3724 Uppsatser om Standard critical thinking. - Sida 47 av 249
Det allmännas skadeståndsansvar : Skadeståndsansvar för ideell skada enligt frihetsberövandelagen
BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.
Leder införandet av en sjukhusövergripande gemensam utvärdering av handledningen på läkarprogrammets kliniska placeringar till förbättrad klinisk handledning?
Syftet med studien var att undersöka tonåringar och föräldrars uppfattning om vad en bra familj är. Genom kvalitativ metod med en induktiv utgångspunkt har tonåringar och föräldrars beskrivning av ämnet undersökts. 100 deltagare har skriftligt berättat vad en bra familj är för dem. 50 tonåringar har författat en uppsats, 10 av dessa var 18 år och 40 var 13 år. 50 föräldrar, med barn i motsvarande ålder har som en del i en enkät svarat på samma öppna fråga.
Kommer den som blir slagen också att slå? : Undersökning av samband mellan intergenerationell förekomst av och attityder till kroppslig bestraffning
Syftet med studien var att undersöka tonåringar och föräldrars uppfattning om vad en bra familj är. Genom kvalitativ metod med en induktiv utgångspunkt har tonåringar och föräldrars beskrivning av ämnet undersökts. 100 deltagare har skriftligt berättat vad en bra familj är för dem. 50 tonåringar har författat en uppsats, 10 av dessa var 18 år och 40 var 13 år. 50 föräldrar, med barn i motsvarande ålder har som en del i en enkät svarat på samma öppna fråga.
Lämpliga områden för vindkraftsetablering på land i Norrbottens län
Wind power is becoming an increasingly important source of energy. There are several national and international goals set to increase to amount of renewable energy, and in order to meet these goals, the wind power production plays an important part and the establishment of new wind power farms are required. The Swedish national project Riksintresse Vindbruk has appointed areas in Sweden suitable for wind power, mainly when looking at the physical wind conditions of the area. In this study, I aim to define suitable areas for wind power establishment in Norrbottens län. In order to reach this goal, a critical regional method was developed and completed using GIS.
Rekryteringsprocessen och sociala medier : Hur arbetar olika HR-funktioner i Sverige med sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen
An increased use of social media has enabled a new arena for HR functions and the work with HR issues. Proponents are critical of this, as it can lead to ethical and legal dilemmas. So far the research on this area is limited. On this basis I found it interesting to study how social media is used in connection with the recruitment process. Those who will benefit from this study are primarily those dealing with recruitment, but also others working with HR issues.
Extubation av nyopererade patienter? : En randomiserad kontrollerad klinisk pilotstudie vid Centrala intensivvårdsavdelningen på Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus?
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att jämföra en ny extubationsalgoritm med sedvanligtextubationsförfarande. Gruppen som studerades var patienter som genomgått en HIPEC-operationoch vårdats på Centrala intensivvårdsavdelningen.Metod: I En randomiserad kontrollerad klinisk pilotstudie randomiserades patienterna till en av tvågrupper. Därefter extuberades patienten enligt en studiealgoritm eller post-operativ standard.Resultat: Syresättningen var väsentligen oförändrad för studiegruppen (37,5 kPa till 36,6 kPa)medan den sjönk för kontrollgruppen (50,1 kPa till 40,6 kPa) vid jämförelse mellan 10 minuter efterankomst och 15 minuter efter extubation. Efter 13 till 18 timmars kontroll strax innan patienternalämnade intensivvårdsavdelningen var syresättningen på samma nivå som 15 minuter efterextubation för både studiegruppen och kontrollgrupp. Således kvarstod en försämrad syresättninghos kontrollgruppen vid utskrivning jämfört med 10 minuter efter ankomst.Slutsats: Studien visar att det skulle kunna vara fördelaktigt att extubera patienter enligt denstudiealgoritm som testats jämfört med dagens kliniska standard.
PR och trovärdigheten : en studie av PR-byrån Four C och dess kund Akzo Nobel
PR appears to be an indistinct division and a complicated resource for companies to value. The current circumstances are negative to the credibility and reliability of PR. This study emphasizes how an application of return on investment contributes to a more strategic use of PR and increases the status and credibility for the division.We experience that measuring the economic value of PR is of great importance and of current interest with few prior studies made. The purpose of this study is to find out how a PR-agency and one of its clients relates to and works with evaluation of PR-activities and to which extent the economic contribution of the activity is measured.The foundation which the theoretical reference grounds on is theories of Delusions of PR and the use of benefit-cost analyzes, Stages and Levels for Evaluating Public Relations Programs, Marketing Return on Investment and PR Return on Investment. The theoretical reference serves as a base during the analyze of the study.The conclusion, based on the empirical body of information, is that an application of return on investment could contribute with a higher status and credibility for the PR-division.
Starka varumärken : strategiska konkurrensmedel och utvidgning?
The purpose with this essay was to examine and bring a deeper comprehension about brands as a phenomenon. We also wanted to study if strong brands could develop in to strategic competition means and by that expand their market range. To do this we used a qualitative method. We started by gathering a theoretical basis. This gave us a platform, which helped us learn more about the subject, brands.
Bild och begrepp : Heideggers läsning av Kant ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv
This thesis explores some key aspects of early Heidegger?s interpretations of Kant from a phenomenological perspective. In general terms, it analyzes Heidegger?s claim that Kant?s faculties share a common root in the transcendental imagination, as a critical development of motives found in Husserl?s phenomenology.More precisely, the thesis argues that the motive for deriving Kant?s first faculty, intuition, from the synthesis of imagination can be understood as an attempt to account for the receptivity of a finite subject, without yielding to a causal description of sensibility. Phenomenology shares this problem with Kant?s critical philosophy.
Jämförelse av hållbarhetsredovisning : fungerar dagens standard?
Hållbar utveckling är ett ämne som är på frammarsch vilket många företag har uppmärksammat. Då företag och organisationer orsakar miljöförstöring är det även de som
kan påverka och förbättra problemen genom att jobba med just hållbarhetsfrågor. Att jobba med hållbarhetsfrågor kan ge grund för en hållbarhetsredovisning vilket är till för att ge företagets intressenter vetskap om hur företaget tar sig an sina problem som påverkar miljön.
Hållbarhetsredovisningar kan även hjälpa företaget internt genom att visa de anställda vad förändringarna faktiskt har åstadkommit och uppmuntra till fortsatt arbete inom hållbarhet.
Global Report Initiative (GRI) är den mest erkända organisation som bidrar med riktlinjer för hur en hållbarhetsredovisning ska upprättas. Det har dock uppdagats att det finns svårigheter för intressenter att jämföra olika företags hållbarhetsredovisningar eftersom de skiljer sig gällande vad som rapporteras.
Portföljoptimering med courtageavgifter
Ever since it was first introduced in an article in the Journal of Finance 1952, Harry Markowitz? mean - variance model for portfolio selection has become one of the best known models in finance. The model was one of the first in the world to deal with portfolio optimization mathematically and have directly or indirectly inspired the rest of the world to develop new portfolio optimization methods. Although the model is one of the greatest contributions to modern portfolio theory, critics claim that it may have practical difficulties. Partly because the Markowitz model is based on various assumptions which do not necessarily coincide with the reality.
"Den svage bland oss"
The purpose of the thesis is to examine the thoughts and opinions of a selected group of people regarding the terrorist attack that occurred in Stockholm 12/11-2010. This study has been conducted through the method of focus group interview.
The study was methodologically and theoretically inspired by Grounded Theory, which simply means that the participants' opinions have formed the theory of the study.
As a result of the study, we can see that the main focus of the discussion held by the participants was through a we and them thinking-perspective. Furthermore, the study reveals that the participants tried to include who we (muslims) are, and to exclude who they (non muslims) are, while arguing in the discussion. Another definition is the one of here and there, where the participants defined terrorism and what causes it. Finally, media's role was discussed in relation to the creation of the medie-muslim.
To explain the participants' perceptive, part of Appadurai?s Fear of small numbers and part of Brune?s Dark magic in the white media was used..
Företagsrekonstruktionens misslyckanden : Har rekonstruktören en roll i det?
The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture.What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture.Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture.
Nöjda kunder med risken i fokus : En studie i hur finansiell risk bör förmedlas
During the last decades major changes has occurred at the financial markets, meaning an increasing supply and a greater variation of financial instruments. The saving habits of the Swedish people have gone from traditional bank deposits to investments in equities, funds and bonds. All this together with the great rise in the stock market at the late 90?s has brought words like risk and return up-to-date, and is the background to the development of a new law concerning financial advising which come into force the 1th of July 2004. The contents of the thesis can be described as three bricks, representing the survey questions.
Slussning in i Sverige. En kritisk diskursanalys av integrationspolitik i valrörelsen 2002
Today, Sweden is to be regarded as a country formed by the influences and effects of immigration. The government is considering integration as a process aimed to influent all forms of welfare politics and as a project working both at an individual and at a social level. The aims of integration policies are to guarantee equal rights and opportunities, to form a public community characterized by diversity, and to mobilize all citizens to participate in and to be jointly responsible for a social development characterized by mutual respect and tolerance. During the Swedish election campaign of 2002, integration policies became one of the most reported and discussed political questions in the media. The aim of this essay is to study and analyze discursive statements on integration policies made by politicians during this election campaign.