

526 Uppsatser om Structural changes - Sida 13 av 36

SSP : En kvalitativ studie av ett samarbete mellan socialtjänst, skola och polis

This thesis has examined a co-operation called SSP, between the social authorities, the school and the police, located in Malmö. The intention with SSP is to prevent crime and drug use among juveniles but also to evolve a structure for a long-term co-operation between the authorities.The purpose of the thesis was to understand and analyse what the co- operation represented and stood for. The study also examined how the co- operation was effected by differences in the organisation of the three parts.The main questions were the following; what does SSP contain, is SSP preventive and for whom, what motivates the co-operation and how is the cooperation effected by the view the authorities have on the target group?The method used for answering the questions was based on qualitative interviews with the three authorities involved. We have also searched for literature on the subjects involved.The main content of the thesis has showed that the limits of SSP are diffuse, and the focus of the co- operation lies at a structural level.

Ekonomisk kompensation vid föräldraledighet, vadå? Utifrån arbetsgivarens perspektiv

The purpose with this essay was to analyse the view of parental leave in the public and private labour market. How does the economical compensation affect the parent's use of parental leave, with focus on the fathers "earmarked" months? Were there any differences in private companies and public organisations? We chose to look at past research and theories about father/men's usage of "60 day parental leave" from a point of gender and equality perspective. In regard to our questions we preformed qualitative, semi structural interviews. We picked people at random to interview at both private companies and public organisations that had or had not extra economical compensations except what the social insurance office paid during parental leave.

Hisskärna av skalväggar i höga byggnader : Ett alternativ till den platsgjutna kärnan

A common way to stabilize high rise buildings is to use an elevator core built of concrete. Today, we use to build these elevator cores of in-situ concrete. Precast concrete twin wall (double wall) is a semi-finished product that has become more common in recent years. This diploma work studies how the twin wall works out as structural elements in an elevator core. The work also shows some possible ways of designing twin walls and highlights some important parts of the design that will be vital to the stability of the building.    The result shows that it is important to think through where the element joints should be placed.

Ett femstjärnigt hotell med full service : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnlig omsorgspersonals vardag och salutogent arbetssätt inom äldreomsorg

This study aims to seek knowledge of the salutogenic model within geriatric care. This is done by problematizing the female geriatric care personnel?s everyday life and conditions. The study?s comparative empirical focus includes interviews with ten women that work within geriatric care, at two different workplaces.

Stabilisering av betongstommar : Beräkning av en ekvivalent beräkningsmodul med hänsyn till samverkande kort- och långtidslast

Vid stabilisering av betongstommar är det komplicerat att välja en korrekt elasticitetsmodul. Detta då stommens laster verkar under både kort och lång tid. I detta examensarbete utförs en noggrann kryptalsberäkning för varje plans vertikala element, där hänsyn tas till den varierande byggtiden. Utifrån det analyseras kort- och långtidslaster med respektive elasticitetsmodul för att erhålla en ekvivalent elasticitetsmodul som tar hänsyn till de olika belastningstiderna. Denna elasticitetsmodul bestäms efter förhållandet mellan stommens knäcksäkerhet, snedställning och den vindlast som verkar på byggnaden.Den ekvivalenta elasticitetsmodulen ligger till grund för mer noggrann indata än tidigare vid stabilitetsberäkningar och redovisas i diagram som sedan kan användas i det praktiska ingenjörsarbetet.Där inget annat anges utförs beräkningar enligt Eurokod 2.Där inget annat anges är figurerna ritade av författarna..

Är verkligheten indelad i ämnen? - en undersökning av elevers upplevelser av ämnesövergripande arbetssätt i tematisk form

Our purpose with this essay was to explore students? experiences of interdisciplinary working method in thematic form. With a starting point from Lpf-94, the curriculum for the upper secondary school and several theories of learning, we wanted to explore if interdisciplinary working method in practice could create an environment for a meaningful learning situation. The study took place in an upper secondary school class, study preparatory, third grade, who works interdisciplinary in thematic form. Our study was qualitative and we used an open structural questionnaire where the students confidentially were able to describe the working method, explain which subjects that participate in the work, and bring forward good respectively bad factors about the method.

Mezzanine - en efterställd fordring: En utredning av rättsliga förutsättningar vid obestånd för fordringsmezzanine

Mezzanine is a collective term for hybrid instruments on the leverage finance market, offered as an alternative to traditional debt. As a hybrid, mezzanine combines elements of debt and equity financing. Mezzanine appears, in its most common shape, as subordinated to the senior debt, but ranks higher than pure equity. Reminiscent of security interests, the main importance of subordination is upon the default of the borrower. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is partly to investigate the legal prerequisites for a solid subordination of mezzanine financing, and partly to explain the consequences of subordination in a default.

Vad det nu hette...Jämställdhet...? : Ett utredningsarbete på en klinik

The aim of this investigation work " What was it called...Equality...? is to study a clinics current gender equailty plan from a gender approach and by a field survey see if, and in that case, how it can be improved. A connection between existing gender norms and gender power strukctures is applied in the results of this survey in order to illustrate their significance from an individual as well as a structural perspektive.The survey has been carried through by a field survey as well as a discourse analysis as method. Yvonne Hirdmans gender power system is on of the main theoretical points of departure.The results that I have achieved in this essay is that gender can be looked at in different ways within the labour market where women have the main responsibility over the family and are considered more nursing then men. Men on the other hand are thinking of their carriers and have higher salary requirements.

Den omedvetna texten : En psykoanalytisk studie över affektens och överföringens betydelse vid tolkning och läsning av skönlitteratur

The aim of this study is to explore the fundaments of all psychoanalytic interpretative models, and especially the psychoanalytic literary criticism. Drawing from different fields as affect theory, neuropsychology and Lacan's structural psychoanalysis, strong evidence is found that language in itself contains and transmits affects.The empiric study indicates that different readers of a text, regardless of their interpretation of the text, show similar changes in mood as a function of the text. This seems to be possible as an effect of the separation of the sign between the signifier and the signification. And this supports that the signifier has some kind of direct access to the affects. This is due to the fact that the signifier belongs to the imaginary protolinguistic level while the signification belongs to the symbolic and linguistic level of a higher order.

Av egenintresse eller solidaritet? - Gulfkriget ur realistiskt och liberalistiskt perspektiv

AbstractIn this theory-testing case study I will analyze and discuss the Gulf War which took place in the Middle East in 1990-1991 and has become an important topic for discussion among IR scholars in the post-Cold War era. The events that led up to the Gulf War, as well as the war itself, will be analyzed from two different perspectives; Realism and Liberalism. Within these differing theoretical frameworks I have chosen to use elements from, on the one hand, Classical and Structural Realism, and on the other hand, Idealism and Liberal Institutionalism. Focusing on these specific schools of thought I aim to derive essential, ?key?, concepts that will then be tested against empirical fact.The overall purpose of this study is to try to logically explain, through detailed analysis, the actions of the actors involved in the Gulf War and, in addition, why this war ever occurred.

Första linjens chefers skattning av sina ledar- och chefsegenskaper samt strukturell empowerment före och efter utbildningsinsats för chefer inom kommunal verksamhet.

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there were any differences in how first-line managers within   municipal care   rated their management leadership qualities, and structural empowerment before and after the course in "leadership, learning and improvement". The study had a quasi-experimental design and 64 managers participated. There was a significant improvement in the LaMI factor ?Achievement orientation?, after participation in the course "leadership, learning and improvement". In other factors, there was no significant difference before and after training.

Hur formas tonårstjejers attityder till sex och samlevnad? : sexualundervisning, media, familj och vänner

The purpose of this essay was to increase the knowledge of and understanding about how teenage girls form their attiutdes towards sexuality and relations. The focus has been on discussing the research-question from four factors of influence chosen by the writers; sexual education, media, friends and family. Our intention with the study was also to take part of the teenagegirls´thoughts, attitudes and opinions in the matter, which is to keep the discussion on a structural level. The study is based on qualitativ interviews, in so called focusgroups, with all toghether eight girls in the ages 14-15 years, students in the ninth grade. The study has a postmodern feministic approach combined with a fenomenological and hermeneutic position.

Ystad Sandskog : En socialhistorisk analys av den privata rekreationsarkitekturens utveckling, mellan 1850 och 1940

This thesis is a case study that analyses the seaside resort Ystad Sandskog and its private architecture between 1850 and 1940. The multitude is evident in the area's architecture. The architectural development is analysed with the use of a social historical perspective, including class and hegemony. Regional as well as national affective factors are used in the analysis. Aside from the social aspects, architectural ideological developments, general development of the seaside resort and the area's committee with its prescriptions are all factors considered.By dividing the development in four different chronological phases, which all represents a certain architectural expression exemplified by a selection of buildings and the social class that it accompanies, a culmination in the architectural structural development of Sandskogen is shown.

Empirisk studie av Indiens tjänstesektor - Vad händer med jobben?

The fast growing economy of India has experienced fundamental Structural changes in recentyears. The share of the service sectors output has more than doubled since 1950 and is todayestimated to make up almost 60 percent of India?s total output. In terms of total employmentwe have not yet seen a similar transformation. The observed discrepancy between sectorialshares of employment and output in the service sector raises questions about sustainability.This report aims to investigate the capacity of the Indian service sector in terms ofemployment creation in order to answer the question whether the recent GDP growth withinthe service sector can be considered as ?jobless? or not.

EUropa och den konstruerade identiteten - En analys av den hegemoniska diskursen

In this thesis the construction of identity within the EU is discussed. A thesis problem in three dimensions is used to explain the purpose of the construction, its realization and the consequences of such identity. These aspects show the complexity of the problems related to identity construction on a structural level.By using a post-modern and a social constructivist theoretical approach identity is presented as socially constructed by discourse. The theory of discourse makes it possible to analyze the development of an identity forming discourse within the EU and its status today.With an approach inspired by critical theory, we use discourse analysis as a methodological tool to illustrate the ideas that govern discourse, and in what way it is related to the social reality.The analysis states that the purpose of identity constructing is the striving for legitimacy. Without identification, the legitimacy is threatened.

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