1634 Uppsatser om Student Loan Asset-Backed securities - Sida 32 av 109
Inte för alla -? En kvantitativ studie om journaliststudenters representation av allmänheten i Nicaragua
In our bachelor thesis we have strived to examine the representation of journalism students in Nicaragua. The freedom of press is much lower compared to Sweden and the journalist profession is protected by a certificate. It is also a high level of corruption within the country. Our investigation concerns who has access to the journalist education and the goal is to compare that with the public in Nicaragua. To be able to examine the representation among the journalism students we have chosen seven different aspects to examine, the sex of the student, witch social class they belong to, their academic background, religion, ethnicity, geographical belonging and political view.
Försäljarnas arbete i ett Multi Level Marketing- företag : - en fallstudie för Oriflame Cosmetics i Turkiet
Akademi: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, MälardalensHögskola, Västerås. Nivå:Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, EFO225, 15 hp. Datum:2009-01-08 Författare:Asuman Sertcanli, 19861022, asi05003@student.mdh.seBetül Dinctürk, 19850808, bdk05001@student.mdh.se Handledare:Claes Jonsson Uppdragsgivare:Oriflame Cosmetics i Turkiet Syfte:Ändamålet med denna studie är att undersöka försäljningsarbetet iett MLM- företag i de två länderna (Sverige och Turkiet) ochdärmed få fram eventuella skillnader, för att sedan kunna jämföraderas beteende ur ett kulturellt perspektiv. Jämförelsen avser attvara som ett underlag för säljkonsulenterna i deras dagliga arbete, isyfte att kunna förbättra och utveckla försäljningsarbetet. Metod:Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Enintervjuguide utformades för att kunna formulera frågor utifrån valdateorier och modeller. Intervjuerna ägde rum i Turkiet och Sverige. Slutsats:Studien visade att det finns både likheter och skillnader iförsäljningsarbetet. De turkiska respondenterna fokuserade mer påvärvning än försäljning men var välutbildade gällande produkterna.
Erfarenheter av dialogens betydelse för förståelse och meningsskapande
Syftet med studien har varit att beskriva erfarenheter av dialogen mellan
distansstudenter och dialogens betydelse för förståelse och meningsskapande.
Vårt empiriska material utgörs av semi?strukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna
består av studenter som vid något tillfälle har varit distansstudenter vid
distansutbildningar hållna av Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. Vissa respondenters
erfarenheter grundar sig även i distansstudier vid andra universitet och
Flerspråkighet i förskolan : En kvalitativ undersökning om pedagogernas arbetssätt när det gäller språkligt heterogena grupper i förskolan
The purpose of my study was to visualize how teachers works with multilingual children in pre-school, the methods used to stimulate and develop primary and secondary language and how teachers does see second languages development with the help of the primary language. The study consists of qualitative methods in form of interviews which are made with four teachers who work within the pre-school. The findings during the collection of data (interviews) are going to be connected to the relevant literature on the subject I have chosen.The result showed that the concrete materials are used to stimulate and develop primary- as the secondary language and that the teachers have different opinions on secondary languages development with the help of primary language even if the primary language seems to be an important asset of all teachers that I interviewed..
Varumärkesvädering : Svagheter och Möjligheter
Brands are the instruments corporates use to create and communicate brands reputation. Within the different industries for consumer products intangible assets such as brands are known to have great importance for corporate prosperities. When consumers experiences a specific brand symbolizes best possible value for money, the corporate behind it has managed to create a unique competitive advantage that should be to its full potential. Strong brands can pose the difference between winning or loosing on the market. Due to this brands should be considered as cost-effective instruments since they help create financial advantages such as consumer loyalty.
Inte ett leende före höstlovet : En kvalitativ textanalys av lärarens ledarskap sett genom fem läroplaner med auktoritetsperspektiv
This is a qualitative textual analysis of curriculum for primary education in 1962, the curriculum for primary education in 1969, the curriculum for primary education in 1980, the curriculum for the compulsory school system in 1994 and the curriculum for primary school 2011th. Purpose of this thesis is to see how the government through the curriculum specifies directives for how teachers should be more or less authoritative. The boundaries of the essay are to only look at the claims against the teacher in elementary school. The questions are what is required of the teacher directly or indirectly from the curriculum 1962,1969,1980,1994 and 2011, focusing on the concept of authority and what change has taken place? To answer these questions, I have read the current curricula and other research publications in the field.
Lex Sarah : Vad händer sen?
This paper aims to find out what lex Sarah is and how the process looks like when it comes to the investigation, from reporting to registration to the IVO, the inspection of health and social care. Who investigates, the objective of the lex Sarah and how many cases of reports that comes to registration from the year between 2010-2014. Which legal consequences it can be for an employee who has been notified is investigated also. Previous research only deals with freedom of speech, criticism and the complaint goes to the asset, and because of that, this paper focuses on individual cases where employees ' perception of a lex Sarah-registration gives a psychosocial approach. The paper is limited to a municipality where statistics are retrieved and a comparison at a national level is performed.
Roller under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning : Om roller som synliggörs i interaktion mellan lärarstudent och handledare
Denna studie handlar om lärarstudenters upplevelser av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning och synliggör roller som uppkommer i interaktion mellan handledare och student under handledning. Studien genomförs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärarstudenter och utgår från följande frågeställningar:Hur upplever studenterna omedelbar interaktion med handledare under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning?Vilka roller kan identifieras bland lärarstudenter och handledare under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning?Resultaten framhäver att studenterna, på grund av relationens asymmetri, ofta rättar sig efter handledarens agerande och förväntningar. Handledningen sker i de flesta fall på handledarens villkor. Enligt resultatet har handledarens synliga inställning till studenten och VFU betydelse för studentens agerande.
Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om metoder och åtgärder i klassrummet
Individual adaption to the student´s needs is a recurring main theme in the new Swedish curriculum (Lgr11). The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers work with individual adjustment for students with reading and writing difficulties. The study was based on five questions;In what way do teachers organize their teaching in the classroom individually for students with reading and writing difficulties?What methods do they use for student´s with reading and writing difficulties?What difficulties do they encounter in their teaching?How do the teachers reason to curriculum goals regarding individual adaptions?How do they think about their own knowledge regarding reading- and writing difficulties and dyslexia?The method for my study was qualitative interviews. Five teachers were interviewed in semi-structured interviews.
Hur mikrofinanser genererar empowerment hos kvinnor i utvecklingsländer : Pengar med ett syfte
Social work as an traditional aid is an area that provides welfare services financed from public funds, which is one of the methods of microloans. Microloans have since the mid-1970s has become an increasingly common tool in the fight against poverty. Instead of purely assistance is now offered microloans from more banks and other institutions, as well as NGOs (non governmental organization). This paper aims to study whether and how microcredit can contribute to the empowerment of women in Bangladesh and India. This study is based on a qualitative text analysis, and has hence been based on a number of reports and articles. The paper examines, from a radical feminist perspective how microcredit can fight and eliminate poverty, and how empowerment can help women in developing countries to become independent and liberated. The introduction of micro-loan is considered to have positive effects on women's empowerment in the short term. But it is, however, the longer term effects that are considered to have the greatest positive impact on society's unequal structures.
Elevportfolio som pedagogiskt verktyg
I denna studie har vi undersökt vilket syfte pedagoger i förskolan och skolan har att arbeta med elevportfolio samt hur detta arbete går till. Vi har även frågat oss om det syfte pedagogerna uppger tar hänsyn till elevernas kunskaps- samt personliga utveckling. Att arbeta efter portfoliometoden är idag ett utbrett arbetssätt i svenska förskolor och skolor. Portfoliometoden kommer ursprungligen från USA men har nu spridits till stora delar av världen. En elevportfolio kan utgöras av en pärm, mapp, datadiskett, cd-skiva eller dylikt.
Från internationell programstudent till regional skattebetalare i Kronoberg. : En återspeglingsstudie om ?Det entreprenöriella universitetet? och Linnéuniversitetets samverkan med det regionala näringslivet i kontexten av dess användbarhet i att behål
AbstraktHaving influence over questions that concern us is a part of the society that we live in, where every individual have the right to make her voice heard (Danell, 2006). For many decades, the school has had many different ways to give the students influence. Rönnlund (2013) is giving a historical overview of the history of students influence and enlighten us how the influence has changed over time. The influence from the students is very important and it is the students right to make their voices heard about things that concerns their work environment but also to affect their curriculum. The education in school should be fitted to every individual student (Danell, 2006). According to Aaron Antonovsky (2007) our wellbeing is based on that we all can take part and deicide about the things we are meant to do.
Informationssökning och lärare: En studie av 4-9-lärare i övergången från utbildning till yrkespraktik
The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to contribute to the understanding of high school teachers information seeking behaviour in the transition from university studies to occupational practice. The theoretical framework encompasses theories of professional socialization, the sociology of knowledge, of professions, and of library and information science. The empirical material has been collected through interviews with six recently qualified high school teachers in different subjects. The interviews have been analysed on two different levels; first on a descriptive level and then on a theoretical level. The major findings are that the academic context limited the student teachers information seeking and they did not have the opportunity to choose cognitive authorities on their own initiative.
Barnmorska och Handledare - Barnmorskors erfarenheter av att handleda barnmorskestudenter på förlossningsavdelning - En kvalitativ studie
Att arbeta som barnmorska på förlossningsavdelning innebär att också vara handledare för barnmorskestudenter under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Stora krav ställs på handledaren som bör vara en kombination av skicklig yrkesutförare, reflekterande analytiker, pedagogiskt utbildad samt ha ett genuint intresse för studenter. Tidigare forskning visar på barnmorskors glädje och stolthet över handledarskapet men forskning visar också på stora brister. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur barnmorskor, som arbetar på förlossningsavdelning, erfar sin situation som handledare och bedömare. Studien har inspirerats av reflekterande livsvärldsforskning vars syfte är att upptäcka, analysera, klargöra, förstå och beskriva innebörder såsom de erfars av oss människor.
Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?
This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..