

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 34 av 36

Metodutveckling för analys av PBDE och HBCD i sediment

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) has for many years been used in products to reduce their flammability, mainly in electronic products, textiles and construction materials. In 2003, Sweden imported 300 tons of brominated flame retardants. Leakage of these compounds has polluted natural environments. Fishes has shown increased contents of these substances, especially fat fish, since brominated flame retardants tends to accumulate in fatty tissues. They are also regarded as persistent and that gives them the ability to travel long distances. What also is really scary is that increased levels of brominated flame retardants have been detected in human breast milk. The knowledge of the brominated flame retardants is limited and not so much research has been done in this field. There are many reasons though, to keep the research going. Partly their structural resemblance to well-known toxics as PCB, but also their ability to accumulate in biological systems and enrich in food chains. In which way they affect humans we really don?t know yet.

Boulognerskogen : förslag till program för en stadslekpark

Boulognerskogen is a park in the central of Skövde that have had a health resort, paths for strolling, outdoor-bath, outdoor-sport areas and events. During the 1970:th there was a lack of interest for the park and very few visited it. By a motion from a resident in Skövde wich proposes that a city playground will be build in Boulognerskogen gave me an opportunity to investigate how the potential of the park can be used to create a funny and nice place to visit for children in company with adults. By a program that contains the main goals and design program for a city playground in Boulognerskogen, I wanted to present a proposal that could meet childrens needs to play and to use the conditions of the place to create places to play in, and where children in company with adults could be together. To reach this, I wanted to try different methods that could lead to a proposal that was well supported by children and adults, and wich was possible to use by the local authority in their further actions. The methods that I used was therefor an important part of the work. I have choosen to define the concept "city playground" as a greater playground situated in the center of the town that are suitable for outings and as a meetingplace, with a varation in playground attractions and promote children and adults to be together, aiming at younger children in the ages of 1-10 years in company with adults, but should also give space to activities of other groups.

Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet - ett svåråtkomligt problem

Racial discrimination is a highly topical and burning issue, of special interest in working life. Most researchers agree on that discrimination is a problem in the Swedish labour market. To counteract the ongoing discrimination, a new Anti-Discrimination Act was founded in 1999. The Racial Discrimination Act although appears to be ineffective on the basis of legal usage. Of all the legal cases about racial discrimination in the labour market, there has only been one sentence of guilty stated by the Swedish Labour Court.

A resource based view of productivity, firm growth and technical management tools : a case study of Swedish large-scale farms

The past and ongoing structural change in Swedish agriculture has led to an increasing number of large-scale farms. The biological factors associated with large-scale farming operations may cause increasing variability, risk and reduced yields due to sub-optimal timing and management of field operations. The theory of economies of scale suggests that largescale production may benefit from lower costs due to scale efficiencies. Thus, large-scale farms may face cost reductions in terms of long term inputs factors, e.g. agricultural machinery.

Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden

Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting dogs.

Statisk hållfasthetsanalys av bärplansstag

I kursen TMMT06, Maskinteknik ? projektkurs, genomförs ett obligatoriskt projekt. Projektet utförs som kandidatexamensjobb i studentpar och delas i detta fall av tre kandidatpar. Det projekt som detta kandidaterbete ingår i behandlar dimensionering av bärplan och deras prestanda. Kandidatarbetet är riktat mot en hållfasthetsanalys av bärplansstag för statiska fall under inverkan av genererad lyftkraft och strömningsmotstånd.Syftet med kandidatarbetet är att skapa ett konstruktionsunderlag till det projekt som delas av kandidatparen.

Utveckling av fångapparat till kuggstångshiss

Alimak Hek tillverkar och säljer bl a kuggstångshissar. Kuggstångshissar skiljer sig från konventionella linhissar genom att de inte lyfts av vajrar, utan vandrar längs en kuggstång. Detta innebär att hissarna kan bära drivningen i direkt sammanknytning till hisskorgen, vilket i sin tur medför att de snabbt kan resas och användas även i svåra miljöer. Eftersom de inte behöver lyftas av en vajer är de kapabla att lyfta högt och tungt.Men likt andra typer av hissar är kravet på säkerhet högt, bl a måste hissarna utrustas med en nödbroms, kapabel att bromsa hissen om nöden kräver. Alimak Hek använder idag nödbromsar som bygger på en konstruktion som ursprungligen utvecklades på 70-talet, men genom årens lopp har tillägg gjorts för att klara nya krav.

Primär ciliär dyskinesi som orsak till kronisk lungsjukdom hos hund : en litteraturstudie och fallpresentation

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an important but unusual cause of chronic respiratory disease of young dogs. The purpuse of this paper is to study and present internationally publicated papers on PCD in dogs and present three dogs, in which PCD was suspected. PCD has been reported in many dog breeds as well as in people. In dogs an humans, PCD is caused by inborn genetical defects which causes structural and functional abnormalities of cilia in the respiratory organs and other cilia in the body. Situs inversus occurs in about half the cases in people and probably in dogs as well. Respiratory signs usually predominate.

Lean för lantbruksföretaget : utvärdering av industriellt managementsystem i agrar kontext

The competitiveness and profitability of swedish farm enterprises is frequently discussed in agricultural media. Increased exposure to the surrounding world with greater competitive pressure and considerable price fluctuations in the agricultural markets demand new ways of acting to secure the agricultural sector?s long-term survival and profitability. Structural change and/or diversification leads to increased numbers of stake-holders around the farm enterprise and thereby also the expectations of the farmers ability to lead and coordinate resources. Lean is the name of a management model developed by Toyota, influenced by the lack of resources in Japan during the post WWII period.

Trailer Equipment Design : Utveckling av verktygslåda för lastbilar

Thesis completed by Johan Arvidsson, Alex Rasooli and Pontus Winroth, students at master program Product development and Design at the School of Engineering in Jönköping Sweden. The project comprises 30 ECTS credits and was carried out during the semester in the autumn of 2007.It was carried out in cooperation with Eksjöverken AB, subcontractor within the truck industry with special knowledge within the area of complicated machinery construction work. Job initiators at Eksjöverken were Mats Svanberg and Kjell Nygard. Dag Holmgren was acting as a tutor from the university. The task was to develop tools for trucks, primary toolboxes but in case of time also under run protection.

Miljöledningssystem i små företag : vilka hinder finns och hur kan förenklade miljöledningssystem överkomma dessa?

Humanity?s increasing consumption has resulted in an increasing use of resources and thus an increasing environmental impact. Hence, the environment has become an important political issue. The increasing demands from stakeholders on companies to "green" their products and work internally with environmental issues makes it more and more important for enterprises to address these issues. Small enterprises constitute the majority of all enterprises and therefore they have a significant impact on environmental problems.

Strategiskt beslutsfattande : hur svenska lantbrukare agerar för att anpassa sig till sockerreformen

A severe profitability decline in sugar beet production in all of Europe is one of the consequences of the latest reform of the EU sugar regime. In south of Sweden, sugar beets is the crop that has been the most profitable by far for the last decade. The high profitability has contributed to the high rate of increase in the price of land and has restrained the structural change towards a more effective agriculture. Because of the reform, all sugar beet producers are facing diminishing income and must find ways to compensate this. The aim of this master thesis is to study how Swedish farmers adapt to the sugar beet reform. A questionnaire was sent to 354 randomly selected sugar beet producers.

Hur påverkas kolesterolvärden hos postmenopausala kvinnor med hyperkolesterolemi vid intag av isoflavonoider?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition3AbstractTitle: How does isoflavones in combination with soy protein impact cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women relative to milk protein?Author: Emma Edberg och Emma NilssonSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician stydy programme,180/240 hpType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2014-05-26Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the number one cause of death among women in Western countries. Declining levels of estrogen at menopause could be a contribution factor. Isoflavones is a vegetable substance, with structural and functional similarities to the human estrogen. This is a potential reason for possible cholesterol-lowering effects.

Brand equity and corporate responsibility : a review of brand valuation methods

During the last decades, brand equity has been a priority topic for both practitioners and academics. In accordance with the Structural changes in the economic settings caused by the so-called "new economy", corporations being confronted with a shift on perceived business value structure from tangible assets to intangibles. On the other hand firms increasingly are adopting more responsible behaviour towards their societies. In this context, one critical question is to understand how corporate conduct may affect brand equity. The purpose of this study was to find how brand equity (BE) measurement methods embrace corporate responsibility (CR), based on a literature review.

Skillnader i vatten- och avloppshantering inom EU : En jämförelse mellan Slovakien och Sverige

The management of water resources and waste water varies between the countries of the EU. For many years, a large part of the water in Europe has been contaminated by, among other things, insufficiently treated waste water and emissions from agriculture. The EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and the Urban Waste Water Directive 91/271/EEC are intended to harmonize fresh-water management and waste water management within the whole EU, aiming at safeguarding drinking water of good quality and a high quality of all water within the EU today and in the future. There are however some problems concerning the waste-water directive. One problem is the huge investment needed in Slovakia to fulfil the demands of the waste-water directive for waste-water management in larger communities (with more than 2000 inhabitants).

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