

2684 Uppsatser om Student majority - Sida 18 av 179

Lära för livet? : Svenskämnet ur ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to explore students? perceptions and experiences of the school-subject Swedish. Ten qualitative interviews with students in school year nine have been carried out and the results of these interviews constitute the basis of this study. The result shows that students have a straight-forward attitude towards Swedish as a school-subject. The students identify skills such as reading, writing and speaking, and work in school mainly concerns perfecting these skills. The students think of Swedish as a subject with a clear purpose and find it important and useful. The result also shows that the students want grading for the purpose of further motivation.

En bra Chef går hem : - en undersökning av Landstinget i Värmlands chefsbrev

Internal communication is very important for the success of an organization. The county council Landstinget i Värmland is a large organization with many managers on different positions. Every one of these managers gets an email every week, with the message that a new manager letter, called Chef, is published on the intranet. With my paper I am examining what the managers think of this letter, how they use it and if managers on different positions differ from each other in opinions about and use of the letter. I want to find out if there is a need of Chef as a part of the internal communication of Landstinget i Värmland.To answer these questions, I have chosen a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire which is send to all the receivers of the manager letter.

Kan man erfara historia? : Elevers syn på museet som lärandemiljö - om historieundervisning och historiemedvetande

This essay is a case study based on two sources of empirical data, qualitative interviews and responses from a questionnaire, which examines upper secondary school students? attitudes to history teaching in a museum context. The students? answers are further analyzed in relation to the concept of historical consciousness. Thus, history teaching in the museum, from a student perspective, and the students? capacity of expressing a historical consciousness in their answers, constitute the core of this essay.

Effektivare produktionsarbete med BIM som arbetssätt på Skanska Väg och Anläggning region Stockholm

The author of this report has created a Web-based invoice system and CRM at therequest of the company Webhouse.se. The purpose of the System is to makeeveryday tasks in the company easier. The system also needed to prevent mistakesand errors by managing orders and invoices.The system has been created with the company?s requests in focus. During thedevelopment of the system information security and interaction design have beenimportant aspects that have been taken into consideration.The system has been created using techniques such as PHP and MYSQL.

Utvecklingsarbete med inriktning på gruppsamverkan

The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with   focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..

Arbete med läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolans tidigare skolår : Två pedagoger berättar om sina arbetssätt

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

Arbetssätt och byggnadssätt för självbyggda studentbostäder i ett hantverkligt sammanhang

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp, 2014.

Eldens hemlighet : om att arbeta med skönlitteratur i andraspråksundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to investigate Swedish as a second language acquisition in a group of students with diverse culturul backgrounds. my intension is to find out if a dialogical posture in teaching with focus on the students earlier knowledge,experianses, thoughts and feelings, will contribute to a teaching enviroment where the students can express them selves and listen to each other. the teachers task is to help the students to explore their own thinking.According to the theoretical base of the essay, sucessfull second language asquisition occours in a meaningsfull context through dialogue and interaction between students and teacher as well as between student and student.I have used a qualitative method consisting in participating as a teacher in this group of second language learners during four lessons, observing, taking notes and writing diary. The teaching material used during the lessons was a book (fiction but based on a true story) and the dialogue in the group proceeded from the story we read together..

Livslångt lärande - från vaggan til graven : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärarnas föreställningar om det livslånga lärandet

Aim of this work was to determine teachers' ideas about how to encourage lifelong learning in primary school in year 3, so that students can continue learning throughout life. To get answers to my purpose, I used the following questions: What are the teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning? What are the main aspects teachers emerged as important in education, to encourage students to lifelong learning? Is there potential barriers to teachers for the promotion by the term of lifelong learning?The method used, is qualitative interviews and as a starting point I used the hermeneutic approach. Theoretical part included Ziehes modernity theory of learning and Vygotsky socio-cultural perspective.The results revealed that lifelong learning is interpreted on the basis of active teachers in many varied ways. Teachers' perceptions of the concept of lifelong learning have been very varied.

Optimering av produktionsflo?de fo?r hydraultankar : Fo?r en ba?ttre och sa?krare arbetsmiljo?

?Optimizing the workflow of hydraulic reservoir tanks? is a degree project made by Jonas Olsson, student within the faculty of technology and science, during spring semester 2012. The project comprise 22,5 ECTS.Volvo Construction Equipment, located in Arvika, was the client in this project. The mentor at Volvo CE was A?sa Barck, and the mentor at Karlstad University was Monica Jakobsson.

Uppväxtmiljö och i uppväxtmiljön förvärvad djurvana hos elever vid naturbruksgymnasium : Home environment and in home environment acquired animal experience in students of agricultural college

In all types of learning situations, it is important to find each student where they are at the moment in knowledge. I have reflections about  what animal experience students have with them when they begin their education. This thesis is about what home environment and in home environment acquried animal experience student at agricultural college have. This work is based on data collected through questionnaire survey done in two agricultural colleges in middle Sweden in the spring of 2007. Questions were divided into four blocks, historical data such as on the environment in which pupils are growing up, animal habit, why they read on agricultural school and future data on what plans students have for future education and careers.

Läsinlärning : Hur kan processen organiseras?

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

Genus och jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers arbete med genus och jämställdhet på förskolan

The purpose of this study is to find out how the four teachers at the two preschools believe they are working with gender and how they actually work with it in practice. It also aims to show how they treat the children at the preschool based on their gender.What is the preschool teachers view on gender and equality?How do they consider that they work with gender and gender equality, and how do they really work with it in practice?The study is based on a qualitative study were I chose to both interview and observe four preschool teachers from two different preschools. My theoretical starting point is Yvonne Hirdmans theory of gender and also research on gender equality. The results show that the majority of respondents believed that gender and gender equality means almost the same thing or have the same meaning.

Aktiesammanställare med teknisk analys och simulation

Websites today only offer simpler form of technical analysis and are not fun to use, therefore student decided to build a website that makes technical analysis a bit more fun by giving user possibility to experiment with settings for technical indicators and also see clear visible results from analysis. Student decided to build website in ASP.NET. Technical indicators for this project only consist of those who give buy and sell-signals via cross-over, no divergence or pattern finding.This project has three questions that define this project. It?s important that there is good functionality so that performing an analysis is perceived as simple, one question is therefore; what functionality for website is needed in order for analysis to be perceived as more simple?Technical analysis is a pretty complex subject and demands an interface that is perceived as easy to understand and easy to use, it?s therefore important that the interface is well designed, second question is therefore; how should the interface be designed to be user-friendly?When systems grow large they often become hard to develop and later on unmaintainable because of the accumulated complexity and dependency between classes, the code is a mess, the last question is therefore; how can the systems complexity be eased with object-oriented design principles?Jakob Nielsens ten heuristics for User Interface Design were used as inspiration for designing the interface for the website.

Den pedagogiska kartläggningens betydelse inför åtgärdsprogram : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter och upplevelser i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd

It has been shown in various research contexts that action programs do not always work as they should, even though there are clear guidelines on how the action programs should be designed and used. The aim of this study is to illustrate which processes that occur before an action program as well as how these processes lead to action that will give the student the support he or she needs. Through qualitative interviews with eight teachers, I have tried to answer the questions that I created. I have tried to answer my research questions that I have made based on the purpose. The questions are; What type of inquiry will be done if a student risk to not reach the knowledge goals? How will the inquiry support the action program? In what way does the action program support pupils in special needs? The result of my survey show that the survey being done for an action program is very individual-focused and that the mapping rarely shows on the teachers role or school environment to students who fall into special needs.

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