

2166 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 8 av 145

Klimakteriet. En litteraturstudie om upplevelser av klimakteriet hos kvinnor med olika kulturell bakgrund.

The aim of this study was to illuminate the experience of climacteric in women with different culture backgrounds. The method was a literature review. Results are made of nine scientific articles. Sex main themes come out. The results are showing that the experience of climacteric is varying from woman to woman and from culture to culture.

"Det blev för mycket Strindberg" : -Lärares resonemang kring sin litteraturundervisning

This study aims to show how teachers talk about their teaching with regards to gender in relation to literature.We have interviewed four teachers of Swedish for upper secondary school to discover how they feel about, and understand, the fact that gender is a factor in the teaching of literature and that they should present to the students literature written by both male and female authors. To analyze the interviews we use Sannersted's (1991) theory about teachers as street-level-bureaucrats ("närbyråkrater"). He states that teachers are persons who have to follow what politicians have decided but they are fairly free to choose how they do it, but to be able to follow a decision as closely as possible three qualifications have to be met. The teachers have to understand the decision, be able to follow it and want to follow it. We find that the teachers that we have interviewed are aware that they discuss gender issues with their students and they all claim that they present a variation of authors to their students.

Kontorsskiftets påverkan på organisationskulturen : - Ett skifte från cellkontor till öppet kontor -

The essay discusses the effects that changes to the office plan have on organizational culture. Information about actual change as well as expected change in organizational culture was gathered before the empirical research was initiated. The empirical research was carried out at the Customer Logistics department at Ericsson through: an interview with a manager in charge of the relocation and design of the office, a manager for the specified department and also five employees of this department. The empirical studies show that there was a significant change in organizational culture and that results were not always as expected. There was a loss in symbolic actions, which needed to be compensated for, a perceived reduction in spontaneous communication, and a mixed response of perceived change in social interaction.

Lärares och kulturarbetares syn på kultur, estetik och kunskap

The National Arts Council[1] has made an evaluation on obstacles and success factors for the interaction between culture and school. In the evaluation report they concluded that teachers and cultural workers have different views on culture and knowledge which creates confusion in their interaction. Thus I became interested to investigate teachers and cultural workers views on culture, aesthetics, and the knowledge that they think the students / children / young people should get from culture and aesthetics. This work is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers and four cultural workers. I compare their views with each other and link it to different research perspectives on culture and aesthetics in school to get an understanding of the similarities and differences in their approach, and what implications it can have in the school?s learning processes. In this work, from a didactic point of view, I found that when the teachers and cultural workers are talking about culture, the why-perspective differs.

En studie om kultur, identitet och språk i några romska artiklar

There are shortcomings when it comes to recent studies by a Roma perspective on Roma culture and traditions. The purpose of this paper is to understand how the Roma present themselves in eight articles with an emphasis on culture, language and identity. The questions are as follows:First, how the Roma articles manufactures the Roma culture and what do these articles say about culture, identity and language from a Roma perspective? Second, how can the Roma preserve and develop their culture and be a part of Swedish society in accordance with Articles?Some of the findings are that the Roma language, Roma clothing and Roma music is part of the Roma culture. Similarly, social codes and traditions such as International Roma Day, which is a Romani celebration.

Betryggande polisarbete? : En studie om implementeringen av lokala poliskontor i Stockholm län

The study consist of an investigation regarding the implementation of reassurance policing in Sweden and include a survey conducted among some of the local police offices in Stockholm County. The aim of the study is to investigate how the police officers working in the local polices offices experience the implementation of the local police offices and if the implementation of local the polices offices matches the police authority´s purpose with the project. The study uses the theoretical framework from political scientist Michael Lipsky calledStreet-level bureaucracy - Dilemmas of the individual in Public services which discuss the role of street-level bureaucrats and their influence in the implementation. Included in the study is also two different perspectives on governing in public sector called top-down perspective and bottom-up perspective. The findings of this paper shows that the police officers are in general positive towards the implementation and that there´s a duality among the police officers regarding the proximity to the citizens..

Barn och kultur på biblioteket

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to investigate the culture for children in the age of 10-12 year-old at the library in a small town and to see if the library and children shared the same view of the libraries missions. We have interviewed 3 groups of 5-7 children at two times. We have also interviewed a children librarian about her opinion of her work and childrenculture. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child works as our theory in this thesis.

På spaning efter faktorer som påverkar studietiden vid musikskolor : En enkätundersökning bland rektorer för musik- och kulturskolor

The purpose of this investigation is to see if there is any difference in how long pupils are staying in the activity of the music- and culture schools in the country. I have compared this with how large the teachers engagements are in average at each school, how many teachers each school holds and if one teacher is teaching within different areas, e.g. on different instruments. Thru mail contact with the headmasters at the music- and culture schools I have gathered data concerning the length of which the pupils are staying at the schools, the number of teachers at each school, the size of the teachers services and in how many different areas each teacher is teaching.It has been hard to get to any results in the investigation since the music- and culture schools don?t compile statistics on how long their pupils are staying at their schools.

Kundrelationer : En jämförande intervjustudie av Sverige & Spanien

The way you address people is depending on the existing culture, to be on familiar terms with people you don?t know or elderly people is totally unacceptable in some cultures. Some behaviour might be acceptable in one culture, and unacceptable in another. Culture exists on different levels in the society, and what combines people within a culture are that they share the same norms and values.This study identifies and deals with the resemblances and the differences in the customer relationship within one specific organization with activity in several different countries. Two of these countries, which can be seen as each others cultural contrasts, were chosen for the study, Sweden and Spain.

Fem godkända elever är fler än fyra väl godkända : En statsvetenskaplig studie i skolans förvaltningspolitik

This study aims to analyze four gymnasium teachers? opinion on the values within the Swedish school system today, as well as the presence of conflicting values and goals in their role as a street level bureaucrat. A comparative aspect concerning private and state regulated schools was implemented into the study in order to compare one school system to the other. This was achieved by using semi-structured interviews with the aim to register the teachers? opinions on these matters.The study showed that the teachers perceive a high amount of discretion within their role as a street level bureaucrat concerning the educational aspect of their work.

?Det handlar om k?randa??. En studie om organisationskulturen inom Polismyndigheten med s?rskilt fokus p? tystnadskulturen

The aim of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how daily activities impact the organizational culture within the Swedish Police enforcement agency, Polismyndigheten. The study specifically explored the influence of the purported culture of silence on organizational culture. Employing a case study approach, data were collected with a qualitative method from a total of 15 individuals, including students and officials affiliated with Polismyndigheten. The findings were categorized into five distinct groups, revealing a noticeable gap between employees and management. Additionally, the study identified generational disparities and a lack of a clear set of core values.

En imitation med original -En diskursanalys av kulturskapande över fältgränser

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how agents create their culture outside of their ?own? fields.What does this way of creating a culture mean for groups already existing on the field? Who ownsthe power to construct their own subject positions? Through a discourse analysis, I analyse thesequestions through articles and interviews treating two cultural fields which I call ?The hip Berlin?and ?Swedish hip hop culture?. I argue that, depending on a persons priviliges, one owns the powernot only to construct subject positions of ones own, but also for persons with less privileges in theexisting hegonomy of society..

Vampyren i populärromanen - En kulturanalytisk studie av två vampyrromaner utifrån teorier kring död och sexualitet i vår samtid

The purpose of this paper is to examine how contemporary attitudes towards death andsexuality is made visible and connected in the vampire novels Interview with the Vampire andDead Until Dark. The aim is to investigate why the vampire novel has reached today?samount of popularity and if it can be explained by theories of death and sexuality in modernsociety and in popular culture.The most important theories in this examination are Zygmunt Bauman?s theories aboutmodern society, Jean Baudrillard?s thoughts about death in the postmodernity and MichelFoucault?s studies regarding sexuality in the Western societies. The conclusion presented isthat sexuality and death are well connected in the examined novels and in popular culture as awhole and death?s popularity in popular culture could be a result of repressed emotionsregarding death and sorrow, which can be helped by us working on handle death more visiblyand with higher regard..

Fri vilja eller tradition? : Prästrespektive i den prästerliga kulturen

The purpose of the study was to investigate, using data from the sacerdotal culture, t h espouses of five priests. The main questions were: How does the priestly calling affect thespouse? Do the spouses involve themselves with voluntary work? Do the spouses feel thecongregation have expectations? Do the female and male answers differ?The sacerdotal culture has consisted of several elements. The main element is the priest?scalling for his work.

Mavian eller Rica-själ? : En analys av servicekulturen på Malmö Aviation och Rica Talk Hotel

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to compare and analyze Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel's service culture. This is done by examining three themes, the organizations ways of working with training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employees.Method: The essay is a case study-based qualitative research which mainly focuses on semi-structured, qualitative interviews with various people within the two organizations.Theory: The theoretical framework considers theory within two sections. The first section, the organizations importance in service quality, focuses on service culture or service climate and different management strategies. Section two, the employees? importance in service quality, focuses on three themes: training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employeesResults: Both Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel are companies that put great emphasis on developing and maintaining a quality service culture within the organization.

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