

704 Uppsatser om Station town - Sida 25 av 47

Fattigvården i Eskilstuna 1883-1913 : en undersökning av fattigpenningen 1883-1913

In this essay I will analyze how the poor relief was used in Eskilstuna during the years of 1883 to 1913. In the records over who took allowance from the authorities it will also be mention the year of birth, which block the person lived in, sometimes if that person had any children, and if the person was a women it was often written down what profession the (often dead) husband have had when he was alive, or as an alternative what the fathers profession had been and finally its notified how much the person had every month in allowance.I want to see how the poor relief changed over time. I will do four close checkups, i choose the years 1883, 1893, 1903 and 1913. I will read in the records and compare how many it was that needed the poor relief for that year and further on I will mark out where these people was living in Eskilstuna city. For that propose I will use a map from 1890 and mark out every block in town that received the allowance.

Analysis of Quality of Service of Wireless LAN for IEEE 802.11e

Nowadays Wireless LAN is playing a more and more important role in network systems. After 1999, in which the IEEE organization published its Wireless Local Network standard 802.11[1], many people saw the advantages of the standard but also the lack of support for multimedia streaming. A lot of research work has been done on the proposed IEEE 802.11e standard draft during the past 4 years. It is supposed to be able to fully support Quality of Service. The final version will be published early in 2004.

Integration, separation och allt där emellan - En studie om romska barns skolsituation

Our purpose was to investigate the schools and the social welfare´s experiences of Roman children´s school situation in a Scanian town. We have done a qualitative investigation, interviewing 14 persons from both school and social welfare. Through the interviews we wanted to find the factors which influences the Roman pupils schooling and which efforts the professionals has to their disposition to influence these children´s school situation in a positive direction.The main result of our study is that the majority of the Romans is an isolated group, both in the Swedish school system and in the society. The Romans got access to the Swedish comprehensive school first in 1965, which implies that the Romans have a young school tradition. Most of the Roman pupils have a high absent, which is grounded in a complex of problems.

Ett kommunikationssystem för fiberoptisk överföring av bilddata förvärvad av en miniatyriserad undervattensfarkost

This report describes the development and implementation of a system for transmitting digital information at high speeds from a miniaturized submersible developed by the Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University. For instance, the vehicle shall transmit image data ? even stream live video - through an optical fibre to a monitor in a ground station. Hence, the system shall be used both to convert the image data to make it transmittable, and to recreate it at the receiver.The work includes a pre-study of the programming language and the technology used. A concept for the solution is presented together with main components later broken down into internal functions.

Fallstudie av mellanrummen i stadsdelen Ålidhems offentliga utemiljöer :

This diploma-work assess the public outdoor space. It has its starting point in, Ålidhem, a town district of Umeå. I have been studying public spaces in the outdoor environment. In this essay this refers to the spaces between the houses. What they are, what they contain, how they function and how they can improved.

Brandskyddsindex Visby innerstad

The aim for the project was to develop a risk analyse tool for measuring the fire safety level in Cultural Heritage buildings of Visby, Gotland. In 1995 Visby were taken into the Unesco:s World Heritage List with the explanation ?Visby is an outstanding example of a Northern European walled Hanseatic town which has in a unique way preserved its townscape and its extremely valuable buildings? One of the demands for the tool was that it should be easy to use and result into a ranking level in examined buildings. The user of the tool is recommended to be personnel in the fire department. To develop the tool a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method was used.

Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv

The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.

Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis, när ett barn misstänks för ett brott : - En kvalitativ studie, ur ett myndighetsperspektiv

The purpose of our study is to see how the interaction between the social services and police work when a child under 15 years is suspected of crimes.What happens to the child from an agency perspective? How is the experience for the child and how do they get their voices heard? How is the professional perspective for a child when a child is suspected of a crime? What do the various authorities for short-term and long-term measures for the child?We have chosen to do a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews. The study includes six interviews with two police officers, three field secretaries and a social worker in two different municipalities. A medium sized municipality, and a larger community.The people we interviewed think differently about collaboration. The municipality have different workforms.

Tillgängliggörande Vs Distribution : Är en skiva en skiva om den enbart finns digitalt?

 The aim of this essay is to examine if the Swedish Major labels are moving towards making their catalogue available on different platforms rather than their traditional distribution of music. The new technology has really stirred things up for the major labels and file-sharing has been a problem for a long time. The labels have a history of fighting new formats instead of embracing them and listen to what their consumers actually want. We have found that the majors now are in the leading edge of music distribution due to technology and that is a first. We have focused this essay on if the consumption of music has changed the distribution of it or the other way around and found that people have changed their ways of consuming music over the years and the labels have always been forced to adapt.

Bergåsa Station

Denna uppsatts är ett kandidatarbete på programmet för Fysisk Planering på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och omfattar 15 hp. Uppsatsen genomförs under utbildningens tredje år. Uppsatsen undersöker hur problem och konflikter med konflikter vid hantering av olika sorters trafiksystem på samma plats har skapat en problematisk trafiksituation i Bergåsa. Vilka aktörer som bidragit till att dessa konflikter uppstått undersöks, och hur dessa aktörer även begränsar platsens framtida utveckling. Detta genomförs genom en teknisk och historisk studie av platsen, kopplat till en analys av aktörernas påverkan på processen.

Att skapa mening med trädgården som medium : förslag till två trädgårdar för sorgebearbetning

Den här uppsatsen försöker besvara frågan om hur man kan förmedla känslor, tankar och stämningar till människor med trädgården som medium. Uppsatsen söker även svar på om man specifikt kan designa gröna miljöer som riktar sig till människor som går igenom ett sorgearbete. Här ges exempel på flera olika designteorier och olika sätt att tänka kring hur man skapar meningsfulla landskap. Därefter presenteras forskning kring hur människor tar sig igenom ett sorgearbete och bemöter känslor av sorg. Uppsatsen tar även upp Appelton?s teorier kring habitat och prospect/refuge och hur människan förhåller sig till rummet. Vad som avgör vår känsla av trygghet och de underliggande mönstren i hur vi läser av vår omgivning. I den avslutande delen av litteraturstudien går jag närmare in på hur man kan skapa helande miljöer för människor som genomgår ett sorgearbete. I uppsatsen ingår även två utformningsförslag som är baserade på den tidigare genomgångna litteraturen kring hur man skapar trygga och helande miljöer.

City i samverkan - en studie av strategiskt samarbete mellan kommun, fastighetsägare och detaljhandel

Problem: På grund av stora pensionsavgångar kommer det inom de närmsta åren att behövas ett stort antal chefer. Forskare och praktiker har emellertid uppmärksammat att unga människor i mindre utsträckning verkar vilja ta över denna roll. På bankföretaget Nordea har likväl detta problem uppmärksammats. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera ungas föreställningar om chefskap ur ett organisationskulturellt perspektiv. Metod: Uppsatsen baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer i kombination med en observation på ett utvalt fallföretag.

Kvarboendeprincipen i äldreomsorgen

This essay aims to examine and compare the attitudes of decision makers in the local government and representatives of pensioners in two different geographic areas. The main questions were:- their attitudes towards the "stay home principle" (kvarboendeprincipen, a principle that aims to make it possible for people with a handicap, disease or age to stay in their homes instead of moving to nursing homes).- their attitudes towards nursing homes for old people- their attitudes towards the possibility of staying at home when you are old and handicapped and in need of care.The essay is built on qualitative research methods, based on interviews and on a review of research in the field.The author found a complex picture of attitudes. Everybody thinks that the best is to live in your own home as long as possible, except from those who live with Alzheimer´s disease. They showed different opinions on the issue of the need for moving to nursing homes. This might result in forcing people to stay at home.

Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus

This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.

?Naturvetenskap finns ju överallt? : En kvalitativ studie av hur förskollärare på småbarnsavdelningar på Reggio Emilia inspirerade förskolor  ser på arbetet med naturvetenskap

The purpose of the study was to determine the attitudes of the teachers of Reggio Emilia inspired preschools concerning the science work with children between the ages of one and three, as well as their opinions on how the physical preschool environment and the choice of materials influence their scientific work. The study was conducted in three departments of two different kindergartens. Although both kindergartens called themselves Reggio Emilia inspired, their working methods and their environments differed largely. None of them were originally built as Reggio Emilia inspired preschools. One of the kindergartens strived to design their indoor environment the same way as the preschools of Reggio Emilia are constructed, there for they were setting up different stations where the children themselves have the opportunity to explore various scientific areas.

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