

2166 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 6 av 145

Det sitter i väggarna! ? organisationskultur på två folkbibliotek med annorlunda driftsform

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study the organisational culture of two public libraries managed differently. One of the libraries in my study is run by the local bookstore and the other is run by a staff co-operative. My aim is to elucidate characteristic features in the culture of these two public library organisations. The questions I posed are which types of organisation culture can be identified in the two given examples and what the factors are that may be of importance for these cultures.

Populärkultur på fritidshemmet : Hur påverkar populärkulturen innehållet i verksamheten?

This work is about popular culture in leisure. Teachers at leisure, on the basis of Education's governing documents working with developing an activity for students when applying the students' own interests. Although these councils are posted, several teachers around the country rejects certain activities or products that the students want to do or play with during their free time at the leisure time. Therefore the purpose of this study is to try to understand what teachers in leisure attitude to popular culture is and if they integrate the popular culture in there activities. To understand this, a qualitative study of interviewed teachers in various leisure was used.

?Just culture? or just culture? : har Försvarsmakten en rättvisekultur eller bara en kultur?

Ett flygsäkerhetsarbete bygger på ett förtroende mellan individen och organisationen. Det finns en brist inom Försvarsmakten rapporteringssystem, där fördelningen av rapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag, är avvikande från vad som anses som normalt inom flygverksamhet. Varför avviker rapporteringen i FM från normalbilden? Ett perspektiv som kan förklara denna avvikelse är rättvisekulturperspektivet.Syftet är att diskutera huruvida den ojämna fördelningen av avvikelserapporter med avseende på mänskliga misstag i FM flygsäkerhetsarbete kan förklaras ur ett just culture perspektiv med fokus på regler och styrdokument .Resultatet är att FM inte är att anse som en rättvisekultur. Framförallt är detta på grund av den bristfälliga kulturella grunden, disciplinsystemet och skyddandet av rapporteringssystemet..

Mångfald eller företagskultur : En fallstudie om den pratadoxala relationen kring mångfald och företagskultur

ABSTRACTCourse/level: Enterprising and Business Development, Bachelor Thesis, AUT2012, 2EB00ETutor: Magnus ForslundAuthors: Linn Danielsson & Alexander OlofssonKey words: Strong diversity, Consistent Corporate Culture, Core Values, Corporate Strategy,Definition of Diversity, Working with Diversity, Management, Standardization.Title: Diversity or Corporate Culture ? A case study on the paradoxical relationship betweendiversity and corporate cultures in corporations and organizations.Background: Diversity and corporate culture can in various ways result in corporate andorganizational advantages. While diversity promotes innovation, creativity and companydevelopment corporate culture possesses advantages such as efficiency, community and unity.Diversity and corporate culture seems to create various benefits that are both beneficial forcompetitive advantage.Problem discussion: I would be beneficial for companies and organizations to maintain bothdiversity and corporate culture since they complement each other. However, diversity andcorporate culture have different purposes and benefit in different ways. The question is howtwo such different strategies can meet.Question for research: How does diversity and corporate culture co-exist in corporations andorganizations?Purpose: The aim of this study is to create further understanding for the co-existence betweendiversity and corporate culture in corporations and organizations.Method: The study is made qualitatively with a hermeneutic approach and based on a casestudy on two corporations within the real estate industry.

En Kulturskolas arbete i ett mångkulturellt område

Title: A Culture School?s (?En Kulturskolas?) work in an multicultural areaThis research is a study of Culture Schools in Angered which include both Lärjedalens and Gunnareds Culture Schools. The Culture Schools of today reach only a limited part of our society, and for this reason the purpose of this research has been to study a school in a multicultural area. To learn from others? experiences is an important step in work with school development.

Romsk identitet i förändring : några ungdomars digitala berättelser

This study concerns digital stories told by five young Romani students and one teacher from Roma Culture Class in Stockholm, Sweden. The theoretical framework draws from theories concerning identity, culture,Romanipe, the Romani value system and social semiotics. The material for the study is the digital stories that were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the young Roma in the study demonstrate pride in their Romani background and culture, but also signs of changes and development in their culture. Some of the participants do not show external signs of Romani traditions, for example in the ways of dressing.

Samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst. : Ur de yrkesverksammas perspektiv.

The purpose of this study is to understand the collaboration between school and social services. The primary focus of this study is the subject of interaction. The study analyzes how confidentiality affects collaboration between school and social services and examines what effect the organizations? different roles have on collaboration. The method used is qualitative interviews and the gathered empirical data has been analyzed using theories of discretion and street-level bureaucracy.

Värderingarna ligger oss varmt om hjärtat : En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationskultur kan beskrivas och hur den reproduceras

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the organizational culture within the corporation The Body Shop. I have been working with two different question formulations. The first is to answer how the culture can be described. To answer this I have been using Edgar H. Scheins theory of cultural levels.

Sponsring som finansieringsmetod : Kulturens nya villkor

Sponsoring is today a more common form for corporation in the trade of culture. This has led to a situation, in which companies and institutions of culture, must be more versed in sponsorship. In this essay, we aim at understand and give an account for how the corporation, in a sponsorship relationship might work.A sponsorship relationship also means that a lot of knowledge is needed in other doctrines. The law aspect is one of these, which we also will concern in this essay, another aspect is the integrity of the culture.The main purpose with this essay is to find information, which might work recommendingly, for organizations that works with sponsorship. Mainly we will considerate sponsorship as a source for the financing of culture.In this essay we have discovered that sponsoring has become increasingly important for financing cultural activities, and a good corporation demands a great deal of commitment from both parties.

Att identifiera sig med en organisation : En studie om Posten Örebros organisationskultur

The purpose with this study is to identify an organizational culture at Posten Örebro based on Edgar H. Schein´s theory about the three levels of culture. These three levels consist of artifacts, espoused beliefs and values and basic underlying assumptions. Artifacts represent the visible and tangible of an organization and this level is the easiest level to identify. Espoused beliefs and values include common thoughts and ideals within the organization and are an aware, but not necessarily material, cultural level.

Konsten att bibehålla en organisationskultur med anställda som kombinatörer

Organizational culture is a widely discussed topic. Today job mobility in society is increasing as well as part-time employment. This study aims at investigate how organizational culture is maintained in an organization where employees work as combiners of different work occupations. The study is a case study of the department of Art at Konstfack (The University College of Arts, Crafts and Design). The organization is unique in the respect to that the majority of the employees have part-time employments within Konstfack combined with their parallel own artistic occupations.

Skärvor i både vått och torrt : En detaljundersökning av ett provschakts keramik vid Ajvidelokalens västra strand

This thesis has had its focus on ceramic shards found in a trench by the late neolithic western shore of the Ajvide site. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if there are changes in the pottery between the test trench and the ceramics found by the graves, known as the main site. The author has compared the ornaments from the test trench with an ornament schedule made from over 50 000 shards from the assumed main site. Not only changes regarding ornaments has been noticed but also new techniques and raw material. The author has also implemented two 14C datings which backs his hypothesis that the shards from the test trench are younger than the shards that made the earlier ornament schedule.

Det komplexa mötet mellan intentioner och upplevelser : Intervjustudie om hur några grundskollärare uppfattar en ny läroplan

This essay takes its starting point in the making of a new national general school curriculum for the Swedish elementary school. The purpose of this essay is to estimate what the policy makers intended with the new policy documents and relate that to how a few teachers perceive these changes. In order to get an understanding of how the teachers view these changes I have done qualitative interviews with four teachers which all work in the Swedish elementary school.Theories on "implementation" and "street-level bureaucracy" are used to analyse my empirical material. My results tell that there is a difference how teachers relate to the new curruculum and the policy makers' intentions with it. That can be explained by the fact that teachers' work is complex and as to they work in a complex organization..

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori

This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture ? one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies ? considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology.

(Hur) har distans- och hybridarbetet p?verkat f?retagskulturen? En kvalitativ fallstudie om distans- och hybridarbetets p?verkan p? f?retagskulturen inom 5 organisationer

In recent decades, the concept of corporate culture has emerged as an increasingly important factor in the business world, as evidenced by a rise in research and efforts to direct it in various ways. The pandemic has led to significant changes in work processes and office environments as operations shifted to remote work. The purpose of this report is to investigate the impact of remote work on corporate culture and its potential advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the report aims to analyze how corporate culture currently looks, considering the potential presence and adaptation to hybrid work. Based on a multi-case study, it includes interviews with ten individuals from five different organizations.

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