

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 38 av 182

Flaggskeppsbutiker som marknadsföringsstrategi. : -En undersökning ur ett kundperspektiv.

The purpose of this study was to examine customer attitudes towards flagship stores and how they perceive them. To ascertain this, and obtain answers to the research questions covering the study's main issues, we decided to turn to the customers who recently visited a flagship store.Our background theory is based upon literature from previous research done on the subject in the form of scientific articles and books. We present the theoretical concept that explains how flagship stores are used as a marketing tool and what impact they have on the new market. These will be helpful in answering our questions when we evaluate our results.!A theoretical framework, consisting of three value dimensions, was used as a support throughout the implementation of the study. These three values; hedonic, practical and social, should give us a better idea of what customers experience and what they value when they visit the flagship stores.!The method used in our investigation is of quantitative form, so that it can be feasible on a large crowd to thus contribute to a quantitative result.

Kartläggning av Sveriges landstings användning av telemedicin

Sweden's aging population makes the need for a viable health care urgent and telemedicine can be a solution to enable older people to receive or give themselves care in their homes. Furthermore, implementation of telemedicine has the potential to realise profits in society by increasing the accessibility of health care and minimizing travel costs. Sweden?s low population density and geographical configuration makes the advantages of telemedicine even more appealing. To illustrate the differences between the county councils? use of telemedicine and thus increasing the possibility for coordinated care between them, the authors have on behalf of the Innovation Centre at the Karolinska University hospital mapped the amount of telemedicine technologies that are available in the Swedish county councils? today. To collect information an electronic survey and video or telephone interviews were used.

Mobilitet, abstraktioner och kontextmedvetenhet:Nya vägar för SRÖ i Karlskrona att övervaka driften av fastigheter

Denna magisteruppsats beskriver framtagande och utveckling av riktlinjer för ett system vars mål är att förändra och förbättra en organisation, där arbetet idag utgår ifrån en stationär plats men där vi hävdar att arbetssättet skulle kunna vara helt mobilt. I uppsatsen beskriver och diskuterar vi vårt tillvägagångssätt, resultatet av fältstudier och analys samt en diskussion som behandlar konstruktionen av ett mobilt anpassningsbart system. Uppsatsen resulterar i framtagandet av designriktlinjer för en mobil artefakt. Denna artefakt ska kunna stödja det arbete som utförs av personalen som arbetar med drift och övervakning av fastigheter i Karlskrona kommun. Artefakten ska vara anpassningsbar till den miljö som den används inom, den ska ha förmågan att känna av den kontext den opererar inom samt ha förmågan att följa de interaktioner som personalen utför.

Implementering av Balanced Scorecard ioffentlig miljö : en fallstudie i Tidaholms kommun

 Title: Implementation of Balance Scorecard in public sector - a case study in the community of Tidaholm. Course: Thesis in business administration, 15 p Authors: Marie Ohlsson and Ola Pettersson Advisor: Henrik Linderoth Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the balanced scorecard can be formed according to the backgrounds in the community of Tidaholm. Methodology: We have chosen a qualitative case study. We work on the supposition of an established theory. And switch between deductive and inductive method, with an abductive method as a result. Theory: We work on the supposition of the latest theories from the authors of the balanced scorecard, Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton.


On November 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Today more than 20 years later the convention is ratified by all countries in the world except the USA. A question asked is however if the convention after 20 years of development work has in fact accomplished some positive effects for children around the world? The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in selected states and to reach this aim some questions need to be answered: What do the selected states do to realize the best interest of the child?What do the selected states do to guarantee all children?s right to survival and development?Do all children in the selected states have the same right to health and health services?Do all children in the selected states have the same right to education? The material studied in this thesis is those reports that are to be sent periodically to the Committee on the Rights of the Child by all states. The result of this study shows that the Convention on the Rights of the Child has made some positive progresses when it comes to the situation of the child in the world.

Kurslitteraturdilemmat. En undersökning av hur universitetsstudenter söker sig fram till och får tag på sin kurslitteratur.

This master?s thesis investigates in which ways students seek out and access their textbooks and how they use their university?s library in this process. Data is collected through interviews from six students several semesters into their studies at the University of Stockholm. For the interviews two students each were selected from the fields of law, economics and humanities. The empirical findings were analyzed using T.D Wilson?s model of information behavior (1997).

Militära ?mobil-appar? : Den militära nyttan med kommersiell teknik för militära ändamål

The transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces is bringing about major changes in many areas. Indirect fire is one capability affected by these changes. Financial savings, a shrinking organization and higher eligibility requirements mean that fewer soldiers will gain access to exclusive high-tech support resources such as the JAS 39 Gripen aircraft and the ARCHER artillery system. This thesis aims to examine whether access to indirect fire capability can be increased through the use of civilian products and communication networks. Technology development in the civilian mobile communications area is exponential and nations such as the USA, facing challenges similar to those of the Swedish Armed Forces, devote substantial resources to research and development.

Hur skiljer sig investeringsbedömningen mellan kommunala och privata fastighetsbolag?

This dissertation aims to explore how an investment appraisal differs depending on if it is conducted by a municipal or a private real estate company. Municipal and private real estate companies are not performing on totally equal terms in the property market. A municipal company in Sweden has a public service mission. The consequence due to that mission is that they have limited yield potential but on the other hand the right to certain subsidies. They are also limited by the law of public purchasing (in Swedish: Lag om offentlig upphandling) in the investment process.

Tillväxt med Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie om huruvida CSR påverkar Volkswagen Groups strategi till att bli den största bilförsäljarkoncernen.

The report assesses the typical questions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility within the automotive industry. An attempt as to whether Corporate Social Responsibility has an impact on growth companies is demonstrated. Volkswagen Group is within the required analytical criteria, which are to be studied. Also, the fact that they recently launched ?Strategy 2018? makes it even more interesting to immerse into.

Efficient hedging in an illiquid market

Vattenfall hedge its future electricity production in order to decrease fluctuations in theresult. Hedging can in a simplified way be described as selling the future electricity deliveriesin long-term contracts so that the future price of the delivery becomes fixed. The contractsused are electricity forwards traded at the Nordic electricity market Nord Pool. Animbalance between buyers and sellers can lead to a situation where the forward price notequals the expected spot price. The difference between the forward price and the expectedspot price is referred to as the market risk premium.

Kvickrotsstudier: 1. Kvickrotens reaktion på myllningsdjup, kvävemängd och kväveplacering i konkurrens med gröda. 2. Reducerad glyfosatanvändning på trädad åkermark :

1. Reaction on burial depth and nitrogen availability and placement in competition with a crop In this trial it was investigated how couch grass (Elymus repens) changes its ability to compete in stands of wheat and barley with different burial depth and different amounts and placement of nitrogen. More knowledge in this area can be valuable in the attempt to decrease the use of herbicides and still keep the weeds under control. The trial was carried out in the summer of 2004 as an outdoor pot experiment. The pots contained 15 litres of soil with a surface of 0,06 m2.

The SMEs? Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs? internationalization strategy?Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study.

Konflikter på arbetsplatsen : Förebygga, hantera och lära ur ett chefsperspektiv

The aim with this essay is to investigate the attitude that employers have towards conflicts at the workplace and how this affects their way to prevent and deal with conflicts among employees. Another part of the essay is to discuss pedagogical issues related to learning through conflicts. With this aim and these questions of issues, we have found out which attitude employers have towards conflicts at the workplace as well as how they prevent and deal with them. We have also investigated which opportunities for further development employers sees in situations of conflict. This study is based on qualitative interviews with six women who are head of units within the communal area.

Human Resources Strategy : Ledare, medarbetare och arbetsmiljö på hotell

Inledning: Human Resources Strategy tar upp viktiga begrepp för hur man ska hantera och behandla sina medarbetare, vilket är ett relevant ämne i dagens samhälle där man har fått upp ögonen för hur strategier genom human resources kan genera vinst i företaget.Syfte: Syftet är att analysera hur ledare på fyra utvalda hotell i Stockholm och Oslo arbetar för att få sina medarbetare att prestera optimalt ur ett serviceperspektiv utefter den etablerade modellen Human Resources Strategy, och därefter finna det hotell som lägger mest vikt vid strategierna i modellen.Metod och material: Uppsatsen är baserad på fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, 14 vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och en icke-deltagande/enkel observation på fyra utvalda hotell, som ingår i något av medlemskapen; The Leading Hotels of the World eller Design Hotels.Resultat: Undersökningen visade att ledarna i studien ansåg att det var av stor vikt att medarbetarna har kognitiv kompetens, blir utbildade inom företaget, får motivation, belöning och förmåner, samt känner delaktighet och att de får regelbunden feedback på sitt arbete. Allt detta för att skapa en positiv arbetsmiljö och trivsel hos medarbetarna, eftersom det skapar förutsättningar för att leverera en högklassig service, men i vilken utsträckning beror dock på hotellets storlek, förutsättningar och resurser.Slutsats: Det är viktigt att hitta rätt strategier för att på så sätt få medarbetare att prestera efter hotellets direktiv gällande service. Det gäller att hitta en balans och rätt strategier som stämmer överens med hotellets storlek, förutsättningar och resurser, för att skapa en positiv arbetsmiljö, vilket i sin tur påverkar medarbetarnas trivsel och prestationer.Nyckelord: Direktiv, Service, Strategier, Värdskap..

Hegemoniska diskurser i gymnasieskolans verksamhetssystem och betydelsen av dessa för gymnasisters utvecklande av demokratisk kompetens: : En diskursanalytiskt inspirerad studie från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv med fokus på hegemoniska struktu

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank?s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement.Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks? method for calculating the capital requirement.

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