

2166 Uppsatser om Street culture - Sida 25 av 145

En social rörelse och finanspolitiska problem : En studie av två grupper inom Occupy-rörelsen

I dagens värld har länder ett tätt sammanlänkat ekonomiskt samarbete. Detta innebär att ifall ett land drabbas av en finanskris, kommer även andra länder att falla likt dominobrickor, in i en väntande finanskris. Just detta skedde år 2008 och 2011, då ett flertal av världens länder drabbades av en stor finansiell kris. I skuggan av dessa kriser växte en social rörelse fram vars syfte var att uppmärksamma människor om vad som, enligt rörelsen, egentligen hade hänt. Rörelsen som växte fram är känd som Occupy-rörelsen.

Uteslutandets politik : Sverigedemokratin i det sociala arbetet

The debate surrounding the opinion polls of the political party Sverigedemokraterna, and later their results in the Swedish election has been evident. The purpose of the study is to investigate how norms of equal treatment in social work practice might be influenced by Sverigedemokraterna's understanding of culture, ethnicity, nationality and religion. The thesis is outlined through the works of Teun van Dijk and Ruth Wodak (2000) regarding racist discourse in politics, Giorel Curran (2004) explaining lesser established parties influence on the broader discourses and Anders Hellström and Tom Nilsson (2010) attempting to ideologically position Sverigedemokraterna. With the method for analyzing policy documents designed by Carol Bacchi (2009) the latest motions from Sverigedemokraterna has been analyzed. Bacchi?s theoretical framework, together with theory concerning the expression of modern racism of John Hodge (1999), Paul Gilroy (1999) and Bennedict Anderson (1996) amongst others has been used to create an understanding of the material.

Mellan beroende och autonomi. En fallstudie av biblioteken i Flisby och Lofta kommuner

The aim of our Master´s thesis is to investigate the development of the different libraries in the former communities of Flisby and Lofta during the former part of the twentieth century. We ask the following questions:How did the libraries in Flisby and Lofta develop between the years of 1905 and 1952?How can we understand the libraries? dependency of funding of different kinds? We have used case study as a method, and we have adopted a source criticism approach. We have mainly used our local archives and among other things we have investigated various sorts of protocols, annual reports, auditor?s reports and the accounts that were sent to the Board of Education.

Kultur, makt och begreppet stat i förhandlingssituationer: en fallstudie av den norsk-svenska renbeteskonventionen

This paper develops a theory for understanding negotiation situations involving states and indigenous peoples. Using relevant constructivist theory as a starting point, the paper develops a theory about understanding the relationship between power and culture implicit in the concept of the state. This relationship is examined in negotiations situations involving states and indigenous peoples. States are constituted by social structure and are representatives of the national culture. At the same time states are actors within the international system and a part of the culture of Westphalia.

Historia skriven i sten? : Bruket av Kensingtonstenen som historiekultur i svenska och amerikanska utställningsrum

The aim of this master thesis is to analyze how and why Scandinavian-American history has been used in exhibitions in both Scandinavia and the United States after the end of the Great Migration. More specifically, the thesis deals with the Swedish and American exhibitions of the controversial Kensington Rune Stone, discovered in Minnesota in 1898. Despite the fact that its authenticity has been disputed by academic expertise, it has been displayed by many prominent actors. The Rune Stone is one of many purportedly pre-Columbian artifacts found in the United States. Moreover, it is an identity marker, harboring many kinds of identity constructions. The thesis therefore focuses on the meanings that the Rune Stone has been charged with since its discovery, as historical culture and in specific exhibits, on how it has been displayed, and on why it has been exhibited at  national museums in both Sweden and the United States. The principal source materials are five exhibitions of the Kensington Rune Stone.

Differentierat eller sammanhållet belöningssystem i diversifierade företag?

Background: Diversified companies, for example audit firms, sometimes offer different kinds of products and services. Different key success factors can in the same company thereby evolve. Goal congruence has to be achieved in the business divisions as well as in the company as a whole even though each business segment might have to focus on different factors. Purpose: The purpose is to analyze if differences in technology and culture between the business divisions in diversified companies motivate a differentiated reward system. Method: The study has a case study approach.

Subkultur och kommunikation : påverkar olika kulturer den hierarkiska kommunikationen i en organisation?

The essay studies the relationship between communication and organizational culture; to determine if there are any cultural differences between the management of an organization and its employees and to examine how a difference can affect the communication of organizational policies. A case study, where the public school was examined, was used to answer the research question, and interviews were held with relevant people on different levels in the organization.The interviews were analyzed with the theoretical frame of reference as a benchmark. Cultural differences could be identified between different levels in the organization and between the two schools studied. The differences affected how and why people communicated but not how well the respondents understood each other.Keywords: Organizational culture, subculture, Organizational communication, affects, hierarchy..

"Om vi säger att mobbning inte förekommer i förskolan lurar vi oss  själva" : En intervjustudie om förskollärares föreställningar om barns maktrelationer och mobbning i förskolan

The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.

-Jag kan detta, vad kan du? : Ledares och medarbetares uppfattning om kunskaps- och informationsöverföring i ett produktionsföretag

Introduction: More and more companies have realized that keeping and using the knowledge in their companies is getting more important to get or keep a competitive advantage. The companies? organizational culture and knowledge management are essential to create knowledge transfer. Also that the employees and the leaders of the company knows how knowledge- and information transfer arknkoe done best for them. That is why we chose our purpose to be:The aim is to understand the differences between managers and employees perception about knowledge- and information transfer in a manufacturing company.

?Kultur är läkande, verkligen? ? En fallstudie av sjukhusbibliotekariers arbete med ungdomar

The main purpose of this thesis was to examine how hospital librarians worked with young people at a children?s and young people?s hospital in Sweden. We wanted to see how they promoted their health with culture and cultural means such as book trolleys. We did a case study, and made three qualitative interviews with the hospital librarians. The purpose was also to find out what the hospital librarians thought of young peoples.

Utveckling Ulricehamn- om stora förändringar i en liten stad :

The purpose of this thesis is to inquire how a small town can be affected by some planned changes in the physical structure of the town, and how its inhabitants can benefit from those major changes. The town in question is Ulricehamn, and of the four projects considered, two concerns infrastructure. A new railway and a new locality for the major road, today passing through Ulricehamn. The other two projects are run by the local authorities, that is the planning of a modern town park by the lake, and a new public building for cultural purposes. There are no guarantees that any of the four projects will ever be realized, but in the process with this work, they have been considered as already a fact.

Mata inte trollen : En studie i marknadskommunikation och internetkultur

Social media provides, as many points out, new possibilities for marketing. Marketing in social media requires a two way communication, rather than the traditional marketing where the communication model is typically sender ? receiver.To create a marketing campaign that is suitable for a two way communication model has its difficulties and risks as well as its opportunities. Opportunities in the sense that the campaign can become a viral, a Word of mouth and create a Buzz, which will reach potential customers, to a bigger quantity for lower costs, with a message that will make a different impact from the types of commercial messages we are used to. Risks in the sense that the message, if not properly aimed and phrased, can be turned overnight into something that humiliates the company and possibly harm its brand.The difficulties in creating such a campaign is to create something that will catch people?s attention, discuss and forward it, while at the same time avoid getting hurt.We aim to describe the internet from a cultural context, and from that point of view explore the types of misunderstandings which often seem to happen when a corporate message is created and sent out in social media, how to avoid putting the image of a company in danger when doing this, and examine if there is ways to know how the message will be received.

?Tolkien himself would be proud? - En studie av fansens deltagande i expanderanderingen av en fiktiv värld

This essay examines fans contributions in a transmedia culture. I examine how fans relate and use the fictional worlds in the creations of their own films. The study focusing on the use of graphical elements and character design in some fan films. The examination is done by using two intertextual theories. One of the theory is Lubomir Dolezel theory on transfictional relationships and the other one is Gérad Genette theory on the realtion in transtextuality.

Doktoranders förhållningssätt till Open Access: En studie av epistemiska kulturers betydelse för doktoranders tankar kring vetenskaplig publicering

The aim of this bachelor-thesis is to study how postgraduates approach open access during times of change within scholarly communication. Our theoretical framework is based upon Knorr Cetinas epistemic cultures and Cullen & Chawners theory that there is a paradigmatic conflict within scholarly communication due to the fact that open access has failed to reach the same level of prominence among researchers as it has within research libraries. We interviewed six postgraduates at Malmö högskola in order to find answers to our research questions. We identified a shared epistemic culture among the postgraduates, which can be explained by the fact that being postgraduates, they all share similar experiences and values. We chose to call this epistemic culture the horizontal epistemic culture.

"democracy in doses"? - en studie kring demokrati och Egypten under Mubarak

AbstractWhy don't (some) regimes with formal democratic features undergo transition to democracy? Which are the internal dynamics of these regimes that can offer comprehension to this state of affairs? The main purpose of this thesis is to advance the above questions, and, on a lower level of abstraction, examine the case of Egypt. The Egyptian regime is characterized by, for instance, a multiparty-system, steps toward economic liberalization, and some level of persistent state opposition, and has been considered on the way to liberal democracy, but can still hardly be estimated as such.Thus, the thesis takes part in a theoretical framework on democratization, and further analyzes the case of Egypt on grounds of socioeconomic development, political culture, and class configuration. By this contextual approach, the thesis adduces that a low level of modernization, an incomplete democratic political culture, and a bourgeoisie supported by the state are impending significant factors. The thesis additionally remarks on the interconnection of the adopted theories, and discusses a potential need for new theoretical propositionsA secondary aim of the thesis also gives some insights into the concurrence of regime stability and the absence of democracy in, what often could be labelled, authoritarian regimes.

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