

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 6 av 22

Implementation of an FFT algorithm using a soft processor core

This report deals with the modeling of a part of the communication system based on the IEEE 802.11a standard which represents the next generation of wireless LAN with greater scalability, better interference immunity and significantly higher Speed, up to 54 Mbps. 802.11a uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) where modulation is performed by an IFFT and the demodulation by an FFT. After modeling the FFT in Matlab and C, the FFT implementation has been validated using a soft microprocessor core by Xilinx (Microblaze) and the results were compared..

Träning med mål och coachning för patienter med knäartros

Aim: To investigate if physical exercise in combination with coaching will reduce pain and improve knee function in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis in the knee compared to physical exercise alone.Method: The study consisted of 42 patients who were randomized to either an intervention group or a control group. Both groups followed a standardized training program at home, but the intervention group received additional support with regard to the aim of their training, as well as extra coaching during the training period of ten weeks. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the patients? pain. A 10 metre walking test, the Index of Muscle Function (IMF) and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) were also used to evaluate knee function.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för lutfrenare i möbel

During the year 2014, Artex AB has worked to launch a new product whose function is to locally purify the air. The product is a headboard and its purpose is to give the user clean air while sleeping. The air purifier has different Speeds and it`s up to the user to choose which effect that will be on. To get the best experience of the product as possible, the air purifier shall be controlled by a mobile application. In that way the user can increase and decrease the fan Speed, even when the user not is home.

Vad påverkar en travhästs hållbarhet? : en undersökning med fokus på djurskyddsaspekten gällande träningsrutiner och behandlingsmetoder för träningsrelaterade skador bland svenska travtränare

The harness racing industry has roots hundreds of years back in time and breeders through time have changed the horses to a mix of potential, harmony and Speed. Breeding has changed the conditions and created a horse that perform better and better. A risk with high-performance horses is that injuries related to training and racing may occur more often. In training and racing situations, lameness is the most common injury. There are many factors affecting the occurrence of injuries and lameness of the trotter horses, such as how the horse is trained and raced, the surface condition of the racetrack, banking and angle of the curves of the racetrack and how fast injuries are discovered and treated.

Provning av parallellkopplade hydraulpumpar i hjullastare

Volvo Construction Equipment is a world leading company in construction machinery. Tomaintain the best products, development is prioritized. The master thesis regards sound reductionof the hydraulic system on a wheel loader. The background to the master thesis is asimulation made on the hydraulic system, performed autumn 2005. The result of the simulationshows that the energy of the pressure ripple is reduced when the paralleled hydraulicpumps are phase shifted and reduces each others pump pulsations.


The task was to design and manufacture a submersible displacement pump working with the wobble plate principle. The main task for the Wobble plate pump is to be used as a sewage pump for smaller households or dewatering pump in environments where small flows and high pressures are acquired. For these purposes ITT Flygt sell a screw pump, PC-Grinder 3068. The hydraulic part of the PC-Grinder is manufactured by a subcontractor. Therefore ITT Flygt wants to evaluate an alternative to their screwpump PC-Grinder, which can be entirely manufactured by them self.

Grafisk profil Jönköping Bandy : Visual identity Jönköping Bandy

During the spring of 2013 we developed a visual identity for Jönköping Bandy, a bandy association in Jönköping, which was founded in 1947.Jönköping Bandy?s main problem was the low interest for the association by the local people. The association also had problems with the economy, which made it hard for them to merchandise themselves.In Jönköping, there were a lot of sport associations, and therefore, it was difficult to find sponsors. One way to help the association, was to create a good visual identity for them. A visual identity that would reflect on the proper values of the association.The intention was: ?Through graphical design, we want to convey Jönköping Bandy to a larger amount of people, and get increased knowledge in graphical idiom.? and was torn apart into these three questions:What core values does Jönköping Bandy have, and how can we convey them through the visual identity?Which visual materials does Jönköping Bandy need?How do other teams in Allsvenskan Södra merchandise themselves through their websites?The work began with a study of relevant theoretical literature, with focus on graphical design.

Direct-EGR tillämpat på HCCI

The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine is promising in terms of lowNOx, low particulates and high efficiency. Due to its homogeneous charge, where thecombustion starts almost simultaneously from a number of points in the combustion chamber,only lean mixtures are possible to burn because of the resulting rapid combustion, which is muchfaster than the combustion in an SI-engine or a diesel engine. When richer mixtures are used thecombustion will start earlier and also be more violent.To phase the combustion later and lower the combustion Speed, external cooled EGR can beused. The EGR-system used in this thesis uses a divided exhaust channel where one channel andits corresponding valve are used only for transporting EGR back to the intake system.Consequently the EGR-valve is connected to the intake pressure. This system is called Direct-EGR (D-EGR).Engine tests verified that the CA50 indeed is phased later when cooled EGR is used.

Steg 18a : En kvalitativ analys av LUS

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers comprehend LUS as a development program, but also how they think about one of the points in the program. The study is based on interviews with five teachers working with ages between preschool to ninth grade.The results show that the development program is splendid, it doesn?t come with a lot of paperwork and it has a humanistic approach. When it comes to point 18a which is the main examination, the teachers mainly agree with each other. They all talk about preunderstanding, reading Speed and the amount of literature as the main characteristics to be placed at point 18a.

Konflikter på gång och cykelbana. : Ett skadepreventivt perspektiv.

Att vistas på gång- och cykelbanor kan vara en situation som upplevs som otrygg av de oskyddade trafikanterna som delar på detta utrymme. Samexistens och hänsyn till medtrafikanter är av vikt för att minska konflikter och skador som uppstår i denna miljö.En anledning till konflikter mellan fotgängare och cyklister är den höga hastigheten som cyklister kan färdas i. Denna hastighet skapar otrygghet bland fotgängare samt hos de cyklister som färdas i ett långsammare tempo. Otryggheten, beteende hos de båda trafikantgrupperna samt hastigheten leder i vissa fall till konflikter med kollisioner och personskador som följd. Att separera gång- och cykeltrafiken minskar till viss del konflikterna mellan dessa två grupper, men konflikten mellan cyklister som färdas fort och de cyklister som färdas långsamt kvarstår samt att otryggheten till viss del kvarstår hos fotgängarna, speciellt i de fall separeringen enbart skett med färgmarkering.

Implementering av mjukvarubaserat PLC-system för reglering av magnetiseringen av en synkrongenerator

In order to reduce the price for, and improve the performance of automatic control systems for magnetization of synchronus generators, the possibilities of using a PC based software PLC system, Programmable Logic Controller, has been investigated. The result is a system based on the CoDeSys software PLC with runtime environment from 3S-Software, communicating with external units via Modbus fieldbus. System price is reduced from ?5000 to ?2000 and system processing Speed is reduced from 10 ms for a Siemens S7 PLC to 4 ms with the CoDeSys PLC system though unsolved problems with runtime seizure caused by improper settings in the PC BIOS..

Utsikt från höghastighetståg : om reseupplevelsens krav på landskapet

As we travel more and more by train it becomes increasingly important that the time we spend traveling, is of great quality. This has been the foundation of this master thesis and has shaped the outcome of it. The traveling experience, that is, the experience of the landscape that flashes by outside the train window, is an important aspect in railway planning and an aspect that should be taken into greater consideration. The purpose of this master thesis has been to examine how to compose or improve the travel experience for an already planned high Speed railway and how the travel experience can be combined with other aspects, which have claims on the landscape. This thesis is based on a literature study and a case study of Ostlänken. The work describes Ostlänken, a planned high Speed railway in Sweden between Järna and Linköping, with top Speeds at 300-320 kilometers per hour.

GPGPU : Bildbehandling på grafikkort

GPGPU is a collective term for research involving general computation on graphics cards. A modern graphics card typically provides more than ten times the computational power of an ordinary PC processor. This is a result of the high demands for Speed and image quality in computer games.This thesis investigates the possibility of exploiting this computational power for image processing purposes. Three well known methods where implemented on a graphics card: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi point tracking) and the generation of scale pyramids. All algorithms where successfully implemented and they are tree to ten times faster than correspondning optimized CPU implementation..

Sparkanalys i Taekwondo : Fotarbetets betydelse för sparkhastighet

Syfte och frågeställningar 1. Finns det ett samband mellan tiden mellan fotisättningarna (främre respektive bakre fot) och sparkhastigheten? 2. Hur påverkar bakre fotens kontakttid sparkhastigheten? 3.

Videokort för VME-Bussen

Denna rapport behandlar konstruktion och tillverkning av ett videokort till Versa Module Eurocard (VME) bussen. Kortet skall användas vid laborationer i kurser där mikrodatorkort VM42 från PEP Modular Computer används. Grafikkortet klarar en upplösning på minst 640x480 punkter med 24-bitars färg. Hela konstruktionen är uppbyggd kring Lattice® MACH4A3-384/160. Designen av MACH kretsen är uppbyggd i Very High Speed integrated hardware Description Language (VHDL) med hjälp av programmen ActiveHDL, Synplify Pro®, ispDesignExpert samt LatticePRO.

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