

2729 Uppsatser om Strategy implementation - Sida 16 av 182

Ansvarsfull produktion ? vägen till kundens hjärta?

Responsible production is a subject of increasing importance for companies toadopt and communicate to their environment and many companies choose to implementenvironmental ? and ethic considerations into their brand strategy. There is, however, adividing line between companies according to what extent they choose to implementresponsible production into their brand strategy and to which extent they choose tocommunicate it to their stakeholders and surroundings. It is the hypothesis about a dividingline that is the foundation for this essay and something we believed could be interesting forfurther analysis.The purpose of our essay is to find out how the brand strategy of a company is affected by theresponsible production and in what extent they communicate it to their environment. Byanswering those questions we hope to find out why some companies communicateresponsible production more actively than others.We have conducted in-depth interviews with the Swedish clothing companies; MariaWesterlind, Zion and Dem Collective and we have through our analysis reached interestingconclusions.

Klotter och skadegörelse : metoder och tekniker som förebygger klotter och skadegörelse i offentliga miljöer

The city?s public environments are meant to be perceived as safe and inviting areas to visit any time of the day. In recent decades the number of vandalism complaints has doubled and graffiti has become so common that it received a separate category in the crime statistics. With this type of impacts in the public environments the experience are precarious and a boring sight. It?s difficult to put a price tag on these types of crimes, the number of unreported cases suspected to be large.

To practice corporate responsibility : a study of how Swedish food retailers practice strategic corporate responsibility for image differentiation

Due to the increase of the emission of greenhouse gas and climate changes more and more customers demand environmentally sustainable products. The increased demand of sustainable products from cradle to grave is something that has affected the food sector. Many retailers within the food sector feel that they are less or more forced to be environmentally friendly. Nowadays many retailers have chosen to show customers and stakeholders that they want to ?do good? by publishing annual sustainability reports. The Swedish food market has been one of many markets investing in being environmentally friendly.

Handelsrelaterat Tekniskt Bistånd - Ett effektivt medel för fattigdomsreducering?

Abstract This essay discusses whether or not the technical assistance given by The WTO will effect the reduction of poverty in LDCs. The liberalization of trade is considered to be one of the main forces behind economic growth and the reduction of poverty. Can trade reduce poverty?The WTO formed The Integrated Framework pro to the Doha Round in 2001 to assist the LDCs in aiding them implement the WTO's framework. Has this implementation been effective?The WTO also created The EPRP program to the Doha Round in order to create poverty reducing projects amongst developing countries.

Företags användande av kändisreklam

Celebrity endorsement has been a popular advertising strategy all over the world for the past few years. The purpose of this thesis was to find out why companies choose celebrity endorsement as advertising strategy and how the celebrity endorsement process appeared in companies. We choose to interview two companies in the retail business and the interviews were conducted with the marketing managers for each company. This study provided that companies utilize celebrity endorsement to increase their sales, and it is important that the whole company is in the celebrity endorsement process discussion before the company choose which celebrity they will work with. .

En studie i röj

This paper presents a study of the computer game ?Minesweeper?. The aim of the game is to search through a rectangular area of mined squares without hitting any mines. By using a strategy based on making every operation as safe as possible, series of the game have been simulated. The size of the playground is four times four squares.

The Emerging Pricing Capability

The purpose of this thesis is to try to understand, with the help of existing theories and empirical findings, the parameters which are of importance in the development of the pricing capability. We have used a qualitative and abductive methodology approach. The empirical findings have been collected via semi-structured interviews which we have conducted via personal and telephone interviews. Seeing pricing as a capability within the company our theoretical framework mainly consists of the resource-based view and an article explaining and given proof how pricing can be seen as a capability. We also describe the most used pricing strategy today within business-to-business companies, the cost plus strategy.

Implementation och utvärdering av trådintensiv simulator i Java, Jetlang och Erlang

Trådning är svårt att få så effektivt som möjligt och det är komplicerat att skriva kod för det. Det här examensarbetet beskriver en implementation och jämför sedan implementationerna. Utvärderingen av implementationerna i Java, Jetlang och Erlang avslöjar att Jetlang skalar bäst både när det gäller komplexitet och hårdvara. Erlang behöver minst extra kod för att hantera trådning. När det gäller många små körningar har även Erlang bäst prestanda men tappar försprånget snabbt när komplexiteten ökar..

RFID på Kvarntuna stadsbibliotek : Teknikskifte som möjlighet till förändrat arbetssätt?

This two years master's thesis in Library and Information science, examines how the implementation of new technical equipment can affect how staff in public libraries organize their work and activities in the library. One Swedish public library in specific is the subject of research in this thesis, which has been anonymized as Kvarntuna city library. The study takes place in the beginning of the implementation of RFID-technology in the library. RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency Identification, is supposed to make the handling with different types of media in the library more efficient and in connection with the implementation one wants to reorganize work and activities in the library to make it even more efficient and also create a modern library.The thesis' method is qualitative interviews with six members of the staff. The theoretical framework of the thesis is a sociocultural perspective, especially inspiered by Roger Säljö, a Swedish professor in pedagogical psychology.

Belöningssystem i heterogena organisationer -I teori och praktik

The purpose of this master thesis is to, with the strategies of the organization and the preferences of the co-workers in mind, explore how reward systems can be designed in heterogeneous organizations. This is done by interviewing store managers and sales personnel in a heterogeneous organization. The frame of reference deals with theoretical approaches on reward systems and is divided in the following sections, individual or group based, differentiated or not differentiated rewards systems and goals, measurements and rewards. These sections are highlighted from the following aspects, equity, implementation possibilities and finally environment. The theoretical discussion ends in the conclusion that heterogeneous organizations should have several different reward systems, but not if a restructuring process is in progress or the system becomes too costly.

Artiststrategier - Där kultur möter kommersialism i den svenska skivbranschen

This thesis aims to explore the process where strategies for music artists are created by record companies. We describe and analyze how decisions regarding signing, distribution, marketing, bookings and co-operations are made. Through our study we find that the strategy process can be described as a pattern according to Mintzberg's definition. The "inside-out" perspective is dominating and the record companies base their strategies on internal core competencies and the artistry and will of the music artist. The underlying causes of this are the uncertainty that characterizes the industry; the focus on social relations; and the importance of cultural legitimacy..

Prototyputveckling i SharePoint

This report is about intranets and SharePoint. It explains how user?s expectations can affect an implementation of an intranet and what companies want to get out of an intranet. It?s also about risks that may occur when an intranet is developed and how to avoid these problems.SharePoint is a collaborative platform and publishing system from Microsoft that assists developers in the implementation of an intranet.

Årlig gödsling med NPK bäst för gröda, miljö och ekonomi

Yesterdays common fertilizing strategy was to apply phosphor (P) and potassium (K) in thefall a few times in the crop rotation. In the spring only nitrogen (N) was applied. Recent trialsand studies has shown that this strategy, N+P/PK, is ineffective compared with the systemwhere NPK is spread every year in the spring. The strategy with annual NPK-fertilizer in thespring has proven to be better for the crop, the environment and the farmers economy.In the NPK-system the crop responds with higher yields and better quality, especially in thespring cereals. This is mainly because of an interaction between the different nutrients in thefertilizer.

FN:s Barnkonvention och flyktingbarn : Hur implementeras FN:s Barnkonvention i förhållande till ensamkommande flyktingbarn?

1990 Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with 54 rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child does not apply as law in Sweden. However, all countries that have ratified the convention, has an obligation to implement the convention in all decision making and practical management that includes children. The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of the convention in relation to unaccompanied refugee children on a state, municipal and non-profit level by using three actors. The actors are the Swedish immigration service, Stockholm social service and the NGO Save the Children.

Kreativitet : i marknadsföringsföretaget Liljedal Communication AB

Liljedal Communication AB is a marketing company with twelve employees in Örebro. In the marketing business is it extra important to work creatively to reach the target market with a message.Creativity is defined as the creation of new ideas where the idea is adequate, useful and feasible. Organisational creativity is created by individuals in the right environment for using their creativity. In this paper we present theories about creative individuals and the situation that affects their creativity. Furthermore theories are presented about different strategies that aim to increase creativity.

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