

1108 Uppsatser om Supplier Collaboration - Sida 19 av 74

Kalkyl för logistikkostnader; från leverantör till förbrukningsplats

The globalization that has occurred during the last few years has made it more important for companies to have a well-functioning logistics system. Customers demand more options, which lead to an increased flow that creates greater demand regarding packaging and transports. Diverse logistics costs are nowadays a substantial cost for many companies. Therefore, more effort is aimed at optimizing transportation to lower these costs.The purpose of this project is to create a user-friendly calculation of logistics costs that illustrates how the costs vary, depending on how the flow is structured. This is done by examining which aspects that affect the total logistics costs and by mapping which aspects that should be included in a calculation of the logistics costs.Literature studies have been carried out parallel with empirical studies at Scania's production unit, MC, in Oskarshamn.

Hur säkerställs effekten av marknadsföring när den outsourcas?

Outsourcing is today a common phenomenon among businesses in most industries. The term outsourcing means transferring the responsibility of performing a certain function to an external supplier. There are usually certain methods to investigate the effects and the outcome of a function that is performed by the company itself. When this function is performed by an external party, the complexity of the function will increase.This leads us to our purpose: Based on different theories clarify how a company ensures a desired effect out of marketing when this function is outsourced to a certain retail- and advertising agency.In this essay we have defined us to study one of Sweden´s leading mobile operators who have outsourced their sales management to a retail- and advertising agency. To get an additional point of view, we have included one of the mobile operator´s intermediates, which is a selling agent whose sales function is led by the retail- and advertising agency..

Polismans laga befogenhet att skjuta : förhållandet till tredje man i teorin och i praktiken

This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative ? relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma.

Verkställighetsföreskrifter, uppdragsarkeologi och konservatorer - Konservatorns integrering inom uppdragsarkeologin

To increase the quality and the cost-efficiency of contract archaeology in Sweden a revisedregulation for contract archaeology was established the 1st of January 2008. By including findstrategy as a concept with special demands in the regulation the Swedish Heritage Board is nowhoping that the conservators will be integrated earlier in the archaeological process and that theunpremeditated find accumulations will stop. This is making the competition between thearchaeological companies even harder. The questions are how the regulation have affected therole of the conservators in the field of contract archaeology today, what is affecting theintegration and the situation, and what can the different stakeholders do to make the collaborationbetween archaeologists and conservators more professional? The conservators are now hopingthat this is the change that will increase the collaboration with the archaeologists, which isimportant for the finds prosperity and the drive of information.To get an updated and generalised view of the impact of the regulation so far, phoneconversations and questionnaires were carried out with archaeologists, conservators, employees atcounty administrative boards and the Swedish Heritage Board.

Att arbeta med Scrum : Påverkan på arbetslag, kommunikation och social miljö

Systems development methods has always been an important part of the systems development process. It affects not only the product, but also the organization itself. Today more and more companies are abandoning the more rigid traditional methods for the more flexible agile ones. A transition like this is bound to affect the product and the organization, but in what ways? Is it a difficult transition to make, and how does it affect social environment and dynamics? Does it change how people communicate information to each other? This study was conducted at a local branch of a larger international IT-company.

Library anxiety: en undersökning av psykologiska aspekter kring studenters upplevelser av sitt universitetsbibliotek

This essay investigates the psychological aspects in students' experiences of their university library and the information seeking process. Focus of the investigation is library anxiety, a kind of fear towards the university library with cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects. Twenty students at Uppsala university, who was about to conclude or recently have concluded an academic essay, were interviewed about their experiences of the university library, Carolina Rediviva. Five respondents stated experiences of fear, anxiety and apprehension in the library and it is on these informants that the greater part of the analysis and discussion draws. The essay suggests a model of library anxiety where outer environmental aspects of the library, such as the library environment, roles and routines of the library and library staff, interacts with inner personal aspects of the individual such as personal experiences, intellectual capacity and sensitivity to stress and anxiety.

Om du lyder : En studie av interaktivitetens villkor och verkningar utifrån tre performancebaserade verk

The aim of this thesis is to examine interactivity in the context of performance-based interactive art. The questions asked are: what are the conditions of interactivity, how interactivity happens, and what artistic results it may yield. The method is an analysis based on close studies of three performance-based interactive artworks by applying theories of interactivity, audience participation, and collaboration.First, current theories are outlined, after which, the three artworks are introduced in detail. Next, the artworks are examined, thematically rather than individually, expanding on parameters such as the degree of artistic direction of the artwork, the degree of agency allowed to the spectator in their interaction with the work, and the idea of the ?passive? spectator as being ?activated? by interactive art.

Relationer genom presentreklam & trycksaker : En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam & trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer

SAMMANFATTNINGDatum 4 juni 2010.Kurs Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, FÖA300; 15hp.Författare Heidi Ravander & Daniel Stenbäck.Handledare Carl G. Thunman.Titel RELATIONER GENOM PRESENTREKLAM & TRYCKSAKER- En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam &trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer.Syfte Genom att beskriva Tryckföretag Z:s befintliga kunders köpbeteendeav trycksaker och presentreklam samt beskriva kundernasleverantörsrelationer inom produktkategorierna, ska förslag ges till vilkaåtgärder Tryckföretag Z kan vidta för att skapa en ökad försäljning.Metod I förundersökningens skede utfördes intervjuer med nyckelpersoner hosuppdragsgivaren. Den metod som har använts vid insamling avempirisk data är av kvantitativ art i form av enkäter riktade tilluppdragsgivarens befintliga kunder. Information har även samlats infrån litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och diverse internethemsidor.Resultat Respondenterna i enkätundersökningen bestod av både gamla och nyakunder och resultatet från undersökningen visar att de köper merpresentreklam och andra trycksaker än julkort. De föredrar att göra sinainköp via telefon och internet och personalens produktkunskap ärav stor vikt.

Goodwill: En fallstudie om goodwill ska redovisas som en tillgång och om dess redovisning har förbättrats av de internationella reglerna.

SAMMANFATTNINGDatum 4 juni 2010.Kurs Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, FÖA300; 15hp.Författare Heidi Ravander & Daniel Stenbäck.Handledare Carl G. Thunman.Titel RELATIONER GENOM PRESENTREKLAM & TRYCKSAKER- En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam &trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer.Syfte Genom att beskriva Tryckföretag Z:s befintliga kunders köpbeteendeav trycksaker och presentreklam samt beskriva kundernasleverantörsrelationer inom produktkategorierna, ska förslag ges till vilkaåtgärder Tryckföretag Z kan vidta för att skapa en ökad försäljning.Metod I förundersökningens skede utfördes intervjuer med nyckelpersoner hosuppdragsgivaren. Den metod som har använts vid insamling avempirisk data är av kvantitativ art i form av enkäter riktade tilluppdragsgivarens befintliga kunder. Information har även samlats infrån litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och diverse internethemsidor.Resultat Respondenterna i enkätundersökningen bestod av både gamla och nyakunder och resultatet från undersökningen visar att de köper merpresentreklam och andra trycksaker än julkort. De föredrar att göra sinainköp via telefon och internet och personalens produktkunskap ärav stor vikt.

Filmmusik - skapande och kommunikation : kompositionsprocess för examensfilm

The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..

Statusvisare för diskmaskin

The following report is based on the graduate job course in CAD technician program year two. The work reflected in the report is done in collaboration with Hans-Erik Eldemark. This work includes the development of a progress bar for dishwashers.The execution of the thesis has involved a list of criteria with conditions and requirements, which after where weighted in a matrix. Subsequently, the product proposal was developed and has been divided into three categories, twist mechanisms, attachments and exterior design. Finally, suggestions have been designed in CATIA V5 and prototypes were produced using 3d-printing.

Augmented Reality (AR) : En undersökning av hur ett verk i AR upplevs

The aim with this master's thesis is to describe the work process with the graduation film Player, by a composers perspective and given conditions. It provides a detailed insight into how the work was done from the script stage to the end result, scene by scene reflecting about both the musical performance and the collaboration between the director and me as a composer. The work was done during the spring term of 2012 at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm and Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts..

Lärcentrum i biblioteket, möjligheter och utmaningar. Tre aktörsgruppers syn på lärcentrum och dess samverkan med biblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points of view of three groups of actors about their local learning center and its collaboration with the library. By interviewing groups of actors from the municipal sector, the library staff and students, I aim to investigate their associations of the learning centre, what kind of services it should offer, and how they understand the role of the library staff in specific collaboration between the public library and the adult education administration. The study design is based on Gunnar Grepperud?s and Terje Thomsen?s three missions for a local learning centre; the mission of a broker, a meeting place and a motivator. I also use Carol Kuhlthau?s levels of mediation as an approach to investigate how the actors want the library staff to work in relation to the centre.

Samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor : -en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att studera sjuksköterskors interprofessionella relation och se vad vetenskapen funnit om hur samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor definieras och vilka faktorer som påverkar. Begränsning gjordes till engelskspråkig litteratur där databaserna Pub med, Samsök, Cinahl och ScienceDirect valdes och ur denna uppkom 15 vetenskapliga artiklar. Sökorden som användes var collaboration, nurses, relationships. Resultatet visar att samarbete definieras som delad makt, tillit och interaktion. Även att finna en lösning som tillfredsställer båda parterna är samarbete.

?? utslussen från institution till samhälle, öppet samhälle där är det för mycket vakuum.? : En kvalitativ studie av samarbetet mellan Statens institutionsstyrelse och Socialtjänst

The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders? reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth?s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care.

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