

568 Uppsatser om Standardized advertising - Sida 22 av 38

Standardisering kontra flexibilitet : En fallstudie av utvecklingsprocesser

Process standardization is a topic that has generated a lot of research and literature. At first, the focus was on production; today processes are used in all different kind of business areas.The aim of this study has been to analyze how processes can be applied on development businesses and how IT systems affect the result of the process. To accomplish this, we have asked questions such as what standardization is in a development process? Why are the processes standardized? What difficulties can appear with standardization? And how the IT-systems affect the result of the process?To answer these questions, we have preformed a case study on Saab. Saab is a well know Swedish company who are working with a project called the GMS-project, where they develop processes to cover the whole company´s business areas.The literature gives the reader an understanding of processes and standardization.

Emotioner och marknadsföring : en studie om parfymannonser

Reaching out with a specific message to consumers is the idea of marketing. Advertising is among the most common elements when it comes to marketing a product or a service. There are various ways to provide marketing with a message. A relatively new way that has become larger in marketing is to provide marketing with emotions. It has been shown in several studies that emotions can have a direct or an indirect effect such as ad-attitude and brand-attitude, and that is what our essay is about.

Standardisering av bakpanel.

HAFA Bathroom Group has given us the assignment to develop a standardized back panel for their bathroom cabinets. This cabinet is going to be applied to most of their current and future cabinet solutions. To this point, they have constructed unique suspensions-and back panels for most of their cabinet models. They have also been forced to pull wiring and assemble the cabinets differently because of factors like; position of the wall sockets, dimensions of the cabinets and their shapes.The company wants to distance themselves from their current solution, firstly because the cost of having manpower to design each individual suspension solution, secondly because they will save a lot of money when the manufacturing process requires a minimum of components to be constructed. As a result of this, the company can use their resources better to develop future products.The main idea is that the consumer isn?t required to change the suspension or back panel when they decide to buy a new cabinet.

"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund

In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.

Studie till uppstartande av annonskatalog

Sten Jonsson wants to start a production of an advertising catalogue for small companies in Sweden. Acatalogue where the advertisingcost is so low that most of the companies can afford to participate. Thecompanies who will advertise should be manufacturing companies in trades of carpentry, sheet metalworkshops, forging workshops and engineering workshops.The catalogue will facilitate for the manufacturer to reach the costumer without any middleman.Without a middleman creates a possibility for an opinion about the product at the same time as theprice can be held low. A catalogue of this type would benefit the marketing of the companies at the sametime as it would generate an occasion for innovations.The possible target groups are property companies, construct companies and farmers.A market research has been carried out contained a postal interview and a phone interview. Themarket research carried out to get an understanding in what the companies think about the idea butalso to see if the companies are in interest of advertise in the catalogue.

Less is More - en studie om utformningen av inlägg på sociala medier

Theory has concluded that consumers evaluate advertising not only based on what the advertiser's message aims to communicate, but also how the message is communicated. As the most popular activity on the world's largest social media channels is to upload and share photos, it has become crucial for advertisers to define strategies that maximize the reach of photo posts. Two observed variations of images used in posts are graphical images and digital photographs. The aim of this study is to investigate which of these two strategies that generate most positive impact on the sender and its brand. 230 users of the Chinese Facebook and Twitter counterpart, Sina Weibo, were exposed to manipulated Sina Weibo posts after which they answered a survey.

Att vara rolig på någon annans bekostnad: varumärkesparodiers effekter på det avsändande varumärket

A challenge faced by marketers is to make their products stand out in today's cluttered marketplace. Recently, a new approach to attract attention has been observed - brands communicating their products by making fun of other brands. This way of parodying a competitor, or even an unrelated brand, is a risky but potentially effective way to increase attention. Brand parodies walk a fine line between being humorous and clever, or coming off as offensive. Furthermore, parodying another trademark poses legal considerations.

Nationella prov i NO : Verktyg för likvärdig bedömning eller dolda svenskaprov som diskriminerar?

This study is focusing on students at compulsory level and their performance in national exam tests when the students first language is taken into account. Students in Swedish schools with non-Swedish speaking parents commonly follow language classes for limited Swedish proficient students. How does this affect their results when tested in other subjects as physics,biology and chemistry? A general claim is that national tests can provide data for balancedand fair grades. This view is challenged in this paper, through Principal Component Analysisof test results that shows a difference between schools when the schools social position and share of limited Swedish proficient students are measured.

Jämförelse mellan subjektiv och objektiv bedömning av hälta hos häst på böjt spår.

The female dog has a unique reproductive endocrinology, with high levels of progesterone throughout the 70-day long luteal phase. In this project, markers of glucose metabolism were studied and compared from the aspects of breed group and time in oestral cycle. The parameters studied were: glucose, insulin, progesterone, fructosamine and the newly introduced analysis of HbA1c. Hba1c was also further evaluated and discussed as a diagnostic tool in canine medicine.No differences in terms of glucose markers were found between a group of purebreed dogs of various breeds compared to a group of dogs with high risk of dioestrus diabetes, namely the Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds.No differences were found between the two sample occasions, anoestrus and dioestrus, concluding that there is no need for relating test results to the time of the oestrous cycle in middle-aged intact female dogs.There were statistically significant higher values of all glucose markers in diabetic dogs than in non-diabetic dogs. When it came to HbA1c, however, there was a larger overlap between the two groups, compared to fructosamine.

Corporate identity through graphic design

The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics.

Glucose markers in healthy and diabetic bitches in different stages of the oestral cycle

The female dog has a unique reproductive endocrinology, with high levels of progesterone throughout the 70-day long luteal phase. In this project, markers of glucose metabolism were studied and compared from the aspects of breed group and time in oestral cycle. The parameters studied were: glucose, insulin, progesterone, fructosamine and the newly introduced analysis of HbA1c. Hba1c was also further evaluated and discussed as a diagnostic tool in canine medicine.No differences in terms of glucose markers were found between a group of purebreed dogs of various breeds compared to a group of dogs with high risk of dioestrus diabetes, namely the Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds.No differences were found between the two sample occasions, anoestrus and dioestrus, concluding that there is no need for relating test results to the time of the oestrous cycle in middle-aged intact female dogs.There were statistically significant higher values of all glucose markers in diabetic dogs than in non-diabetic dogs. When it came to HbA1c, however, there was a larger overlap between the two groups, compared to fructosamine.

Myten om den kinesiska kvinnan

Uppsatsen belyser myter om kvinnlighet i kinesiska reklamannonser. De valda reklamannonserna riktar sig till kinesiska storstadskvinnor i de övre samhällsskikten, som har råd att konsumera de exklusiva damtidningar som studeras. Syftet är att undersöka hur öst och väst möts i reklamen. Utifrån ?The Advertising Meaning Model? belyses vilka faktorer som inverkar på mottagarens avkodning av reklamannonser.

Könsstereotyper i reklam, Gender stereotypes in commercials : En analys av genus i ICAs och H&Ms reklam, gender analysis of the commercials from ICA and H&M

We are constantly being fed information. Everything and everyone we come into contact with may somehow make a new impression on us, whether we are aware of it or not. One of the ways that people in today?s society in Sweden are being given information is via different types of media, for example through commercials. Whether it?s a video clip or a still-frame picture, a commercial is an effective way for a company to reach out to potential customers.However, it is not only the messages or signals that may appear obvious that these companies send out when advertising with commercials.

Nyhetsradio : Om skillnaderna i korta riksnyhetssändningar mellan två kommersiella radiostationer och public serviceradion.

The purpose of this BA-thesis was to learn the differences in news broadcasts between one public service radio channel and two commercial radio channels. To do this we used a quantitative analysis method to examine the content of the news broadcasts and then we conducted in-depth interviews with several people working with the different radio channels using a qualitative research interview method to learn their views on news and news broadcasting.We measured the differences between the channels in six areas: subject, headline, news presentation, gender, advertising and sources.Our two main theories were normative theory and media logic.The results found that there were several major differences between the public service radio channel and the two commercial radio channels. Apart from several important differences in the six measured categories we also found that the sound and tone in the public service radio channel was very different from the two commercial radio channels.We also found the public service radio channels news broadcasts to be more serious than the two commercials ones?..

Svenskt barnbildarkiv (SBBA) ? Barnbilder, bildindexering och digitalisering

The aim of this thesis is to examine the possibilities and challenges facing an archive, Svenskt barnbildarkiv (SBBA), if to publish its material online. Our context for this study is image indexing. Our main questions are: How can SBBA index their pictures for a possible publication on the Internet? Are there any pros or cons in the determination of topics in children?s images, and in that case, which? What search paths are important when indexing children?s pictures, and why are they important? To answer these questions, the thesis is built on a wide study of interdisciplinary literature. But also on SBBA: s own handbook for image ?registration?, and on interviews with the persons working at the archive SBBA, in Eskilstuna.

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