

11256 Uppsatser om Stickade material - Sida 50 av 751

Förgängligt mode eller varaktig konst? : Mode, konst och förgänglighet i kollektionen Haute Papier av Bea Szenfeld

Ephemerality is one of the most essential characteristics of fashion, since fashion by definition is existing in the present, in the fleeing moment. Also, fashion is closely related to art and there is currently no clear theoretical distinction made regarding the boundary between these two domains. In this essay I have explored the concept of transiency and the relationship between fashion and art in relation to fashion in general and to the collection Haute Papier, made by the fashion designer Bea Szenfeld, in specific. The Haute Papier collection is constructed almost entirely out of simple white paper sheets and of this reason it can be regarded as ephemeral. The material also positions the garments in a void between fashion and art, simultaneously existing in both domains and in none of them.

Barns behov av stöd i leken : ur pedagogens perspektiv

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger på förskolan beskriver hur de arbetar för att stödja barn att komma in i den fria leken. Vi ville även undersöka vilka strategier pedagogerna använder sig av för att hjälpa barn att komma in i den fria leken. I studien användes en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. För att samla in material till studien intervjuades åtta pedagoger på tre olika förskolor. Resultatet visar att material, miljön och tiden har en stor påverkan på barns fria lek.

Barns tankar kring sopor : Hur arbetar förskollärare med ämnet?

The purpose of this analysis was by qualitative semi-structured interviews with twelve children 5-years old and six pre-school teachers at three pre-schools, a total of six departments, find out how pre-school teachers worked with waste separation, if it motivated the children to take care of the environment, and if the work was understandable for the children. The results showed that the children did not comprehend what the pre-school teachers expressed that they worked with regarding waste separation and actions connected to caring for the environment. The pre-school teachers also expressed that the children was not mature enough to learn about the process when waste separated garbage is recycled, and that the work with the subject therefore had been carried out on a lower level. The children however expressed knowledge that did not come straight from their actual every day life, but since dialogue about the subject did not seem to exist between pre-school teachers and children, the pre-school teachers appeared to have failed in making the learning meaningful and understandable for the children, from their knowledge, experiences and interests..

Den globala uppvärmningen i skolans läromedel : En jämförande studie av sponsrade och förlagsutgivna läromedel

Today the talk about global warming and climate change are on top of the public agenda. There for schools and schoolbooks also debate the issue of global warming. A newcomer on the school stage is the sponsored school materials that studies show to be a growing phenomenon. In a debate like that of global warming which is filled with uncertainties and so much political and economic interest, I find it interesting to study how these schoolbooks talk about the issue.In my study I have tried to analyze and compare how school materials for primary school discuss the phenomenon of global warming. I have compared two different types of schoolbooks.

Flanosaga som underlag kring samtal kring genus och teknik i förskolan : Ett antal pedagogers åsikter i förskolan

I denna uppsats har en undersökning gjorts där jag har intervjuat fem verksamma förskollärares inställning till och föreställningar om teknik och genus i allmänhet och i synnerhet i förskolan, samt vad de anser om att använda det material vi tagit fram för att skapa en diskussion om detta med barnen. Flanosagan går ut på att berätta sagor med en pojke och flicka som använder sig av teknikföremål för att försöka tänja gränserna mellan vad som anses som kvinnlig teknik och manlig teknik. Figurerna som vi valt att använda i denna saga är tagna ut boken Totte bakar och Emmas verkstad där pojken och flickan bryter mot de traditionella könsmönstren. De intervjuade förskollärarna hade på vissa områden liknande åsikter och på andra områden olika åsikter. Det alla hade gemensamt var att alla var positiv till att använda detta material i förskolan. .

Vad ser lärarna ute på fältet för syfte med de nationella proven i årskurs fem?

Detta arbete handlar om lärares förhållande till de nationella proven, som sedan 1996 hålls för skolår 5, i syfte att hjälpa till för bedömning av elevers kunskaper. Vi ville också undersöka om det fanns andra faktorer som påverkade lärares bedömning av elever. Vi valde att göra en fallstudie i form av intervjuer och observationer. Vårt material hämtade vi från två olika skolor.I vår teoridel redogörs för Skolverkets riktlinjer i användandet av de nationella proven samt dess syfte. Här framkommer det även olika bedömningsformer som alla har för avsikt att ge en lärare den bästa förutsättning för en rättvis bedömning av elevers kunskaper.Några olika former av bedömning presenteras och diskuteras i relation till en rättvis bedömning av elevers kunskaper.I vår undersökande del framkommer det att lärare använde sig av olika material och inte bara de nationella proven då de bedömde elevernas kunskaper i matematik..

Textila aktuatorer

Aktuatorer är idag det senaste inom smarta textilier efter utvecklingen av bland annat sensorer. Med aktuatorernas funktioner finns idag potential att utveckla nya material som inte bara har förmågan att känna av saker, utan även röra sig genom formförändring. Formändringen innebär att aktuatorer har förmåga att ge en respons på stimulus och en del aktuatorer har dessutom förmågan att uppnå reversibilitet. I detta examensarbete presenteras därmed en experimentell studie där olika polymera material har sammanfogats genom laminering och därefter utsatts för värme. Syftet med den experimentella studien är bland annat att undersöka om plastlamineringar kan efterlikna termiskt aktiverade bikomponentfibrer.

?Den frivillige soldaten.? : Manlighetsideal och legitimitet bland svenska frivilliga soldater samt det omgivande samhället under finska inbördeskriget 1918

This paper examines how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed and how the participation of Swedish soldier volunteers are motivated and legitimatized. The purpose of this examination is to gain understanding and knowledge about the Swedish soldiers in the Swedish brigade, how they legitimatize and motivate their participation and how the ideal of manhood is portrayed and constructed. The study is based on material from the war archive in Stockholm. The empirical material is composed by letters and propaganda material. In the analysis of the empirical study, there have been two theories used which are Eric Hobsbawms historical method and theory about invented traditions and Peter Aronssons historical method and theory about ?historiebruk? and legitimacy.

Jobba till 75 år?! : Trygghet och egoism i den svenska välfärden med pensionssytemet som exempel

The purpose of this study was to try to understand the Swedish population regarding the perceptions of the Swedish welfare system, based on the reactions that occurred after Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt's statement about raising the retirement age. Our results demonstrate that the reactions on changes in the pension system in fact rooted in a safety factor and not the change in the pension system itself, through which the Swedish welfare system acts as a safety net for the population. Further the results shows that these safety factors create a form of egoism. With an interaction between empiricism and theory, where the starting point of the material was of an inductive approach, the material abstracted into different levels from which the result emerged. The focus of this study lies in the understanding of how human beings act according to one's need for security in major changes, which may be of importance to a comprehensive understanding of changes in social structures..

Social förändring under svenskt 1800-tal : Några båtsmän i södra Ångermanland och deras familjer

This thesis analyzes the media debates generated by the election of Omar Mustafa to the board of the social democratic party, and the appointment of the conservative Minister of Labour, Elisabeth Svantesson. More specifically, the aim is to analyze newspaper material through a discourse analyze, to see if and how religious affiliation effects the possibilities to act as a political representative. Theories of othering and intersectionality serve as theoretical points of departure. Further, chains of equivalence from Laclau and Mouffe?s discourse theory are used to study how categories as ?us? and ?the other? are constructed in the material, and how these processes of categorization relate to the intersection of religion, gender and ethnicity.

Hur bedöms vallens avkastning?

Grassland is a great part of Swedish agriculture and there is a demand of what the grassland yield is in practice. To be able to control the economic of the milkproduction it is important for the farmer to know how big quantities of pasture there is to use during the year.The work is based on interviews of 22 farmers from southern part of Sweden. Their area of grassland fluctuate between 16 up to 360 hectares. The questionnaire content 32 questions.The most common way to weight the green plant material is to drive over a scale, and to measure the dry extract with your own gauge. It takes in average two minutes toweight one load of green plant material.

VÅLDTAGEN: ett förpliktigande epitet. En kritisk diskursanalys

Our purpose has been to review and analyse the representation of rape, as well as discussions concerning rehabilitation, present in texts targeted at professionals and/or female victims of rape. We wish to investigate whether female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity of individual positioning with regard to the crimes they have been exposed to. We consider it to be of relevance that female victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity to act, react and feel individually in the context in which they find themselves, without judgement or certain expectations on how to act being dealt to them from their surroundings. Our research questions have been as follows; what views of the phenomenon that is rape are presented in the texts? Do the texts apply any specific theoretical analysis aimed at the possible explanations of the phenomenon that is rape? In what ways do the texts present the significance of rape for the female rape victim? How are the victims feelings of disgrace, guilt and disgust with regard to rape explained, are these reactions linked to the understanding of female sexuality? How are methods of the rehabilitation of female rape victims presented in the texts? Do the texts render possible any other/varying subject positions as a female rape victim? To answer these research questions we have applied a critical discourse analysis on our selection of texts and thereafter made a connection to relevant theory.

Valet av Renegade och Paragon i Mass Effect - Undersökning av möjliga aspekter på valet att spela som ond eller god med fokus på spelarens subjektiva upplevelse

The purpose of the study was to examine possible aspects concerning the choice to play as good or evil with a focus on the players´ subjective experience. A form was constructed and the material was interpreted according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The games Mass Effect I and II were used as an example of the choice to play as good or evil since the choice between Renegade (evil) and Paragon (good) is present. The sample consisted of individuals who had played Mass Effect I and/or Mass Effect II and were over 18 years old. The end result concerning who played a Renegade or a Paragon came to be very uneven (15 out of 16 participants played a Paragon) which means that the result mostly relates to possible aspects concerning the choice to play a Paragon.

Stora markägares val av fastighetsmäklare

The work is conducted in cooperation with LRF Konsult. The data has been collected thru a survey involving 145 landowners in Östergötland. The study is aimed at landowners how owns at least 400 ha of land. The purpose of this study is to find out how large landowners choose brokers when they are looking to sell their property. The purpose of this work is to find "larger landowners' needs / choices of Realtors. The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions, and asked to investigate the seller's most important factors when they select brokers.

Värmlands museum : ?En studie om hur museet kan öka mångfalden bland besökarna.

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the crisis communication was perceived between SAS, massmedia and citizens during the volcano crisis in 2010. The questions posed are: - How did the communication between SAS, media and citizens function during the crisis? - How did senders, intermediaries and beneficiaries experience the information and communication during the crisis? - How important was the internet communication for SAS, media and citizens during the crisis?The collected material consists of interviews and desktop research of material from Internet.The study shows that the communication between SAS, the media and citizens worked well on the social medias but was weaker in all other mediachannels. SAS was also weak in following up information received by media and travelers, and they therefore they had a different picture of the situation during the crisis. SAS thought that the communication worked fine between the parties involved.

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