1461 Uppsatser om Strength training. - Sida 23 av 98
På jobbfronten mycket nytt. Hur skuld och gemenskap påverkar utfallet för Försvarsmaktens rekryteringskampanjer.
Since the first of July 2010, military training in Sweden is no longer mandatory. Ever since then the Swedish Armed Forces have needed to attract people interested in serving as soldiers, in new ways. The campaigns for doing so have been much debated and discussed in Swedish media. This thesis tests how an increased presence of guilt and belongingness in the Swedish Armed Forces recruitment campaigns affects young people - how their attitude toward the Swedish Armed Forces possibly changes as well as their intention of applying to military training. Guilt and belongingness were chosen for several reasons.
?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor
Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.
Frukost och korttidskognition ur ett ungdomsperspektiv
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Breakfast and cognition from a youth perspectiveAuthor: Linn Kruse and Anneli HulldinSupervisor: Anna WinkvistExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 26, 2014Background: Breakfast as an influencing factor on cognition and is often on the table for discussion in society. A lot of research has been done about how omitting breakfast affects adolescents and their short time cognition. Cognition is complex as a concept and is measured in different ways and the existing research in the area often compares different types of breakfasts instead of the difference between eating and omitting breakfast.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence for an association between adolescents? breakfast eating and short time effects on cognition in adolescents.Search strategy: To find relevant articles a systematic literature search was made in the databases PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane. Search terms that were used were: children, young adults, adolescents, cognition, and breakfastSelection criteria: Ages 12-20 years, measures cognition, RCT, studies comparing breakfast eating with omitting breakfast, human studies, language English or Swedish, no sick adolescents or adolescents with diagnosis.Data collection and analysis: Two original articles met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed by the SBU audit template for RCT studies.
Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning
Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).
Hetare med HIIT eller lite mer av LIT?
Bakgrund: Högintensiv intervall träning (HIIT) har i tidigare studier visat sig vara mer effektiv för att öka den maximala syreupptagningsförmågan (VO2Max) än lågintensivträning. Det finns få studier som undersökt sådana anaeroba intervaller som kombinerar maximal sprintning med efterföljande högfart och slutligen gång i normal takt. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vilken av löpningsmetoderna högintensiv intervall träning och lågintensiv träning ger mest ökad maximal syreupptagningsförmåga samt bäst aerob och anaerob prestationsförbättring.Metod: 9 män och kvinnor valde att frivilligt delta i studien och delades in i antingen en högintensiv eller lågintensiv grupp. Testerna bestod av ett Åstrandtest, 2,5 km löpning och 30m sprint. HIIT gruppens intervaller kallades 20:55:20 då deltagarna först sprang 20 sekunder maximal fart, sedan 55 sekunder i hög fart för att slutligen gå i 20 sekunder.
Allsidig rörelsekompetens hos barn och ungdomar : En kartläggning av skolelevers funktionella motorik
Gross motor skills among Swedish pupils. An overview of functional motor abilities among Swedish children and adolescents.IntroductionPhysical Education (PE) teachers in Sweden have noticed that pupils are getting worse in their ability to manage gross motor skills and in their aerobic practice. The gross motor skills and coordinative skills are the solid ground for sports and other health activities. If not developing their gross motor skill children tends to avoid taking part in games and sports. The benefits of sports and outdoor activities such as social and health benefits can therefore be missed.
"...it is time to bring the body back into the information field" : En undersökning om icke-verbal kommunikation på bibliotek och möjligheten att med skådespelarövningar höja bibliotekariers icke-verbala kompetens
The aim of this two-years master?s thesis is to examine the role of the body and the importance of nonverbal communication in the library workplace and to explore the possibility of becoming more nonverbally skilled. For this purpose a course was developed and presented to nine librarians in a public library in the vicinity of Stockholm in February, 2011. Qualitative interviews with the librarians were conducted after the course.Important theories for this work were Annemaree Lloyd?s thoughts on corporeality, Erving Goffman?s dramaturgical sociology and John Dewey?s learning by doing.
Preflight utvärdering
PDF-files are to become a native file format in all prepress supplier workflows during 2006. This will give an opportunity to automate and develop a more stream lined prepress workflow. It is desirable to secure digital files by preflight the files early in the process. The objective with this project is therefore to find software that can automate parts of the preflight process and also to build up a well-functioning preflight workflow for preflighting both PDF-files and native files.Meetings have been held with preflight suppliers to find a solution for how to automate parts of the preflight in the prepress workflow. Seven preflight software companies demonstrated the possibilities with their products and four of these were chosen for continuing working with.
Evidensbaserat arbetssätt på bibliotek: Erfarenheter av användningen av EBLIP
The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how evidence-based librarian and information practice (EBLIP) is understood and practised at some Swedish hospital libraries, and also to analyze how EBLIP functions as a strategy to bridge the gap between research and practice as described by Haddow & Klobas. The theoretical framework for the study is partly based on Haddow & Klobas description of the gap between research and practice in the field of LIS and partly a description of the EBP-process which plays a key role in the use of EBLIP. Interviews have been done with four people, three librarians, all with management experience, and an academic development officer, active at three different hospital libraries where EBLIP is practiced. All informants believed that it is important to make use of research results in order to improve services and practice. In their efforts to apply the research findings the informants face a number of hindrances, which indicates a gap between research and practice.
Effekter av Aggression Replacement Training Program inom Kriminalvården
Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka effekterna av aggressionsersättningsträning (ART) program på tre kriminalvårdsanstalter och två frivårdskontor. Huvudfrågeställningen som belyses i studien är: förändras deltagarna i ART-program med avseende på empati och attityder till kriminalitet? För att besvara dessa frågor har vi utfört för- och eftertester på tre kriminalvårdsanstalter och två frivårdskontor. Instrumenten som användes i testerna är Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) och Mill's Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA).Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån denna studie är att den emotionella empati-komponenten "personal distress" visar en minskning som kan förklaras av interaktionen med ART.The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) program in some of the prisons and probation authorities of the Swedish correctional system. The specific questions we are trying to answer are: (1) does ART-program change the clients' empathic concern and (2) does ART-program help in changing participants' attitudes towards criminality? This investigation is based on a quantitative inquiry consisting of Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA) tests.The overall results of this study indicate that the emotional empathy-component "personal distress" shows a statistically significant reduction, which can be explained by the interaction with ART..
Kommunikation och Prestation : Aspekter på förhållandet mellan teamkommunikations innehåll, frekvens och problem, och teamresultat, studerat i en militär flygsimulator för grupper
A study of communication content, frequency and problems was performed at the Swedish Air Force Air Combat Simulation Centre, FLSC. The purpose was to investigate the connection between team communication and performance variables, to study communication problems during air combat and to employ and develop the PILOT method of communication problem analysis. Ten fighter pilots and four fighter controllers engaged in simulated air combat beyond visual range in teams on two sides, Blue and Red, with four pilots and one fighter controller each. Eight such training runs lasting 15 to 25 minutes were analyzed with regard to the Blue team?s communication during launch situations, i.e.
To achieve peak performance as a young elite athlete, there are many psychological andphysical factors that have impact on human?s performance. Factors that affect theperformance interplay and interact must work to maintain ability to perform at its peak.The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to peak performance.Data collection method of the study has been done with a questionnaire, addressed toyoung elite athletes on a secondary school. It was 87 respondents who participated onvoluntary and anonymously conditions. The respondents consisted of men and womenbetween 16 and 19 years old.
Socialiseringsprocessen i revisionsbyråer : En studie om skapandet av organisatoriskt engagemang
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge regarding the connection between the socialization process and the organizational commitment perceived by junior accountants. Based on Van Maanen and Schein's (1979) model, we intend to identify and describe how selected socialization strategies affect junior accountants? perceived affective, continuous and normative commitment during the initial five years in the firm.Research methodology: Semi-structured interview was chosen as the key approach for gathering essential data. Interviews were conducted at three major accounting firms with a total of eight interview participants. The study has a qualitative approach because of the ability to go in depth on the studied phenomenon.Conclusion: The socialization process consists of individual, informal, sequential, fixed, serial, and investiture strategies.
Transfer of training - En studie av överföringsprocessen av säljträning med avseende på motivation och målsättning
Titel: Transfer of training ? en studie av överföringsprocessen av säljträning med avseende på motivation och målsättning.Författare: Therése Eriksson & Lovisa SöderlundUppsatsnivå: Examensarbete i Företagsekonomi för kandidatexamen, 180 hp VT-14Handledare: Lars-Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder FrickDatum: 2014-05Syfte: Vi vill undersöka om och hur säljares målsättningar påverkar säljare att ta till sig säljträning och omsätta den i praktiken.Metod: Med syftet som utgångspunkt har en kvalitativ metod använts i undersökningen där empirisk data erhölls genom att utföra 12 semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från fem telefoni- och elektronikföretag i Gävle. En strukturerad, abduktiv analysmetod som gör det möjligt att analysera kvalitativ data användes för att analysera och identifiera mönster i materialet. Resultat: Studien visar att motivation är av stor betydelse när det kommer till säljträning och huruvida säljare väljer att använda sig av träningen. Det som motiverar säljare att använda sig av säljträning är huruvida det kommer leda till ett ökat försäljningsresultat. Vi ser också att motivationen till överföringen är beroende av säljarnas personliga mål eftersom målen har med deras egna värderingar att göra och det är dessa mål som främst driver säljarna.
Biosensorsystem fo?r o?vervakning av vattenkvalitet
Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.