

5883 Uppsatser om Supply Chain Operations Reference Model - Sida 13 av 393

Test av modeller för prioritering av förändringsförslag i Stora Enso Skog AB´s nya produktionsplaneringssystem VSOP

In order to evaluate the benefits and costs associated to investments in information technology (IT) managers need to be aware of the complexity in the nature of the task. Hence all the benefits that arise from the investment are not of pure economic character. The complexity of the task is even more obvious when managers also need to prioritize between a number of possible investments in order to fit a given budget.Stora Enso Skog AB is about to implement a new administration system to the organisation and due to that they will also implement a new standard system for the production planning process. In order to seek the modifications in the standard system that needs to be done to fit the organisations way of working, the managers have put together a reference group to seek out these modifications.The aim with this report is to identify a model that can prioritize these suggested modifications and test it practically with a group of future system users. The first part of the report is a literature study to map the existing models that are available.

Bibliotekariers manuella sökstrategier: en undersökning från 1994-95 på två folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how librarians solve difficult reference questions. The aim is to discuss the nature of reference work ? do librarians make conscious decisions regarding search strategies or do they rely principally on their instincts, or simply chance. The thesis is a qualitative study.

Derformitetskirurgi i växande barns ryggar : En intervjustudie om föräldrars upplevelser

Introduction:Children in early age diagnosed with scoliosis and in need of surgery will grow up to undergo several operations in the back. Parents play a major role in the care of their children during hospitalization.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate parents´ experiences of having a child diagnosed with scoliosis before the age of five undergoing repeated surgeries in the back.Method:The study had a qualitative descriptive design. Five parents with children aged 5-15 years, who have undergone several operations were interviewed about there experiences of the child?s illness and treatment. Phenomenological-hermeneutical analyze where used.Results:The parents felt a sense of shock when they were told about their child?s diagnose and treatment.

Models of Service Marketing - A Study on the Marketing Functions of Project Workers in Knowledge-Intensive Companies

The purpose of my study is to question the model service marketing triangle and propose an alternative ways of looking at service marketing. The study is based on a deep, qualitative research. In the research of the material an abductive approach has been used. The primary information sources are interviews with project workers, which are being analyzed together with the theoretical background in part argumentations in the course of the thesis. In the last chapter they are unified.

Effekter av ett informationsintensivt material- och produktionsstyrningssystem

We were assigned to do this master thesis by Husqvarna AB who at the time for this thesis just had implemented a new material and production planning system called Replenishment system. Husqvarna AB wanted us to examine the effects of their new planning system to see if it was profitable or not. Husqvarna AB had for a time considered their delivery and supplier service to bee their biggest problem and they wanted to solve this problem by improving the communication with all involved actors in the logistic chain, which they hoped would result in a better mix of products in their warehouses. The aim of this report was therefor to analyze eventual effects for Husqvarna AB when changing from a traditional material- and production planing system to a more information intensive one. The result of this report showed effects on decreasing administrational routines and improved flexibility and lead-times.

Technology-to-Performance Chain: Game Model

Uppsatsens titel: Technology-to-Performance Chain: Game ModelInlämningsdatum: 2006-05-26Ämne/Kurs: INF 630 kandidatuppsats, 10 poängFörfattare: Marcus BjörckDennis JonovskiHandledare: Hans-Christian StoltzNyckelord: TPC, TTF, GameFlow, tid, upplevelseSyfte: Att ge spelutvecklare en grundläggande och överskådligmodell som är anpassningsbar inom spelutveckling.Metod: Vi har använt oss både av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoderpå en grund som kan liknas vid en abduktiv ansats. Primärdatainsamlas genom en pilotstudie, en enkät samt två intervjuermed spelutvecklare från spelutvecklingsföretag.Teori: TPC och GameFlow ligger som underlag för vår teoretiskareferensram och grundar formandet av en ny modell vid namnTPC G. Vidare ger TPC G en gemensam bild av hur de tvåförstnämnda teorierna integreras med varandra.Empiri: Utifrån enkäten och intervjuerna har det framkommit attupplevelsen är det primära för användaren av datorspel och attdetta ger svar på hur bra egenskaperna kombineras i spelet.Resultatet av enkäten visar att många datorspelsanvändareupplever tidsåtgången som besvärande. Då tidsaspekten är enavgörande faktor för hur datorspelet uppfattas som helhetmedför detta problem även för spelutvecklare.Slutsatser: Genom att applicera TPC G hjälper systemutvecklingsmetodikspelutvecklare att uppfatta hela utvecklingsprocessentidigt i utvecklingsfasen. I modellen ses även tidsaspektensom en avgörande faktor där spelarnas och utvecklarnasuppfattning inte överensstämmer..

Investeringskalkylering : En benchmarking av Volvo Construction Equipment

Uppsatsen innefattar en intern benchmarking för Volvo Construction Equipment, Arvika, Hallsberg, Eskilstuna och Braås. En kartläggning utifrån intervjuer ska göras över de investeringskalkyleringsmetoder som används i dagsläget. Syftet är att arbeta fram en mall för investeringar inom Operations Sweden, där samtliga involverade använder samma beräkningsmetoder och parametrar i sina bedömningar.Volvo Construction Equipment tillverkar anläggningsmaskiner. De fyra fabrikerna bildar tillsammans gemenskapen Operations Sweden. Inom Operations Sweden tas beslut om ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras eller ej.

Regulatorer med styrsignalsbegränsning

This thesis studies the negative impact that control signal saturation may have on a controlled system. Different methods that are used to compensate for this problem are also studied and evaluated. Both sensitivity to disturbances and the effect the method has on the systems'ability to follow a reference signal will be examined. Stability will be discussed, but no conclusions whether the systems are stabilized or not can be drawn. Control signal saturation will lead to a slower behavior in general.

Vilka kvalitetsfaktorer anses viktigast vid inköp av grönsaker och frukt för återförsäljare i Sverige :

Since Sweden joined the European Union all Swedish fruit and vegetables are classified according to EU Quality standards. One important function is the product description and how it can facilitate the trade; for example in better comparing prices and also to guarantee the quality of the product. This quality standards or product descriptions are written as words of an Act and obligatory for all countries that has joined the EU. It?s often a demand from the customers to be certificated according to some of many certificating systems. One example is the common worldwide GLOBAL GAP-certification system created by the organisation EUREP which represents the leading European retail traders.

En geokemisk kartering över området kring Nasa silvergruva : Effekterna av historisk gruvdrift i svensk fjällmiljö

The aim of the study was to map the extent of Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Zn and S contamination in the area surrounding the Nasa silver mine. The mine operated between 1635 and 1810 with some prospecting performed in 1889, and has become infamous for the gruesome ways that the indigenous people were treated during the early years of operation. This study tested three hypotheses through a geochemical survey: 1) sulfide oxidation is still active in the abandoned mine, 2) the soil downslope of the mine is contaminated by mine drainage, and 3) the stream downslope of the mine is affected in the same way. All three hypotheses were valid, as the results showed that still, >200 years after mining operations ceased, signs of the historical mining are clearly visible in the surrounding environment. Acidic conditions were discovered in surface waters close to the waste rock piles, which indicates active sulfide oxidation.

Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?

This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply. Using theories of policy implementation and the municipal planning situation, possible explanations for the findings of the analysis could be a split in responsibility between the formulating and implementation of the policy for housing supply and its contents, a lack of resources of means for implementing or the prevalence of special interests when attempting to convert policy to plans..

Modellbaserad systemutveckling i komplexa verksamheter. En fallstudie av Coremetoden

In system development it is today increasingly common to use a model-based system development method. These methods that are suited for Agile work with simple and quick updates and implementations of new applications in systems conform to the requirements that are becoming more important today, namely more flexible and less expensive system that still maintain high quality and safety.A company that has been working with this type of system development method for a long time is Genicore AB, which also has developed their own tools and model language in order to better model the information management systems in complex and abstract operations. Genicore AB is trying to spread their method other developers and have therefore taken the initiative to start this study. The method is evaluated and tested by two students with relatively little experience in model-based systems engineering in order to gain a new perspective on how the method functions. The method has been applied to an educational activity in order to test it in a new domain, and this led us to our research question;?What criteria are of particular relevance in the implementation of a MBSD method on on complex businesses??Through literature reviews and interviews, we formed an idea of how model-based system development works from a theoretical perspective, and then continued to the case study conducted on the educational activities at the faculty of IT at University of Gothenburg.

Riskmodell för kabelsträckningar i mellanspänningsnätet i Sverige

The society of today is largely dependent on electricity and the dependence does not show any signs of declining. Reliability of supply will become increasingly important in the future and it is therefore important to investigate factors affecting the failure rates in electrical components.Sweden was hit by several severe storms during the 00?s. As a result of this many overhead lines in forests were cablified. In urban areas underground cable systems have been the norm for many years.

Analys av konsignationslager : inom tillverkande industri

In this composition, a study of consignment inventory on basis of the factors which are important for implementation and application of consignment inventory are made. Logistics chain from subcontractor to end customer is becoming more complex when the volume of items constantly increases to satisfy the needs of the market. From that perspective, companies had large inventories but today it is a lot of different solutions to streamline inventory management. One way that recently becomes increasingly common is to let the subcontractor fill up the customers stock using different approaches such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory). A further step in the evolution can be to make use of consignment inventory where the vendor owns the stock of the customer.

Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocess

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.

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