

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 8 av 22

Modellering och styrning av flis till en sulfatkokare

At the Skoghall pappermill, sulphatepaper pulp is produced in a continuous digester originally from 1969. To be able to maintain a high level of production there is a need for a process with few disturbances. Variations in how well the wooden chips are packed in the digester is one form of disturbance. Today there are no available measurements on how well the chips are packed. Instead this is regarded as being constant.

Automatiserad provrörskarusell : Elektronikkonstruktion och utvärdering

Den här rapporten beskriver arbetet med en automatiserad provrörsförflyttare. Det är ett examensarbete som har gjorts på företaget Q-linea AB. En karuselliknande konstruktion med en stegmotor användes för att flytta prover mellan ett antal positioner. En mikrokontroller som hanterar styrning och sensordata har programmerats i C. LabVIEW och en USB-kamera har använts som hjälp till att göra utvärderingar och tester av systemet.

Designsonder som inspiration i designprocessen : En metodutvärdering

Designsonder är en så kallad innovativ metod (Hanington, Methods in the Making: A Perspective on the State of Human Research in Design, 2003) som låter deltagarna i studien vara kreativa och delaktiga i designprocessen. Det finns ingen exakt definition av designsonder, men ofta handlar det om ett paket med ett antal uppgifter som delas ut till deltagarna. Exempel på vanliga övningar är att skriva en dagbok om användandet av artefakten som studeras samt att genom en engångskamera låta deltagaren dokumentera sitt användande.Denna rapport syftar till att undersöka designsonders potential som inspiration till designprocessen. Samtidigt undersöks hur metoden designsond fungerar på den aktuella målgruppen: studenter som använder Key-husets entrémiljö på Linköpings universitet. Rapporten belyser därmed problematiken med att ta steget från de tidiga faserna i designprocessen, där fokus ligger på att förstå användarna av artefakten som ska designas, till själva designandet av artefakten.

Kontanthantering i förändring : En fallstudie om samarbetet i strävan mot att minska kontanthanteringen i samhället.

This study examines a case of cooperation between banks, commerce, police and the municipality of Skövde, which in a project has the target to reduce the use of cash by 15 % in the city during 2011. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the importance of cooperation in which different actors come together to reach a common goal, such as Speed or interfere with an ongoing change, while they must meet their own interests. In this study the case of cooperation has been studied by using a qualitative approach. The methods used in this study are participant observation and a group interview as well as personal interviews. The theories underlying the study revolve around the concepts of collaboration between organizations with similar interests, changes in society, conflict and resistance to change..

dotNet som multimediaplattform

As the Speed and complexity of computers have increased so have software and the expectations of users. Software development follows a straightforward evolution where complicated tasks are made easier by better tools; this repeats itself as those tasks in turn are automated.Software mechanics that were seen as revolutionary a decade ago are seen as obvious requirements that no multimedia application can be without.dotNet is the next step in line and makes it easier and faster to build software.This report focuses on the development of a multimedia platform developed in dotNet. It does this by developing the tools and framework from which a complete game can be built.A game is selected because it combines the most aspects of multimedia development, such as interaction, graphics, sound & music. The report goes further by describing why the game looks like it does as well as the mechanics of the game and the benefits of the dotNet platform..

World of Warcraft : En virtuellt social värld

In today?s modern society with high-Speed connections covering the globe people are more than ever finding themselves gazing into the cold lights of the computer screen. On the other side a strange and exciting world yet to be explored awaits. Many are those who spend hour after hour running over green hills swimming in vast blue oceans in the lands of Azeroth, the playfield in the MMORPG game World of Warcraft. In media we often read and hear alarming reports on players stuck in this virtual world, ceasing to play a part in the real world.

ZigBee-teknikens möjligheter att trådlöst överföra EKG-signaler

In many clinical applications, it is desirable to transmit sensor information wireless. In earlier research, investigation transmit ECG signal using Bluetooth, was performed. However, when Bluetooth has some drawbacks it is of interest to investigate alternative methods, one such method is ZigBee. Bluetooth has higher data rate Speed (1Mbps) than ZigBee (250kbps). However, Bluetooth consumes more power.

Jämförelseförsök mellan ogräsharvning och radhackning :

The organic farmland is increasing all the time and the goal is that 15 % of the Swedish farmland will be in organic production in year 2010. The organic production needs new and more effective ways to control weeds, and there is the row harrowing coming as a good complement to the conventional weed harrowing. In this experiment is weed harrowing whit different row spaces and row harrowing with a spacing of 25 cm compared. Then are the weed picked and the weight taken of them. The yield is compared in the 7 different ways of treatment. The results is not showing any significant differences in yield even when the row spacing is 25 cm instead of 12,5 cm. Even the spring wheat that is a sensitive crop and has bad tillering is doing well in this experiment. Now with modern technology where the row harrow is controlled by a camera that making the row harrow to follow the rows is it the soil coverage of the crop that is the limit for the Speed. With wide machinery is the very good coverage even with a row harrow..

En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter

When a helicopter is flying, the dynamics vary depending on, for example, Speed and position. Hence, a time-invariant linear model cannot describe its properties under all flight conditions. It is therefore desirable to update the linear helicopter model continuously during the flight. In this thesis, two different recursive estimation methods are presented, LMS (Least Mean Square) and adaptation with a Kalman filter. The main purpose of the system estimation is to get a model which can be used for feedback control.

"Ölhallen" - en hjälp i nyhetsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie av några nyhetsjournalister och sociala medier

This is a qualitative study of how some journalists on the Swedish national media are using social media in news work. The study, carried out by using interviews, also covers how these journalists' work is influenced by social media. For the journalists in the study social media has become a tool to do research, get news ideas and find interviewees. At the same time social media affects the work of the journalists, as the social media increases the Speed of news and flow of information. Even though they involve some challenges, social media facilitates news work and the journalists in this study have a positive attitude towards the phenomenon.Keywords: Social media, news journalism, the national media..


AbstractDegree thesis Solid content in Lime Mud By Andre Flodin Process operator program ? Umeå University 17/6 ? 2014 Pages: 21A thesis was made on Billerudkorsnäs production unit in Karlsborg where lime kiln in the causticising department of chemical recovery plant does not meet the required production. Causticising department is the final step in the chemical recycling unit. There, the filtered green liquor is mixed with lime to recover the cooking chemicals used in the pulp factory. The cooking liquid is called white liquor.

Konsumtion av försäkringsbeloppet i ansvarsförsäkring : Är skadeståndslagens jämkningsinstitut tillämpliga?

Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast Speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.

Optimala inställningar för MTU vid filöverföring : En utredning i Linuxmiljö baserad på protokoll och filstorlek

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet filöverföring i ett nätverk. Fokus för arbetet har varit att undersöka MTU:ns inverkan på överföringshastigheten vid filöverföringar baserat på vilket protokoll som används och storleken på filerna som överförs. I arbetet har ett flertal experiment genomförts som syftat till att utreda detta, samt att finna vilket protokoll som överlag presterar bäst baserat på omständigheterna för överföringen. Olika filöverföringsprotokoll, fildistributionsprotokoll, MTU:er samt filstorlekar har testats för att finna vad som resulterar i högst överföringshastighet vid filöverföring över ett Ethernetnätverk. Resultaten visar på att en hög MTU uppnår högst överföringshastighet vid överföring av stora filer, men att en standard-MTU fungerar bättre för att överföra mycket små filer..

Effekten av traktkil på det distala benets rörelsemönster hos travhäst :

Changing of the hoof angle is a common method for the treatment of many lameness-related conditions (Moyer 1980; Stashak 2002). Various studies in the literature have indicated different results of the effect of changing the hoof angle on the movement of the distal limb. Our study investigated the effect of raising the heel of the forelimbs by 10,7 mm on the movement of the distal limb. Horses trotted on a treadmill at several predetermined Speeds. The kinematics of the distal limb was determined and variables including the extension of the fetlock joint were determined.

Utveckling av generell testklient för Nordic Growth Market

Development and accuracy tests of advanced exchange trading systems require well adjusted tools for testing. Aptness of these tools are probable to have a major impact on identification of bugs and verification of new functionality. Identifying erroneous parts and bottlenecks of the trading system is of outmost importance for the exchange as a whole since stability and correctness are two of the determinant factors its viability is measured by. This paper covers how this test-tool was created and the motivation behind the design choices made. The tool was created with the goal to be broad enough to cover the majority of cases that could arise, fast enough to be able to test the trading systems Speed limitations (i.e.

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