

259 Uppsatser om Substance - Sida 14 av 18


Resulting from anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, average surface seawater pH is estimated to decline from today's approximately 8.05 to between 7.78 and 8.03 towards 2100. For ionisable organic pollutants, changes in pH can lead to a change in the degree of ionisation, which could influence the ecotoxicity of a compound by altering its bioavailability. In this study, potential changes in ecotoxicity of ionisable organic compounds resulting from ocean acidification are examined. This is achieved partly by conducting a literature review, analysing existing literature that investigates this relationship. Potential changes are also evaluated by examining marine ecotoxicity data for ionisable organic compounds on the watch list pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as on the list of priority Substances according to the 2022 proposal for amending the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).

(H)elt om marsch!

The focus of this essay is on a political party that was founded in Sweden in 1904. Today, we known it as Moderata Samlingspartiet. Historically, this party has transitioned through multiple phases which have included a change of name and also a change of Substance in the area of trade policy. The party that was cheering globalisation at the 2006 congress had its roots in protectionism and had been founded as a strict protectionist organisation. The question raised here is what has caused this dramatic change in the trade politic?In addressing this important question, I have used both organization and party strategy theories to identify the main underlying reasons.

Invandrarprat och skam: en kvalitativ studie av retorikens betydelse

The purpose of this enquiry was to study how the rhetoric about immigrants (invandrarprat) influences the interpretation of reality in regards to new swedes. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews with eight new swedes who, apart from their country of origin, by Swedish social standards would be considered average. Two questions were examined for the purpose of this study:1. How do new swedes react to rhetoric about immigrants?2.

En känsla för Gud Komparativ teologi enligt Keith Ward och perspektiv på religionsteologi

En känsla för Gud ? Komparativ teologi enligt Keith Ward och perspektiv på religionsteologi.(A feeling for God ? Comparative Theology according to Keith Ward and perspectives on Theology of Religion)We all have preconceived opinions regarding people, cultures and especially religion and religiousness, and according to one´s own subjective formed opinion, they are surely truthful and moral. But my main concern with this essay must be thought of as a brief and personal mapping of Christian belief and it´s rational status in relation to both basic philosophy and the other great religious traditions. Furthermore, I am anxious to widen the perspectives of that which theoretically can be considered substantially real, and the existential consequences that follows on such a study. In doing so I must make sure that it´s properly anchored in history of both philosophy and religion, and of course ? with the general idea of God.

Makten att välja klienter : En studie om maktobalans i samverkan kring barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa utifrån skolkuratorers och socialsekreterares erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to examine the school counsellors and social service workers experience of how the child psychiatry manage their authority in the collaboration concerning children with mental health problems. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with school counsellors, social service workers and one former employee of the Swedish child psychiatric care. Our results are divided into two themes: Collaboration and distribution of responsibility and Children who fall between the cracks. Examples of groups of children who according to our study are at risk of falling between the cracks are those who apart from mental issues have Substance abuse issues or social issues, those whose parents are in a child custody dispute, children who are acting out and children with self-harm issues. The study also reveals that it's easier for children whose parents are active and knowledgeable to get help from the child psychiatric care and that it's a requirement for both parents and children to be highly motivated.There are established social hierarchs between agencies who partake in collaboration regarding children with mental illness.

Den planerade undervisningen i förskolan : En jämförande studie i två olika länders förskolor

Skollagen beskriver att undervisning är det arbete som förskolläraren genomför utifrån läroplanens mål. Studiens syfte är att undersöka och jämföra den planerade undervisningen i förskolan i två länder. Genom att jämföra svensk förskola med ukrainsk förskola blev det möjligt att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan dessa länders sätt att bedriva planerad undervisning. Datan samlades in genom observationer och analysen genomfördes med hjälp av att kategorisera materialet utifrån de valda aspekterna; organsation, innehåll, barns delaktighet och inflytande samt miljö. Resultatet visade att undervisningen i svensk och ukrainsk förskola både hade likheter och skillnader.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

AbstractTitle:Lean Production in The Public SectorsLevel:Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration.Authors:Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur MaanSupervisor:Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist.Examiner:Lars-Johan ÅgeDate:2015 ? June.Aim:The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous improvements and customer value in the public sector.Method:The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the Substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework.

Har ungdomars deltagande i organiserade fritidsaktiviteter och framtidstro betydelse för normbrytande beteende?

Title: Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Zetterberg, E. (2015). Has youth participation in organized extracurricular activities and future expectation relevance for antisocial behavior? Bachelor thesis in Public Health science.

Sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet - en jämförande studie av beroendebehandlare i kriminal- och beroendevård

Religiositet och andlighet tycks ha samband med fysisk och psykisk hälsa. I uppsatsen undersöks sambandet mellan andlighet och utbrändhet, två grupper behandlare jämförs och mätegenskaper hos skalorna Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs Field-Test Instrument (WHOQOL-SRPB), Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS), Maslach Burnout Inventory ? Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) och Utbrändhet i arbetet (UA) undersöks. Studiedeltagarna var 38 programledare för kriminalvårdens tolvstegsprogram och 39 behandlare i ett psykoterapinätverk inom beroendevården (svarsfrekvens 61,5%). Andlighet korrelerade med personlig prestation (personal accomplishment; r = 0,315, p < 0,05).

En idrottsklubbs varumärkesidentitet & varumärkesimage

This essay deals with the rationale and aims for doing cultural or aesthetic activities and projects in schools, and gives special focus to a specific group of students, attending schools provided at special residential homes for young people (sa?rskilda ungdomshem). These homes receive young people with psychosocial and Substance misuse problems and who show tendencies towards criminal behavior. The essay investigates how working with a cultural project in schools at these residential homes is justified and also elucidates how this specific group of students and their problems are constructed in the documents surrounding the project. The essay will further ponder over possible educational and pedagogical consequences of these constructions.The investigation has its theoretical frame work in curriculum theory.

Hemlöshetsdiskurser : Bilder av hemlöshet och hemlösa i Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet och Socialstyrelsen åren 2000 och 2012 ? en diskursanalys

Homelessness and homeless people is something that is described and explained in different ways over time. Since the 1950s, two discourses about homelessness and its causes has been competing with each other. One discourse hold the meaning that homelessness is caused by housing shortage and the other focus on individual shortcomings that make homeless to unsuitable tenants. In the media, homelessness and homeless often is associated with crime, addiction and mental illness, this reinforce the public perception of homeless people as deviants, which separates the homeless from society even more. The purpose of this study is to examine whether media representations of homeless and homelessness in an evening paper and a morning paper, has changed in the 2000s, and if these representations are consistent with those found in the reports of homelessness from The National Board of Wealth and Welfare. In order to achieve the purpose of the study and answer our research questions, the authors have used a discourse analytical approach using some key analytical tools from both critical discourse analysis and discourse theory in the analysis of the empirical material.

Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk : Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.

Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the influence of socialization on these dependencies. From this we developed new hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.

Kringgående av beskattning av förbjudna lån genom skatteplanering med utländska holdingbolag

Uppsatsens syfte är att mot bakgrund av införandet av 53 kap. IL och den s.k. X och Y- domen, analysera när ett lån från ett utländskt holdingbolag, kan omklassificeras till utdelning genom en tillämpning av principen om rättshandlingars verkliga innebörd. EU-domstolens dom i X och Y-målet föranledde att reglerna i 53 kap. IL ändrades och gjorde det möjligt för svenska privatpersoner att överlåta aktier till underpris till egna bolag i utlandet utan några omedelbara beskattningskonsekvenser.

Barley starch, structure and properties

Starch is a naturally occurring Substance in most plants and is used as energy storage. It is a component that mainly consists of amylose and amylopectin. Together they build a complex pattern which gives starch its specific properties. The proportion of amylose and amylopectin varies in different plants but generally starch consists of 25 % amylose and 75 % amylopectin. There have been discoveries of barley varieties containing 100 % amylopectin called ?waxy starches? or ?waxy barley? as well as varieties that have a high content of amylose, around 70 % and these are called ?amylotypes?.

Hur skapas en hemlös och/eller missbrukande klient (inte)? En diskursiv studie om makt, kön, sexualitet, klass och etnicitet.

Feministisk genusforskning och genusforskning inom socialt arbete visar att både människor i stort och klienter konstrueras olika beroende på kön, sexualitet, klass och etnicitet. Den myndighetsutövande maktdimensionen gör målgruppen socialsekreterare särskilt intressanta att studera.Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka konstruktion av klienter med hemlöshets- och/eller missbruksproblematik. Frågeställningarna var: hur konstrueras klienterna i relation till kön, sexualitet, klass och etnicitet? Vilka diskurser kan urskiljas rörande konstruktion av denna grupp klienter? Vilka implikationer/konsekvenser har detta för maktaspekten i arbetet/mötet mellan klient och socialsekreterare?Studien baserades på tre fokusgruppintervjuer med socialsekreterare från två olika stadsdelar och 20 sociala utredningar. Använda begrepp från feministisk teoribildning hämtades från genusteori, queerteori, klassteori och postkolonial teori.

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