

316 Uppsatser om Speed - Sida 18 av 22

Pressning och hantering av halm som energiråvara

I?ve tried to find the most effective and cost effective way to harvest straw for energy recovery.You can choose between round bales and big square bales. Square bales are the cheapest way to produce straw for fuel recovery because you can optimize the length of the bales so they fit the transportation equipment.In the Malmö area the average days of harvesting hay is 55. The effectively of transportation depends mostly of the Speed, the distance and density of the bales. To increase the capacity of bale transportation larger loads and higher density of the bales is necessary.

Haspelsystemet Camcoil 1500

Our employer Camatec Industriteknik AB gave us the assignments to increase theirs range of versions on Camcoil that is their own patent product. Camcoil is a capstan system that is used when steel band fabricated. Exist for example in production lines their steel band should be annealed. Our goal with this work is to come up with a completed production basis on a Camcoil for heavy industry. The basis should contain calculations, 3D-constructions, drawings and cost proposal on manufacturing and detail purchase.Demands on this project:1.

Reaktionskrafter i dragarmarna på en traktors trepunktslyft : Teori och praktik

Tractors of today come equipped with a CAN-system. A CAN-system sends information from sensors to electronic control units who process the signals. The sensors measure several interesting parameters such as force, pressure and Speed for various components of the tractor. This thesis discuss a force sensor which is placed in the pivot of the tractors three point linkage, the sensor measure the horizontal reaction force from the load that the tractor is exposed to. Signals from this sensor can be used to measure the force from any implement that the tractor is exposed to during an operation.

Reglerstrategi för fria ventiler : ? Utveckling av en fyrtakts förbränningsmodell för att prediktera optimala ventilinställningar

As emission legislations across the world continuously pushes engine development forward,engineers constantly need to come up with and implement fuel saving technologies. During thelast decade, variable cam phasing has become a popular solution to increase gas exchangeefficiency. This configuration is typically mechanically constrained by camshaft limitations, anda solution to circumvent this problem would be to use a different valve actuation principle.One example of this is to use pressurized air controlled by electrical solenoids. Such a systemhas been developed byCargine Engineering and this provides the starting point for this work. Tobe able to operate the valvetrain on an actual engine, a control system is needed.

Regressionsmodellering av dynamiska råemissioner från statiska mätningar

By using steady-state measurements for predicting emissions under a dynamic drive cycle wouldsave a lot of time and money for the exhaust aftertreatment specialists at Volvo cars. The idea forthis thesis has been to investigate if statistical regression models can be used with good accuracy.Questions included are for example if common operating variables such as engine Speed, air-fuelratio etc. is sufficient to predict engine-out emissions over the engine operating range with goodaccuracy. Focus was set on the modelling of warm engine, but also the more complex engineheat-up phase was investigated since it is a great contributor to total emissions. While NOxcouldnot be measured because of malfunctioning measurement equipment, only HC, CO andtemperature at inlet of first catalytic converter has been modelled.

Timeliness cost for agricultural sprayers : weed control in cereal crops

Evaluation of machinery costs is necessary for selecting appropriate farm machinery. Timeliness cost due to untimely operations is an important component of machinery costs. Timeliness costs can be high for crop sprayers, since pesticide application must be carried out within a short time interval. This Master thesis investigated the timeliness cost and the probability of a suitable workday for spraying. Timeliness factors were estimated for four different crops (oats, spring wheat, winter wheat and barley) using historical weed trial data.

Kvinnliga ledare inom banksektorn

Title: Female leaders within the bank sector. Level: D-level in Business Author: Emma Roos & Fanny Wiklander Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama Date: 2011 ? January Aim: The aim of this study is to examine which factors are behind the low number of female leaders compared to male leaders within the bank sector. Method: We have adapted a qualitative method. This means that the researcher works close to the object of research and tries to understand it. We believe that this is a suitable method for our study since it?s based on seven personal interviews.

Deep Green i oceana strömmar - en konceptstudie

With growing economies and better living standards in many parts of the world today, there is a need of expanding the capacity of generating electricity. The alternatives for renewable energy technologies are not fully developed and have still some problems to conquer.The company Minesto has developed a technology that is called Deep Green. It is designed to gain electricity from tidal currents. Deep Green works in a similar way as a kite that is attached to the seafloor with a moving wire. It contains of a wing that moves due to the water current.

Inventering av internationella bullerskyddsåtgärder för höghastighetståg

Utvecklingen inom järnvägssektorn går mot snabbare och mer effektiva transporter, dock begränsas utvecklingen av att det krävs nya och mer utvecklade spår och tåg för att uppnå det. Med dagens infrastruktur och tågmodeller är hastigheter på 200 km/h det maximala. Behovet att öka kapaciteten och införa höghastighetstrafik i Sverige utreds i nuläget. Med höghastighetstrafik avses hastigheter på minst 250 km/h. Banverket har som förvaltare av järnvägen ett sektorsansvar för miljön och således även buller.

Nationell datajournal : - Strategier inom IT-politik

In the society of information that we live in the knowledge of computers and computer system will have a greater influence than we may think. Discrimination is no longer exclusively a term that indicates lesser understanding of different cultures, the discrimina-tion that is at hand will be between ?the have and the have-nots?.This study is about the strategic methods and considerations that is of importance for planning, organizing and finally implement the work with national computer based patient documentation. The strategic planning has been done over a period of time where different actors all had their share of influence. The cost seems to be endless since it has increased after the actual program, in this case, Cosmic from Cambio Healthcare, entered the scene of healthcare.

Testförares acceptans av aktiv gaspedal

Många och gedigna studier har visat på hastighetens betydelse för trafikolyckors uppkomst och skadegrad. Som ett led i Nollvisionen sattsar Vägverket på olika typer av ISA-system (Intelligent Stöd för Anpassning av hastighet) för att hjälpa förarna att hålla hastighetsgränsen. Denna studie är ett led i utvärderingen av det storskaliga fältförsök med aktiv gaspedal som under ett år bedrivits i Lund. Studien inriktar sig på att undersöka testförarnas acceptans av systemet. I arbetet har även ingått att utforma en modell för hur acceptansen bildas.

Logistik för stråbränsle :

Summary Today energy prices are rising. As a result biomass fuel is getting more and more interesting. Wood chips is very popular, but also straw from grain production is on the table. Lunds Energi AB project a combined power and heating plant in Örtofta out of Lund. Wood chips is meant to be the main energy source, complemented by straw. In this thesis the transportation of straw for fuel is studied.

Förbättringsförslag pådaglig styrning

The Swedish Transport Administration manage nearly 4,000 railway bridges in different condition and age around the country. These bridges is in constant need of maintenance and requires continuous inspections. This thesis is designed as a damage investigation on a single-track railway bridge south of Solvarbo in Säter municipality. The railway bridge is in operation and serves over 10,000 trains a year, everything from Speed trains to freight trains. The bridge is built as a beam bridge, simply supported over a road.

Att twittra sig till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om tre PR-byråers strategiska kommunikationsarbete med det sociala mediet twitter

This essay focus on the social media Twitter and how three Swedish PR practitioners view and use communication strategies for this social media. Twitter was created 2006 and is kind of a new channel in the digital world. The micro blog has over these few years attracted 175 million users across the world. In Sweden there is 91 000 registered users and according to a survey, 11 000 of them are active by tweeting once a day.Twitter is highly current and all kinds of people are using the social media, for example, artists, companies and individuals. Twitter is with its highly number of users building a new market for organizations to find their stakeholders.

Odlingens och lagringens inverkan på utsädes grobarhet :

At seed-growing the aim is to produce a commodity with high germination capacity, good soundness and purity, and also slight admixture of seeds from other species. The capacity of germination and the vigour of the seeds may become impaired in consequence of mechanical damage, infection of diseases, growth of mould, attacks of vermin, high drying temperature, secret germination, sprouting in the ears etc. The germ belongs to the outer and most unprotected parts of the seed, and consequently this is much exposed. Even quite sound seeds can instantaneously have low capability of germination. It can be due to the fact that the seeds are in rest of germination, i.e.

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