

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 56 av 179

Munhälsan hos äldre på ett serviceboende i Kristianstad - en munhälsobedömning samt en enkätstudie

The aim of our study was to examine the oral health status using an oral assessment guide, ROAG, among elderly people in a block of service. Another aim was to evaluate the elderlys perception of there own oral health using a questionnaire. The study were undertaken at a ward in Kristianstad, with 39 caretakers. 21 caretakers participated in the study. The assessment of the oral health status was done on the same individuals (n=21) who answered the questions in the questionnaire.

Beslag eller buckla? : En studie av platta järnfragment från hallhuset i Birkas Garnison

This paper deals with flat iron fragments from the Viking Age hall situated in Birkas Garrison, Adelsö parish in Uppland. The aim of the study was to identify which objects these flat fragments were originally derived from. The aim was also to discuss the function of these objects and their presence in the hall. This would hopefully increase the knowledge about the hall and the warriors who lived and worked there. In some cases the fragments form and placement in the hall has not provided enough information to classify the object from which they derived.

Maskinistspelet : En undersökning om ett spel kan fungera som ett bra komplement till undervisningen på Sjöfartshögsskolan

I detta arbete har det undersökts om ett brädspel kan vara ett bra komplement till den övriga undervisningen för sjöingenjörsprogrammet på Kalmar Sjöfartshögskola. Ett brädspel har producerats och utvärderats av studenter.Tanken med detta arbete har varit att ge studenter en alternativ studieteknik. Denna studieteknik har ingen koppling till undervisningen på skolan. Med spelets hjälp har det kunnat undersökas vad studenter anser om att använda sig av ett spel för att lära sig delar av olika ämnen i utbildningen.För att söka svar på vår problemställning så har en kvalitativ studie gjorts. Vi har induktivt utgått ifrån empirin med en pragmatisk inriktning.

Skolkuratorers upplevelser och kunskaper gällande ångest hos unga kvinnor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of the study was to examine the knowledge that school counsellors in Swedish schools have about young women with anxiety disorders. The study also examines how the counsellors act when there is a suspicion or a case of anxiety in a female student. With a qualitative approach eight school counsellors were interviewed. The theoretical approach that was used is the sociology of knowledge. Some of the study?s conclusions are that anxiety disorders are frequent among young girls.

Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies

The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge about diet and dental caries.

Vems röster hörs mest? ? En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers införlivande av elevinflytande Whose voices are the most important? ? A Qualitative Study of Pedagogues Incorporation of Student Participation

Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa hur de intervjuade pedagogerna arbetar med elevinflytande i deras olika verksamheter. Intresset ligger i att undersöka pedagogernas olika synsätt samt de eventuella pedagogiska redskap som de har att tillgå, det vill säga hur de gör när de införlivar elevinflytande. För att kunna ta reda på hur pedagogerna arbetar med detta genomfördes sex kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger från förskolan, förskoleklassen, grundskolan, fritids och specialpedagogisk verksamhet. Det är viktigt att lyfta fram dessa etablerade pedagogers synpunkter och kunskaper, då de besitter olika erfarenheter. Delar av resultaten visar att det deliberativa samtalet (det samtalsdemokratiska samtalet), är ett av de pedagogiska redskap som pedagogerna använder sig av för att kunna införliva elevinflytande i förskolan och skolan..

Urvalskriteriernas prognostiska validitet för studieresultatet vid officersprogrammet

Undersökningen syftar till att jämföra två olika urvalssystem för officersprogrammet. För detta syfte ställs det gamla respektive det nya urvalssystemet mot kadetternas studieresultat. Urvalskriterierna till dessa urvalssystem korreleras mot studieresultatet i en korrelationsmatris. Därefter undersöks de uppmätta sambanden medelst semi-partiala korrelationsmått och konfidensintervall. Detta skapar belägg för att det föregående urvalssystemet var effektivare än den nya för att välja ut kadetter med förmåga att tillgodogöra sig utbildningen.

Judikalisering och demokrati: Lagprövningsrätten i förändring?

In this thesis I examine the development and expansion of judicial power in Sweden. The concept of judicial review is defined and related to democratic theory, and the various forms of judicial review in use in Sweden are explained. The main focus is on the political and scientific discussion concerning judicial review since the mid 1970s. It is shown that judicial review so far has been used only to a limited extent and that the number of court cases has remained quite stable over time. The main cause of judicialization seems to be the supremacy of EU law following the Swedish EU membership in 1995 and the inclusion of the European Convention on Human Rights into Swedish law.

Föräldrars utbildningsnivå : En studie om hur elevernas prestationer som påverkas av föräldrarnas bakgrund

This study is about how students 'performance in school is influenced by parents' educational background. The study has been performed by cooperation with two schools in Stockholm. One class in each school has participated and the students have amongst other questions answered regarding their grades in natural science subjects. To examine whether parents 'educational background affect students' performance, a quantitative survey in the form of poll has been conducted. Even a literature review was conducted in this area to get a clearer picture of how parents' educational background affects the performance of students.This study shows that students who have academic parents perform better than students who have not got academically educated parents.

Betydelsen av self-efficacy och socialt stöd för studieprestation

Self-efficacy och socialt stöd är två fenomen som visats ha ett flertal goda effekter på individers beteende framförallt inom utbildning. Devonport och Lanes (2006) studie kunde bekräfta relationen mellan self-efficacy och prestation. Den föreliggande studiens syfte var att studera betydelsen av self-efficacy och socialt stöd för studieprestation hos en grupp studenter. Två mätningstillfällen utfördes, med 65 deltagare vid första och 49 vid andra tillfället. Resultaten visade att socialt stöd hade signifikant positivt samband med self-efficacy.

En skola för alla : På vilket sätt blir elever med fysiskt funktionshinder bemötta av elever och lärare?

AbstractThe purpose with my study was to find out how students with physical difficulties are treated in school by teachers and other students and also if there are any differences between how teachers and students treat students with physical difficulties. I also wanted to see if there were any prejudices against students with physical disabilities from either students or teachers. If there are any prejudices, I wanted to know what kind it is that exists. When I went to school, I remember that I looked down on the students with physical difficulties because they were different. When I have been working in school as a teacher, I have seen students who pull away from students with difficulties.I chose to do the study at a higher grade school, because I have not been in such a high grade in school during my practice.

"Jag måste kämpa..." : Elevers perspektiv på gymnasieskolans individuella program

 Syftet med studien är att undersöka några elevers uppfattning av sin studiegång på det individuella programmet (IV). Samt belysa i vilken utsträckning utbildningen individanpassas. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod användes. Sju elever intervjuades som går sitt första år på det individuella programmet. Undersökningen belyser hur eleverna trivs på IV och vad de tycker om sin utbildning.

Utfodring av sällskapskanin. Vilka råd ger vi djurägarna?

The most suitable method to answer the issues of this study was to do a combined literature- and questionnaire study. The literature part of the study was based on Original Research articles, Review Articles and books with a list of reference literature after each chapter and the purpose was to answer the questions ?What feed items should be given to rabbits in different life stages? and ?Which problems may develop from an inadequate diet?? Two questionnaires were constructed. One was sent by e-mail to small animal veterinary hospitals to be answered anonymously by veterinary nurses. The other was linked to from two internet forums, that with rabbits as their focus.

Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk

Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.

VEM ?R JAG ENLIGT STJ?RNORNA? En kulturvetenskaplig studie om astrologins roll i identitet och divination

The aim of this study is to examine how zodiac signs are depicted through social interactions from an identity perspective and if zodiac signs can be seen as a form of divination. Our method was based on the answers of seven informants (six interviews in total), all of whom were interested in astrology with two of the informants having the title of astrologer by profession. After the implementation of Erving Goffman?s dramaturgical theory regarding identity and Jesper Fr?kj?r S?rensen?s divinatory perspective, we found evidence in the orrelation between zodiac signs and identity, along with astrology having little to no correlation with divination. The results show that although the majority of the informants were hesitant to the assertion that astrology can provide divinatory evidence, many of them still consumed and followed astrological advice based on prognosis.

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