

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 23 av 182

A Good Education?: A descriptive study of the implementation of critical thinking, international cooperation and sustainable development in Gy11 and SAMSAM01b

This thesis provides a descriptive study from a pedagogic perspective that analyzesobjectives, directives and content related to the social science core class, SAMSAM01b, atGothenburg public high schools. The purpose is to further explore the role of education inrelation to global development and international relations. The study is built aroundcurriculum representation and course implementation of three aspects considered importantfor global development and knowledge of the operating environment: critical thinking,international cooperation and sustainable development. Knowledge theory and likemindedideas of what constitutes a good education form the core of the study?s theoreticalperspective.

Med datorn i fokus : Nio lärares tankar kring IKT i skolundervisningen

One of the essential needs of human beings is to be involved in a social context. The intention of this study was to see if the opportunity to have an iPod Touch, could make it possible for students with literacy difficulties to participate in the regular classes and if the implementation of iPod Touch in the school setting would result in informal learning outside the school. In this case study two pupils with literacy difficulties have been using an iPod Touch in their daily school activity. The pupils as well as their teachers have been interviewed about their experiences of implementing iPod Touch as a tool in the regular classroom teatching. The results indicate that iPod Touch can help students to be in inclusive education and that they use the iPod Touch outside school.

Styrning mot förändring: En fallstudie rörande organisatorisk förändring i offentlig sektor

This paper examines and analyzes effects of the introduction of a new management control system tool within a Swedish public health organization, the Södra Älvsborg hospital, and its possible effect on organizational change. The new management control system tool, known as the SÄS-model, has been widely criticized for being too costly and with too small positive effects to be shown. Our approach has with that as a background been to examine whether the implementation of the SÄS-model and its balanced scorecard has been able to result in effects regarding organizational change. We have through a case study aimed to analyze how a management control system, much alike one that is typically used within foremost private organizations, can promote organizational change. Our results suggest that the implementation of the SÄS-model and the balanced scorecard has given the organization clearer visions and goals.

Ett varumärke för varje behov: Balansering och differentiering av varumärken i multi-brand portföljer

Multi-brand portfolios are characterized by comprising many brands in the same product category. Companies that have chosen to organize their products according to this strategy are facing both possibilities, such as expanding the accessible market size, and challenges such as how to organize the brands, their individual roles and their relation and position to the other brands in the category to maximize revenues. To address these aspects of multi-brand portfolios, I have investigated four product categories where multiple brands are represented at Mölnlycke Health Care, Unilever, Fagerhult and L?Oréal; how the multi-brand portfolios are organized, how the segmentation, positioning and product differentiation are done and what advantages and disadvantages that are associated with this strategy. My conclusions are that multi-brand portfolios can be organized in many different ways and to become successful, they have to be set in relation to the company?s whole brand architecture.

I en klass för sig. Segregering i Sveriges bästa skolkommun - ett implementeringsproblem?

This Master's thesis examines segregation between Swedes and immigrants in school, and more specifically segregation between the two elementary schools Vikingaskolan and Tunaskolan in Lund. This case provides a particularly interesting puzzle, since Lund doesn?t have any pronounced immigrant districts, and was also recognized nationally as best municipality for its schools (2004). In this thesis we try to understand the segregation between the two schools in Lund as an implementation dilemma.The theoretical framework applies a model designed by Lennart Lundquist, which includes three potential causes for implementation problems: the implementer doesn?t understand the decision, the implementer can?t apply the decision, the implementer doesn?t want to carry out the decision.

"ÄTA BÖR MAN, ANNARS DÖR MAN" : En studie om möjligheten till implementering av lakto-ovo-vegetarisk och ekologisk kost i Eskilstuna kommuns förskola

The purpose of this study was to describe the possibility of implementing a lacto-ovo-vegetarian and organic diet in Eskilstuna municipality?s public preschool. Furthermore the purpose was to identify and describe the most important components involved in the implementation and their influence in the process.  The methods used were a survey based on a literature study. This study includes general information about meat production and consumption and also the use of pesticides in farming. It also brings up the environmental and health effects caused by the previously mentioned areas.

Future in a box : En undersökning i designstrategisk produktframtagning med Elfa som fallstudie

This report describes the bachelor degree project called ?A case study in strategic product design in collaboration with Elfa? carried out by Mathieu Gustafsson and Pär Rickberg,students at Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies.We had the opportunity to do our degree project in collaboration with ELFA after a previous school project where we made suggestions for new products. Initially the brief was to develop new products for the company which was based on previous proposals.Reasoning led us in to design strategies and how to use such a strategy to develop newproducts for ELFA. During our first superficial analysis of ELFA and its current products, we found that we wanted to recast the framework of identity and context in which the product would be created. According to the researches made by SVID (The Swedish Industrial Design Foundation),companies that continually are working with design strategies strengthens the brand, its competitiveness and become more innovative.

Finns det ett samband mellan graden av upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress och copingstrategi hos grundskolepedagoger?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether there was any connection between coping strategies; emotional and cognitive strategy and perceived level of stress among primary school teachers in primary and middle school. It was also investigated whether there was a difference between full-time and part-time employees and perceived level of stress. As a theoretical background Lazarus' transaction theory of stress was used as an explanation of mental stress, Lazarus coping strategies for stress and Karasek?s and Theorell?s model of psychosocial work environment was used to explain unhealthy at work. To measure coping we used Coping inventory resources and to measure the stress we used Percieved stress scale.

Teknisk analys : Är det lönsamt att vara trendig?

Trading based on technical analysis has its roots in the U.S. financial industry where it has long been common practice, in Sweden however the trading style has not had the same impact. Based on the results from the preliminary study we believe this is about to change and that the topic therefore requires further studying. Several online stockbrokers today provide information and tools for technical analysis to their clients. As the list of indicators to use for creating strategies is so immense it is interesting for an investor to know what actually could be the basis for a profitable investment strategy.

Corporate Social Responsibility - A case study about how to improve a company?s CSR work

Background: Since the start of the twenty-first century it has become very important for companies to act in a responsible manner, in guides of CSR. The idea is that companies have more responsibilities than to achieve a higher profit for their shareholders. They should also care about the society and act in a responsible way.Problem discussion: Problems concerning CSR are that the internal part of the sustainability work has not encountered the same level as the external part of the sustainability work. Companies are today struggling with implementing CSR into their business strategies.Research questions:1. What does a company has to consider when working with CSR? 2. How can management control systems help the implementation of CSR into the organisation?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine what a company has to consider when working with CSR and how management control systems can help the implementation of CSR into the organisation.

Europas befolkning åldras -utmaningar och strategier : En studie om EU:s möjligheter att arbeta mot de äldres ohälsa

The aging population is a challenge for Europe and there must be cooperation between EU member states to join the challenge to meet. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the EU's ability to influence older people's health, based on experiences from a selection of European officials and on a review of the EU's common strategies. The authors studied and problematize the implementation of the strategies that the EU has negotiated for the work against the elderly poor health, with a view of member countries have different conditions. Using qualitative methods, we have collected and processed statements from targeted interviews and publications by a range of European policies. The material was then analyzed from implementation theory and organizational theory, and based on results of previous research. The result shows that the EU is developing common strategies and coordination methods to the aforementioned challenge to meet. The results also show that the differences existing between Member States causes implementation difficulties of the common strategies. The study states ultimately decide that there should be common strategies to facilitate the work of Member States when it comes to countering the elderly poor health.

Barns upplevelser av rörelse : -en intervjustudie med sex- och sjuåringar

In many earlier investigations a recall advantage of auditory lists spoken in a single voice has been found over recall of lists spoken in two alternating voices. One explanation proposed is an organization strategy which makes recall of alternating-voice lists so difficult. The strategy implies sorting same-voice words into same-voice groups at encoding. Based on this proposition, it was assumed that voice-by-voice recall would be better than recall in order of presentation, as then the recall instruction and the organization of items in memory would be in concordance. The present experiment tested and was unable to support this hypothesis.

Svensk asylpolitik : En studie kring styrning och långa handläggningstider på Migrationsverket

The Swedish Migration Board has during a long time had problems with long processing times for persons that apply for asylum. The government has set targets that investigation should not exceed 6 months although it is done in almost 70% of cases.The study's aim has been to examine if steering can be linked together to long processing times and, if so, explain why. The intention has not been to provide a comprehensive picture of the problem but has defined itself to ensure steering impact. The study has been carried out by studying relevant governing documents, previous research and by interviews with administrators and decision-makers in two of the Migration Board asylum units.The analyses of the study show that a combination of inadequate steering and inadequate resources have contributed to aggravate the implementation, which has lead to long processing times..

Utvärdering av upphandlade äldreboenden

The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.

Effektivisera materialflödet med hjälp av självgående truckar

The thesis that follows is performed in collaboration with Nitator in Oskarström.The factory in Oskarström focuses on laser cutting, robotic welding and surfacetreatment of steel for the automotive industry.The project aims to streamline the flow of materials in production by automatingthe movements of the forklifts, running to and from the interlayer, and betweenworkstations.The project started with a systematic literature search. The literature searchshowed the research position around the AGV-system. Also a review of studentliterature was made, so that a suitable method for practical implementation couldbe developed and applied. Selected method uses both quantitative and qualitativeapproaches, which is analyzed by using triangulation.The work has resulted in a modified layout of the current facility in Oskarströmthat can be used for the implementation of the AGV-system. It has also resulted inthe tender documents and profitability calculation from several of AGV-suppliers..

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