

9560 Uppsatser om Strategisk Human Recource Management - Sida 31 av 638

Design som marknadskommunikation : En studie om olika fo?retags nyttjande och effekt av estetisk och strategisk design fo?r att sta?rka sitt varuma?rke

Det finns mycket tidigare forskning och litteratur om hur design som kommunikationsmedel kan tilla?mpas i praktiken, ba?de genom estetisk och strategisk design. Da?remot framga?r inte huruvida tilla?mpningen av design som kommunikationsmedel a?r branschspecifik eller generellt ga?llande fo?r fo?retag oavsett bransch. Fo?retag kan nyttja design som ett kommunikationsmedel fo?r att kommunicera sin varuma?rkesidentitet till konsumenterna sa? att deras syn pa? imagen blir liksta?lld med identiteten.

Möbelformgivning: Utveckling av en social möbel

I den moderna företagsvärlden blir samarbeten mellan enskilda företag allt mer omfattande. I takt med globaliseringen flyter information i många fall långt över det egna företagets gränser i hopp om att tillsammans skapa en starkare position på marknaden. Det finns få fallstudier gällande informationsutbyte i dyadiska relationer mellan köpare och leverantörer och forskare uppmanar till mer empirisk forskning i interorganisatoriska relationer. Detta väckte ett intresse hos författarna att studera vidare vilken formell och informell information på strategisk samt operativ nivå som delas i en dyadisk relation. För att studera detta informationsutbyte har författarna tillämpat en modell som avser att se informationsflödet, dock är modellen bara testad på ett enskilt företag därmed önskar författarna ta modellen till en helt ny kontext i jämförelsen i en dyadisk relation.

Med kunskap i fokus: En kvalitativ studie av knowledge management på mellanstora svenska managementkonsultföretag

Background: Knowledge management is a concept that is considered of increasing importance in the developing knowledge society. Previous research in the area has to a large extent been based on large multinational companies. Purpose: The thesis aims to clarify how middle-sized Swedish management consultancy companies work with knowledge management. The thesis intends to use existing theories about knowledge management to explain the effect of size and area of operation on management consultancy companies? knowledge management.

Styrning Mot Högre Motivation: En fallstudie av ICA Kvantum Flygfyren

The aim of this paper is to examine how the design of management control in a retail trade company affects motivation among its employees. Our purpose is to identify what actions create motivation and how management can benefit by developing and promoting such activity from its high-performing employees. Motivated personnel have become increasingly important in companies today, and companies are increasingly reliant on individual employees? capabilities. The study covers all parts of the management control system, to see how these align to create goal congruence in an organizational context.

Kursåtergång - Är Stockholmsbörsen effektiv

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Företagsförvärv - i teori och praktik

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Relation möter rationalitet: Om professionalisering av inköp av managementkonsulttjänster

The purchasing of management consulting services has traditionally been characterized by informal and relation based interaction. However, case studies have shown that there is a movement towards more formalized and structured purchasing procedures among buyers of management consulting services. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence and the implications of this professionalization. To investigate to what extent certain mechanisms of professionalization have been implemented on the Swedish market, a survey directed to Sweden?s 500 largest companies was conducted.

Ledarskap - En balanskonst?: En studie av föreställningar om ledarskap

The industry of management training programs is increasing rapidly. Every year numerous organizations sponsor expensive management training programs for their managers, hoping that this will pay off and make the organizations more profitable. The companies that offer these management training programs could be seen as important conveyers of conceptions of leadership. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to identify similarities between a number of management training programs and see how they are related to different leadership theories , and based on this try to recognize the conceptions of leadership that are conveyed. The study is of qualitative nature and is based on interviews with representatives from five management training companies in Sweden along with a text analysis of written material presented by the companies.

Vi gör vad vi vill men det är inte mycket vi kan göra : Om hur organisatoriska faktorer påverkar mellanchefers möjlighet att arbeta med hållbar utveckling

The group of elderly people in Sweden will increase significantly in the future and science point out that the future elderly people will not accept today?s standards and offers of assistance in today?s public elderly care. Therefore public elderly care stands before a significant challenge in terms of development that has to be sustainable. New research also points out that middle managers can be a great strategic resource, and a founder of success, in the challenge of sustainable development. The aim of the report was to increase the knowledge about what middle managers in public elderly care think sustainable development has to embrace, when it comes to quality and personnel administration, in order to meet the needs of the future elderly people.

Human Resource: involvering av personal : "alla ska med"

Our surrounding world is constantly changing and to be able to keep up with the fast pace of change organizations need to be prepared to transform as well. If there is a need for an organization to undergo a change process, the people constituting the organization also need to be prepared to change their behavior. In order for the change process to turn out successful, it is of the utmost importance that all employees are given the chance to take part in the process. The challenge for leaders during a change process is, therefore, to ensure that their employees actively get involved.The purpose of this study is to apply Human Resource (HR) theories on to an organization in order to critically review how leaders in practice, can involve their employees, on the basis of a change process.The study is a qualitative case study, the empirical material has been collected at Falkenbergs Sparbank with the help of one unstructured interview with an employee at the marketing department and four semi structured interviews with the office managers.Relationship oriented leadership is beneficial to use during change since it advocates an open relationship between co-workers and exchange of information and knowledge. Relationship oriented leadership is considered to be a good leadership style if organizations wants to turn Human Resource theories in to practice.

Kundernas upplevelser av HR-funktionen efter en HR-transformation

Ett företags personalarbete (Human Resources, HR) är en viktig nyckel till framgång eftersom en till företaget väl anpassad HR-funktion kan skapa stort värde. I skapandet av en effektiv HR-funktion är det betydelsefullt att undersöka hur HRs kunder (cheferna ute i organisationen) upplever HR. Tidigare studier har bl.a. visat på positiva samband mellan HRs involvering i strategisk planering och kundernas uppfattning av HR-funktionens effektivitet. Denna uppsats undersökte, genom en fallstudie på AstraZeneca, hur personalavdelningens kunder upplevde att personalarbetet fungerar, efter en HR-transformation.

Earnings management i amerikanska företag tiden innan konkurs

The purpose of this study was to examine earnings quality and earnings management in U.S. ex-post failed firms. A quantitative study was made, using the Modified Jones Model, to identify abnormal accruals up to six years before bankruptcy. 9 003 continuing firms and 187 bankrupt firms, active sometime between 1990 and 2010, were examined. The study concludes that U.S.

Strategisk ekonomistyrning sett ur ett operationellt perspektiv: en fallstudie av New Boliden Bolidenområdet

Den strategiska ekonomistyrningen handlar till stor del om extern fokusering i flera perspektiv för en organisation som ett komplement till den traditionella ekonomistyrningen som inriktar sig på att uppnå kortsiktiga mål. För att den strategiska ekonomistyrningen skall skapa mervärden krävs att medarbetarnas kreativitet och kunskap tillvaratas. För att uppnå detta har Robert Simons arbetat fram styrmodellen Levers of Control. Styrmodellen skall ge organisationen en helhetssyn och nyckeln ligger i att medarbetarna förstår och accepterar ledningens visioner. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om det ledningen vill förmedla i den strategiska ekonomistyrningen uppfattas av medarbetarna.

Investmentbankernas inflytande på aktiekursen

Hur mycket investmentbankerna påverkar aktiekursen.

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