

11256 Uppsatser om Stickade material - Sida 29 av 751

Vad är det som gör att killar väljer teknik och tjejer frisör

The properties of this material has been studied and it was found that there is very little difference in what affect students in there choice of school, studies and career. Boys who choose hairdressing and styling differ more than girls who choose a career in technics. This is a surprising result which we didn´t expect. In researching background material we learned that it should differ more in perspective of gender. We have compiled the material around young people's choices to high school.

Kulturers påverkan på förhandlingar

In this thesis, I discuss the impact Swedish national culture may have on Swedish diplomats. This is a qualitative study and I have used theories from studies of international negotiations to compare the oppositional results of those scientists with my interview material. With the help of my interview material from seven Swedish diplomats and five foreign diplomats I have compared their perceptions of Swedish culture, Swedish diplomats and their thoughts about the existence of an international diplomatic culture with well known sceientists of international negotiations. My main question is whether there is an international diplomatic subculture, without any national impact, or not. The mission is to base the thesis with earlier science and then compare and contrast with my interview material.

Ekologisk och rättvis textilkonst? : En studie i hur svenska textilkonstnärer förhåller sig till ursprunget och produktionen av deras textila naturmaterial.

Studien syftar till att ta reda på och beskriva vilken medvetenhet som finns hos svenska textilkonstnärer när det kommer till produktionen av de textila naturmaterialen bomull, lin, silke och ull. Mina frågeställningarär hur svenska textilkonstnärer förhåller sig till ursprunget och produktionen i införskaffandet av deras textila material, samt hur de förhåller sig till ekologiskt respektive rättvisemärkt material i relation till sitt skapande.För att ge en bakgrund till detta inleds undersökningen med en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där jag beskriver den konventionella, respektive den ekologiska produktionen av de fyra ovan nämnda naturmaterialen, samt ger en beskrivning av textila märkningar och rättvis handel med textil. Genom en enkätstudie har jag sedan ställt frågor till tretton svenska textilkonstnärer som använder sig av bomull, lin, silke och ull för att ta reda på hur de förhåller sig till produktionen av dessa. Svaren från enkätstudien har sedan analyserats och resulterat i ett antal slutsatser; det finns stora brister i konstnärernas kunskaper kring produktionen av deras material. Flera tycker dock att de borde veta mer, och nio av tretton konstnärer svarade klart och tydligt att de var intresserade av att veta mer.

Can you see

Finns det föreställningarna av rum och dess befintliga rörelser och struktur? Inom Inredningsarkitekturfinns det ettförhållningssättdär den praktiska funktionen är viktig. Där funktion betyder attvara aktiv i rummet, attkunna beröras av material tex möbler som social struktur för attkanske kunna producera för en konsument/brukare.Går det attlösgöra förväntningar och föreställningar från sin ram eller attvidga dessa i den rumsliga aspekteten attfylla något med känsla i stället för en brukande funktion? Om man reducerar funktionen, vilket betyder för mig, om man tar bort möbler och material och bara förhåller sigtill det mänskliga i ettrum. Vad blir kvar? D.v.s.

Att söka form

Previously when I have made proposals for privately owned gardens, I have found it difficult to find strong, extensive designs and to work with room and space. Since this is the field within which I am going to work in the future I feel that I need more experience, reference material and ideas on how I, in an early stage of the working process, can work with and consider room and space. The aim of this project has therefore been to procure experience, reference material and ideas for design of a garden in relation to space. To procure experience and reference material I have, during the fall of 2008, made two incredible study tours to France and to Japan. I have interviewed the landscaping architect Maria Arborgh and studied literature. I have also used a garden outside of Gothenburg in which I have been able to try out different thoughts and ideas regarding shape that have appeared during the course of my work. My conclusions about landscaping are that you should first find the different functions in the garden. The next step is to find an overall theme or shape, use a small number of materials, build a room with sealing, walls and portals with the help of vertical elements e.g.

Helikopterrånet : En fallstudie om interkommunikationen mellan gärningsmännen

The aim of this study is to analyze how intercommunication between offenders are presented with artefacts during the planning and implementation of a robbery in a cash depot in Stockholm. The methodological approach is based on empiricism from police investigation protocols, which leads this study to a case study. The ambition is to analyze the empirical material from a sociocultural perspective. The results shows that the offenders use artefacts to plan the crime with artefacts within an internal intercommunication between the offenders. After the planning artefacts such as a helicopter, explosive material, telephones, saws and ladders have been used in an intercommunication to implement the robbery which leads to an analysis that hierarchy depends on the role of the artefacts, only when technical artefacts are included in the term of hierarchy..

Decentraliserat lager - ett steg mot flexibilitet

This study was conducted at Glimek AB, a company that has chosen to decentralize its central storage unit in order to increase production efficiencies. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems in the production cycle that lead to the decision to decentralize the central storage unit, as well as identifying what the decentralization entails. The effects of the decentralization have not been analyzed in the study, and consequently neither financial nor production disadvantages have been considered.Appropriate questions were formulated based on the chosen underlying theories, and were asked to selected individuals with relevant knowledge. The study is based on the information that was gathered from interviews with management as well as staff within the company. In addition, supporting information such as flowcharts, drawings, orders and decision support documents were supplied by the company.

Doktorander i fysik söker information : en intervjuundersökning av forskarens första tid som informationssökare

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine difficulties concerning information acquisition, use, and management experienced by graduate students in physics during their first years of research work. Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were carried out with nine doctoral students. The theoretical background for analysis of the material is based on the work of Patrick Wilson, with particular focus on the concept of cognitive authority, and on that of Lars Seldén, who has proposed the idea of an information seeking career running parallel to the academic career of the researcher. Results from the interviews indicate that most of the students, in the early stages of their information seeking careers, rely to a great extent on supervisors and more experienced colleagues when identifying material needed for the research project. In a situation where information of potential relevance is abundant and where experience and focus are not yet fully developed, senior researchers function as cognitive authorities and as guides to other cognitive authorities.

Drapering av en illusion : En komparativ studie med utgångspunkt i fotografierna av Leila Khaled och Shirin Neshat

The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between the photography?s of Leila Khaled and Shirin Neshat in order to observe if the woman are able to recede from an conventional formation to become the bearer of the veil and not only reduced to that whichneeds to be concealed. From a feministic perspective I have observed how the symbolic of the veil moulds the woman and how the woman in her context moulds the veil.In the description of the news photography of Khaled and the art photography produced by Neshat the mechanisms that lies as a foundation for the modelling of the portraits becomesthe essays primary entrance. Mechanisms that evolve around the creation of the woman as aconcept, a subject shaped for being looked at and the woman?s self-image through others.The textual discourse is visually enhanced through a comparative picture material visually enhanced and explained through photographs by the contemporary artist photographers Cindy Sherman, Catherine Opie, Laurie Simmons, Robert Mapplethorpe and Elin Berge.

Inverkan av anjoner på MIEX® reningsförmåga

Stockholms- och Uppsalaregionen tar sitt dricksvatten från Mälaren och dess tillflöden. Med ett varmare och fuktigare klimat, vilket är ett scenario i framtiden, kommer troligen kolhalten i vattnet att öka vilket kan leda till att nuvarande reningstekniker måste utvecklas. Organiskt material i dricksvatten kan orsaka en rad problem så som desinfektionsbiprodukter, biologisk tillväxt i distributionssystemen samt även dålig lukt, smak och färg. En lovande metod för rening av organiskt material har visat sig vara anjonbytaren MIEX® (Magnetic Ion Exchange resin process).Syftet med detta projekt var att utvärdera MIEX® förmåga att rena vatten från löst organiskt material (DOC), då anjoner (Cl-, HCO3- och SO42-) som kan konkurrera finns närvarande. Detta gjordes genom experiment med vatten som innehöll olika kombinationer och koncentrationer av de fyra ovan nämnda jonerna.

DISA - En bra metod för tonårspojkar?

The DISA method is a universal program developed for teenage girls to prevent depression. The program includes cognitive behavioral techniques are suppose to change negative pattern of thinking, give practice of communication, strategies of problem solution and exercises to strengthen the social network. The purpose of this study is to find out how a group of teenage boys were affected by the DISA program and what factors that may have impacted the outcome. Material from three different studies have been used, a quantitative study in terms of data from self-assessment form CES-D, materials from two semi-structured focus group interviews with the boys and material from a questionnaire filled out by the boys on two occasions during the DISA method. The result of the CES-D indicates that the boys had less depressive symptoms after the final group meeting compared to the first group meeting and also a year later. Analysis of the material from focus group interviews and questionnaire have been made from a communication theory and systems theory perspective and indicate a shift to greater cohesion in the group and demonstrates that communication between the boy-group and group leaders had importance for the outcome.

"Allt det där ska samsas i ett och samma yrke": en studie om folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentiteter

This Master?s thesis concerns the public librarian?s professional identity. The complexity of the mandates of the public librarian, and the public library, raises questions on how librarians understand their professional identities. The empirical material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews with librarians. Two theoretical approaches are used in the analysis of the material with a focus on the public librarians? knowledge and professional role.

Tillgänglighet och verksamhet för dyslektiker på folkbibliotek i Södermanland

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the accessibility and activities for dyslectic adults in public libraries in the Swedish county of Södermanland. The questions that were to be answered were four; to what extent do the libraries provide book material and special computer software? To what extent do activities occur? Does the library staff have awareness and knowledge of dyslexia and of activities for dyslectics? What are the obstacles for good service for dyslectic library users? Two methods were used. As a first step, a questionnaire was sent to thirty public libraries. The questionnaire elicited a low level of response, but gave in spite of this an overview of the situation for dyslectics in the libraries of the county.

Kommunikation, etik och moral : En studie baserad på nyhetsrapporteringar gällande avslöjanden av företag som inte följer sina egna värdegrunder och policydokument gällande kommunikation angående hållbarhetsfrågor.

Author: Linnea BrundellMentor: Gábor BoraCourse: Media and communication studies, C- level, advanced course. Communication, ethical and moral ? a survey based on news exposing companies which does not follow their own communication policies.Plot: In a leader in the newspaper Arbetarbladet, the writer says that the numbers of journalists are going to be reduced, while the numbers of informant officer are going to increase. Theory: The theory which has been used in the essay is Pierre Bourdieu´s field theories, Jürgen Habermas theories on representation and theories about the company?s values.Method: The method used in the essay is a qualitative text-analysis. The material in the essay is articles from the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Also two documentaries from the TV-show Kalla Fakta will be a part of the material. Adocument made by the trade union DIK, which tell about ethical guidelines for information officer, journalistic rules for their work are also a part of the material. Result: The survey shows that the companies have been failing to work after own policy documents. .

Högre allmänna läroverket i Falun : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

The text deals with the process of reorganizing and cataloging the archival material emerging from State secondary grammar school in Falun, which appears to have been poorly managed for a number of years. The work was done with consideration to former ways of organizing the material, and a great deal of research was needed in order to establish the outer provenance of the archive.The theoretical discussion goes deeper into the questions of provenance and appraisal in regard to the work,and some choices, especially the decision to reorganize the archive, are motivated with reference to Swedishrules and regulations concerning state authorities' archival management and their duties towards Swedish citizens..

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