

2166 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 9 av 145

Det är viktigt att förmedla normer och värden till elever i förberedelseklasser : En kvalitativ studie om vad lärare i förberedelseklasser gör till "svensk" kultur

Swedish municipals schools have been given an assignment to convey basic values to pupils. The assignment is to bring up the pupils through transmitting and developing a heritage such as values, traditions, language and knowledge. Together along with the lasting knowledge which constitutes the community frame of reference everybody needs. There by is the purpose of this study through a qualitative method to investigate how the schools assignment to create a community national identity of the pupils is interpreted by the teachers in introduction classes. Even how the teachers in this study response to ?Swedish? culture by presenting and educate the pupils in this.

Vi och Dem=Oss : En uppsats om hur vi kan leva tillsammans

This essay is about boundaries between, "us and them", in the Swedish culture and immigrant culture in Sweden. The focus is to examine the political interest of the citizens to understand other ethnic cultures who lives in Sweden. One question concerns how the borderlines between different cultures has been painted partly through blogs but also by the media. Is this a result of ignorance or does it depends because of the influence of certain individuals. To find this out, I will study various electronic sources such as blogs, forums and news articles.

Broar, länkar, gränser. Kultur, makt och marginalisering i diskursen om linkworkers/brobyggare

Abstract:The aim of this study is to critically analyse the discourse of linkworkers, a integration project in a ?multicultural? school in Malmö. In the project, four persons with different ethnic / cultural background where employed to work as a link between the school and the parents, and between the Swedish culture and the children's and the parent's ?original? culture. My material consists of evaluations of the project and interviews with school staff.

Alla ska med : en etnografisk studie om Stena Bulks unika företagskultur

AbstractCorporate cultures have since the 80's, when the phenomenon was associated with a company's economic success, been a frequent research object. Corporate culture is then often described as something that can create efficiency, success and loyal employees. Often discussed about strong corporate cultures are that members in the organization have accepted the same norms, values and goals. Research also mention unique corporate cultures, where no organization is alike, depending their different stories, leaders, backgrounds or geographical locations.?? This study aims, through observations and interviews on an ethnographic basis, to describe the corporate culture in Stena Bulk.

Kulturpolitik som instrument: en idéanalys av propositionen Tid för kultur

This Master?s thesis has governmental cultural policy in focus and concludes a textual idea analysis of the governmental bill Time for culture. (Tid för kultur.) The aim of the study is to examine how the government is seeking legitimacy concerning the cultural policy. One of the starting points is that the society has changed over time in terms of for example increased globalization and multicultural and even the market adjustment is more evident. Also the economical basis in the society is different nowadays.

Organisationskultur i en processorganistion

At the beginning of the nineties, a new form of organisation, the process organisation, was about to be born. The features of the process organisation were a flexible organisational that works in a world where the pace of development is increasing all the time. Today there are many organisations that have mapped their processes, but in order to truly become a process organisation, the processes among other things have to be in harmony with e.g. organisational culture. Which effects the organisational culture has on the process organisation is yet unexplored, but however quite crucial.

Diskurser om kultur under EU-rationalisering: En historisk policyanalys.

The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the discourses on culture as developed by EU Commission. The method applied is a discoursebased historical analysis, where analysis of arguments and metaphors are functional to the enlightening of the construction of discourses within EU cultural policy. EU official documents constitute the empirical material studied. The theoretical framework of the thesis draws upon cultural public sphere theory as well instrumentalist cultural policy research.

Kulturers påverkan på upplevelsen av arbetslösa och meningen med arbete

The aim of the study was to distinguish if there was a difference between how work is perceived and how unemployed are viewed by people in collectivistic and individualistic cultures. A phenomenological approach was used in order to capture the participants life-worlds and their meaning constitution of a phenomenon, in this case the meaning of work and how unemployed are viewed. Subjects from different parts of the world, belonging to either a collectivistic or individualistic culture, participated in this study. Data was collected by self-reports which were analyzed by the method of MCA (Meaning Constitution Analysis) and the software Minerva. The results indicated that there were differences in how individuals from collectivistic cultures compared to individuals from individualistic cultures reflected about the meaning of work.

Läsning i Läsandets kultur ? En studie om synen på läsning och bibliotekariernas läsfrämjande arbete i Litteraturutredningen 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the view on reading and reading promotion in the Culture of Reading (SOU 2012:65), based on three different approaches to reading and reading promotion; the pragmatic, the emancipatory and the traditionalistic. The thesis is based on the following questions; which view on reading can be seen in the Culture of Reading and which view on librarians? reading promotion can be seen in the Culture of Reading. To answer these questions, I am going to apply the aforementioned approaches on the Culture of Reading. The Culture of Reading is an official report from the Swedish government and parts of it will be subject to a qualitative content analysis.

Förvärv och Företagskultur

Background: Acquisitions are a well-known method for increasing company size and strength on the market. But to reach the targets set, more than just a positive economic calculation is required. An atmosphere that supports the company's integration is needed, for which it is of great importance for management to understand the underlying sets of values that exist in the organisation, and to take into consideration the way they might become an obstacle or a tool for a successful integration. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand how cultural change occurs and how it affects the employee, as a smaller company is bought and integrated into a larger organisation. Procedure: The analysis is based on theories on organisational culture and organisational change.

Svart - svartare - svartast : En etnologisk studie om döden, identitet och gemenskap inom black metal-kulturen

PURPOSE: To find out how identity creating and community utter within the Black Metal culture, to get an insight of why people are drawn to Black Metal, and what function it fills to the adherents/practicians.METHOD: Analyses of interviews done by the authors. In addition to them literature, mainly in book form, is used for theories.RESULT: We have seen that there are shared Black Metal values, despite a strong individualism within the culture. And death is important for the survival of the culture and the individuals..

?Vi ringer upp dig?? : En undersökning om etnisk diskriminering bland bostadsförmedlare i Sverige

The number of people with another culture isincreasing in Sweden. This change in society bringsconsequences in health care that has not any methodsto manage. The Muslim woman?s meeting with thehealth care is one of those areas. The aim with thisstudy was to describe the nurses meeting with femaleMuslim patient.

How do you measure culture? -A case study of result control within the Gothenburg Opera

Problem The culture sector is characterized by qualitative goals which raise questions such as how do you measure culture and what is ?good? culture? Both the goals and the measurements tend to result in subjective judgments, which according to the theory make result control inefficient. Yet, result control is frequently used in the culture sector; which leads up to our research question: What characterizes the problems of result control in the culture sector?Purpose The aim of this study is to make a survey of how the Gothenburg Opera works with result control and follow-up. By defining how it tackles the different problems, which could arise with result control in a non-profit organisation, we aim to map how the problems regarding result control are characterized in the Gothenburg Opera.

Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhället

How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions.This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector.

Invandrares möjligheter till samhällsorientering? : Implementering av samhällsorientering inom Kalmar län

This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy.  Questions that are discussed are about how  the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.

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