9106 Uppsatser om Statistical analysis - Sida 9 av 608
Analys av en metod för att extrahera generella regler från multipla nät
Rapporten som följer är en analys av en metod som genererar regler från neurala nätverk. Metoden heter VI-Analysis (Validity Interval Analysis) och är framtagen av Sebastian B. Thrun [Thrun]. VI-Analysis arbetar på det sättet att det neurala nätverket ses som en svart låda där endast de inputvärden och outputvärden som finns i nätverket används som underlag när regler ska genereras. Dessa inputvärden och outputvärden kommer sedan att få tillåtna intervall av VI-Analysis.
Seriemediet i bibliotekspressen 1960-1999
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to study how the comics have been evaluated and debated in the Swedish library press from 1960 to 1999. Have they been seen as something good or something bad? What arguments have been put forward against them or in their defense? What kinds of development can be seen over time? The point of doing this, is of course that evaluation always plays a crucial part in library work. By studying how a "new" medium or art form has been evaluated in the past, we can hopefully gain a greater understanding of how today?s newcomers should best be treated.
Analys, design och konstruktion av en ITS-prototyp : Att övervaka och informera transporter av farligt gods på väg
The Swine flu (H1N1) erupted in 2009 and wasquickly spread over the world and developed into a pandemic, with a great threat against people?s health. It was soon discovered that the H1N1?virus had a different character than the seasonal flu, since it especially affected younger individuals and the consequences from the disease were expected to be more severe. In Sweden it was decided to provide a free of charge vaccination against the H1N1-virus, and the Swedish vaccination ratiobecome relatively high compared to other countries.
Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om triagebedömning på en barnakutmottagning
Triage, which means "to sort", determine the priority of the patients need of care. The aim of the present study was to describe nurses? perception of triage at a pediatric emergency department. A questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions were distributed to all 25 nurses that worked at a pediatric emergency department. The answer frequency was 48 % (n=12).
Hur påverkas beteende/känslor och fysiologiska faktorer på människa och häst vid interaktion mellan parterna? :
The aim of these two studies was to investigate the possible physiological, behavioural and emotional changes that appear after human-horse interactions and also to find an explanation to why they occur. One aspect that is discussed is whether the wellbeing of humans can be coupled to interacting with horses and of how the animals respond to the interaction. The first study was performed on 9 horses and their owners, both parts being subjects to registrations during 4 different interaction treatments. The second study was performed on 6 horses with registrations only being performed on the horses during 2 different treatments.
Nine horses underwent 3 different treatments all performed by their owners (H = stroking of the horses forehead, B = brushing and M = stimulation of the withers) in addition to a control round (K). Each treatment lasted for 4 minutes but observations were performed until after 45 minutes from start.
Utvärdering av energiberäkningsprogram : Att användas i tidigt planeringsstadium för byggnader
The regulations for energy consumption are consistently getting more and morestrict. This leads to a higher customer demand for energy analysis early in the buildingdesign process. Many building planners and architects use powerful modeling softwareto visualize their projects. These digital models contain sufficient information aboutthe building?s physical characteristics for reliable energy analysis.
Utvärderande bibliometri: en jämförelse mellan två kvalitetsindikatorer
This master's thesis aims to explore the field of evaluative bibliometrics. In short, this field of research uses bibliometrics - i.e. the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication - as a research assessment tool. In recent years, evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method in research evaluation and is today used and implemented in many countries worldwide. Today, in Sweden, we can also see that evaluative bibliometrics is highly recognised and, in some cases, used in practice.
Kassaflödesanalyser : En undersökning av kassaflödesanalysens användning i förhållande till det tidsperspektiv som styr företagens agerande.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential associations between usage of the cash flow statement report and time perspective in which companies? acts and set goals. Method: Our approach is quantitative, using empirical data summarized in a statistical procedure. The result is thereafter analysed through the developed analysis model from which conclusion is drawn. Results: We have in the investigation stated that the usage of the cash flow statement report varies depending on the time perspective in which companies? acts.
Vaccinering mot H1N1 : En studie av vad som påverkade svenska individers vaccinationsbeslut 2009
The Swine flu (H1N1) erupted in 2009 and wasquickly spread over the world and developed into a pandemic, with a great threat against people?s health. It was soon discovered that the H1N1?virus had a different character than the seasonal flu, since it especially affected younger individuals and the consequences from the disease were expected to be more severe. In Sweden it was decided to provide a free of charge vaccination against the H1N1-virus, and the Swedish vaccination ratiobecome relatively high compared to other countries.
Hav och Strand : stenteknologi och marin anpassning på Gotland under Senboreal/Tidigatlantisk tid
The essay circulates around the technological analysis of flint material from four localities around the Baltic Sea basin. The analysis was created to investigate the question of where the first Gotlandic settlers originated from and to give clues about the colonization process. The investigated material was collected during the fall of 2011 and a correspondence analysis is used to analyze the collected material. The purpose of using a correspondence analysis is to test the method as a tool for investigating Mesolithic flint technologies. The essay also discusses marine hunter-gatherers, their economy and how their archeological remains differ from terrestrial hunter-gatherers..
Skademönster på Gotland : Kontaktorsak, skadeplats och skadeorsak med fokus på ålders ? och könsskillnader
Injuries are considered to be a major public health issue. More than 4600 people die each year and 10 % of all hospitalization in Sweden is related to injuries. The cost in a societal perspective is estimated to 59 billion a year. Injuries are possible to prevent. However it needs knowledge that the injury has occurred and the surrounding circumstances.
Hur doftar parfymreklamen? : En Studie i hur man kommunicerar doft genom bild i parfymreklamen
With the help of image analysis and scent theory, we have made an analysis that explains how the perfume smells in advertising. There are many different factors that play a role in our perception of smell by image. We have found that using the connotations we can get a sense of the scent. What helps us along the way, the colors, the women and the environment. From this one different conclusions are mad and we create a scent sensation..
Hedgefonder : En empirisk studie om olika hedgefondstrategier och deras påverkan på avkastning
Investment in hedge funds is a relatively new phenomenon for investors compared with other forms of savings. In recent years, the interest has increased among investors in investing their money in hedge funds, given the protection against declines in the market they are aiming for. Their main purpose is to generate a high return at a low risk regardless of market trends. This they can achieve by having fewer restrictions that offer more flexible investment strategies and freer investment opportunities.The purpose of this paper is to identify how the selected hedge fund strategies have performed during the recent economic downturn. We also want to clarify the claim that hedge funds exhibit a positive absolute return regardless of what the market is performing.In order to answer the purpose of the essay and its problems, we have used a quantitative method with a deductive approach in the processing of data.
Samband mellan luftföroreningar och klimatfaktorer - en statistisk unersökning
That air pollutants of different kind has impact on our climate can hardly haveavoided anyone during the past years environment explosion in the media. But howis it actually with the reverse, i. e. the climate's impact on air pollutants? The aimwith our degree thesis is to try to find out if different weather factors, statisticallyseen, promotes atmospheric pollutants and particles in the air and vice versa.We got access to data on air pollutants and weather factors that was registeredduring year 2007 at Femmanhusets air pollutant and weather station in Gothenburg.In order to do a statistical investigation of these data, and to be able to analyze if itoccurs relations of various kind, we used the statistics program SPSS.
Kostnader för välfärdstjänster i Västra Götalands kommuner
This bachelor?s thesis examines costs of welfare services in municipalities of the region of Västra Götaland in Sweden. Previous research provided reasons to expect a link between costs of welfare services and demographic changes. Furthermore, Willam J. Baumol?s theory about ?the cost disease? also provided reasons to expect a link between welfare services and salary levels.