

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 9 av 182

Det nya utanförskapet : En diskursanalys av hur svensk nyhetspress rapporterade om utanförskap under åren 2006 - 2012.

Our study examining how well the guidelines, from Skolverket (School Department), aboutgrades in the course "Samhällskunskap A" are implemented in the Swedish Upper SecondarySchool. The study focus on both teachers and students. To discover which knowledge the bothgroups have, we have used two different methods. The students have answered a survey,which was based on the phrases from the course plan "Samhällskunskap A" about grades. Thesurvey wanted to see how well the students could match the correct phrases with the gradesteps (the Swedish school uses three grade steps).

Boendepedagog: strävan från yrke till profession : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av boendepedagogik

The aim of the study was to look at a particular work group of housing supporters, whomhave implemented two special working methods in their work. The methods have been implemented by two of the housing supporters that also have special education in the methodsSOC (Sense of Coherence) and solution focused brief therapy. The study is based on anethnographic observation and analysis of documents that are used in the implementation. To analyse the information that was given at the observation and in the document I´ve used a theory which illustrates the significance of developing professions so their knowledge become legitimate. I´ve also used a theory that illustrates the importance of implementation and how it´s done at its best.

Missilstyrning med Model Predictive Control

This thesis has been conducted at Saab Bofors Dynamics AB. The purpose was to investigate if a non-linear missile model could be stabilized when the optimal control signal is computed considering constraints on the control input. This is particularly interesting because the missile is controlled with rudders that have physical bounds. This strategy is called Model Predictive Control. Simulations are conducted to compare this strategy with others; firstly simulations with step responses and secondly simulations when the missile is supposed to hit a moving target.

Den finansiella krisen 2008 : En studie av dess påverkan på British Airways-World Cargo och dess finansiella operationsstrategi

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald

Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting andforestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we todaythink of as the cultural landscape; a mosaic pattern of cropland, fields, pasture and forests. Thepast two centuries, globalization, industrialization and urbanization have come to pose a threatto the existence of these landscapes. European farmlands are now being abandoned at analarming rate, and the associated loss of landscape preservation, biodiversity and ecosystemservices is a concern to the scientific community and public alike.This thesis studies if the implementation of the relatively new conservation strategy rewilding(recreating self-sustaining ecosystems and reintroducing keystone species) can be a part of thesolution to preserve cultural landscapes and biodiversity in Sweden. Through interviewssupplemented with studies of published works, expertise from different fields has beencompiled to provide an overall picture of the capacity of rewildings as conservation method.

Turbuhaler - Kvalitetskontroll : En kvalitativ studie av årets Leanpristagare

Problem: How is Lean, a production-focused model being applied to non-productive focused industries.Purpose: To examine how Lean has been applied to the department of Turbuhaler-Kvalitetskontroll and which parts have been successfully applied.Problem statement: How does the implementation of Lean?s basic concept, which originated in the car industry, differentiate itself from the implementation of Lean in the pharmaceutical industry, in this case the department of Turbuhaler-Kvalitetskontroll at AstraZeneca.Conclusions: The department has had success in its implementation of lean. They have developed and modified the basic concept in order to apply it and excluded the parts they did not consider necessary. Through their work they have accomplished numerous improvements in, among other things, the reduction of lead time. .

En Fallstudie av Implementeringen av EU:s Minoritetsskydd

The intention of this thesis in political science is to understand how the European Union fights and prevents discrimination against the Roma minorities in Sweden and Romania, and how the implementation works in reality. The study consists of defining what it means to be objectively discriminated, what ethnicity really means and how the implementation process consist of a comparison and statement has been made by the national governments and comparing how two socioeconomically different member states handle EU directives and implement them in Sweden and Romania. The main findings of this study was that EU policies lack the capital and explicitness that is needed for great results to be accomplished and that the governments in both countries have different issues with implementing the protection of the human rights and Roma culture, and that EU needs to be more practical and develop in a faster pace. .

Indirekt varumärkesutvidgning på den svenska bilmarknaden

Today automotive manufacturers are facing a crisis with increased pressure to strengthen their brands. To prevent declining results many automakers have chosen to extend its brand to other industries i.e. various forms of brand extensions. Automotive manufacturers have developed an international strategy for what merchandise to offer. The strategy has received an overall positive response, however, it does not apply well within the Swedish market where merchandise is sold in less quantity than abroad.

En skola för barnets bästa? : Den svenska skolan i relation till FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter

AbstractEssay in political Science (c-level) by Karin Forsling, Spring 2007A school for the best interest of the child? - The Swedish School System according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.Supervisor: Stig MontinThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Swedish governments work with the im-plementation of this convention and what progress has been made. The inquiry of this study is to describe how the changing in the Swedish School System correspond to the national strat-egy for implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Sweden and how the political protagonists.I have read some of the most relevant documents from the authorities and organisations work-ing with children?s rights in Sweden and papers and communications from the political pro-tagonists.Since UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by Sweden in 1990 the work for implementation has been quite successful but there are still lots to do. There are still some problems in School such as bullying, insulting, insecurity and lack of peaceful and harmoni-ous school environment.

Praktisk och teoretisk matematik - Ur pedagogers synvinkel

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

Referenser i informationsåtervinning: utvärdering av en sökstrategi för citationsindex

In this essay, a search strategy for citation index is studied. The strategy, which is essentially a citation cycle, starts with documents retrieved by a subject search, wherefrom new documents are identified following the network of citations backwards and forwards in time. Based on the theory of polyrepresentation, the strategy exploits overlaps between cognitively different interpretations of the same documents in order to automatically select references seed documents used as a starting point for the forward chaining. The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the retrieval effectiveness of the search strategy and to find out whether the strategy can be used to expand a subject search with the help of the network of references in order to retrieve new relevant documents. Two questions are formulated: 1a.

På rätt spår i en osäker miljö? : En fallstudie av Banverket Telenät

Background: Today, the environment of a company is characterized by quick changes like leaps of technology and market shifts. The problem is how this turbulent environment and an uncertain future affect how a company creates strategies and how its structure is adapted. Can a certain choice of strategies or a certain structure be a way of dealing with an changing environment? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore if and how Banverket Telenät, as an example of a company in a turbulent business like the Swedish telecom industry, tries to deal with an uncertain future through strategy and structure. Procedure: We have carried through a qualitative case study with interviews and gathering of additional information concerning the business.

Hållbar utveckling : Begreppets utveckling och användning på kommunal nivå

This thesis concerns how local governments use the concept sustainable development, and what the concept means. The concept of Agenda 21 and local Agenda 21 will also be discussed in this essay, because it's an instrument for local governments to specify their work towards sustainable development. I have interviewed civil servants in leading positions in the municipalities? work with environmental questions and sustainable development. In the choice of method for this thesis, I use the qualitative method and for the interviews I chose the ?semi structure way of interviewing?.This thesis shows that local governments? implementation of sustainable development and Agenda 21 differ between the municipalities.

Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om lärares uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik

In previous contact with secondary schools, we have noticed a dull setting for friluftsliv among teachers in Physical Education and Health. We suspected that both teaching and assessment are sometimes conducted in error. Under the provisions of Skolverket the teacher must involve all elements mentioned in the core content of the curriculum and the assessment of students' knowledge may be based only on what is expressed in the syllabus for each course. Research shows that the implementation of the curriculum have failed in the subjects investigated (Skolinspektionen, 2013:22). We have identified a gap of knowledge regarding the situation of friluftsliv in the course physical education 1.

Lika makter leka lika? Sanktioner eller dialog, varför skiljer sig USA respektive EU handlingsplaner från varandra angående Irans kärnvapen?

In this thesis I will discuss how US respectively EU general international security policies are formed with the scientific theories Rational Choice and Cognitive theory in mind. I?ll discuss how come US tends to go towards a more sanction orientated strategy while European Union seems to prefer a dialog and diplomatic problem solving strategy. I?ll exemplify respective security strategy through the qualitative cases study of Iran and analyse why they have taken different cores of action while trying to solve the problem with Iran's alleged nuclear weapon.

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