6355 Uppsatser om Sport designated high schools - Sida 33 av 424
Vad ska vi spela? En studie om betydelsen av genrebredd i musikundervisning
Title: What shall we play? -A study of the importance of genre spread in music education. The aim of this study is to examine music teachers' and music students' reflections on the importance of genre spread in music education. The study covers music education in municipal primary schools and municipal music schools/schools of arts and music. I have used both quantitative and qualitative methods in my study.
Studie av sambandet mellan räddningstjänstens förebyggande insatser och anlagda skolbränder : analys av behovet av stöd och vägledning
The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. An objective of the project is also to investi-gate the need of developing national methods for fire prevention. The results are based on a questionnaire study among 35 fire departments and further interviews with five of them. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. The relationship is positive in the sense that arson fires in schools decrease with increasing prevention activities.
Mångkulturell lärandemiljö : En studie kring fyra lärares förhållningssätt till kulturell mångfald i mångkulturella skolor
According to the national curriculum guidelines for elementary school, preschool and after-school 2011, (i.e. Lgr11), the Swedish school is based on a democratic foundation. Schools should prepare students to develop an understanding and acceptance of cultural diversity not only in the society as a whole but also how this should be reflected in the morals and ethics between us. The purpose of this study was to describe how teachers in multicultural schools perceptions and experiences on teaching pupils with diverse immigrant origin, and how they apply these cultural expression in practice.In particular, I focus on four teachers in multicultural schools and how they reason about applying cultural expressions that are transmitted at these schools and by them. Explicitly, I review how from policy documents and their own personal pedagogic are reflected in the actual teaching.
Skolor i förändringsarbete - en enkätstudie genomförd på två skolor med fokus på känslan av sammanhang hos de anställda
Background: Daily news reports of school violence, bullying and harassment are common. The school has developed into an arena which has been exposed into a growing unhealthyness. Paradoxically, financial resources decreases while demands on school staff increases. How does school staff and personal cope with these demands? Aim: We sought to study sense of coherence among school employees in two schools; a comparison between one health promotional school and one school in the process of working with health promotion.
Transitioner i f-9-skolor : - en smidig ?röd? tråd eller en med svårlösta knutar
The aim of this study was to identify and make transitions in Swedish preschool-class-9-years elementary schools visible with a special-needs educational perspective. Transitions in focus were those between preschool-class and primary school, between grade three and four and the last between grade six and seven.In the 1960?th Swedish elementary school were devided into three levels; primary school, intermediate level school and upper level lower secondary school. Those levels were officially removed when the curriculum of 1994 was introduced. However, in some way such levels still exist, for example in organisation and structure of schools, the curriculum and teacher education.How did school leaders design transitions between levels and which tools were used? What kind of information was transferred to help children with special needs and what was the role of the special pedagogue in the transition process?The study was a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method, a questionnaire survey complemented with qualitative interviews with special pedagogues in three schools in a middle-sized Swedish town.The result of the study shows that schools in focus had a work plan.
Läxan, en fråga om ideologi? : En kvalitativ studie av Folkpartiets och Vänsterpartiets syn på läxan
The purpose with this essay is to examine the Liberal Party and the Left Party´s views on homework, if the parties considers that homework affects the schools plan for equivalence and if the parties disagreement can be related to their different ideologies. To answer the purpose I have used following questions: How do the Liberal Party and the Left Party define the concept of homework?, What is the purpose of homework in primary schools according to the Liberal Party and the Left Party?, What are the arguments for and against homework and do homework affects the schools plan for equivalence according to the parties? and Can the parties' views on homework be related to their respective ideologies? The method used is a qualitative textual analysis with focus on the idea analysis. The material consist of relevant newspaper articles, news and debate clips and the parties various party programs, during the time frame of 2006-05-31 - 2013-10-14. To answer the purpose I also used different types of discourse theories, equivalence theory and the ideologies liberalism and reformist socialism as theories.The results shows that the Liberal Party and the Left Party have different views about what a homework should be considered as and that both parties thinks that homework can affect the schools plan for equivalence, but they have different perceptions about how.
Integration genom idrott : En kvalitativ fallstudie av rekrytering av flickor med utländsk bakgrund genom Drop-in-idrott
Girls with foreign background is the group that is most left outside the sports movement in Sweden and the ones with the least sports habit. Sports assumed to provide an arena for integration that these girls are being left outside from. The Swedish sports movement has adapted the conditions for them as a way to encourage them to participate in sports, but there are still lots of girls with foreign background that stands outside the sports movement. One input that the Swedish National Association has done for children and young adults is to adopt the Drive-in-sport, which can work as an entrance to the sports movement. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate which barriers, motivators and requests girls in Sweden with foreign background have to participate in Drive-in-sports.
Analys av nivåproblematik i dränagetank på Ringhals 1
The focus of this project has been on the drainage tank of the reheater on Ringhals 1. This tank has on two previous occasions received such a high water level that the system automatically emergency stopped. For this reason, events and various readings from these two occasions has been specifically studied and analyzed. In order to prove theories about what causes these problems a model of the system was created in the program Dymola. Using simulation results from the model, we have been able to demonstrate how the system's measured values should look likeunder normal conditions with respect to flows, pressures, temperatures, valve positions and water level in the drainage tank.
Iglesia Maradoniana : en studie om fotboll, religion och identitet i Argentina
Denna studie är genomförd i Argentina, ?fotbollens land?. Den handlar om en grupp människor som möts en till två gånger per år i vad man kallar Maradonakyrkan för att helga Diego Armando Maradona. Studien genomfördes i form av fältstudier på plats i Argentina med metoder som intervjuer och deltagande observationer. Maradonakyrkan är ett så pass nytt fenomen att inga akademiska texter funnits att tillgå.
Morgondagens arbetsledare
There is a lot going on in the construction business right now. It feels like everywhere you turn there is a building sight. Furthermore the business is heading a generation change and the need of recruiting new construction engineers is huge. How is the business going to handle the transition that they are facing? The question has been in progress for at while and I wanted to find out what the current students feel about taking the step into the working life and replace the veterans.A research is made about student?s opinion about their education and future work life.
Kulturfrämjande arbete i förskolan : Sex pedagogers syn på hur de arbetar med barnens olika kulturella bakgrunder
The purpose of this study has been to examine what approach and experience pedagogues at pre-schools, with a limited amount of nationalities, have regarding cultural promoting work in pre-schools. The concept ?cultural promoting? mainly regards the children's cultural backgrounds. The first question formulation focussed on the what the concepts ?cultural promoting? and ?cultural diversity? meant to the pedagogues.
Jämställdhet, jämlikhet, olikhet : kunskap om skolans jämställdhetsarbete
This essay is about gender equality in a Swedish upper secondary school. The aim is twofold: to obtain knowledge about feminism, gender equality, boys´ and girls´ situations in schools and gender equality work there; and to find out if government management documents for schools work effectively when it comes to promoting gender equality in schools. There are four research questions: How do teachers interpret what´s said in management documents for schools? What strategies do teachers use to promote gender equality? What opportunities and obstacles do teachers see for promoting gender equality at the specific school? And, finally, do the management documents for the school work effectively when it comes to promoting gender equality?The study has a socialist feminist perspective, which sees gender differences as a result of a mix of biological, historical and social factors. Important theoretical standpoints include gender socialization as an explanation for how girls and boys become women and men.The results of the study points out that teachers interpret management documents differently, and that they find the documents hard to understand.
Kompetensuvecklingssituationen för lärare i Idrott och hälsa
This study aim to investigate the conditions framing the professional development situation for physical education teachers (PE) in a small municipality in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Agency for Education declare that "focus must be directed towards strengthening the teachers' profession", and that "schools need well-trained teachers and good teaching to help students achieve good results". The study focuses both the schools? contribution and the way in which the teachers take own initiative and are motivated to develop their professional skills. The investigation is all based on teachers' perspectives.
"Man måste verkligen möta varje barn" : - En undersökning om ämnet svenska som andraspråk sett ur ett lärarperspektiv
AbstractThe purpose with this examination is to contribute with knowledge about teaching in Swedish as second language from teachers? point of view and which materials the teachers? choose to use while teaching. To reach the purpose, I have formulated questions that I have tried to answer through a qualitative study. The questions are: How do teachers? describe their teaching in Swedish as second language? Which material do teachers? feel that they use while teaching and is there any difference in teaching at schools that has many pupils needing second language teaching compared to schools with fewer pupils who needs second language teaching?I have interviewed three teachers? in three different districts, who all work with second language teaching.
?Bråkar du ute åker du in, bråkar du inne åker du ut!? : En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med elever i socioemotionella svårigheter.
The study's aim was to examine the professional role of the Special Education Teachers, working with students in socio-emotional difficulties with focus on externalizing behavior. The study is qualitative in nature, based on 10 interviews conducted at four different schools where four Special Education teacher and six teachers were interviewed. The system theoretical perspective was used as a theoretical basis, based on a holistic view of the schools where relationships, interactions and context is of great importance. The Special Education Teacher is a part of the school context and therefore it has been interesting to study how he/she works with socio-emotional difficulties in school activities on organization, group and individual level. The results show that externalizing students becomes a problem in schools today when they influence their surroundings and requires a lot of time regards to needs of both teachers and Special Education Teacher.