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Det är ju ändå vi som bestämmer i slutändan : En intervjuundersökning om socialarbetarens dubbla roll och makten som följer

The background of this paper is the dual role that the social worker can have, of beeing both supportive and controlling in the meeting with clients. It is also about the power the social worker can have, how they handle the power in their profession and how they remain to it in the relationship with the client. The study is qualitative and built on interviews with eight social workers that work in different areas in the social services. We have chosen to see this dual role as if the social workers have to, in their daily work, handle the roles as one authority role and one supportive role towards the client.The purpose of this study is to understand how the dual role as the social worker has in the profession, as a helper and a authority, is expressed in the work and relationship with the client. We have turned this purpose into two questions: How do social workers with authority remain to the dual roles of the profession? How do the social workers describe and understand power?We don´t want to generalize in this study, we want to give an example of the social workers own experiences about the dual role.

LSSLag eller värdegrun? : Vad styr i praktiken?

LAG ELLER VÄRDEGRUND. VAD STYR I PRAKTIKEN?Öberg, MariaÖstberg, YlvaÖrebro UniversitetAkademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbeteSocionomprogrammetSocialt arbete, 61-90 poängC-uppsats, 15 poängHt 2009 SammanfattningStudien syftar till att belysa den problematik som finns gällande tillämpningen av lagstiftningen i brottsbalken (BrB, 1962:700) och offentlighet ? och sekretesslagen (OSL, 2009:400) då brukare inom 9:9 lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS, 1993:387) begår brott. Dessutom vill vi undersöka chefers tillämpning av ovan nämnda lagstiftning utifrån fiktiva fall. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur de etiska grundprinciperna inom LSS påverkar enhetschefernas beslut om åtgärder gällande situationer då brukare begått brott.

Goda levnadsvillkor eller skälig levnadsnivå... efter 65 år : En jämförelse av omsorgsmodeller enligt LSS - lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade och SoL -socialtjänstlagen

The level of help and support given to elderly people over the age of 65 has been regulated by two separate laws; 1-the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and 2- Act of Social Services (SoL). Recent changes in the legislation could cause local authorities to deal with these issues in different ways. The aim of this study was to examine and evaluate possible differences in the level of support for the elderly, dependant on which of the two laws was used in the decision process.The questions raised in this paper are· What are the major differences in the purposes of the two legislations?· How will the decisions be influenced dependant on what law is used? Do the decisionmakers identify the difference between the quality levels "good" and "fair"?· How is the process of care organised and managed within each of these legislations and how is the personnel used?· Are there differences in quality regarding freedom of choice, your own right to decide, influence, comprehensive view and continuity in the efforts given?· What development can you see in these fields of care.As a method I have used a case study involving four big cities in Scania. The most interesting and essential knowledge in the study was obtained from qualitative interviews with eleven decision-makers in the four communities.The result of this study indicates that there are more similarities than differences in the purposes of these laws.

Ideologisk konvergens i svensk partipolitik? : En ideologianalys över Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas hälso- och sjukvårdspolitik mellan åren 2002 och 2010

Essay in political science, C-level by Mikael GranathAutumn semester 2012, Tutor: Freddy Kjellström- Ideological convergence in Swedish party politics?- An analysis of ideologies of the Swedish Social Democratic party and the Swedish Moderateparty and their healthcare and health service policies between the years of 2002 and 2010.The main purpose of this study is to examine the truthfulness in the common perception thatthe Swedish moderate party and the Swedish social democratic party are increasingly sharingthe same political views - particularly between the years of 2002 and 2010. The main researchquestion is:?Did the Swedish Moderate party and the Swedish Social Democratic partyideologically position themselves closer in the year of 2002 than they did in 2010within the health care policy area?The research design chosen for this study can be labelled as a comparative case study wherethe two political parties party programs and election manifestos that were current in the yearof 2002 and 2010 are studied. This is done to give a better view of ideological change.

Ambulanspersonals uppfattning om fysiska tester och fysisk träning inom ambulanssjukvården

There is no standardized test to control the appropriate physical ability in the Swedish ambulance service. The county in question does not perform annual physical tests. A project has been going to develop science-based physical tests, designed for the ambulance service. The research has resulted in the Aasa-test.Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the ambulance staff perception of the Aasa-test relevance, introduction of annual tests and the importance of their own physical training in relation to ambulance work.Method: A quasi-experimental study with a comparative design has been conducted. Aasa-tests were conducted in 41 randomly selected staff at an ambulance station in central Sweden.

"Ett lugnt hörn när det är kaos i världen" : en studie om varför barnprogrammet Bolibompa ser ut som det gör under och dagarna efter en katastrof

This study intends to examine why the Swedish children?s programme Bolibompa is produced the way it is during a larger catastrophe. Our intention was to find out how the editorial staff, in the children?s department in the public service television of Sweden (SVT),was handling the Estonia disaster, the September 11 attacks and the Asian Tsunami. To accomplish that, we first had to find out how the children?s programme looked during these catastrophes and also understand how the editorial staff was working with children?s programme during ordinary days.To achieve our purpose we have been interviewing five persons from SVT, who was involved in producing the children?s programme during these three catastrophes.

Kraven på ägare till minireningsverk skiljer sig åt mellan olika kommuner

Discharge of inadequately treated waste water containing nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter and bacteria is associated with a risk of eutrophication and contamination. The Swedish government has decided upon several Environmental Quality Objectives aiming to reduce the emissions of nutrients to water bodies.In Sweden, there are between 675 000 to 1 000 000 on-site sewage systems. Recent studies have shown that the function of small sewage treatment plants is in many cases insufficient. To prevent this regular service and supervision by a professional is needed. The focus of this study are small sewage treatment plants which use a technique where mechanical, chemical and/or biological reduction of pollutants is being used in the same facility to reduce nutrients in household wastewater.The aim of the study is to investigate how different municipalities ensure that small sewage treatment plants fulfill the requirements and reduce pollutants as efficient as the manufacturers claim.

Att fånga en oskuld : En undersökning kring ungdomars intresse för ekonomisk information online

Att vid 18 års ålder tvingas ansvara för sina handlingar är för många ett stort steg, inte minst då en del av ansvaret är ekonomi. Ungdomarna vänder sig ofta till föräldrarna med frågor, men var ska de vända sig när föräldrarna inte har svaret? Bankerna har börjat söka sig lägre ner i åldrarna med sin marknadsföring för att fånga kunden innan denne blir myndig, men fortfarande är det många frågetecken kring informationen ungdomarna behöver.Uppdraget var att undersöka vad ungdomar behöver för information i en webbplats riktad mot ungdomar från banken. En undersökning genomfördes med en enkätundersökning med 100respondenter och tre olika fokusgrupper som genererade att ungdomarna känner att banker är alldeles för avlägsna. En minskad distans skulle medföra att ungdomarna lättare vänder sig till banken vid frågor kring sin ekonomi vilket i sin tur medför att deras intresse kring privatekonomiska frågor ökar.Designförslaget som presenteras fokuserar mycket på en funktion med textbaserad personlig service med co-browsingfunktioner som tillåter en bankman guida den unga kunden genom webbplatsen.

Arbetsförmedlare mellan uppdrag och verklighet : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsförmedlares handlingsutrymme

This is a study about employment officers at the Swedish public employment service. The aim of this study was to examine how they understand and use their discretion in their daily work. We used a qualitative method and the data was gathered by semi-structured interviews with eight employment officers working at the same office in a small town in Sweden. Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy and Lazarus description of coping theory are applied to analyze the empirical data. The work for the Swedish employment officers have changed over the last years with an increasing focus on control and administration.

Terminalisering hos JM AB

During the last decade, the construction industry has focused on improving and optimising its production process. The construction industry is now facing larger changes regarding efficiency in their supply chain for the next decade. Many companies are now trying to optimise its supply chain together with its supplier. JM AB, which is one of the biggest construction companies in Sweden, is looking at different options to improve its own logistics together with their suppliers. One option is to use a terminal between JM and the suppliers to solve problems such as quality, custom service and inventory for the in production.

?Jag är journalist? En kvalitativ undersökning om journalistens yrkesidentitet och om hur den omförhandlas vid en PR-kupp.

Denna studie har visat att journalister har en stark yrkesidentitet som är nära sammankopplad med idealen. De har påpekat vikten av ideal som berättande av komplicerade skeenden och granskning, och även problematiserat dem. Respondenterna tenderar även att knyta samman kring idealen vid påfrestningar från PR-kupper. Realtionen mellan journalister och PR-aktörer är komplicerad, vilket även kan utläsas i denna uppsats genom de åsikter journalisterna uttrycker om fenomenet PR-kupp. Respondenterna med flera yrkesverksamma år beskrev sig som trygga i sin situation även om PR-kuppen ifrågasätter en del av idealen medan de med färre år beskrev en större osäkerhet och rent av en rädsla för att misslyckas genom att ha publicerat en osanning.

Transportparametrar : ?En studie om vilka faktorer som är avgörande för detaljhandelsföretag när de väljer transportleverantör?.

Inledning: Företag lägger allt större fokus på deras logistikflöden. Anledningen till detta är att en effektiv logistikkedja kan skapa konkurrensfördelar. Detaljhandeln är en bransch som vuxit de senaste åren. Parallellt med att både utbudet av fysiska och E-handelsbutiker tilltagit har även konkurrensen ökat. Många detaljhandelsföretag har därför valt att outsourca delar eller hela sin logistikkedja, för att på så sätt kunna fokusera på kärnverksamhet.

ATT VÄLJA, VÄLJA OM OCH VÄLJA RÄTT: En kvalitativ studie av vad det är som styr kommuners utformning av öppenvårdsinsatser för ungdomar

The aim with this study was to examine what it is that govern the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth. An extensive development of non-institutional care for children is a visible trend in municipal social service and probable reasons for this development are, among other things, research that show inadequate results of the institution care and economy. Our main questions at issue were how the municipalities argue the priorities that have been done within their youth care services with regard to the non-institutional care and how they reason considering this? Furthermore we asked why the municipalities have chosen to develop their non-institutional care for youth the way they have and on what grounds they make their choices? This study consists of eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in four different municipals along with analysis of relevant documents. We have found that what governs the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth has to do with that the municipalities found it vital to find alternative solutions to the expensive and ineffective institutional care, that they comprehend that the quality of non-institutional care are higher then of the institutional care and that the non- institutional care is seen as more effective with regards to economic results and achieved treatment results.

Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek: utmaningar och åtgärder.

The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered..

Recept för tydliga koncept? - En studie gällande sårbarhet i tydliga koncept -

Teorier inom företagsekonomi tillika service management, talar för hur verksamheter med ett tydligt koncept kan detaljstyra och därmed säkerställa sin kvalitet. Detta kan, enligt befintliga teorier, göras då ledning, personal och gäster inom det tydliga konceptet ses som homogena grupper vars beteenden och reaktioner kan förutspås. Den befintliga service management litteraturen som hävdar detta utgår ifrån ett realistiskt perspektiv och menar att det finns en enighet mellan dessa tre parter. Utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv menar vi att det är mer komplext än så. Komplexiteten mellan dessa parter illustrerar vi i en modell som vi gett namnet ?Gapets triad?.

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