

223 Uppsatser om Suggestive selling - Sida 15 av 15

Local forest governance and benefit sharing from reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) : case study from Burkina Faso

Africa is one of the regions most affected by climate change. However its forests are important carbon sinks for the whole world, and if recognised as a global public good, could be conserved and contribute to green house gas emission reductions. A global mechanism, Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation(REDD+) aims to help developing countries in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancement of carbon stocks. REDD+ strategies may, however exclude local forest dependent communities from forests in order to conserve and maximise carbon stocks, thus having a severe impact on local livelihoods. Therefore, how local communities can participate and share benefits from REDD+ is a key concern.This study investigates how three forest dependent communities in the Nazinon forest, in Southwest Burkina Faso could financially benefit from a REDD+ project.

En andra chans ? en överblick av secondhandkläders marknad

In our globalized society massconsumption is widespread. However there is a trend showingthat people are starting to re-use clothes instead of buying newly produced garments. Reasonsfor buying secondhand clothing are many. During the 1950s people strived to look likeeveryone else but in the 1960s this changed. Subcultures grew stronger.

Gruppering av sinkor i stora besättningar

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Utvärdering av liggbåsinredningar för bättre välfärd och hygien hos mjölkkor

The dry period is usually 6-8 weeks and in this period the basis of the performance in the following lactation is settled. In an average herd about 15% of the cows are dry (Marcussen & Krog Laursen, 2008). In many herd the dry cows are set aside, that means setting aside 15% of your herd, at the time when they are preparing for their next lactation. The recommendation for number of groups differs depending on country traditions or reasons for grouping. If you look at recommendation for feeding, some companies selling feeding equipment advocates one group throughout the dry period, but the number differs from one to three.

Sheep enterprise budgets : beneficial planning tools within Agriwise Macedonia

Generally in Macedonia keeping farm records and farm business planning is not often practiced like an ordinary activity in farming. Therefore one of the crucial things to do it is to comprise and continuously practice record keeping of farm data. The efficient and justified farm business planning should be based on farm records about the previous work of the farm, which will bring a structured approach for planning all the activities, as well as provide a good basis for attracting investors and creditors for the additional expansion of the business.Given that sheep breeding holds an important part of the livestock production in Macedonia, there is a need for adding analytical sheep enterprise budgets to support the farm business planning process at sheep farms.The aim of this research was to develop sheep enterprise budgets created on the best production practice for Macedonian conditions of breeding and test their applicability into the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia. The sheep budgets were composed with a process of data collecting consisted of direct farm data (for the cases), expert's consultation and relevant desk research, as well as a literature study. The aim of doing it was to attain more accurate calculations of the enterprise budgets, which will result in a more precise outcome in the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia.

Relationer genom presentreklam & trycksaker : En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam & trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer

SAMMANFATTNINGDatum 4 juni 2010.Kurs Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, FÖA300; 15hp.Författare Heidi Ravander & Daniel Stenbäck.Handledare Carl G. Thunman.Titel RELATIONER GENOM PRESENTREKLAM & TRYCKSAKER- En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam &trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer.Syfte Genom att beskriva Tryckföretag Z:s befintliga kunders köpbeteendeav trycksaker och presentreklam samt beskriva kundernasleverantörsrelationer inom produktkategorierna, ska förslag ges till vilkaåtgärder Tryckföretag Z kan vidta för att skapa en ökad försäljning.Metod I förundersökningens skede utfördes intervjuer med nyckelpersoner hosuppdragsgivaren. Den metod som har använts vid insamling avempirisk data är av kvantitativ art i form av enkäter riktade tilluppdragsgivarens befintliga kunder. Information har även samlats infrån litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och diverse internethemsidor.Resultat Respondenterna i enkätundersökningen bestod av både gamla och nyakunder och resultatet från undersökningen visar att de köper merpresentreklam och andra trycksaker än julkort. De föredrar att göra sinainköp via telefon och internet och personalens produktkunskap ärav stor vikt.

Goodwill: En fallstudie om goodwill ska redovisas som en tillgång och om dess redovisning har förbättrats av de internationella reglerna.

SAMMANFATTNINGDatum 4 juni 2010.Kurs Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, FÖA300; 15hp.Författare Heidi Ravander & Daniel Stenbäck.Handledare Carl G. Thunman.Titel RELATIONER GENOM PRESENTREKLAM & TRYCKSAKER- En undersökning av företagskunders köpbeteende av presentreklam &trycksaker samt deras leverantörsrelationer.Syfte Genom att beskriva Tryckföretag Z:s befintliga kunders köpbeteendeav trycksaker och presentreklam samt beskriva kundernasleverantörsrelationer inom produktkategorierna, ska förslag ges till vilkaåtgärder Tryckföretag Z kan vidta för att skapa en ökad försäljning.Metod I förundersökningens skede utfördes intervjuer med nyckelpersoner hosuppdragsgivaren. Den metod som har använts vid insamling avempirisk data är av kvantitativ art i form av enkäter riktade tilluppdragsgivarens befintliga kunder. Information har även samlats infrån litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och diverse internethemsidor.Resultat Respondenterna i enkätundersökningen bestod av både gamla och nyakunder och resultatet från undersökningen visar att de köper merpresentreklam och andra trycksaker än julkort. De föredrar att göra sinainköp via telefon och internet och personalens produktkunskap ärav stor vikt.

Etanolmarknaden i Brasilien : etanol som fordonsbränsle

According to the EC fuel regulations 2 % bio fuel has to be blended in all fuel by the year 2005, and 5.75 % by the year 2010, which means ethanol for gasoline driven vehicles, so there will be a substantial demand for ethanol. Brazil already has an established industry for producing ethanol and is the leading producer and exporter of fuel ethanol. My purpose with this paper is to investigate why Brazil decided to develop ethanol production on a large-scale operation and to find out today?s situation. Focus will mainly be on ethanol production with sugarcane as a feedstock.

Förändring i färdigvarulager och utlastningen av foder efter införande av en ny produktmix : En fallstudie på Lantmännen Agroetanol

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Formgivning av ögonduschkork : Examensarbete, formgivning

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Konkurrenssituationen för den skånska grönsaksproduktionen :

The vegetable production in Sweden is concentrated to the very southern parts of the country. This is also were the major wholesalers are located. In recent years, there has been an extreme focus on price on the food market. As there are only a few big wholesalers and also very few food retail chains, these have a great impact on the producers. The pressure from prominent vegetable-producing countries, providing low price products, such as the Netherlands and Spain is strong.

Jordförvärvslagens ändring 2005 och dess påverkan vid skogsfastighetsköp : The amendment of Lad Acquisition Act 2005 and its influence on forest property purchase

Since the beginning of the 1900s Sweden has had laws and rules governing the ownership of agricultural and forest land. The foundations of the current Land Ownership Law, ?Jordförvärvslagen 1979:230(JFL)?, are from 1979. The most recent review and adaptation of the law occurred in 2005. Its main purpose is to prevent a passive ownership of land in Sweden and to ensure that the land is actively worked.

Vad styr valet av revisionsbyrå?

Vad styr valet av revisionsbyrå? Revisionsbyråers kunder kan ha svårt att uppfatta konkreta skillnader mellan byråernas revision, då dess utformning är standardiserad. Revisionens homogena utformning, kravet på oberoende i relation med företaget som ska revideras, vissa normer vid prissättningen av revision och kravet på saklighet i marknadskommunikationen medför begränsningar för revisionsbyråerna när det gäller differentiering av revisionstjänsten. Vi ville komma fram till vad i revisionsbyråernas marknadsföring som köpande bolag attraheras av samt vad som utmärker bolag som reagerar på en viss konkurrensfördel. Kundens köpbeteende kan förklaras utifrån dess preferenser och bakgrund.

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