

1461 Uppsatser om Strength training. - Sida 22 av 98

Fysisk status hos pojkar med typ 1 diabetes

AimThe aim of this study was to survey the physical fitness in boys with type 1 diabetes (IDDM). The results were compared to a control group with healthy boys that have preformed the same tests in other studies. Our questions were:1. How does BMI relate between IDDM-children and healthy peers?2.

Påverkan på muskeluppbyggnad i samband med alkoholintag efter träning

Sahlgrenska AcademyAt University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstract:Titel: Effect on muscle building associated with alcohol intake after exerciseAuthor: Frida Bond och Linnea DanielssonSupervisor: Frode SlindeExamminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDatum: May 26, 2014Background: Drinking alcohol is often used as something to spice up weekdays as well as more festive occasions. The reverse aspect of alcohol consumption is that the body sees alcohol as toxic and therefore the basis for a number of diseases. Exercise and physical activity have been proven to be good for several welfare diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Among people in general, opinion is divided as to how exercise combined with alcohol affects muscle building, but what do science say? Objective: The purpose of this review article is to analyze and summarize the existing scientific data about how the structure of muscles is affected in relation to alcohol intake after exercise.

Elever med diagnosen ADHD i skolan : kvalitativ studie om 4 lärares erfarenheter och förhållningsätt till diagnosen i årskurs 1-7

How teachers teach children with attention difficulties. This is a qualitative interview based on the experiences of four teachers. I want this study to examine teachers' experience and views about ADHD diagnosis. I would also like to find out what teachers do and think about the practice which surrounds students with ADHD. How to formulate and think of four active teachers about ADHD? What are the implications of the diagnosis perceive the four teachers interviewed that the diagnosis must for students? Among the measures that consider the four teachers interviewed are most effective for students with ADHD because they provide an equal education? Those questions are addressed to specifically learn about how they proceed in their activities.

Utrustning inom svensk travsport : Hur utrustning tillämpas bland svenska travtränare och påverkar hästen i ett djurskydds-, och välfärdsperspektiv

The trotting in Sweden has a good reputation in an international view, both in the perspective of success and how the sport is managed with focus on security, animal protection and animal welfare. A large number of equipment details are fitted on the horses during training and competition. The Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals regulate training and competition with racehorses, and propose to protect horses from unnecessary suffering. The equipment permitted in races is regulated in Tävlingsreglementet (The Regulation of Competititon) and in the regulations of equipment, that the Nordic Regulation Committee and Nordic Animal Welfare Committee have worked out. Due to training and competition the equipment must even meet the Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals. However, the behaviour or the senses of the horses is often affected by the equipment due to the way the equipment corrects, modifies, restrains or reduces the behaviour of the horse, which may cause the horse stress or discomfort.

Stigberoende och spelmatriser : Varför har landstinget i Värmland valt att ansöka om att få gå ihop med Region Västra Götaland?

The aim of this study is to try to explain the process using both an actor driven perspective as well as a structural perspective examining the reasons why the County Council of Värmland wants to merge with Region Västra Götaland. The answers to the following research questions are sought to shed light on the problem: What constrained the discretion of  the political actors in the choice of region to merge with? Which role did  different political actors play? Does the study provide Game Theory, from Rational Choice theory,  and Path Dependency, from Historic Institutionalism, a new perspective and strength especially  when bringing them together? The study is limited to two policy areas, health care and regional development policy. The structural background is drawn upon the Annual Report 2008 of the County Council Värmland, the Regional Development Program and Regional Transport Infrastructure Plan 2010-2021 by Region Värmland. The chronological order of decisions and events is drawn upon protocols from various regional political organs all linked to the municipal of Värmland and the correspondence between the officials of Värmland?s municipal and the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of the State.

Träningsapplikationer och deras förmåga att motivera vid träning : en kvalitativ studie om hur mobilteknik hjälper till att motivera användaren vid träning

Smartmobilens användande har successivt ökat och blivit en central del i vår vardag. I och med detta har antalet olika applikationer ökat och numera finns det en mängd olika typer av applikationer som tillfredsställer användarens behov. I den här studien har vi därför försökt ta reda på om träningsapplikationer har förmågan att motivera användaren vid träning. Vi har observerat fem kvinnor och tre män, med varierande erfarenheter av träningsapplikationer, som har deltagit i en fyra veckor lång studie bestående av två faser. Under Fas 1 har respondenterna laddat ned två valfria träningsapplikationer som de testat och under Fas 2 har de använt en specifik applikation.

ACT vid stress : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av en gruppintervention för socialsekreterare.

Långvarig stress ökar risk för ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro, med negativa konsekvenser för individ, organisation och samhälle. En preventiv metod för stresshantering är Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). Syftet var att med en randomiserad, kontrollerad studie undersöka huruvida en kortvarig ACT-intervention påverkar stress och generell psykisk hälsa hos socialsekreterare inom Stockholms stad (n=106). Bortfall hanterades med intent-to-treat-analys. Vid förmätning rapporterade två tredjedelar av deltagarna hög stressnivå (PSS?25).

Travhästars aktivitet i hagen

Today there is a research project undertaken by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences along with Wången (a highschool specialized in trotter training), which focuses on trotting horse training, performance and health. The project investigates how exercise intensity and feeding strategies affect the development of growing horses. The project includes two groups of horses where all 16 horses are fed in the same way. One group of eight individuals are trained 100% compared to conventional training and the other group are trained 20% less than the other group. All horses are trained twice a week and are out at pasture beyond that.

Att kommunicera mångfald : En undersökning om kommunikation och engagemang inom Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer

AbstractTitle: Communicating diversity ? A study about communication and involvement in The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations.Number of pages: 58Author: Frida SamuelssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The general purpose of this essay is to analyse how the member organizations of LSU ? The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, see the communication,activities and their influence over the organization. I aim to do an analysis of the target group to find out if the lack of involvement in LSU is caused by communication problems.Material/Method: The method of this essay is quantitative and is based upon a web-survey.The chairmen of the member organizations have been asked to answer a survey about the communication in LSU. To get an idea of how widespread different opinions about LSU are the empirical data has been made into graphs to show the frequencies and also cross tabulations to find out if there are any correlations between the variables.Main result: This study has shown that the problem with involvement in LSU is only partly a communication problem. One important result is that many member organizations feel that LSU doesn?t listen to their opinions and they express a wish to have more influence over the organization.

4-minuters Tabataintervaller med stabiliserande övningar i klassrummet : -Ger det någon effekt?

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att barn har sämre styrka i överkropp och bål samt är mindre fysiskt aktiva nu än tidigare, detta skulle kunna medför en ökad hälsorisk framförallt på längre sikt.Syfte: Att undersöka om ett pass med 4 min Tabata intervaller med stabiliserade övningar, varje skoldag under en 6 veckors period gav någon skillnad på de fysiska testerna och gav en ökad stabilitet och styrka hos barn i åldern 7-9 år.Design: Studien genomfördes som en interventionsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats.Metod: 42 barn varav 23 flickor och 19 pojkar i åldern 7-9 år deltog i studien som genomfördes på skoltid i klassrummen. Utöver studiegruppen användes 13 barn som kontrollgrupp de genomförde enbart de fysiska testerna före och efter studien.Resultat: En signifikant ökning av antalet push-up (P<0.05) och push-up (knä)(P<0.05) kunde påvisas efter studien.Konklusion: De fysiska tester som visade signifikanta förbättringar hade liknande övningar inkluderade i Tabatastudien..

Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

Abstract This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school.

Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare

Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science.Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %.Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers.Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers.

Koncentrationens betydelse inom skidskytte

Huvudsyftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs påverka skidskyttars koncentration positivt och negativt. Vidare undersöktes även....

Värdehöjande tjänster att ta hänsyn till vid nyetableringar av träningsanläggningar : En kvantitativ studie baserad på beslutsprocessmodellen

Idag äger drygt 7 miljoner svenskar någon typ av värdepapper. Dessa handlas av två typer av investerare, den aktiva och den passiva. Den aktiva investeraren köper och säljer sina värdepapper mer frekvent för att dra nytta av dess upp och nedgångar, jämfört med den passiva investeraren som köper värdepappret på lång sikt.En aktiv investerare analyserar ständigt marknaden och dess utveckling, försöker utläsa historiska mönster för att förutspå hur framtiden kommer att utveckla sig. Att studera historiskt kursdata för att förutspå framtida mönster kallas teknisk analys . Två vanligt förekommande analysmetoder inom teknisk analys är glidande medelvärde och Relative Strength Index.

Fysisk aktivitet som fallprevention i särskilt boende - en litteraturstudie

Our population are ageing. As this happens more people will be in need of long term care facilities. We now know that some elderly people with certain background factors are more likely to be injured or sick. One of the four biggest background factors is fall propensity. Most of the reported falls come from long term care facilities, approximately 60 % of the care takers in long term care facilities fall one time or more each year.

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