

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 9 av 393

Långsiktiga inköp och leverantörsförhållanden - En studie av svenska tillverkningsföretags inställning till leverantörer och leverantörsbedömning

This thesis aims on adding another piece to the puzzle that is the supplier relationship research. Taking its base in a series of articles regarding the transformations of global supply chains into more long-term profitable ones. Two research questions are presented, one regarding long-term supplier relationships and one regarding the main criteria?s while evaluating new suppliers. With an emphasis on the long-term relationship and profitability are five medium sized Swedish manu-facturers examined through semi-structured interviews.

En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter

When a helicopter is flying, the dynamics vary depending on, for example, speed and position. Hence, a time-invariant linear model cannot describe its properties under all flight conditions. It is therefore desirable to update the linear helicopter model continuously during the flight. In this thesis, two different recursive estimation methods are presented, LMS (Least Mean Square) and adaptation with a Kalman filter. The main purpose of the system estimation is to get a model which can be used for feedback control.

Att hitta rätt: bibliotekariers utveckling av referensarbete

The aim of this Masters thesis is to understand how librarians develop their reference service. The purpose was to find patterns in how librarians work with reference questions. As a theoretical framework we have used research in the reference field. Where do the skills of the search process come from: education or experience? Answers were sought to the following questions: - How different are the search process in practice compared to theory? - Which similarities and differences are there among the informants? - How important was the education in comparison to the knowledge about the libraries collections? - How did the changes in the school system in 1993 influence reference education and what could the consequences be to the reference knowledge among librarians? We sent out a question form and a search question which was answered by 12 librarians in university and university college libraries.

Terminalisering hos JM AB

During the last decade, the construction industry has focused on improving and optimising its production process. The construction industry is now facing larger changes regarding efficiency in their supply chain for the next decade. Many companies are now trying to optimise its supply chain together with its supplier. JM AB, which is one of the biggest construction companies in Sweden, is looking at different options to improve its own logistics together with their suppliers. One option is to use a terminal between JM and the suppliers to solve problems such as quality, custom service and inventory for the in production.

En studie av det aktivitetsbaserade arbetssättet ? Implementeringsprocess, effektmål, nyckeltal & Goal Evaluation Model

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

Adaptive Capacity through Complex Adaptive System

Problem: The corrugated board industry is highly affected by customer uncertainty, various demands and short delivery times. In combination with a complex multi-step production process managers have to be able to identify bottle-necks and gain knowledge and understanding of how different changes in process will affect the production output. <br/><br/>Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is twofold, (1) to examine applicability of complexity theory through agent-based modelling on a production process (2) to identify improvement areas in order to increase the production output at SKS production site in Eslöv, by modelling and simulating the production process through an agent-based model. <br/><br/>Method: The chosen method of this study is a combination of a case study and a complex system approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews, observation and document studies which were analysed through an agent-based simulation model.

En myndighet i kraftig expansion - En kvalitativ studie om utmaningar med strategisk kompetensf?rs?rjning inom Kriminalv?rden

Purpose: The Swedish correctional service is on the brink of its biggest expansion in history, due to political investments related to battling a rise in gang related criminality. The purpose of this thesis is to exam and understand the strategic competence supply work from an employer perspective and investigate the elements included in the Swedish correctional service competence supply form a regional perspective. The study specifically focus on what strategies the Swedish correctional service employ to attract, recruit, develop and retain workforce. Theory: The theoretical framework of the study includes among others, a model divided into three different phases (within, in and out) within competence supply, the demand-control-support model, push and pull factors, as well as the two-factor theory. Method: This study has a qualitative approach with semi structured interview as its specific method. A total of seven interviews were conducted with personnel within the swedish correctional service. Results: The main challenges are related to recruitment, staff retention, support of managers, and the fact that many correctional officers do not have time to complete their training before leaving. The latter is particularly significant are of concern.

Världssamfundets förändrade roll och dess effekter : En kartläggning av humanitära syften inom FN:s fredsbevarande operationer

The aim of this paper is to map out the purposes of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. This is done in order to see if humanitarian tendencies have been an increasingly cause for the UN to initiate an intervention with military means. This paper uses the time period from the end of the cold war until today, since that historic occurrence increased the U.N.?s involvement in peacekeeping. By using this time span it enables the survey to indicate changes in the mapping of humanitarian interventions.

Akutmedicinska vårdkedjans bedömning och prioritering av drabbad : En pilotstudie

The study aimed to investigate the acute medical chain consisting of SOS operator, ambulance nurse, emergency nurse and emergency physician with regard to the assessment and prioritization of the victim.The design of this journal study is retrospective with descriptive approach. Data were collected from all ambulance missions carried out in Uppsala county 2009-01-01 between the hours 00:00 to 12:00. Sample period was chosen because the prerequisite for high frequency on the ambulance mission was supposed to be good. In order to be able to systematize the compilation of data a protocol were prepared and used. Applicable data were collected from three databases SOS Alarms, ambulance operations, and the University Hospital in Uppsala.

Antibiotikaflödet i Sverige : Kvalitetsgranskning av försäljningsstatistik 2002

 Date: 2008-10-06Level: Bachelor thesis within Information Technology and business economics, 15p, EIK021Authors: Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.seLena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seMagnus Wretlund, mvd05001@student.seTutor: Marie Mörndal Title: Managing IT-incidents, a case study at ICAs IT department                            OperationsKeywords: IT-incident management, IT-incident management process, IT-incident, ITIL, CCTA Problem: An organization can benefit by having an established management process of handling IT-incidents. But how can this be achieved? Are there step-by-step procedures? What´s included in the management process of IT-incidents? Is the size of the organization relevant to which model is to be chosen? Can the work of the writers of this essay result in a recommendation of a specific model for IT-incident management? These questions lead to the following essay question; How are IT-incidents managed?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and discuss how IT incidents can be managed.Method: The writers of this essay have performed a case study at ICA, a Swedish food retail company. Eleven interviews with nine different persons have been carried out. The interviews are analyzed in the chapter called Resultat och analys.Conclusion: Our conclusion is that there are both similarities and differences in Dept.

Rörelsekapitalets påverkan på företags lönsamhet : En empirisk studie av sambandet mellan Cash Conversion Cycle och ROA i Sverige

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera om förändringar i arbetet med rörelsekapital hade ett samband med lönsamheten i företag. Som mått på rörelsekapital används Cash Conversion Cycle och som mått på lönsamhet används ROA.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensramen består av teorier om Working Capital Management, Cash Conversion Cycle, Lean, Supply Chain Management och Supply Chain Finance.Metod: I denna uppsats används en kvantitativ metod där sekundärdata samlas in från årsredovisningar för 2005 och 2013. Denna data ligger till grund för fyra korrelationsanalyser. Den beroende variabeln i korrelationsanalyserna är ROA och defyra oberoende variablerna är Cash Conversion Cycle, dagar i lager, dagar som kundfordring och dagar som leverantörsskuld. Urvalet i denna studie består av svenska aktiebolag inom branschen tillverkning och industri med fler än 50 anställda.Empiri: Empirin består av fyra tabeller som presenterar de beräkningar som gjorts.Slutsats: Sambandet mellan förändring i Cash Conversion Cycle och förändring i ROA blev väldigt svagt positivt men inte signifikant.

Konstruktion av förstärkare och insamplingssteg till en PSAADC i 0.25 um CMOS

The aim and goal of this work has been to design and implement a voltage reference network for a 12-bit PSAADC, Parallell Successive Analog to Digital Converter. A chip containing the design has been sent away for fabrication. Because of the long processing time, no measurement data are presented. The main specifications for the voltage reference generator is to generate stable reference voltages with low noise and a good PSRR. Efforts has also been made to minimize the power consumption..

Supply Chain Development : effekter av leverantörsutveckling

Bakgrund: Flera stora produktionsföretag har börjat använda sig av utvecklingsprogram för sina leverantörerna för att sprida beprövade tanke- och arbetssätt och därigenom erhålla förbättrade prestationer av leverantörerna. Denna utveckling har i flera fall visat sig ge positiva förändringar på leverantörernas prestationer men det har varit svårt för kundföretagen att få kännedom om vad som verkligen har hänt i leverantörernas verksamheter. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utreda vilka effekter som eftersträvas och erhålls när stora produktionsföretag, genom utvecklingsprogram, bedriver leverantörsutveckling. Genomförande: Data och information har insamlats genom personliga intervjuer hos personer från ett stort produktionsföretag samt ett tvärsnitt av tre leverantörsföretags personal. Resultat: Studien visar på att bakomliggande motiv till leverantörsutveckling är stabilitet i flödet, långsiktiga leverantörsrelationer, optimala processer och upprätthållandet av kontinuerliga förändring.

Modell för analys och förbättring avförsörjningskedja med hänsyn till ett supply chain- och marknadsperspektiv

Logistik kan bidra till kostnadsbesparingar bland företag vid användning av resurser, utöver det så kan en framgångsrik logistik ge företag fördelar när det handlar om att skapa värde åt kund. Vid marknadsföring så kan logistik även ha en stor inverkan på hur bra slutresultatet blir (Fuller et al., 1993). Hur bra kvalitén är på logistiktjänsterna är därför en viktig faktor inom marknadsföring för att skapa kundtillfredsställelse. För att effektivt kunna använda logistik som ett hjälpmedel för att få ett konkurrensmässigt övertag så krävs det ett samspel mellan företagets marknadsavdelning och de som arbetar med logistiska frågor (Mentzer et al., 2004). Syftet med denna undersökning är att utveckla och testa en modell för analys och förbättring av försörjningskedjor med hänsyn till ett supply chain- och marknadsperspektiv. Modellen har skapats med stöd av litteraturstudier och empiri i form av dokument och intervjuer från företaget, även möten med handledare.

Tsunamin - Krishanteringens beslutsprocesser

When the Tsunami occurred on Boxing Day 2004 it caused a major stress upon the governmental agencies in not only the affected areas but also in states that had a large number of citizens in the affected area. The governmental agencies were not prepared for the demands from the citizenry in these countries to deal with rescue and crisis management in areas situated halfway around the globe. This thesis main purpose is to research what the causal mechanisms of Sweden?s and Finland?s crisis management were through the method of process tracing. Taking its theoretical stance in Allison?s & Zelikow?s three models of decision making, the thesis compares the course of events of the first two critical days in Sweden and Finland to establish what mistakes were made during this critical period.

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