

568 Uppsatser om Standardized advertising - Sida 34 av 38

Attityder till implementering av precisionsodlingsteknik :

Different techniques for precision agriculture have been available during the last decade. Some of them are more widely used than others. The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the different attitudes to precision agriculture that exists among farmers and advisors in Sweden. Eight advisors and sixteen farmers were asked for their opinion of a number of specific techniques for precision agriculture, such as yield-mapping, precision liming, the Yara Nitrogen Sensor and site-specific fertilization with phosphorous and potassium. They were also asked to describe the way in which the counselling in Swedish agriculture is used and also about it's importance for the adaptation of new techniques. The high costs are mentioned to be one of the most important reasons why precision agriculture hasn't been more widely spread. Several farmers refer to their farms as too small to bear the costs that come with the techniques. The individual interest for technique among the potential users plays an important role.

Standardiserat utförande och förbättring av avropsprocessen : En fallstudie på Balco AB

Course: Degree project in logistics, 4FE05E, spring 2013Author: Maria WennbergSupervisor: Petra AnderssonExaminer: Helena ForslundTitle: Standardization and improvement of the outbound process execution Background: Transportation represents a critical part of companies? logistics. Special management and control is needed when using a third party logistics. Balco uses a third party logistics for their deliveries of balcony parts and before it takes place the outbound process is executed. Currently, Balco experience difficulties with the process? many ways to be performed by the project managers and logistics department.

Det sociala ansvaret i skapandet av skönhetsidealen

Kandidatarbetet undersöker och diskuterar frågeställningen "Vilket socialt ansvar har jag som grafisk formgivare i skapandet av skönhetsidealen?". Kandidatarbetet fokuserar på att skapa en diskussion kring ämnet skönhetsideal, hur dessa påverkar unga kvinnor samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att bryta samhällsnormer och göra en förändring, en större skillnad. Utifrån mitt forskringsresultatet kring skönhetshistorian och dess utveckling under åren, har jag skapat en produktion i form av modeillustrationer. Jag tycker inte att samhället inser hur kraftfullt påverkade vi har blivit av media och modebranschen under de senaste åren.

Vandring av vårlekande fisk och jämförelse av fångst mellan ryssja och strömöversiktsnät i Hammerstaån, Stockholms län

During the last two hundred years many wetlands and streams in Sweden have been lowered to provide land for agriculture and forestry. Some of the coastal wetlands and streams probably served as spawning sites for certain species of fish in the Baltic Sea, but the present situation is not well known. As standardized methods to monitor fish in running waters are carried out during late summer or autumn, there is a need for methods to sample spring-spawning fish in these streams.The aim of this study was to survey the lower kilometer stretch of Hammerstaån in Stockholm, to investigate the extent to which the stream is used by spring-spawning fish. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate a new type of survey fishing gill net called strömöversiktsnät (SÖN). This was done by comparing the catch of fish by SÖN with that of fyke nets.

Hur retusch påverkar skönhetsannonsers attraktion : En studie om målgruppens åsikter och köplust

Tidigare studier som gjorts inom området visade att kvinnor anser att kvinnors skönhet inte är värderad enligt rimliga normer i vårt samhälle. Hård retuschering motarbetas på många håll, bland annat genom att organisationer som ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) och politiska partier som Liberaldemokraterna i Storbritannien arbetar för att missledande retuschering ska försvinna. En studie har visat att det, för att öka annonsers attraktionskraft, är viktigt att den ökade skönheten hos en modell är relevant för produktens användningsområde, då betraktaren anstränger sig intellektuellt vid betraktandet av bilden. Det finns dock inga tidigare studier som bevisar om en retuscherad modell faktiskt ökar målgruppens köplust av skönhetsprodukter vid rådande samhällsattityder och skönhetsideal. Två enkätundersökningar gjordes därför med sammanlagt 1480 deltagare.

Strategier på en dynamisk marknad - en analys av skånska gardencenters och handelsträdgårdar :

Garden center and market gardens are a growing trade, undergoing great changes with new actors and purchasing habits. The interest in gardens and plants is steadily increasing, official statistics show an increase of garden plants and flower consumption, of an annual 3 per cent. Garden centers and market gardens are in great need of development to be able to tackle the prevailing competition, and maintain a steady growth. Many companies are heading for a generation shift and are founding it difficult to find and employ younger managers. The aim of this report is to examine different strategies of garden centers and market gardens through the manager/ owner?s views and opinions about competition, growth and success.

Effektivisering av marina containerflöden : en fallstudie på Bertling

Logistics is an important concept in the organizational context in which the planning of flows, services and products are treated. Logistics handles supplier management, supply of materials, production and distribution. The distribution of goods can be managed with different types of transportation depending on price and time aspects. The lowest transport cost for larger amount of goods is by maritime shipping. A common carrier used in transportation of goods is a standardized ISO- container.

Fastighetsmäklarens marknadsföring av objektet : Objektannonsens utveckling

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera utvecklingen av objektannonser i mäklarbranschen genom tiden, vad gäller utformning av annonser och val av mediekanaler. Syftet är även att försöka utläsa om fastighetsmäklaren marknadsför objektet så som marknadsföringsteorin säger att man bör marknadsföra en produkt.Metod: Metoden som används är att samla primärdata genom att göra en jämförelse mellan objektannonser från år 1990 med objektannonser från år 2009. Därefter har primärdata samlats in med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fastighetsmäklare såväl som med experter som besitter stora kunskaper inom området. Sekundärdata som används är hämtad från litteratur och Internet.  Resultat & Slutsats: Uppsatsens resultat visar att dåtidens fastighetsmäklare inte hade tillräckliga marknadsföringskunskaper för att marknadsföra objektet. Utvecklingen har dock gått framåt och idag besitter de den kunskap som krävs för att marknadsföra ett objekt så som marknadsföringsteorin säger att man bör marknadsföra en produkt.

Evaluation of the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and a proposal on how to establish an enhanced animal welfare assurance program for the Swedish Trotting Association

According to the basic values of the Swedish Trotting Association the horse and its welfare should always be held in highest consideration. One part of the animal welfare work in the organization is to ensure good horse management practices by controlling all active trainers through the local licensing committees situated at the Swedish racetracks. The Swedish Board of Agriculture stated that high quality animal welfare assurance programs used by the industry organizations can be used in the risk assessment of the official animal welfare control to make the official control work more effective and the ambition of the Swedish Trotting Association is to establish an animal welfare assurance program which may be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Racehorses are exposed to welfare hazards both in their management as well as during training and racing and factors like handling, training, feedstuff, stable environment, medication and the possibility to express natural behavior all affect the welfare of the horses. The aim of the project is to investigate and evaluate the animal welfare work performed by the licensing committees and to give advice on how to improve the industry?s animal welfare control.

Vandring av vårlekande fisk och jämförelse av fångst mellan ryssja och strömöversiktsnät i Hammerstaån, Stockholms län

During the last two hundred years many wetlands and streams in Sweden have been lowered to provide land for agriculture and forestry. Some of the coastal wetlands and streams probably served as spawning sites for certain species of fish in the Baltic Sea, but the present situation is not well known. As standardized methods to monitor fish in running waters are carried out during late summer or autumn, there is a need for methods to sample spring-spawning fish in these streams.The aim of this study was to survey the lower kilometer stretch of Hammerstaån in Stockholm, to investigate the extent to which the stream is used by spring-spawning fish. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate a new type of survey fishing gill net calledströmöversiktsnät (SÖN). This was done by comparing the catch of fish by SÖN with that of fyke nets.

Guldägg till frukost och bra betalt : - Vad påverkar reklamares val av arbetsplats

ProblemDet är viktigt att som reklambyrå ha duktiga medarbetare, eftersom värdet för kunderna ligger i medarbetarnas kreativitet, kunskap och skicklighet. För mindre byråer och byråer utanför Stockholm kan det vara ett problem att hitta duktiga medarbetare med erfarenhet. En förutsättning för att kunna attrahera denna grupp är att veta vad de anser viktigt vid val av arbetsplats.SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att undersöka olika variabler som påverkar arbetsval hos kreativa arbetstagare, med avgränsning till dem som varit eller är anställda vid reklambyråer i Stockholm, samt att undersöka vilka variabler som skulle kunna få denna grupp att överväga att arbeta på en reklambyrå utanför Stockholm.MetodUndersökningen utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tolv respondenter, vilka samtliga hade minst två års erfarenhet som strateg eller kreatör vid en reklambyrå i Stockholm samt varit tillgängliga för intervju mellan den 6 november och den 27 december 2007.ResultatResultatet i utredningen beskriver målgruppens uppfattning gällande variabler som påverkar val av arbetsplats. I slutsatserna diskuteras vad utredningens resultat innebär för en reklambyrå som arbetsgivare. Utredningen visar på att det för byråer utanför Stockholm kan bli svårt att rekrytera människor som byggt upp sin karriär i Stockholmsområdet och hunnit rota sig där.

Tryckmätningsvojlock som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

SUMMARYThe first and most basic skill a rider needs to learn is how to sit correctly in the saddle. This decides whether or not the rider will be able to follow the horse?s movements and use her riding aids in an efficient way. This correct seat is based on a straight line between the axis of the hip and heel. The seat must rest against the saddle with equal weight on both buttocks and the inside of the thighs.

Dokumentationskrav vid internprissättning : En analys av lagförslagen till svenska dokumentationsregler i propositionen 2005/06:169

According to the arm?s length principle, transactions between associated multinational en-terprises (MNE) shall be based on the same conditions as transactions between unrelated parties. This means that intra-group prices on cross-boarding transactions must be at arm?s length range and consistent with conditions in the open market. The arm?s length principle is expressed in article 9.1 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and Chapter 14 section 19 of the Swedish Income Tax Act.When transfer pricing between associated MNEs is not reflecting the arm?s length princi-ple, states face the possibility of losing tax revenue.

Sponsring i Sverige

The purpose to this study is to find an understanding of the effects of how sponsorship can affect companies and their business and at the same time get a better understanding of how sponsorship is or can be used as a marketing tool in today?s marketing. By using a quality research method we have chosen to use a half structured research method to make it possible to find out how sponsorship as a marketing tool can be used from a company perspective in relation to our chosen thesis. To enhance the readers understanding we describe the base of sponsorship and principals for sponsorship, after that describes a deeper perspective of sponsorship, what sponsorship is, and what factors are needed to be taken into consideration. Further on we illustrate the figure that later on will constitute the analysis with attributes like: association, exposure, relations and integrated communication.

Patogenes för prostatacarcinom hos hund : en jämförelse med människan

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

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