

122 Uppsatser om Supplement - Sida 2 av 9

Pedagogernas inställning till surfplattor : Surfplattan som verktyg för lärande inom förskolan

We live in a society where the technology has an enormous role in our lives. The average age of using digital tools among Swedish people is down to a very young age. In the recent period of time there has been much debate about tablets and their use in preschools. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers experiences and perceptions of tablet use and how the implementation of the tablets benefits the school activities. What is central to this research is not how kids use the tablet, but how educators are using the tablet device as Supplement for children?s development.

Kommunal demokrati och medborgarinflytande i ett samhälle i förändring

The organisation of the municipalities is based on the principle of representation. It has previously been impossible to give the citizens more influence through direct democracy, but the information technology gives new possibilities and the choice of democracy model might no longer be obvious. Representation can be interpreted in many ways and there is a need for a more distinct definition of the rule that the municipalities shall be governed according to the principle of representation. It should also be further investigated how the new technology can be used to increase the use of direct democracy. The municipalities ought to work to Supplement the representation with direct democracy in the form of active discourse with the citizens.

Att integrera trygghet i planeringen : En fallstudie av Örebro kommuns trygghetsarbete i Vivalla

The aim of this study is to make a comparative study between the grievances during the Dacke Warand the German Peasant´s War. These two conflicts may have occurred separately, regarding bothgeographical and chronological distances but also share common issues for this comparative study.Less than two decades separates these two conflicts and they were all by their own serious insurrectionsduring their time. While the German Peasant´s War was the greatest uprising in Europe up tothe French Revolution, the Dacke War was the biggest Peasant Rebellion in Scandinavian history.While the German Peasant War has been studied and researched by historians for a relative longtime, the Dacke War has been neglected in research history. If it were not for the Swedish professorLars-Olof Larsson?s studies during foremost in the 1960s, the Dacke War would have been a historicallyuncharted territory of research indeed.

Studiet av den religiösa människan : en analys av framställningen av hinduismen i gymnasiets läroböcker

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur hinduismen har framställts i läroböcker för undervisning i ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasiet, fr.o.m. Lgy 65 fram till idag, utifrån en substantiell och funktionell förståelse av religion och religiositet. I uppsatsen studerar jag sex läroböcker aktuella för tre olika läroplaner: Lgy 65, Lgy Supplement 78, samt Gy 11. Metoden är kvalitativ textanalys, med utgångspunkt i uppsatsens teoretiska huvudbegrepp: substantiell-funktionell religionsförståelse. Resultatet visar på att hinduismen har framställts olika över tid.

Mot de rovgiriga och mordiska bondehoparna : En komparativ studie mellan upprorsmännensklagomål och krav underDackefejden och det Tyska bondekriget

The aim of this study is to make a comparative study between the grievances during the Dacke Warand the German Peasant´s War. These two conflicts may have occurred separately, regarding bothgeographical and chronological distances but also share common issues for this comparative study.Less than two decades separates these two conflicts and they were all by their own serious insurrectionsduring their time. While the German Peasant´s War was the greatest uprising in Europe up tothe French Revolution, the Dacke War was the biggest Peasant Rebellion in Scandinavian history.While the German Peasant War has been studied and researched by historians for a relative longtime, the Dacke War has been neglected in research history. If it were not for the Swedish professorLars-Olof Larsson?s studies during foremost in the 1960s, the Dacke War would have been a historicallyuncharted territory of research indeed.

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a Supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Valfrihet eller solidariskt ansvar? : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Socialdemokraternas ståndpunkt i ebo-frågan mellan 1994-2009

The objective of this undergraduate thesis is to study the Swedish Social Democatic Party?s standpoint of the law allowing asylum seekers to choose where to live (ebo) between 1994-2009. The study?s empirical material is being based on official documents from the Swedish Parliament, which is being analyzed by a method called ?process-tracing?. A research question has been formulated to Supplement the objective:What arguments has the Swedish Social Democratic Party expressed pro and con the law of ?ebo?? The study?s theoretical framwork is based on two theories which explain incentives behind parties? decision-making, strategic or ideological, on three arenas. As the law was ratified the party took a positive standpoint, but later shifted to become stricly against it.

Bakomliggande orsaker till användandet av kosttillskott : En enkätstudie om användning och attityder till kosttillskott

Several studies shows that dietary Supplements do not have any proven effects on health, yet these Supplements are increasing in sales. The study aims to find out what attitudes and knowledge people involved in physical activity have towards Supplements and which factors influence them to buy Supplements. How these factors differ between men and women was investigated. The study is based on answers from 100 collected questionnaires from people who are physically active at several gyms. Of those who participated in the study, 56 percent were men and 44 percent were women.

Masshantering av schaktmassor : en jämförelse mellan traditionell masshantering och GPS-styrd masshantering i realtid

The purpose of this report is to analyze the advantages of using programme software to monitor masshauling instead of using the conventional method. A comparsion between different programs will also be conducted in an attempt to determine the most affordable. This report is written for NCC Construction AB to help them choose a software most fitting for future projects.The report is based upon literature such as information taken from the developers website, existing reports with similar context, interviews with sellers of the software and interviews with people working in the building sector.The result of this report shows that there are several advantages with investing in a software that helps the management of a project and that it is something that should be taken under consideration instead of the existing method. Topcon is a clear favorite following the inquiries comparisons as done, when they deliver a complete system and not only a Supplement to the current approach. Scanlaser are just in the beginning of its development, and is so far only out with an early version of the software, while Topcon has been brought further in development and therefore has more features in the program.

MERIT - Utveckling av en webbplatform för Smärt- och Rehabiliteringsenheten i Linköping

Smärt och rehabiliteringenheten på Universitetsjukhuset i Linköping har efterfrågat en webbapplikation som ska fungera som ett Supplement till den traditionella rehabiliteringsplanen som finns för att hjälpa patienter. Webbapplikationens huvudsakliga mål är att förbereda patienter för kommande rehabilitering och även vara ett verktyg för kommunikation och hjälpmedel både under och efter rehabiliteringen. Vårt examensarbete har gått ut på att utveckla plattformen MERIT, "Min egen rehabilitering på Internet". Plattformen är webbaserad och uppbyggd efter MVC mönstret med hjälp av PHP-ramverket CodeIgniter. Behandlare har själva möjligheten och ansvaret att skapa det material som ska delgivas patienterna på både individuell och gruppnivå.

Analysmetod för designade ljudbilder : Skapandet av nya förhållningssätt för ljuddesign

Syftet med detta kandidatarbete var att framställa en analysmetod för dekonstruktion av ljuddesign i film. Målet med analysmetoden var att skapa ett förhållningssätt för ljuddesigners som gör det enklare att lära sig från ljudläggningar och genom övning eventuellt kunna bidra till ett mer avancerat sätt att tänka på vad ljud kan göra i en filmproduktion.Metoden är tänkt som ett stöd för blivande ljuddesigners som lärt sig tekniska kunskaper men kämpar med den kreativa biten där problemen inte har lika konkreta lösningar. Metoden är också tänkt som ett Supplement till mer erfarna ljuddesigners för övning på sina kunskaper ellerförbättring av deras egen process.Vi tycker metoden nådde upp till de målen, men den visade sig också vara mer flexibel än så. Genom applicering av metoden inför arbete med vår gestaltning där vi ljudlade ett filmklipp blev designprocessen mycket enklare att komma igenom. Vi tror därför att en metod som vår kan vara en viktig del i att få in ljud tidigare i en filmproduktion..

Okända vissheter. Slavoj Zizek om den ideologiska fantasin.

This essay focuses on psychoanalytic theory and its relevance for political studies. It especially draws attention to the conceptual toolkit developed by Jacques Lacan and the way that it serves as the starting point for Slavoj Zizek´s approach to the theory of ideology. One important point of this approach is that the power of an ideology is not primarily related to the ideas or worldview it expresses but rather to the enjoyment it provides the subject with. This enjoyment is obscene in the sense that it forms the necessary, but seldom acknowledged, Supplement to public values. Fantasy is a major source for this kind of enjoyment.

Kontorsanställdas psykiska välmående i relation till deras fysiska aktivitetsnivå

Background: There have been doping usage as far back as as ancient Greece and around the early 1900s started the doping we have today. In 2008 it was 22,000 men aged 15-54 years old who had any kind of experience with doping in Sweden. The problem of doping use are all over the world and to overcome this problem, we need to work across borders.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any connection between the use of Supplements and attitude to doping. The study is based on the questions: is there any connection between the use of Supplements and positive attitude to doping? is there any connection between the use of Supplements/doping substances and high training frequency? and is there different use of Supplement/doping substances between girls and boys?Method: A survey in form of a cross-sectional study and a waiting room survey was conducted with 63 respondents of whom 57,1% were women.

Det bättre argumentets auktoritet - om förutsättningarna för deliberativ demokrati i Europaparlamentet

Deliberative democracy theory has been prominent within political science research since the early 1990?s, often applied in studies on postnational democratic constellations, in particular the European Union. Of the main institutions of the union, the European Parliament stands out as somewhat understudied from this point of view, which is why the main aim of this thesis is to study the conditions for deliberative democracy in the European Parliament.From deliberative democratic theory four criteria have been selected to function as methodological framework in analysing the institutional structure and proceedings of the parliament. Each of the criteria is applied separately to the practice and function of the plenary sessions, the parliamentary committees and the political groups. The analysis shows that the conditions for deliberative democracy differ between the three fora, as do their respective roles in parliament, but all in all they Supplement each other.

Vad är ett djur? : en rapport om veterinärstudenternas djursyn

ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to survey attitudes towards animals among veterinary students, and to assess how the Swedish veterinary education affected students' perspectives on animals. Students in the first and second years of the study programme were asked to answer the question "What is an animal?" as they saw fit, and the answers were analysed using a qualitative-to-quantitave analysis method called the Elementary Model, which had been developed for the purpose. Results showed a significant decrease in "zoo-perspectives", i.e. views and descriptions of animals as beings with cognitive and motor functions, and a significant increase in "homo-perspectives", i.e.

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