i tillverkningsföretag och om tekniken kan förbättra och förenkla materialflödesprocesserna. RFID är en relativt komplicerad teknik därför har denna uppsats som syfte att ge företag praktiska tips inför en implementering. För att kunna besvara problemformuleringen har Hästens Sängar AB används som praktikfall. Intervjuer har även gjorts med RFID leverantörer och av företag som idag använder RFID, för att få det praktiska perspektivet.RFID används mer och mer i tillverkningsföretag även om utvecklingen har gått långsammare än förväntat.
Effektivare röjningssätt med kedjeröjsågen?
After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.
Assessment methods for corporateresponsibility on the fashion scene : a case study of Hennes & Mauritz, Lindex, Kappahl and MQ
Assessing the outcome of corporate responsibility is often argued to be complicated due to long-term effects and qualitative aspects. Epstein (2008, p.261) establishes that: ?Though many think that sustainability is too difficult to measure, companies have found that unless the impacts are measured, they are commonly ignored in the resource allocation process?. Corporate responsibility is often referred to as a business case, i.e., that social and environmental concern add value to the business (Heikkurinen, 2010; Porter & van der Linde, 1995). Hence, for corporate responsibility to be a business case a strategy, corporate structure and systems, programmes and actions linked to performance measures need to be in place to assess the outcome; environmental, social as well as financial.
Skogsbruksplanen - ett hjälpmedel i vattenförvaltningsfrågor? : en intervjustudie
After the mandatory rules for clearing was removed in 1994, the clearing area has increased in Sweden. After the storms Gudrun and Per, the areas became planted with new plants, mainly spruce, but also other tree species. Storm areas are now being invaded by naturally rejuvenated birch in the tilling tracks. Since the birch often is initially growing faster than the spruce it is inhibiting the growth and is also damaging the spruce.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the new brush saw with chain and compare it with the conventional clearing saw, mainly in terms of performance and ergonomics. The results show that the new brush saw with chain is very good in almost all clearing operations compared to the conventional clearing saw.
Förutsättningar för effektiv tredjepartslogistik ? en studie om effektiviseringar med hjälp av WMS
IT och logistik är två områden i ständig utveckling. IT har skapat helt nya förutsättningarför planering och effektivisering inom logistiken. I dagens samhälle är en välutveckladkommunikation avgörande för effektiv logistik. IT har även möjliggjort nyaorganisationsstrukturer i form av Supply Chain management och outsourcing medtredjepartslogistiker. För en tredjepartslogistiker kan det vara avgörande att kunna arbetaeffektivt med både material- och informationsflöden.
Klistret i klustret : En undersökande studie av ansamlingen av GIS-relaterad verksamhet i Gävleregionen
Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.
Nätverket som varumärke : En fallstudie av Glasriket
Destination branding is becoming increasingly acknowledged by regions working with tourism. Underlying is the fragmented web of actors in the Supply Chain of which the tourism product consists of. The main purpose of our thesis was, from a management perspective, to gain an understanding and describing how a network and the actors within it can build a consistent brand. We therefore chose to make a case study research on The Kingdom of Chrystal, or Glasriket, which is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Sweden. Our research is based on theoretical and empirical data.
Datormedierad kommunikation i politikens tjänst : En studie av attityder till datormedierad kommunikation
This essay examines the recent electoral success of the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the Swedish municipal election in 2006 and 2010. By using statistical methods it aims to explain which of three contradicting theoretical frameworks best can explain how a populist radical right party could penetrate one of the most stable party systems in the world. The theoretical approaches tested in this essay are: a demand-side, an external supply-side and an internal supply-side approach. By using theoretically anchored proxies to determine the effect of the contradicting theoretical approaches this essay concludes that the internal supply-side explanation measuring the local party organizational ability of the SD had the most substantial effect when it comes to explaining their recent electoral success in the Swedish municipalities, as opposed to a more commonly believed demand-side driven explanation..
International Marine Group, IMG AB, was established in year 2000, and became the parent company of the three sister companies, Momec AB, Isolamin AB and Premec AB. The IMG ? group supplies complete marine/offshore interior accommodation and tailor-made system supplies to the Building/Industrial sector. With a starting point to develop IMG AB?s logistic and distribution the company has decided to survey the present logistic at their subsidiaries, mainly concentrated on the goods for delivery.
Chefsförsörjning: Rekryteringsproblem vid tillsättning av mellanchefer
Human Resource Management (HRM) has an increasingly strategic role in today?s organizations as the supply of managers is an integral part of the strategic work. In order to retain competence and knowledge, firms are usually designed so that the employees can develop their careers within the firm. Company X is a company in the financial sector and is an example of such firm. However, at Company X: Department Y, very few employees apply for the management positions when they are announced.
Behovet av kundorientering i fastighetsföretag, finns det?
AbstractTitle:Behovet av kundorientering i fastighetsföretag, finns det?Author:Joel Nilsson ErlemanTutor:Agneta SundströmPurpose:Thru a quality point of view, examine and analyze how Akelius AB customer orientatesthem self in an area such as Brandbergen, were the demand is larger then the supply.Method:Through a qualitative research approach with an inductive and a hermeneutic orientation thestudy approaches Akelius AB and the company?s costumer orientation thru several interviews and asurvey. The gathered data?s purpose is to answer research questions to investigate how costumerorientations function and to how to implement it in real estate companies.Theory:The theory explains the meaning of customer orientation and its use in real estate companies.The theoretical discussion is based on a five-gap model, which is used to analyze the service quality inAkelius AB and to analyze the relation to their costumers.Empire:The findings show how Akelius experience costumer orientation in Brandbergen and thecostumer?s perception of Akelius AB service quality.Analysis:Compares the theory and the empirical data to see the service quality thru using the GapModel.Conclusion:Akelius AB satisfy their customer?s need in what could be expected of them. In thesituation with increased demand and lower supply Akelius AB have the possibility to offer theircostumers a much lower quality than the costumers usually wants and expect.
Hur påverkas internationella operationer av SCM?
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att svara på frågan: Hur påverkar den flödesbaseradelogistiken logistikledningen vid en internationell operation utförd av FM? Genom att kvalitativtanalysera teorin bakom flödesbaserad logistik (Supply Chain Management), ochFörsvarsmaktens logistikledningssystem vid internationella operationer via de tre begreppenorganisation, teknik och individ besvaras detta. Uppsatsen tar stöd av manöverteorin, ochspeciellt dess komponent uppdragstaktik, för att verifiera analysens operativa relevans.En specifik studie av det ovanstående i en NBF-miljö har också genomförts.Det empiriska underlaget baseras helt på skrivet material, och främst läroböcker avseenderespektive begrepp. De svar som analysen har givit är sammanfattningsvis;? Industriaktörerna i logistikkedjan kan ta ett större ansvar för försörjningen avutlandsbaserade förband.? Förvarsmakten bör anskaffa systemstöd som medger kommunikation med samtligaaktörer i logistikkedjan.? De civila aktörernas behov och möjligheter till kommunikation måste beaktas vidanskaffning av ett NBF-system..
Bristidentifiering & effektivisering av materialförsörjningen på SAAB Microwave Systems
Saab Microwave Systems (SMW) is a business unit within Saab AB that manufactures and develops different types of radar- and sensor systems for naval, airborne and ground based forces as well as within the market for civil security. In addition to the manufacturing of radar and sensor systems they also provide different types of service concepts. The business unit has 50 years of experience within the area of developing radar systems and is considered to be one of the market leaders. When applying an assemble-to-order production strategy with products at this level of cost price the product lead-time is vital and becomes an important part of the strategy within marketing and sales. Within SMW there is a new department called Supply Management (SM) that provides the supply of incoming and outgoing material. Within SM there are four sub-departments working with activities such as planning, purchasing, receiving inspection, storage and distribution.