2172 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 48 av 145
Den blåögde lille reportern : En kvalitativ studie i hur Hergés Tintin skildrar en västeuropés attityd till omvärlden under 46 år
The objective of this study was to investigate differences in the portrayal of Western European citizens and non Western European citizens in Hergé?s graphic novels about the young journalist Tintin. We wanted to see if the globalization during the mid 1900?s had an effect on Hergé?s way of portraying the world. We started off by selecting nine novels from three different periods of time, though we read all of the novels in The Adventures of Tintin.
Rehabiliteringskedjan, Dagens politiska avspegling på arbetslinjen? : - En studie om hur handläggare på Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen upplever hinder och möjligheter med samarbete och samverkan i relation till rehabiliteringskedj
I denna studie analyserar vi handläggares upplevelse av samverkan mellan två stora välfärdsmyndigheter, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen. Genom sju kvalitativa intervjuer undersöker vi möjligheter och hinder med samverkan utifrån den s.k. nya arbetslinjen och rehabiliteringskedjan. Vår teoretiska referensram utgår ifrån gräsrotsbyråkratin, sektoriseringsteorin samt olika idéer om samverkan och domänkonflikter. För att få underlag för studien tar vi också del av aktuell forskning som berör ämnet.
Spelet om spelet : En diskursanalys av hur porträtteringen av dator-och tv-spel har förändrats från 1994 till 2014 i dags- och kvällspress
Computer and videogames has increased rapidly over the past few decades and today a majority of the Swedish population enjoys them on a daily basis. When there are many users, it becomes important how the media chooses to portray the medium because it can affect how the society judges and looks at computer- and videogames.The purpose of this essay is to look at how the portrayal of computer- and videogames has changed in Swedish Newspapers during the period 1994-2014. How the player is being portrayed is also relevant. The method was the discourse analysis founded by Laclau andMouffe and the material was chosen from the two biggest newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. Theories that were used in the analysis were mainly framing, cultural studies, moral panics and theories based on gender.The result shows that there has been different kinds of portrayals of computer- and videogames from the beginning, though it was mostly negative in 1994 and 2004.
Fynd av bakterier och svampar i blododlingar hos vuxna under år 2005 i Gävleborgs län : En epidemiologisk studie
AbstractIntroductionOccurrence of bacteraemia and fungemia is a serious condition with high mortality and the incidence is increasing worldwide. The aim of this study was to survey the occurrence of bacteria and fungi in blood cultures from adult patients domiciled in the county of Gävleborg during one year and also to calculate the incidence and mortality in the same geographical area.MethodThis is a descriptive epidemiologic study, based on all episodes of blood cultures analyzed at the Microbiology laboratory, Gävle hospital during 2005. Patients from 20 years of age, domiciled in the county of Gävleborg at the date of drawing the blood culture, where included in the study. Criteria of exclusion were negative blood cultures and cultures which were classified as contaminants.ResultsAltogether there were 4 564 blood cultures analyzed, resulting in 524 (11 %) positive cultures for further study. There were 442 patients (48 % women) involved in 499 episodes with confirmed bacteraemia or fungemia.
Att avstå från folkbibliotek: En kvalitativ studie av informations- och kulturvanor samt distansen till folkbibliotek hos icke-användare
The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to develop an understanding of why non-users do not use public libraries by studying their information and culture habits and their relationship to public libraries. One of the motivating factors behind this choice is the lack of earlier research on the subject, particularly qualitative research. The theoretical framework is stratified into three associated levels with Brenda Dervin?s sense-making theory on an individual level, Marianne Andersson?s and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model of the roles of public libraries on an institutional level and Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical apparatus on a social level.
Moderna tider : modernitet i Visbys bouppteckningar och press 1880-1910
It is a difficult task to define the little word ?modernity?. One may argue quite a lot about what modernity is as well as when modernity breaks trough. The burgess class was the group who initiated modernity in most cases. Since these people mainly dwelled in the cities it was in the cities were modernity started.
En (o)balans av berättelser : En kvantitativ studie om mångkulturell litteraturundervisning i gymnasieskolans svenskämne
The purpose of this essay is to examine what literary heritage teachers communicate in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school. The overall research question for this work is: Which authors and/or works are mentioned by the teachers in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school? How well do these authors and/or works answer towards a multicultural perspective? Which factors affect teachers´ selections of texts? Based on this purpose and these research questions, the aim is to answer the didactic question of what.To accomplish the purpose of the study a quantitative method has been used. The survey was conducted in two medium-sized cities in central Sweden, and was answered by 17 teachers. The study shows that the teachers ascribe the Western and Swedish literature great importance.
36 nyanser av torsk : en osteologisk analys av fiskben från Hemmor i Dalbo i När sn på Gotland
The purpose of this paper was to analyze fishbones from the Pitted Ware Culture settlement named Hemmor. in Dalbo, När parish on Gotland. The fishbones are unburnt and derive from one specific culture layer (c:6) in trench one VI:7, and radiocarbon dated to 2600-2300 BC cal.In this paper I wanted to answer these following questions:1. What kind of fish species did they eat in Hemmor?2.
Vad skola vi göra med litteraturen? : En studie av de nya styrdokumenten samt ett urval av läromedel och deras föreställningar om och legitimeringar av skönlitteratur i det svenska skolsystemet.
In this thesis I set out to study how the reading of fictional literature is viewed, legitimatized and operationalized in two educational domains: the recently revised steering documents that all Swedish teachers must relate to, as well as a selection of teaching materials designed for education in the Swedish language for upper secondary school. The teaching material I have studied has been recently updated in order to correspond with the new steering documents. I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education, and I also combine my analysis of the two educational domains to see whether the underlying intentions of the steering documents have influenced the revision of the teaching material. The outcome indicates that the steering documents? previous focus on culture has diminished although a certain insecurity as to how to use the concept and deal with the issue of whose culture should be taught can be identified.
Chefer mittemellan : Polisens mellanchefer förutsättningar att fullgöra sitt uppdrag
The aim of this paper is to examine how mid-level executive officers within Swedish Police respond to subordinates autonomous behaviour, mainly according to Lipsky´s theory on street-level bureaucracy. Questions focused on are:1. Which personnel related obstacles, are preventing the executive officers?2. How do executive officers counter obstacles?3.
Förskolekulturens möte med det mångkulturella samhället : ett möte mellan pedagogen och föräldrarna
My main question in this essay has been: why does the preschool advocate being outdoors? How should we respond to parents who have a different view on this? Children's right to participation and influence is also a question that I raise. How should we preschool teachers do when we stand between the child's desire to be out and the parents wish that their child should be indoors? By reading what is written in the preschool curriculum on children's influence, I have come to the conclusion that we preschool teachers must listen to what the children express that they wish to do, otherwise we go against our policy documents.My dilemma is about how to respond to parents who have a different opinion on being outdoors than we have. Many parents express an aversionagainst their children having to be outdoors.
Förskolan, en arena för fysisk aktivitet! : Pedagogers uppfattningar av sitt arbete med fysisk aktivitet i förskolan
AbstractThe aim of this essay is to understand the view of man as a creature in the Norse culture by studying rituals and ritual actions in conjunction with homicide. The material on which the study is based is called the Icelandic sagas, which are important source of information to the Norse culture. To achieve the purpose, I used a qualitative content analysis and qualitative narrative analysis along with ritual theories based on Roy A Rappaport among others. The questions are for instance:- What ritual actions occur in connection with the homicide, according to the Icelandic sagas? - What are the differences in how individuals are treated in passages where the ritual actions in relation to homicide and homicide cases investigated and why?The results show four different types of ritual acts in relation to homicide.
När känslor inte får vara avgörande : - en kvalitativ studie om ett svenskt företags rekryteringsstrategier
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the recruitment process and its complexity. The study also aims to examine whether there are any problem areas with a recruitment process which is emotionally based and if so, how these can be resolved. Four issues have been presented, in regard to solving the study?s purpose and problem definition.Theoretical framework: The chapter begins by briefly illustrate the concept of employee turnover and the economic aspects a staff turnover can bring. Thereafter, the importance of a formal preparatory work for recruitment is presented.
Det är inte det att jag kan rädda världen - En analys av hur en grupp polisers engagemang formas
The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a group of community policing officers engagement are shaped. Previous research argues that there is a police culture which conveys cynicism to the individual police. The research also says that the police adopt a pessimistic view of society, they are isolated and at odds with the rest of society. Furthermore, research has also shown how a narrative can exist that explains the police way of doing things. My contribution to the field is to explore how a narrative can be located, which precedes and shapes the police engagement.
Brottsförebyggande arbete i Karlskrona Kommun
Theft without break-ins has increased significantly in the last year of swimming, sports and leisure facilities in Karlskrona, more precisely 60%. Vandalism in the shape of graffiti is another common crime. The solutions are divided into social and situational crime prevention. Social crime prevention engage in actions that are based on social causes of crime rather than the opposite situational crime prevention, which instead assumes that discourage with the help of technical solutions and has as primary objective to hinder accessibility for example theft friendly goods. The main purpose of this work is to come up with solutions to prevent these crimes, while also being cost-effective and realistic to implement.