

683 Uppsatser om Sports journalism - Sida 46 av 46

Klassifikation på webben

The thesis concerns the use of classification schemes for organising resources in subject-based hierarchical search-services on the web. The aim is to investigate the different kinds of classification that are used, which fall into two groups: established respectively new classification schemes. This is attained by studying literature and the websites of each search-service. The prospects for using classification in a web-environment are discussed and divided into three major groups: browsing, control and cross-classification. One question at issue concerns how an established scheme manages to organise web-resources and whether this classification differs from the classification of new schemes and in what way.

Jämförelse av vertikala krafter mellan hov och underlag vid nedsittning och lättridning i trav hos häst :

Equestrian sports and the interest in horses have existed for hundreds of years. It is only in the last thirty years the technological development have enabled closer studies of equine locomotion. The production of both soft- and hardware that manages to capture and analyze the fast movement of the horse has resulted in a large increase in locomotion research. Even though the interest in horses and the different disciplines they compete in is great, there is a small understanding in how the rider influences the movement of the horse in different types of training. There are several studies available where horses moving freely without the influence of a rider have been studied. What happens with locomotion and ground reaction forces when a rider and equipment are added is not well studied. The objective of this study was to investigate if there are any differences in the ground reaction forces between sitting and rising trot. The study contained seven horses. Six Grand Prix dressage horses and one dressage horse competing at intermediate level.

Sanningens ögonblick : En fallstudie av kvalitetssäkring i tjänsteföretag

AbstractTitle: The Moment Of Truth; A study of service quality assuranceAuthors: Fanni Helminen and Linda ElsborgLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, C-level.Advisor: Lars- Johan Åge and Jens Eklinder FrickDate: 2014- JunePurpose: Quality assurance has become a vital concept and an important tool to ensure that employees are able to deliver high service quality. The purpose of this study will be to elucidate how service companies can apply the use of sevenfundamental features supporting service quality in their quality assurance; recruitment and selection; training, teamwork; empowerment; performance appraisals and rewards; communication, and culture (of the organization). Furthermore, we will illustrate how the type of business entity, organizational structure and organizational resources afflicts the seven features.Method: Method: We will, from a hermeneutic point of view, apply and qualitative deductive research method. Data have been collected through a case study. The data have been transcribed and the analytical method has been selected based on the conducting purpose.

Visual merchandising online : Utformning av produktsidor för sportkläder

Denna uppsats handlar om visual merchandising online med fokus på företag som säljer sportkläder. Studien har genomförts ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Vår undersökning syftar till att studera produktsidor för sportkläder för att se hur konsumenter uppfattar den produktinformation, både visuell och verbal, som produktsidorna innehåller. Därigenom ska en kartläggning kunna göras av vilka element som är av vikt för respondenterna samt hur dessa bör utformas. Visual merchandising kan förklaras som den strategiska presentationen av ett företag och deras produkt, eller produkter, vars funktion är att attrahera kunder och underlätta inköpsprocessen.

Motivationsklimat i fotbollens elitförberedande verksamhet

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien var att underso?ka motivationsklimat inom ungdomsakademier i elitfotbollen i Stockholm med hja?lp av fo?ljande fra?gesta?llningar:- Vad inneba?r ett prestations- och resultatorienterat motivationsklimat fo?r chefer och tra?nare inom akademin?- Vilket motivationsklimat prioriteras i akademiverksamheten?- Upplever tra?narna att motivationsklimatet ger effekter i termer av inre motivation och la?ngsiktig idrottslig framga?ng?- Vilka metoder anva?nds i praktiken fo?r att skapa o?nskva?rt motivationsklimat?MetodStudien a?r en kvalitativ sa?dan. Arbetet har anva?nt sig av en triangulering i tva? elitfo?reningar i fotboll, inkluderat tva? intervjuer med akademichefer, fyra intervjuer med akademitra?nare, samt en observation. Fo?r att besvara arbetets syfte och fra?gesta?llningar har en egen intervju- och observationsguide arbetats fram med achievement goal theory, och self-determination theory som grund.

Humanurin till åkermark och grönytor : avsättning och organisation i Göteborgsområdet

This study investigates how nutrients from source-separated human urine from Gothenburg properties can be used as fertiliser in agriculture or for parks or sports fields. The initiator is the Department of Sustainable Water and Waste Management at the City of Gothenburg. Today urine-diverting systems are installed in two apartment buildings and two public-use buildings. Urine recycling is expected to lead to less exploitation of natural resources and less eutrophicating discharges into water recipients. In the study the urine?s market potential is investigated, for which practical handling issues, business aspects and acceptance of customers, employees and visitors have proved to be important.

Om möjligheter och begränsningar vid inkludering av barn och ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar inom idrottsföreningar. 

IntroduktionUtifrån den samhällssyn som råder diskrimineras ofta personer med funktionsnedsättningar genom att betraktas som otillräckliga för att inkluderas i samhället. Inkludering av barn och ungdomar inom idrottsorganisationer ser olika ut. Å ena sidan inkluderas de i idrottsrörelsen genom handikappsidrottsföreningar, å andra sidan inkluderas de i idrottsföreningar som erbjuder dem att vara medlemmar i verksamheten. Genom att inkluderas i idrottsföreningar kan allmänhetens attityd om olika funktionsnedsättningar avdramatiseras. Orter med begränsat deltagarantal kan även försvåra bildandet av speciella handikappidrottsorganisationer.

Friluftsliv i staden : tillfällig landskapsarkitektur på sex platser i Linköping 3-15 april 2012

The subject of this project focuses on how Landscape Architects by their profession can explore and directly make a difference in the cityscape. This paper documents the process of art - based research practice. The purpose of installing temporary activities is to encourage people in the city to discover, participate and invite people to be more playful in the city. My experience of interaction in public spaces comes primarily from the education within landscape architecture, from site-specific art installations I have performed in different cities and from observations of landscape architecture, street art and urban life in the cities of Vienna, Berlin and Linköping. It is fascinating and inspiring to see how the urban space can invite and allow visitors to participate and therefore feel invited to the open space. As a landscape architect I wish to create urban spaces that are useful and inspiring for their visitors. The projects main question: How can you make temporary landscapes that encourage outdoorinspired activities at selected locations in the city? is answered by practice based research, an approach in which theoretical research are developed through practical experiments in the designing- and implementation process.

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