

2737 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 61 av 183

Pseudoslumptalsgenerering : En studie av pseudoslumpsalgoritmer i allmänhet med fokus på C++11-biblioteketRandom samt implementation av en modifierad XORShift

Randomness is a complex area of computer science, where only pseudo random numbers are possible to generate algorithmically.This report presents established algorithms for random number generation by conducting a basic study of relevant literature, while testing distribution and speed of the algorithms contained within the C++11 Random library. The results are compared to the algorithm XORShift and a modified version of it. The study shows that the modified algorithm passes all tests in Small Crush, andthat the run time is shorter than for those in the Random library. The conclusion is that it is possible to, with simple means, modify an algorithm to outperform the algorithms of the C++11 Random library..

Kontextbaserad information genom iBeacon : En implementation i iOS och Android

I dagsläget växer behovet av rätt information vid rätt plats, kontextbaserad information. Med hjälp av iBeacon kan man till en stor utsträckning förse det här behovet med en lösning. I uppsatsen undersöks användningsområden för iBeacon och idéer för hur man kan utveckla lösningar med hjälp av iBeacon. Ett koncept kommer att implementeras för att distribuera kontextbaserad information på mässor. Konceptet utvecklades till iOS och Android.

En bransch i förändring: Den nya teknikens påverkan på musikbranschen

Innehåll: Uppsatsen tittar på hur de senaste årens tekniska utveckling har påverkat musikbranschen och hur musikbolagen bör utforma sin affärsstrategi för att klara av dessa förändringar. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att diskutera begreppet affärsstrategi på ett teoretiskt plan, och två fallstudier tittar närmare på musikindustrin. Fallstudierna behandlar MP3.com och Napster, två företag som såg de nya möjligheterna som Internet förde med sig, medan de traditionella musikbolagen fortfarande var fast i gamla mönster. Slutsatsen är att de traditionella musikbolagen fortfarande är alltför rädda för riskerna med piratkopiering för att våga satsa fullt ut på kundorienterade lösningar..


The notion of firms interacting with technology is not new; these types of systems were already in place in the mid eighties. E-business users worked with connections between their inbound logistics and procurement systems, and suppliers? order-entry systems. When these connections were described for the first time the vertical links between two, or more, value chains in a value system received more attention in firm strategy. The design of the linkages in the value system was said to be a product of the need for coordination and relative bargaining power.

Att göra politiken personlig : En studie kring hur svenska partier arbetar med personifiering i sin strategiska kommunikation.

The purpose of this study is to highlight the existence ofpersonalization within Swedish political parties along withhow the parties work with this phenomena in order to achievemore voters.The method used is personal interviews with politiciansfrom four different government parties. As a complement, interviews with a political expert was also made. All parties use personalization in different ways as a strategy tocreate dialogues and relationships with both media and voters. We distinguished two sorts of personalization: individualization and privatization, and discovered that not all parties use both..

Intäktsredovisning - när i tiden och till vilket värde? : -En kvalitativ studie av fyra företags intäktredovisning.

Revenue is the largest post in the financial statements but is often least described. They are an important element when different companies are compared with each other. Revenue is often associated with assessment which Enron and Prosolvia is two examples of. Enron reported their incomes and assets while their costs and debts were not reported. Thus were a positive image maintained of the company when the financial position in reality were otherwise.

Celebritet i marknadsföringen : Hur påverkas företaget?

The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company.

Hur har EU-utvidgningen den 1 Maj 2004 påverkat logistikföretagens strategi i Sydöstra Sverige?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur företag i logistikkedjan, rederi ? hamn ? åkeri, förberett sig inför de nya länderna, Lettland, Litauen och Polens inträde i den Europeiska Unionen den 1 maj 2004. Vi har även valt att undersöka vilka omvärldsanalysmetoder företagen använder sig utav, hur de i så fall tillämpar dessa och ge eventuella förslag på omvärldsanalysmetoder..

Dolda fel i fastigheter : En studie om reglerna kring dolda fel i fastigheter.

Event is something that an increasing number of Swedish cities are investing in since it contributes to higher attractiveness of cities and generate economic revenues. New arenas are built around Sweden to meet the increasing demands to host such events. Event projects are carried out in Sweden and it is important that the planning phase is carried out thoroughly to get a successful project. This thesis aims to look more closely at selected organizations and how they plan their projects and whether it is possible to follow project plans in the event projects. Karlstad has many events that recur annually, including the Swedish Rally.

Korsförlamning : etiologier, diagnostik och terapi.

This report is a literature review that aims to describe marketing contexts for mango production in Kenya. The institutional conditions in the country are not well developed for marketing purposes, which causes many difficulties and problems for the society. In Kenya most mango producers are poor small-scale farmers with limited resources. Mango is a perishable commodity and to keep its value and quality it is essential to have the opportunity to sell the mangos in the right time. Inefficient and undeveloped infrastructure and marketing systems hinders the mangos to reach the market in time though, which causes large losses of produce.The Kenyan mango production has increased during the last decade but due to market losses for the producer, the small-scale farmers? profits have not improved.

Att dokumentera audiologisk rehabilitering - en studie om audionomens arbetsprocess och journalföring

Audiological rehabilitation is a complex process and can involve medical, educational, psychological, social and technical proceedings. The audiologist's part in this process is essential. The purpose of the study was twofold: to describe the audiologist's working process and to explore patient records written by audiologists according to structure, content and comprehensiveness. Method. Out of rules and regulations, code of ethics and literature concerning audiological rehabilitation from the audiologist's point of view, a model for the audiologist's working process was developed.

E-handel : Vilka faktorer styr konsumentens köp över Internet och då med fokus på hälsokostbranschen?

In today?s IT-community, consumers use the internet in a increasing rate to find information or to purchase products and services. This has led to a growth in the market, but also a greater competition between e-stores and web shops. To separate yourself from the masses has become more important, the question is; what strategy should the IT-salesman use? The meaning of this scientific study is to find and focus on witch the primary factors/aspects are, that controls and is the very foundation for the consumer making a purchase, by using the internet.

Balanserat Styrkort Ett verktyg för att belysa icke finansiella mått

Det traditionella styrmedlet, budgeten, har under de senaste åren blivit starkt ifrågasatt. Den största anledningen till detta är att företag har svårt att konkretisera sina långsiktiga mål via budgeten. Företaget som författarna kommit i kontakt med fokuserar starkt på tre finansiella mål, och risken finns då att de förbiser de icke finansiella måtten, som är lika viktiga för att bibehålla de goda resultat de haft de senaste åren..

Förutsättningar för Barnkonventionen i statliga myndigheter : Ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Denna studie belyser några svenska statliga myndigheters genomförande av FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter. Ambitionen är att fördjupa förståelsen av och få ökad insikt om betydelsefulla förutsättningar vid ett implementeringsarbete sett ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv. Studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med myndighetsrepresentanter. Genom framställande av myndigheternas hierarkiska nivåer: ledarnivå, organisationsnivå och kontextnivå, skildras respektive nivås betydelse och medverkan under konkretiseringen av konventionen. Studien indikerar att en kombination av information, yttrande och förståelse mellan de olika nivåerna, är av central betydelse beträffande realiserande av Barnkonventionen..

Penningtvättslagen : Revisorns inställning och tillämpning

Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper  Arbetets art:                   D-uppsats, 15 hp                                                                           Lärarprogrammet                                      Samhällsutveckling med ett internationellt perspektiv Titel:                              Hur sker implementering av förebyggande arbete gällande hiv och aids?  Författare:                      Nina Svenman Handledare:                   Gunnar Hansson ABSTRACT This study analyzes the prevention of HIV and AIDS around the region of Pretoria in South Africa. The study's starting point is the cultural, economic, social and health which is relevant when different levels of society affirms. The aim has been the basis of the representation levels of society discern what is valued and given priority as well as the measures and the strategies used in implementation. The empirical data underlying the study is qualitative studies with respondents from a university, a hospital, a school, the Swedish Embassy and an organization in order to create an image of different levels in society means to implement preventive measures on HIV and AIDS to their citizens. The result demonstrates that there are clear shortcomings in its implementation guidance on prevention measures for HIV and AIDS as lack of resources is based.

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