

3553 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 36 av 237

Utveckling av generell testklient för Nordic Growth Market

Development and accuracy tests of advanced exchange trading systems require well adjusted tools for testing. Aptness of these tools are probable to have a major impact on identification of bugs and verification of new functionality. Identifying erroneous parts and bottlenecks of the trading system is of outmost importance for the exchange as a whole since stability and correctness are two of the determinant factors its viability is measured by. This paper covers how this test-tool was created and the motivation behind the design choices made. The tool was created with the goal to be broad enough to cover the majority of cases that could arise, fast enough to be able to test the trading systems speed limitations (i.e.

Porr och rasistisk propaganda på svenska folkbibliotek : skall folkbiblioteken tillåta ett fritt internetanvändande eller skall man kontrollera sina internetterminaler?

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Testramverk för distribuerade system

When developing software that is meant to be distributed over several different computers and several different networks while still working together against a common goal there is a challenge in testing how updates within a single component will affect the system as a whole. Even if the performance of that specific component increases that is no guarantee for the increased performance of the entire system. Traditional methods of testing software becomes both hard and tedious when several different machines has to be involved for a single test and all of those machines has to be synchronized as well.This thesis has resulted in an exemplary application suite for testing distributed software. The thesis describes the method used for implementation as well as a description of the actual application suite that was developed. During the development several important factors and improvements for such a system was identified, which are described at the end of the thesis even though some of them never made it into the actual implementation.

Examinationssituationens betydelse för utvärdering av elevens prestation

Den här studien undersöker hur val av examinationssituationer påverka elevernas prestation i matematik. Syftet är att undersöka hur elever presterar utifrån olika bedömningssituationer. Vi använde oss av en empirisk studie där 12 sextonåriga elever i årskurs 9 genomförde uppgifter i decimaltal från Nationella prov för årskurs 9, år 2009.  I studien använder vi oss av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Data samlades in vid två tillfällen med hjälp av skriftligt test och med hjälp av deltagande observationer under ett muntligt test i par. Hermeneutiken ligger till grund för tolkning av den kvalitativa data.

"Är det skrivet så är det skrivet." ? En kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariers synsätt på barnlitteratur som har uppfattats som rasistisk

In the autumn of 2012 a debate started in Swedish media about racial stereotypes and content in children's literature. Some voices wanted to weed out titles such as Tintin i Kongo (Tintin in the Congo) and the character Lilla hjärtat from Liten Skär och alla Brokiga (Little Pink & Brokiga), while others claimed that it was against our freedom of speech. In this essay I intend to interview librarians to find out if and how the debate has affected their work with purchase and weeding. I will also analyze their purchase policy to find out if it mentions racism and how the policies are applied in practice. As theory I'm using Strömbergs theory regarding three aspects of racism and Klassons theory about three different kinds of librarian roles.

Dyslexi : Några lärares upplevelser av att undervisa elever med dyslexi

AbstractThe ability to read and write is a very important skill in today?s information based society. Most of us learn how to read and write, but not everyone is blessed to do this without struggle. Dyslexia is a very common learning disability and therefore I found it interesting to study how teachers teach students with dyslexia.By studying the literature and by interviewing teachers, I found that dyslexia is a very complex disability. The teachers have to adapt their way of teaching in a way that a student with dyslexia can participate.

Nätmobbning - en ny fråga : En studie om skolkuratorers kunskap och arbete med nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand school counselors knowledge and work with cyber bullying among students. Our study is based on the result from eight qualitative semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted with school counselors working at elementary and high school in the state of Kronoberg, Sweden. Our theoretical base is human services organizations, street level bureaucrats and acting space. Our study shows that school counselors have adopted cyber bullying in various ways which has an impact on their knowledge and systematical work regarding this question.

Utveckling av en dynamisk Simuleringsmodell av en skotare

The predominant forestry harvesting method is based on the harvester-forwarder method, theharvester folds, branches and cuts trees, and sorts the logs into piles, while a forwarder transportsthe logs to a landing area.This master thesis work is about realization of a dynamic forwarder simulation model, and itspurpose is to provide an integrated forwarder simulation model in MATLAB/SimMechanicswhere the forwarder is based on a concept using pendulum arms to connect wheels and chassis.Active suspension control is developed and implemented into the simulation model, and finallycompared in simulation with passive suspension.In a first step, an integrated forwarder simulation model is developed, containing a simplifiedforwarder model, a tire-to-ground interaction model and a test track model. The simplifiedforwarder model is based a rigid multi-body system with a spring-damper suspension of thependulum arms. The tire-to-ground interaction model calculates the reaction forces, friction fromthe ground and applies the propulsion force. The test track model is a simplified version of thereal test track in Skogforsk. The propulsion wheel torque control is used to regulate theforwarder speed.

Karaktärisering av hund TK1 för användning som tumörmarkör :

Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) is an intracellular enzyme involved in ?the salvage pathway? where the uncomplete parts of DNA are transformed into DNA precursors. The expression of TK1 is cell cykle specific, with the highest level during S-phase when DNA-synthesis is most active. One kind of TK1 is present in serum and an increase in TK1 activity in serum is due to either the level of DNA synthesis in the body or the number of cells dying in a state of replication. This can be used and is used as a marker for prognosis and evaluation of treatment in human patients with leukemia and lymphoma.

Stalin var inte snäll: Gymnasieelevers kunskaper om sovjetkommunismen

Studiens fokus är sovjetkommunismen och elevers kunskaper i detta ämnesområde i förhållande till styrdokumenten för gymnasiekursen historia A. I studien utreds genom granskning av relevanta styrdokument kunskapsområdets betydelse, samhällets krav, skolsystemets krav samt gymnasieelevers kunskapsläge. Detta kunskapsläge har testats genom ett diagnostiskt test på en gymnasieskola i Skåne under våren 2006, vilken valts ut som ett least likely case på grund av skolans i övrigt goda resultat. Resultaten av testet visade på en låg kunskapsnivå om sovjetkommunismen och delvis om 1900-talets historia i allmänhet hos eleverna, i förhållande till kursmålen och betygskriteriet för betyget Godkänd i historia A. Vidare diskuteras eventuella implikationer av detta resultat och förslag ges till vidare studier..

Surdegsbröd och jästbröd : skillnad i smak och GI-värde

Inledning: Surdeg är idag en trend som fångats av många och de flesta bagerier ochdagligvarubutiker säljer bröd som kallas för surdegsbröd. Ett traditionellt surdegsbröd är ettbröd där surdegen används som enda hävningsmedel i brödet.Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka skillnader i sensoriska egenskaper, utifrån ettkonsumentperspektiv, samt GI-värde mellan surdegsbröd, jästbröd och bröd bakat på bådesurdeg och jäst.Material och metod: Metoderna som användes var två olika konsumenttester för att bestämmaskillnader mellan de tre bröden, och en in vitro-metod för att bestämma GI-värde.Resultat: Resultatet visade att konsumenter känner skillnad mellan surdegsbröd och jästbrödoch mellan surdegsbröd och bröd bakat på både surdeg och jäst men däremot inte mellanjästbröd och bröd bakat på både surdeg och jäst. Den syrliga smaken i surdegsbröd minskar ombrödet bakas på både surdeg och jäst. GI-mätningen genom in vitro-metoden visade att brödetbakat på både surdeg och jäst hade lägst GI medan surdegsbrödet hade högst.Slutsats: Ett bröd bakat på både surdeg och jäst är mer likt ett jästbröd än ett surdegsbröd. In vitro-metoden är inte den mest tillförlitliga för att undersöka skillnader i GI för justsurdegsbröd samtidigt som surdegsbrödets pH-värde kan ha varit för högt för att kunna sänkabrödets GI-värde.

?Förhoppningsvis är man två? : En studie över hur 18-åringar i en mindre stad i Sverige resonerar kring kön, kropp och sexualitet

The essay is about how teenagers around 18 years of age in a small town in Sweden talk about gender, body and sexuality. The study is based on two focus group interviews with five boys and four girls. We have then thematized and analyzed the material with queer theory.The results show how young people see heterosexuality as something 'natural' and gender as biologically determined. The teenagers are critical towards anything that deviates from the traditional nuclear family consisting of mother, father and children. Norms are created in their speech as some of them acts as so called "border guards" for these norms.

Svenska Akademiens Nobelbibliotek : en uppsats om Nobelbibliotekets inköpspolicy och förändringar inom inköpta språkområden sedan 1904

The essay is about the Nobel Library's investments in fiction, the change of certain linguisticareas since 1904 and the purchase policy of the Library. The paper contains an introductoryhistorical chapter, where I describe the history of the Swedish Academy, the life and willof Alfred Nobel and in conclusion a description of the Nobel library of the Swedish Academy.When writing this essay I have used a combined qualitative and quantitative method, meaningthat I have interviewed the librarians of the Nobel Library, studied the purchase catalogues,and kept statistics over the books.in different linguistic areas purchased since 1904 onwardwith an emphasize on years ending with "4". The outcome of this survey is that the purchaseof books within the different speech areas doesn't vary as much as first expected, and thatthere rises and falls within all the linguistic areas which could be further explored..

Fysisk aktivitet- En social gemenskap : Motionsgympans effekt på den upplevda fysiska och psykosociala hälsan

Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.

Förbättrad balans hos kvinnliga innebandyspelare efter fem veckors balansträning i relation till skaderisk. : En kombinerad litteraturstudie och empirisk studie

Introduction: Balance is a complicated term which includes a static, dynamic and functional part. These parts have, during a long period of time, been included into the existing training programs through several different balance exercises, which aim to prevent sports injuries mostly focused on the knee and ankle. In floorball these injuries are common and a sports injury prevention program is required.Purpose: The purpose is to explain the balance term and relate it to injury prevention training and the existing theories. A second purpose is to see whether five weeks of balance training increases the balance ability in female floorball players and thereby increase the test values in the two tests.Method: Twenty female floorball players participated in the study and were divided into a training group and a control group. They performed a Star excursion balance test (SEBT) and a Multiple single leg hop stabilization test (MSLHST) before and after a five week training period, containing exercises of balance.Results: The training group showed improvement after the training period, however only one significant result was found.

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