

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 39 av 179

Enkätundersökning till Älvdalens Besparingsskogs delägare

Älvdalens Savings Forest was formed in the late 1800's. During this time the country was conducting the first major land reform in Sweden, namely the redistribution of arable land through government action. In Älvdalen people saw an opportunity to form Savings Forest, that is jointly owned forests, where everyone would get part of the proceeds. The yield in the first place would cover were costs to manage and monitor the forest and to the measures to ensure regrowth and improve the forests. You could also use the proceeds to develop the area and make it easier for the population to manage their forest. In early summer, a survey was sent to all the members of Älvdalens Savings Forest.

Källor i Haninge? ? vattenkvalitet och ?tillgänglighet

Den här rapporten om kallkällor i Haninge kommun i södra Stockholms län är ett examensarbete på KTH. Undersökningen har gjorts i samarbete med Haninge kommun och Källakademin. Arbetet utförs av två studenter, där en student fokuserar på källornas tillstånd i dag (denna rapport) och en student fokuserar på källornas historia och tradition. Det primära målet med detta arbete är att ge Haninge kommun och dess invånare bättre kännedom om de kallkällor som finns i kommunen, särskild med avseende på vattenkvalitet och tillgänglighet.Kommunen har ambitionen att informera allmänheten om kallkällor och förse en del av dem med skyltar. Information om källornas existens och lokalisering inhämtades från olika databaser, främst SGUs (Sveriges geologiska undersökning), Skogsstyrelsens och Länsstyrelsens samt genom personliga kontakter.

Konstnärligt inslag i planeringsprocessen : kreativitet i aktörers dialog

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

BILD OCH DRAMA I FÖRSKOLAN. : En studie ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The aim of the study was from preschool teachers perspective to describe, analyz and understand how teachers in preschool works with children in special needs in image and drama. I have done eights interviews with preschool teachers. From a theoretical base, i use the Nilholms perspectives. I have also Antonovsky and Vygotskijs perspectives. The resultat showed that the majority of preschool teachers have see that image and drama has a great significance over childrens learning in preschool..

Personlig träning på egen hand

AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to determent if the authors? idea to replace a personal trainer with a training program, which is provided by software, is viable and if there is a market for such a product. The method that was used, included eight people who enrolled in a training program which were designed by the authors in Microsoft excel. The programs were based on principals of periodization, and included the phases: anatomic adaptation, hypertrophy, maximum strength and muscle definition. The training program was personal and based on individual goal setting.

Gå bredvid mig - : En studie om förskollärares tal om uppdraget som VFU-lärare i relation till det formella dokumentet

This study contains how pre-school teachers talk about their mission as tutors and their assignments to educate student teachers in relation to the document that contains information concerning practice-based learning. The students are involved in communities of practice regarding pre-schools for children between one year and five years old. The pre-school teachers will share their daily work and pedagogical responsibility in the activities, meaning that the students are expected to show social engagement in interaction between children and adults. When teachers from the University visit the pre-school, the students are supposed to have a lesson or activity with the pupils in the practice class. And afterwards the students, the pre-school teachers and the teacher from University together have a developing discuss about the outcome objectives that the students are supposed to reach during the practice.

Miljö- och hälsorisker med konstgräsplaner

In Sweden today many municipalities and sport clubs chooses to build artificial turfs becauseof the increased period of using the turfs during the year and less maintenance requirementsthan for natural grass fields. What could be problematic with artificial turfs is the rubbergranules used as infill material in the turf matt. The rubber granules are often made fromrecycled tires, which may contain for the human health and the environment, harmful substances.This was the reason why the Swedish Chemicals Agency commissioned a statusreport in 2006 which, among other things, concluded that the environmental and health risksassociated with granules made from recycled tiers in artificial turf fields were small, but thatthere could be a local environmental hazard. The purpose and objective of the risk assessmentwas to identify how artificial turf plans granules can affect recipients in the area closeto the pitches and provide input to reduce the spread of metals and substances harmful forboth human health and the surrounding environment. The work was divided into three parts:(1) the construction of artificial turf pitches and their material content, the spread of granulatesoutside the fields and disposal of artificial turf pitches.

Dömd eller bedömd? : en studie om bedömning av de nationella proven ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the national tests seen from the teacher?s perspective. The national tests are performed in the Swedish school, classes 3, 5, 9, and the upper secondary school (gymnasiet). There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and grading for a long time and it is of high interest now more than ever. The last control assessment done in 2009 by the department of school inspections on the order of the Swedish government, showed big differences between the assessments done by the teachers, and the assessments completed by the department of school inspections.

Den villfarande studenten. Rättsprocessen mot Erik Molin 1734-1739

This study investigates the judicial process against Erik Molin, a clerk and former theology student at the University of Uppsala 1734-1739. The main purpose has been twofold; first to investigate the legal process through the various judicial bodies and secondly to analyze the ideas and conceptions about man and society expressed by the authorities and Erik Molin. The theoretical approach has been inspired by the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas? theories concerning the emergence of the bourgeois society and the changing concepts of private and public spheres. The study shows that the diocese of Uppsala regarded Molin's theology as heretic and found that he knowingly had tried to spread his views.

Har vindsvåning blivit ett sätt att leva? : Gentrifiering ur ett svenskt perspektiv

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Vardagslivets monument : Kulturarv och ombyggnationer i miljonprogramsområdena "Blåkulla" och "Bananhuset"

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Life tracking och studievanor

Detta examensarbete undersöker hur studenter kan förbättra sina studievanor med hjälp av lifetracking viamobila applikationer. Lifetracking-applikationen som nyttjas i denna undersökning heter Lift1. Det visarsig att det är en fördel om motivationen till förändring kommer från personen själv och att denne har ettintresse och nyfikenhet för nya tekniker. Då ökar chansen att Lift fungerar som hjälpmedel. Om enstudent väljer att använda sig av Lift bör denne välja vanor som har ett högt värde för personen och somgår att upprepa under en längre period för att ha större chans till förändring..

Mentorers betydelse, funktion och nytta för elever i gymnasieskolan : En narrativ studie kring mentorer och mentorskap utifrån ett elevperspektiv

The study describes six upper secondary school students? thoughts of and stories about mentors and mentorship in secondary school. The mentorship has been studied with a hermeneutic approach from a narrative pupil relational perspective, which is influenced by the phenomenological humanity perspective. The aim of this study is to describe a few pupils? life worlds and to try to interpret how they describe and explain their own behavior related to mentorship and their mentors.

Inbäddade kartor för geografiska presentationer på webbsidor

This is a survey of different techniques that may be used for embedding geographicdata into web pages. Different models of GIS communication are examined and a testsubject in the form of an application is implemented and evaluated.The test application (?StudentKarta? eng. ?Student Map?) lets students submit theirresidential data and shows their position as pins on an embedded Map.An expire date is used to let the pins fade away and disappear.The application uses the popular Google map engines to display the geographicalpresentations.

"Snipp snap snut, nu tog tiden slut" : En analys av användares medvetenhet kring integritet på mobilapplikationer

This study focuses on the integrity of students at Uppsala University that has used the university?s network, UpUnet. We?ve studied their opinions with the use of questionnaires that cover questions related to privacy and awareness about logging of data traffic.The results showed that more students than our hypothesis suggested were unaware of the surveillance on the network, and the majority of these also had a negative opinion towards logging of data traffic. However, we found that there were several relations between how the students responded on our questionnaire, and we?ve presented these in the analysis chapter towards the end of the essay..

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