

1634 Uppsatser om Student Loan Asset-Backed securities - Sida 41 av 109

Behövs kattetologer på djursjukhus i Sverige? :

Behaviour problems are often behaviours that cat owners don´t like, but are normal to the cat. The reason to why cat owners experience certain feline behaviours as problematic is probably due to the current practice in cat housing. The ways that cats are kept today causes somewhat of a compromise between cat and owner and inhibits the expressions of the cat's natural and normal behaviour. The cat owners may misunderstand their cats behaviour, for example the cat owners believe that their cats perform certain behaviours because of feelings of guilt, hate, revenge or maybe to protest against something or someone. An animal hospital may help solve behaviour problems, but also help the cat owners to undstand their cat´s behaviour in an other perspective. The aim of this study is to investigate the need of a cat ethologist in animal hospitals.

Pottaskeframställning och tjärbränning i Femsjö socken från år 1700 till 1900 :

Femsjö is a small parish situated in Hylte municipality, Växjö diocese. The parish has a total area of 8230 ha of which 5000 ha are covered with forest. There have not been any large industries in the parish offering work opportunities for the inhabitants, so they have had to generate income from their land and the forest. Instead of going to the bank to get a bank loan the people of Femsjö parish went out in to the forest and harvested trees for timber and extra cash revenue. Production of pine tar and potash were two other ways that the residents of Femsjö parish could earn extra money for the household in order to keep starvation away.

Landskapsarkitektstudentens utveckling : studium av Projekt 3

Landskapsarkitekt är ett yrke i tiden. Många människor har fått upp ögonen för detta spännande yrke och allt fler människor söker sig till landskappsarkitektutbildningen. Men när man frågar någon vad en landskapsarkitekt egentligen gör så väcks det fler frågor än svar. Detta beror nog till stor del på att arbetsområdet är så brett att det går att finna många olika nischer inom detta. Allmänheten tror för det mesta, på gott och ont, att en landskapsarkitekts arbetsuppgift till största delen består av att i dekorationssyfte pynta olika miljöer med vegetation.

Effektivitetsparadoxen - En eventstudie av handelsstopp på Stockholmsbörsen mellan 2003 och 2008

A trading halt is a measure conducted by a securities exchange in order to reduce information imbalances between market participants, thus enabling a higher level of market efficiency. A market is said to be efficient when new information concerning a company is instantly reflected in its stock price, implying that abnormal stock returns cannot be systematically achieved in an efficient market. The purpose of this study is to examine the occurrence of abnormal stock returns following trading halts on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study is based on a sample of 64 trading halts executed between January 2003 and February 2008. Historical daily prices for stocks subject to trading halts during the period have been gathered from the Datastream Advance database, while information on date and time of trading halts have been collected from the Stockholm Stock Exchange website.

Kapitalbindning och lönsamhet på 1980- och 2000-talet

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Förslag till förnyelse av en villaträdgård i Limhamn, inspirerat av egnahemsrörelsens trädgårdar :

The population growth in Europe and with that in Sweden was enormous under 18th century. The results became housing shortage in large part of Europe. Tight residency/ inhabited, poverty and emigration were series of social questions in Sweden. Private house (egnahem) as in the beginning was an idea from England and Germany became a political measure and the answer at those miserable social circumstances in Sweden. The purpose with the private house (egnahem) was to help those new people moved in to towns with place to live and counteract movers to towns and emigration. With the governmental loan and land availability that some municipalities and wealthy people contributed with, could people get a place to live with the small garden. The city garden (trädgårdstaden) with their future idealistic idea/utopia, English gardens, ideas with roots in the old-fashioned gardens (allmogeträdgårdar) and lots of books and periodicals were the source of inspirations. From these the private house gardens (egnahemsträdgårdar) were born. Object for my study is my and my family?s own house in Limhamn, south west of Malmö which was built in 1912 under private house gardens era. The garden and the building have still trace and element from the time of private house. My suggestion is inspired by the private home style with a new thinking design that answers to daily need and the busy life style; a rather easy to maintain for green environment. A more relaxing and peaceful garden with simple design, a garden despite that it is surrounded by neighbours and streets invites in harmony and dreams..

Piotroski ur ett riskperspektiv : En empirisk studie av 3- samt 4-faktors CAPM

An efficient market implies that the use of fundamental analysis should not result in excess return, and that any return exceeding the market average can be explained by compensation for risk, accord-ing to The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The focus of this study is to test whether the suc-cessful investment strategy developed by Piotroski (2000) generates excess return on American data, after risk adjustment by using Fama & French?s (1993) 3-factor and Carhart?s (1997) 4-factor CAPM. Initially we form stock portfolios based on companies characterized by high book-to-market values, additionally, we divide them into different performance classes by ranking them with Piotroski?s (2000) measure of financial performance, F_SCORE.

Det effektiva varumärket - Om varumärkets funktioner och degeneration

This essay discusses the legal and economic functions of the trademark and furthermore the degeneration of trademarks. These two concepts are strongly connected as the primary function of the trademark is the ability to separate the proprietor of the trademark?s product from the competitors´ products. The ability to separate is the basic condition for receiving legal protection. Through degeneration the trademark loses this ability to separate the product and becomes a generic term for the category of the product.

Kan den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag estimeras utifrån redovisningsdata? : Ett test av en modifierad AHP-modell

I publika börsföretag kan kostnad eget kapital estimeras med hjälp av Capital Asset Pricing Model ? CAPM utifrån marknadsdata av dess aktiepriser. Eftersom marknadsdata saknas för ickepublika företag måste estimering av kostnad eget kapital utföras på annat sätt, varpå approximativa metoder utvecklats. Då inga av dessa metoder fungerar tillfredsställande har syftet i denna undersökning varit att utreda om Analytisk Hierarki Process kan användas för att utifrån redovisningsdata estimera den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i Cotner & Fletchers (2000) användande av AHP för estimering av den totala riskpremien.

Livskunskap : ett ämne i tiden

The purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to investigate teachers' work and attitude to life in relation to the curriculum. Furthermore, how teachers look at students' emotional/social development in their general development. The thesis also reviews the criticism from The Swedish School of Authority on various programs primarily SET (social and emotional training)Three qualitative interviews and four observations at three different schools with teachers have been conducted. Using theories of social constructivism, deliberative conversation and social and emotional skills, the intention is to interpret the gathered material.The results show that the teachers see knowledge of life in school as important in the foundation of students´ emotional/social development. One teacher follows the SET program and two teachers? took inspiration from various other programs and ideas.

Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?

Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.

Inkludering - Utopi eller verklighet?

The aim of this paper is to shed some light on to what extent the process of making reality of Inclusion, as stated in International Declarations and in Government policies, has reached the actual educational activities in the school system. My chosen method is a case study, in which I have combined a survey with interviews in order to retrieve enough data for my analysis. I have also studied a number of policy documents and relevant literature. My analysis concludes, for the school that I have chosen to study, that there is still a lot to be done before inclusion becomes a reality. There are many obstacles to overcome, for instance; a constant struggle to obtain enough resources and to reach relevant levels of competence within the personnel.

Spindeln i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möjligheter och hinder i arbetet kring elever som har föräldrar med alkohol- eller annat drogmissbruk.

The aim of this essay was to describe how school social workers can help and support students with parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs. We wanted to see how school social workers room for action is presented and how it affects their work with students living with parents who are abusing. We used a qualitative method to elucidate how school social workers handle this issue in a more profound way. By conducting semistructured interviews with six school social workers in one province in southern Sweden we gained exhaustive and detailed answers. In the analysis we used street level bureaucracy and theory of recognition.

Klarar hedgefonder att skapa positiv avkastning oavsett börsutveckling? : En empirisk studie av ett urval svenska hedgefonder

Hedgefonder är ett relativt nytt investeringsalternativ vars målsättning är att leverera positiv avkastning, i de flesta fall till låg risk, oberoende av marknadens utveckling. Med ledning av portföljvalsteorin och CAPM, som är en modell för att utvärdera kapitaltillgångar, ska uppsatsen besvara om hedgefonder lyckas med sitt mål. Vi fokuserar på perioden mars 2000 till april 2006, som inkluderar både börsnedgång och uppgång, för att kunna studera om hedgefonderna lyckas med målsättningen att generera positiv avkastning oavsett börsklimat.Till skillnad från de flesta andra studier som syftar till att utvärdera hedgefonders prestationer i jämförelse med traditionella fonder kommer jämförelsen göras i förhållande till SIX Return Index, SIXRX. SIXRX är ett marknadsindex som speglar kursutvecklingen för bolag på börsens gamla A- samt O-lista och som inkluderar återinvesterad utdelning. I uppsatsen har vi kommit fram till att de valda hedgefonderna lyckas med målsättningen att alstra en positiv avkastning oavsett börsens utveckling..

Feedback från klinisk praktik, en kvalitativ analys av tandhygieniststudenters erfarenheter av feedback från sina handledare under klinisk praktik.

Bakgrund: I handledaruppgifter ingår det att vara rådgivare, kunna ge stöd och vara en trygg person och ge uppmuntran och feedback. Att ge feedback när allt är bra brukar sällan skapa några problem men när studentens prestationer inte är tillräckliga är det inte alltid enkelt att nå fram som handledare på ett pedagogiskt sätt utan att det kan kännas negativt för studenten. Vid klinisk handledning är oftast en tredje part inblandad, patienten och det är då viktigt att handledningen sköts på ett professionellt sätt så att patienten inte känner att hon fått dålig vård och att studenten inte känner sig kränktSyfte: Syftet är att beskriva före detta tandhygieniststudenters erfarenheter av feedback från sina handledare vid klinisk praktikMetod: Ansatsen har varit kvalitativ och sex före detta tandhygieniststudenter har intervjuats med öppna frågor.Resultat: Det visade sig att studenterna ville och behövde mycket feedback. Helst ville de ha feedback direkt efter sin patientbehandling och på ett konstruktivt sätt. Studenter vill känna sig sedda och ha bekräftelse.Slutsats: På en klinisk praktik krävs det resurser genom att det borde finnas tillräckligt med personal föra att genomföra en bra utbildning.

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