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Vad lockar barn till aktivitet och rörelse på förskolegården?

The purpose of this study was to investigate what attracts children to activity and movement on the playground in a central and municipal preschool in a town located in middle of Sweden. The method was to use a qualitative group interview with five children, two girls and three boys, at the age of five. The interview consisted of a general question about what kids think is fun to do on the playground and was complemented with follow-up questions depending on what the children said. A qualitative interview with a preschool teacher and observations were carried out in the hope that they would confirm what children claimed about play and movement. This study showed a gender difference when girls like to swing together while the boys are making the swinging for a contest.

Validering av vattenkraftmodeller i ARISTO

This master thesis was made to validate hydropower models of a turbine governor,Kaplan turbine and a Francis turbine in the power system simulator ARISTO atSvenska Kraftnät. The validation was made in three steps. The first step was to makesure the models was implement correctly in the simulator. The second was tocompare the simulation results from the Kaplan turbine model to data from a realhydropower plant. The comparison was made to see how the models could generatesimulation result that was similar to the reference power station.

Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar

This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.

Buller : Hur planeras en bullerfri stad?

Milosevic, S. 2014. Buller ? Hur planers en bullerfri stad?. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsatser, Uppsala universitet. This essay is about noise pollution caused by urbanization.

?Vi är inga maskiner? : En studie om P4-redaktionernas kommunikation via Facebook

The purpose of this study is to see how five different local radio stations, P4, within the public service organization Sveriges Radio communicate with their listeners through Facebook and how they differ from each other.We have also studied how the radio stations follow Sveriges Radios? policies for socialmedia usage and how the communication through Facebook can benefit thetraditional radio. Our study contains a combination of quantitative content analysis with qualitative interviews. We studied the five stations? Facebook pages from for the quantitative content analysis and interviewed those who were responsible for the social media pages, such as web editors and channel managers.Our conclusions are that the P4-stations communicate through Facebook to create a dialogue with the listeners and to reach two-way communication; the stations published mostly written updates that encouraged interactivity.

Barn med språkstörningar : En studie om språkstörningar och dess konsekvenser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to get knowledge about the consequences that speech-defects bring for children in pre-school ages. I got interested in this matter when I, during my teaching practice, got in touch with children carrying this specific disorder. I chose to apply qualitative interview as a method to investigate this and as a starting-point I used these aspects: How does speech-defects affect learning, understanding, friendship relations, and development in general?I interviewed three pre-school teachers in two different schools. One school in a smaller district and the other one in a middle-sized town, in the middle of Sweden.

Biblioteksservice till barn med utländsk bakgrund - vilken service skulle kunna erbjudas på bibliotek i segregerade förorter

The aim of the paper is to examine how public libraries can develop their services for children with ethnic minority backgrounds as a user group. This is achieved through studying the conditions for library services provided for children aged 9-12 in this group by public libraries in suburbs densely populated with ethnic minorities. The paper uses both a literature review and empirical research on the community libraries in Rinkeby and Rosengård as well as the town library in Lund. Services potentially available to these groups are analysed and discussed in the later chapters. The overall conclusion is that those services provided for ethnic minority children are largely the same as those provided for in children library services in general.

Sensus Barnmusikskola i Karlstad : Att nå ut för att främja integration och mångfald under perioden 2009-2012.

This is a study of Sensus Barnmusikskola ? Children?s School of Music, in Karlstad, Sweden?s attempts to facilitate integration and diversity in their operation. The Culture and Recreation Management in Karlstad town?s conditions to award the school their grant in 2009 was that Sensus Children?s school of Music should make targeted interventions in the socioeconomic exposed areas Gruvlyckan/Våxnäs and Kronoparken to increase the number of children with foreign background. This would according to the Culture and Recreation Management bring more integration and diversity in to the school?s operation.

Grovmotoriska färdigheter hos elever i årskurs 6 i Stockholmsområdet : En observationsstudie utifrån NyTidstestet

Syfte och frågeställningStudiens syfte är att, utifrån NyTidstestet, undersöka elevers grovmotoriska grundfärdigheter i årskurs 6 i Stockholmsområdet.Utifrån detta syfte har vi valt att använda oss av följande frågeställning:- Hur ser de grovmotoriska färdigheterna ut för elever i årskurs 6, när de bedöms enligt NyTidstestet?- Vilka skillnader framkommer, hos eleverna, mellan de undersökta stationerna?MetodFrågeställningen har besvarats genom en observationsstudie på sjätteklassare i Stockholmsområdet, sammanlagt 113 elever. Varje elev har observerats utifrån NyTidstestets observationsschema, där eleverna vid sju stationer bedömts enligt fyra kriterier: "mycket tillfredställande", "tillfredställande", "små brister" och "stora brister". Varje station innehåller en eller två grovmotoriska grundformer.ResultatDe undersökta elevernas grovmotoriska färdigheter är bristande. Hela 48 procent av övningarna kunde inte utföras på ett tillfredställande eller mycket tillfredställande sätt.SlutsatsUndersökningen visar att eleverna får en allt sämre grovmotorik och i och med den nya läroplanen (Lgr 11) tror vi inte att elevernas grovmotoriska färdigheter kommer att bli bättre.

Historia i skolan utanför historieämnet : Historiemedvetande i litteraturvetenskapliga läromedel för gymnasieskolan, en studie av förändringarna mellan 1985-2007

This study describes how verbal abuse is used in schools and how it affects students. As a  result of the study is a questionnaire which was distributed to 153 students at two schools in a small town in southern Sweden. Students who participated in the study were in grades 3-6 and were between 9 and 13 years old. I asked students 13 questions, which dealt with verbal abuse, some of them were check questions and some were issues that required a longer response.The results of the survey show that 108 students of 153 have ever felt verbally abused at school, slightly more girls than boys. Usually they say they have been verbally abused by their own sex and then with words like boys are more frequently offended by words of a sexual nature, whereas girls more often are offended by words that violate their appearance.The students who feel aggrieved are shown to be those students who violate others.

Arbete befrämjar hälsa och välstånd... : en studie av arbetslöshetspolitiken i Uddevalla 1918-1932

This essay deals with Swedish unemployment politics during the period 1918-1932, and can be seen as a contribution to earlier research of how the policies, established by the State Unemployment Commission, was carried out at a local level. This study bears upon  Uddevalla municipality, a town in the southwestern part of Sweden, which had about 13,700 inhabitants in 1920.The research was conducted in Uddevalla municipality archives, and the sources used are above all municipal records and documents from the local unemployment committee. The measures taken by the local committee to reduce the effects of unemployment have then been compared with the directives of the State Unemployment Commission.The survey shows that the local unemployment committee, at least during the first half of the 1920s, was very keen to follow the directives of the State Unemployment Commission, and they also tried to charge the municipality's economy as little as possible. The local policy was often even more restrictive than the demands from the State Unemployment Commission. During a few years in the middle of the 1920s, when the unemployment was relatively low, most of the unemployed did not recieve any help at all.The restrictive policy, however, led to an increasing distress among the unemployed, and the poor relief had to give financial help to a lot of unemployed and their families.

Destinationsmarknadsföring : - en fallstudie kring Västerås och dess konkurrenter

Destination marketing looks different from that of traditional marketing, since the product, in this case the destination, consists of several different parts compared to a good. A destination is marketed as a process where the consumption takes place at the same time as the production. Destination marketing organizations, DMO?s, are responsible for the marketing of a destination. Since destinations consist of several parts such as the train trip to the destination, restaurant visits, shopping, hotel stays etc., it is difficult for the DMO?s to fully control how a tourist perceive the destination.

Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa

This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.

Är det en enkel konst att återvinna för rullstolsburna i Örebro kommun? : En deskriptiv observationsstudie

Bakgrund Dagens samhälle ställer allt större krav på den enskilde individen att bidra till ett hållbart samhälle, där återvinning av förbrukade material är en del. Samtidigt talas om tillgänglighet för alla individer i samhället och lika rättigheter.Syfte Studien syftar till att undersöka hur förutsättningarna i miljön ser ut vid återvinnings-/miljöstationer för rullstolsburna i Örebro Kommun.Undersökningsmetod En observationsstudie av miljöfaktorer har gjorts utifrån egen utarbetad checklista med grund i bland annat bedömningsinstrumentet Housing Enabler samt rekommenderade mått från svensk lagstiftning angående byggnormer för tillgänglighet. Urvalet skedde genom bekvämlighetsurval.Resultat Observationerna av återvinnings-/miljöstationerna indelades i åtta kategorier, utifrån typ av station. De hinder som observerades var för höga/låga kärl, otillräckligt manöverutrymme, hindrande trösklar/trottoarkanter, tunga dörrar utan automatik och tunga lock/luckor på återvinningskärlen.Slutsats Samtliga observerade återvinnings-/miljöstationer innefattade miljöhinder för rullstolsburna vilket påverkar möjligheten till självständig återvinning. .

Hyllie vattenpark : ett gestaltningsförslag

This project is focusing on a future park that will surround Hyllie water tower in the outskirts of Malmö. The water tower will be located in the central part of the new building area Hyllievång. The park will function as a town park with a special focus on water. The water council of the municipality, Va-verket, has for the last 7 years built up and been in charge for a pedagogical programme in the water tower, were schoolchildren come to learn about the cycle of water and how we use water in our daily life. In the park they want to build a new part that gives experience of water, as a compliment to the information in the tower. What will that park look like, and what shall it be constructed of? How do you bring water to the surface in a park? How can landscape architecture work to enhance the presence of water and make people more interested in water issues? In the search to find the answers to all my questions I have meet with people, read books and visited different places.

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