2912 Uppsatser om Subject-hero - Sida 23 av 195
Ett splittrat ämne: Konceptioner av svenskämnet i grundskolans styrdokument och lokala kursplaner. A split subject: Conceptions of Swedish as a Subject in the Policy Documents and Local Syllabuses for the Nine-year Compulsory School
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka vilka olika uttryck för svenskämneskonceptioner som finns i styrdokumenten samt i 15 lokala kursplaner för grundskolans senare år i ämnet svenska.
Ämneskonceptionerna undersöks genom ett antal kriterier som vi hämtat och sammanställt ur befintlig litteratur. Analysen börjar med undersökning av den nationella kursplanen i svenska samt Lpo94 och följs av undersökningen av de utvalda lokala kursplanerna för att avslutas med en jämförelse mellan de båda.
Resultatet pekar på stor splittring i ämnessyn i såväl styrdokumenten som i de olika lokala kursplanerna, både inom enskilda och vid jämförelse av olika dokument. De dominerande ämneskonceptionerna skiljer sig åt mellan styrdokument och deras lokala uttolkningar..
"Fixar jag till mig så kommer jag må bra" : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers uppfattning om kroppsfixering hos unga kvinnor
This study examines counselors understanding of body fixation (alt: body image fixation) as a social problem among young women aged 15-25 years. Earlier research on this subject highlights the standards and ideals placed on the female body where happiness is associated with a slim body figure. Research has shown that young women that compare their own bodies with others are at higher risk at developing an unhealthy relationship with their body, which can lead to eating disorders. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with nine counselors from youth clinics, schools and primary healthcare. The results were interpreted and analysed in the light of social constructionist perspective as developed by Berger & Luckmann and Loseke's social constructionist definition of social problems.
Påverkas sväljförmågan hos äldre efter utbildning om sväljsvårigheter till omvårdnadspersonal? : En Single Subject- studie av två personer på ett äldreboende
Bland den äldre befolkningen är det relativt vanligt med någon form av sväljsvårigheter, dysfagi. Tidigare studier har visat att mellan 30 och 70 procent av boende inom äldreomsorgen har sväljbesvär. I dagsläget har de flesta äldreboenden i Östergötland inte tillgång till logoped. I föreliggande studie användes metoden Single Subject Experimental Design med upplägget ABB. Flera måltidsobservationer utfördes på de två deltagarna.
Döden i barnlitteratur en studie grundad på ett av Bibliotekstjänsts temaregister
Our intention with this work has been to examine if books in one particular subject share the same ideology, or if they contain several different ideologies. We have chosen to study and analyse books that deal with death and grief. We suggest that we will get an idea of how society looks upon death by examine how death is presented in books for young children. We have studied and adopted well-known writers on the topic to give sufficient background to our research. In the main public library of Gothenburg we found the latest bookindex of different themes recommended by Bibliotekstjänst.
Marklyft som behandling mot långvarig ländryggsmärta: en Single Subject Experimental Design
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder in the western world. A majority of those afflicted by a first acute episode is at high risk of developing sub-acute or persistent symptoms. Persistent LBP can be caused by pathological changes in the discs and disturbed neuromuscular activation, which can cause hypotrophy of the extensors strong type-2 muscle fibres. Deadlift (DL) is an exercise that may correct all these pathological transformations. Aim: To investigate the effect of DL-training on patients with persistent LBP.
Bland mumier och mosslik - en jämförande studie av populärarkeologi och fackarkeologi
In my paper I have compared popular science and neutral science regarding language and construction. My task was to find out if there are differences between the language of popular science and that of scientific science. The purpose of my paper is to answer four questions1.How do the authors present the bogbodies and the mummies in the two categories?2.What does the popular science imagine that you want to read about?3.Is there a difference between the target groups of the two categories?4. Does the presentation of the subject have consequenses when it comes to contents and readers?I have studied how often the authors use drawings, photos, diagrams, maps, and if the titles of the chapters can tell you something about the nature of books.
Reflekterande eller reproducerande matematik : en jämförande studie mellan två undervisningsmetoder i matematik, det laborativa och det traditionella
In each classroom there is a teacher with good intentions wanting what´s best for their pupils. But grades and tests in mathematics from 2009 in Sweden shows there is a crack between the subject being taught and the learning child. The purpose with this research is to find an understanding from a teaching and learning perspective of which teaching method is more suitable for teaching and learning mathematics by doing a comparison between two methods. The main question is:What are the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional and the laboratory method of teaching, supported by the two keywords teaching method and learning?This C-paper is based on a qualitative research aiming to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior.
"Man ska vara rädd om instrumenten" : En intervjustudie om tre förskollärares berättelser om sångsamling
In the preschool curriculum there is not much described when it comes to the subject of music. What is written about the aesthetic subjects is related to the overall learning moments, rather than separated into objectives for each subject. The learning includes, among other things, that the children will be offered a variety of cultural experiences. However, there is no explanation to what should be included in the use of music. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the function of preschool song circles, based on three preschool teachers' stories.
Att hitta och utforska : Om Damien Echols autobiografi Life After Death
This paper investigates the autobiography of Damien Echols. The autobiographical subject, Echols, depicts his life as a marginalized youth during the nineteen seventies and nineteen eighties in Arkansas, USA. It also explores the years that Echols spent on Death Row after having been arrested along with two other youths for the murder of three eight-year-old boys; a crime all three of the accused denied having committed. In 2011, after eighteen years of incarceration, the three now grown up men were released from prison. The author of this paper discusses biography and especially autobiography as a genre and explores to what extent memories represent the actual life the autobiographical subject, Echols, has lived and if memories are or can be truthful.
Simone de Beauvoir och moderskap : en personlig genealogisk läsning av En familjeflickas memoarer och Det andra könet
This paper focuses on the subject of Simone de Beauvoir and how she creates her view of motherhood. With help from Toril Moi?s method ? which she calls personal genealogy ? as a standpoint I have read Beauvoir?s autobiography Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter with and against her essay about women, The Second Sex.The genealogy tries to understand the term ?making? and the idea of production or construction and the personal genealogy sees the subject ? the person ? as an extraordinarily complex effect of a whole network of different discourses or determinants. In order to be able to understand Beauvoir?s view on motherhood I have read her philosophy with and against the feminist philosopher Ulla M.
Lustfyllda horor och älskande kvinnor : En diskursanalys av nätprostituerade kvinnors identitet
Abstract. The trade in prostitution/sexual services is regarded as a major social problem in Sweden. The prostitutes are seen as a group of passive, neglected and exploited victims, subject to repeated and forced outrage. However, there exists a network of sexworkers who claim their free will in selling sex as a trademark. They describe themselves as active subjects with a business of selling sex out of free will.
Bland dockor, bilar och klossar : En studie av tre förskolors leksaksinnehav i relation till barns subjektskapande
With this study we intend to investigate and analyse three different preschool?s holdings of toys and discuss the result in relation to the creation of subject. The investigation in this study consists of an inventory of the holdings of toys at three different preschools. We have used an already existing system for classification which is composed by Nilsson and Nelson (2002). The results give a detailed survey of collected material in the form of tables in which we indicate the comparisons which are relevant to our purpose.
We have written this paper about gambling problems with the purpose to give us and all of our readers a sense of understanding. With the term understanding we mean that we all know what type of activity gambling is but not a lot of us know how it feels for individuals that due to their addiction play almost every day and sometimes several times a day. By somehow trying to explain what kind of experiences people who engage in gambling feel, we hope that we somehow can increase our knowledge towards these persons and towards gambling. We are well informed that the content of our particular subject that we?ve chosen is massive and that more research needs to be done about or subject since there are no simple answers that can explain gambling behavior so easily.
Barn diagnostiserad med ADHD : En studie om hur man på ett fritidshem kan arbeta med ADHD diagnosticerade barn
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to find out how the after-school teachers can work with children diagnosed with ADHD on the after-school center, study the given conditions as well as the links between the two earlier mentioned. Four interviews, with four different after-school teachers, from four after-school centers in one municipality was made. The interviews consisted of seven questions, six of the questions gave the respondents the opportunity to own interpretation of the question and thereby answer the question after what they considered as correct.The result shows that work with ADHD diagnosed children can differ widely based on the conditions the after-school teachers have. Examples of conditions are knowledge and education on the subject, the after-school center environment, the number of teachers in the business and more. Based on the four interviewed response, and the information that previous research shows about the subject, the work with ADHD diagnosed children at the four different after-schools is not good enough.
Världen vill bedragas : arkitekturtävlingar och presentationsteknik som retoriskt knep
The purpose of this essay is to analytically review and discuss architecturalcompetitions, mainly through the general views of a few selected workinglandscape architects, architects and scientists. I have studied the moral and workethicalaspects of using graphical presentations as a mean to draw attention,rather than trying to meet the set program points.My results are derived from e-mail interviews, literature studies and studies ofthe competition entry Stockholmssfären from the competition Stockholmsportenwhich was held in Sweden early 2011.The literature studies have shown that the available literature on architecturalcompetitions and research on the subject is biased towards architecture ratherthan landscape architecture. Worth mentioning is also that there is not a lot ofavailable literature, mainly due to lacking research on the subject.The informants for the interviews were selected based upon their academicmerits and/or experience of working with or doing scientific research onarchitectural competitions. The landscape architects? opinions regardingarchitectural competitions turned out to be in many ways alike ? they seemed tohave a pretty relaxed view of competing in architecture.