

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 31 av 85

En studie av säsongs- och branschanomalier på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether Frennberg & Hanssons earlier study of anomalies still are correct, and if these are valid for certain sectors. Methodology: In an effort to find seasonal patterns on the Swedish exchange market, we have used the average daily returns. By using these patterns we have created investment strategies which have then been tested over a 10 year period. We also used t-tests to verify our results. Conclusions: We have been able to prove a change in the seasonal patterns that Frennberg & Hansson presented in their study.

Besiktningar inom byggbranschen Deras kompletterande verkan

Inspections within the building industry are surrounded by a rigorous set of rules presented in AB 04 and ABT 94. There are several types of inspections but the final inspection has the biggest legal implications and is important in many aspects, since it?s the one that ends the contract time for the contract i.e. when the contract is passed on from contractor to the client. It is also a confirmation on how the contract has been carried out and that the potential guarantee times after the contract will start to apply. The objective of the following report is to find out what different types of inspections there are as well as a legal understanding about what happens before, during and above all after the final inspection.

Mind the gap : En studie om samarbetet mellan entreprenörer och affärsänglar

Today there are a number of different financing options but few of them are suitable for Start-up companies. Business angels are in that case an exception and a suitable investor in these companies. Business angels are individuals who invest in young companies and differ from other financiers in the sense that the collaboration with the company is closer. Business angels are although few in numbers while the young companies often tend to be in most need of funding and has the greatest potential to grow.The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the cooperation between entrepreneurs and business angels and to identify which effects the financial gap have on these financial associations.Business angels and entrepreneurs collaboration are hard to interpret and therefore demanded a deeper examination. We thus used a qualitative method consisting of six different interviews in three different cases.The study shows that established collaborations between entrepreneurs and business angel?s seem to be affected by the financial gap to a great extent, which has been expressed in negative consequences.

Ska jag, ska jag inte?: - En studie av hur intentionen till eget företagande i Norrbotten påverkas av strukturfonderna samt Ikeas etablering i länet

Title: Shall I, shall I not? ? A study of how the intention to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour in Norrbotten is influenced by the financial support from the Structural Funds and the establishment of Ikea in the city of Haparanda. Author: Erica Carlson Tutor: Professor Carin Holmquist/ Docent Monica Lindgren Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to study what aspects that cause the intention to start a company. Therefore this thesis will look at two different situations, the Structural Funds and the establishment of Ikea in Norrbotten, to try to find out if and how these two situations affect the intention among potential entrepreneurs to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour. Method: A qualitative method is used, since this thesis aims at getting an understanding of a specific phenomena; the intention to entrepreneurial behaviour.

Omvårdnad av kanin på klinik : en litteraturstudie

Pet rabbits are increasing in popularity and the owners want the same treatment for them as they would want for a dog or a cat. However, the knowledge among clinical staff about these small animals is not always up to date. The aim of this paper is to highlight the needs of the pet rabbit and how these can be met regarding veterinary nursing. Pet rabbits are different from dogs and cats in several ways and their needs as patients differ as well. Rabbits are herbivorous prey animals. To avoid predators, they are very reluctant to show any sign of weakness for as long as they can.

Idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie av politikers och tjänstemäns syn på idrottspolitik

This study was made in collaboration between Umeå University and Västerbotten sportsfederation. The study was aimed to find out how the municipalities are working with variousissues in the sports field. A subject of interest for this study was to see if the municipalitieswere implementing strategies in the sports field on determined goals by using policydocuments. Our study focused mostly on kids and youth that participate in organized sports inVästerbotten. Other aspects of interest in the study were economics in sports, how youthsports should be organized, and segregation in sports due to financial factors.

Lakrits och vin : En sensorisk studie om hur lakrits påverkar utvalda egenskaper i vin

The key elements of sourdough fermentation are the presence of active lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast. Sourdough fermentation originates from the ancient Egypt. One theory concerning its onset states that a portion of bread dough was set aside to be baked at a later date and started to ferment spontaneously.Sourdough may contain a wide variety of microorganisms, mainly dominated by LAB and yeast. There are over 50 species of LAB that has been identified in various sourdoughs and more than 20 species of yeast. Sourdough fermentation has been shown to have various impacts on baked cereal good, most of which are attributed to LAB.This study addresses some effects of LAB from fermented milk products in sourdough and sourdough bread.

En studie om vad som behövs för att skolträdgårdar skall fungera under en längre tid : en utvärdering av Edane skolas skolträdgård

Tail-biting in pigs is an animal welfare issue and in Sweden during 2002 the producers lost tree million Swedish crowns because of tail biting. This economic loss depends on the pigs which are discarded at slaughter because of tail biting. Tail biting can be separated into two stages, "pre-injury" and "injury". The aim of this study is to investigate if tail biting depends on environment or genetic background.A lot of research on the environments effects on the behaviour of pigs but not so much on the genetic effects has been performed. The frequency of tail biting in pig farms influence among others of environment enrichment, ventilation, gender and breed of the pig.

Klyftan mellan byggare och arkitekt : markentreprenören och landskapsarkitekten

In my work I have received a lot of concrete advice about improving the cooperation between landscape architects and contractors. Here is a list of suggestions from both cathegories: Landscape architect's advice: ? Be humble, show respect. ? A practical approach makes cooperation easier. ? Call together a startup meeting with all the consultants and builders. ? Establish a network of contacts with serious contractors whom you can recommend to customers. ? Don't hesitate to ask the contractor for advice; they often have lots of useful knowledge. ? It is important to have clearly written and thoroughly worked out documentation. ? Never let a newly graduated landscape architect visit the buiding site without the company of an experienced colleague.

Småhusproduktion : Utvecklingsmöjligheter hos JM AB

The Swedish building contractor JMRegion Öst would like to to investigatethe possibilities of developing andstreamlining the production of singlefamilyhouses. JM are producing singlefamilyhouses with prefabricated framesat a rate of about two houses per week.During construction, the different tasksare performed by JM?s own productionstaff but also by varioussubcontractors.When examining the schedules of recentlyproduced projects, it appears that allthe houses are more or less completedeight weeks before the customer moves into the house. During those eight weeksseveral operations are conducted such asinspections, installation of appliancesand cleaning procedures. The inspectionperiod constitutes between 25 and 35% ofthe complete construction period.By conducting interviews, it has beendiscovered that this final phase is anessential security buffer for delays anderrors that often occur.

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Musik på Internet framtiden för bibliotekens musikavdelningar?

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities of, and interest in, a digital download service at the music departments of the libraries. I chose to conduct my study at the city library of Gothenburg. I studied the legal download services that exist today and I did a statistical survey among the users of the music department, followed up by interviews to see how they took to the idea. From the inquiry I learned that a majority of the users was negative to having a digital service replacing the physical department, although a majority was positive to try a digital service. I also used the inquiry to compare the reasons for downloading music to the reasons for borrowing records from the library, but there was no significant difference.

Entreprenörskap och tillväxt : En studie om externa faktorers påverkan på tillväxt

In today?s Sweden there is great belief in entrepreneurship and the benefits it can bring to the country. The Swedish government has taken note of this growing enthusiasm and realized the contribution it can make to facilitate national growth. Successful efforts have been made in Sweden to support entrepreneurship and innovation, which has resulted in a relative ease for individuals to start their own businesses.The number of companies started today is higher than ever and there are signs of a common faith in growth among new entrepreneurs. Unfortunately only a small fraction of these new businesses succeed in growing big.

Upplevelser av vård och behandling på en ätstörningsklinik : En enkätstudie

Föreliggande studie undersökte hur kvinnor med ätstörningar upplevde den vård och behandling som gavs för deras ätstörningar. På en klinik i Mellansverige deltog 45 kvinnor. Alla deltagare var över 18 år gamla. Kvinnorna fick besvara en enkät med öppna och slutna frågor rörande välmående, behandlingens innehåll och påverkan, samt interaktionen mellan vårdtagare och personal. Vidare undersöktes vad som skulle kunnat förbättra den behandling som erbjöds, samt om det förekom ett samband mellan antal månader kvinnorna fått behandling på kliniken och upplevelsen av välmående.

Att arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation för att överbrygga klyftan mellan teori och praktik : Ett undervisningsförsök för att skapa större förståelse i frisörutbildningen

The aim of this project was to change the way cutting techniques are being taught. I wished to try a method which I believed to enhance my students´ participation and understanding of their education. My purpose was to reduce the gap between theory and practice. After conducting a learning style test I found that most of them considered the best way for them to learn was by combining practice with dialogue and reflection of the tasks being done. That is why we tried to start working with the practical elements rather than traditionally starting with the theoretical aspects, while carefully intertwining terms and language of the trade into the education.

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