

568 Uppsatser om Standardized advertising - Sida 36 av 38

Utomhusgym, några fördelar? : En studie om affekter vid styrketräning inomhus respektive utomhus

PurposeThe aim of the study was to examine the affects perceived by young people aged 18-19 years old after resistance training outdoors versus resistance training indoor. The aim of the study was also to examine if the rate of perceived exertion was affected by whether the resistance training took place outdoors or indoors. What immediate affects are perceived in conjunction with resistance training outdoors and indoors in people aged 18-19 years?What immediate affects are perceived after resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoor in people aged 18-19 years?What perceived exertion level can be seen in conjunction with resistance training outdoors compared to equivalent resistance training indoors in people aged 18-19 years?How does exercise habit correlate with affects and exertion in conjunction with resistance training? Method22 pupils in a secondary school conducted two resistance training sessions, one outdoors and one indoor. A questionnaire about their mood and exercise habits was answered before and immediately after the training session. Rate of perceived exertion rate was also included in the questionnaire the participants received after the workout.

Ekosystemtjänstbedömningar : Utvärdering av metodik för att synliggöra värdet av naturen inom stadsplanering

The purpose of this study was to analyze and develop a workflow for assessing and representing the value of ecosystems to professionals involved in municipal planning. A thorough literature review was conducted and supplemented by interviews and observations. Frameworks for ecosystem service assessments were analyzed and combined with methods in urban planning in order to assess social and ecological conditions. A workflow was set up and methods were evaluated by applying them to a case study in the area Åstråket in Uppsala. Experience from the case study was compiled in order to improve the workflow.Complex assessments were identified and simplified for the method to be useful for practitioners.

Minskande andelar kraftfoder i foderstaten under betesperioden : effekt på mjölkavkastning och betesbeteende hos mjölkkor

Feed costs constitute a large part of the expenses of dairy farmers. Pasture is a high quality feed with a low cost. However, feeding with concentrates has been shown to enhance milk yield (Leaver, 1985; Bargo et al., 2003; Stockdale, 2004). The purpose with this study was to investigate how milk yield and milk composition were affected as the concentrate proportion in the diet decreased. Pasture behaviour was examined to see if the different concentrate levels affected the time cows spent grazing and ruminating.

En kvalitativ utvärdering av det accelerometerbaserade hältdetektionssystemet ?Lameness Locator? :

Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician.

Inkongruent marknadsföring: En fallstudie om hur användandet av oväntade "kändisar" i tv-reklam kan stärka ett företags varumärke utifrån ett reklambyråperspektiv

Den här uppsatsen är en fallstudie inom ämnet inkongruent marknadsföring, där ett reklambyråperspektiv har antagits. Begreppet inkongruent marknadsföring är en term som brukar användas för att beskriva oväntade former av marknadsföring som även kan uppfattas som annorlunda, något som inte överensstämmer med konsumenters förväntningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur inkongruent marknadsföring, med oväntade ?kändisar? i tv-reklam som fokus, kan stärka ett företags varumärke.Det som studien ämnar svara på är vad reklambyråer anser om inkongruent marknadsföring med oväntade kändisar i tv-reklamer, hur samarbetet mellan dess kunder går till gällande hur de ska utforma tv-reklamen, hur de förhåller sig till konsumenters förväntningar/associationer om ett varumärke och passform mellan kändis och produkt, samt reklambyråers uppfattning om hur ett varumärke kan stärkas med hjälp av inkongruent tv-reklam. Baserat på våra forskningsfrågor och uppsatsens syfte har undersökningsmetoden för detta arbete varit av kvalitativ karaktär.

Den visuella kommunikationen och dess tolkning : En bild säger mer än tusen ord

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur två målgrupper tolkar Vings visuella kommunikation med hjälp av två bilder ur deras annonsering för att sedan jämföra detta mellan de två grupperna samt Vings intention med kommunikationen.  För att besvara detta syfte har vi utformat följande forskningsfrågor:Vad vill resebolaget förmedla med sina bilder i sin annonsering?Vilka skillnader och likheter finns det i målgruppers tolkning av resebilder? På vilka sätt stämmer sändarens intention med bilderna överens med mottagarnas uppfattning och tolkning av dessa?Vi har valt att utföra en kvalitativ fallstudie med en induktiv ansats. Valet föll på denna undersökningsmetod då vi ville inbringa förståelse för vårt problem. Vårt empiriska material är insamlat med hjälp av åtta personliga intervjuer med två målgrupper samt en telefonintervju med Ving för att få information om bilderna som använts i undersökningen.Vi har kommit fram till att resebolaget Ving vill förmedla följande budskap med sina bilder i sin annonsering: kunden ska besöka deras hemsida, kvinnor ska framställas som starka och med respekt, de vill förmedla känslor av avkoppling, lugn, harmoni och semesterkänsla samt differentiera sig på marknaden. Skillnader i målgruppernas tolkning har vi kommit fram till att vara följande: åsikter kring svartvita resebilder, förmågan att urskilja fler komponenter och den manliga modellens framställning.

Subliminal priming : Manipulation till att välja en specifik kulör på plastpåse

Primad information är lättare tillgängligt i minnet och kan således lättare bli igenkänt. Förutsättningar för priming är bland annat subliminal perception, mål, tillförlitlighet, icke vaksamt och icke vanemässigt. Studiens syfte är att få bredare förståelse gällande subliminal primings påverkan. Frågeställningen var om kunder i en affär kan manipuleras, primas, till att ta en specifik kulör på plastpåse vid kassan samt om det finns någon könsskillnad vid effekten av priming. Deltagarna var 490 kunder, varav 333 män.


The Swedish government have a goal that wind turbines shall produce 30 TWh by the year 2020, compared to about 3,5 TWh produced in Sweden during 2010. To minimize the disturbance that wind turbines create the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has stated a guideline value that noise from wind turbines at nearby residents shouldn?t exceed 40 dBA, at 8 m/s wind speed. With advanced calculation models, like Nord 2000, the emitted sound from future wind turbines can be calculated at an early stage to optimize the power production without exceeding the 40 dBA. When the turbines have been built there is a need to verify that they really are within the guideline.

Värdering av kvävet i organiska gödselmedel :

Within agriculture it is important to optimize the use of nitrogen, not only from an economic point of view but also to minimize damage to the environment. This can sometimes be difficult, especially within organic farming. Organic farmers are using increasing amounts of waste products from the food industry to cover their nitrogen needs. These different organic fertilizers release nitrogen at different rates and under specific soil conditions. Because of this, it would be beneficial to have a standardized method to measure the amount and rate of nitrogen mineralization from organic fertilizers. This project contributes to this knowledge by investigating whether relatively simple and repeatable laboratory methods can be used to estimate the nitrogen fertilizer value of organic fertilizers.

Direktmarknadsföringens alternativ : En fallstudie för Logosol AB

Logosol is a company that produce small-scale wood processing products. To be able to expand the business Logosol have decided to increase exports, their target markets are the US, Russia, Germany and Norway. The expansion has mainly been through subsidiaries situated on the abroad markets. The subsidiaries have done poor results and that has influenced the whole company. CEO Bengt-Olov Byström made a decision to sell out the units to the people who worked in the business.

Kan nutritionsbehandling bidra till läk-ning av trycksår bland äldre patienter?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: Can nutritional support contribute to the healing of pressure ulcers in elderly patients?Author: Anton Kinnander, Sandra SmidelikSupervisor: Elisabet RothenbergExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 12-04-11Background The number of elderly patients with co-morbidity is increasing in the western world. It is therefore reasonable to predict increasing incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers. One study, published 2009, found that as many as 59 % of geriatric patients within the Swedish health care system had developed pressure ulcers. Symptoms vary from mild erythema to severe deep tissue damage and development of pressure varies from hours to weeks.

Indelning av trakter inför gallring på Holmen Skog : en utvärdering av svårigheter och möjligheter

A common goal in practical forest management is to maximize the yield, measured in economical terms. When a forest stand is thinned a so called inoptimality loss can arise due to non-optimal decisions. This means that the selected management schedule results in a lower net present value than the optimal one which lowers the profitability for the forest owner. Holmen Skog uses the term tract which means an aggregation of stands made before a management action. A tract should be delineated in different tract parts in connection with pre-thinning planning if there is different bearing capacity within the tract, different thinning grades should be used or if the tract contains a weaker part that should not be thinned.

Film distribution and exhibition in the EU

This paper examines the film distribution and exhibition sector in Europe. The general analysis of these sectors? situation was made. Moreover, the comparative and more in depth analysis of three countries by the Porter?s five forces model was made; These were United Kingdom, France and Denmark.

Going Real-Time in no time? : ? en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie i hur Sveriges största annonsörer använder sociala medier och Real-Time Marketing.

Background: Our daily lives and personal interactions are increasingly featuring social media and social networks in particular. Topics regarding social media, its impact on society at large ? both on corporate as well as individual behavior ? has been the focus of many research papers. Personal use of social networks are regularly being mapped out by researchers aiming at clarifying concepts such as engagement, trust and interactivity, and mapped by companies seeking to maximize return on investment concerning their marketing efforts. The aim of our study is (i) to map how companies and/or organizations operating on the Swedish market use their company?s pages on the social media as a way of communicating with their followers and audience, as well as (ii) identifying whether ?Real-Time Marketing?, in our own definition, is used or not.Methods: The research methods used included both quantitative and qualitative content analysis.

Kommunikationens roll för långsiktig överlevnad : En studie om små och medelstora företag i den svenska modebranschen

Background: The Swedish fashion industry grows steadily, today it?s populated by many small and medium sized companies. Due to the big clothing chains dominant position small businesses risks to be ousted out of the fashion industry.Smaller companies may find it difficult to reach out to the customer by traditional advertising because their budgets are often smaller. It is therefore important for smaller companies to create loyal customers. If the smaller sized businesses in the fashion industry do not follow the rapid developments in society and focus on building strong brands and relationships, they will have problems with surviving in the long run.Problem definition: Which communicative factors are important in the choice of brand strategy to create a long-term survival for small and medium-sized companies in the fashion industry?Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to analyse and evaluate the brand as a communications tool for building a brand image.Method: The data which is being used in the essay is collected from interviews with companies and survey of each company's existing and potential customers.Theoretical perspective: Relationship Marketing Perspective and Transaction Marketing PerspectiveTheories: Brand Strategies, Total Communication, Brand Equity, Involvement Theory, Service Value Profit Chain.Empiric: The empirical data is primary data gathered from interviews with a representative for each company and from the questionnaires distributed to the customers of each company.Analysis: The analysis is an interpretation of the empirical material collected from interviews with each company and customers survey.

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