3554 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 2 av 237
Undersökning av artikulation, nasalitet och förståelighet hos 16- och 19-åringar födda med isolerad gomspalt
This study highlights the differences in articulation, nasality and intelligibility between twenty 16-year-olds and thirteen 19-year-olds born with isolated cleft palate and control groups. The test groups are compared in a longitudinal perspective and based on earlier evaluations of velopharyngeal impairment. Significant differences were found between test groups and control groups using quantitative comparisons based on SVenskt Artikulations- och Nasalitets-TEst and NasometerTM. The longitudinal comparison also showed a positive but not significant development of the speech. Differences emerged in the comparisons based on velopharyngeal impairment but no significance analysis was made.
"De kanske kommer börja skratta" : en undersökning om talängslan bland elever i årskurs 5
This study examines if children in 5th grade experience any speech anxiety about speaking when everyone in the class will hear but while sitting down either by their desks or in a circle. I also want to find out how much the children speak; do boys or girls speak more than the other sex? Is there any difference in space of speech in the classroom, and if so is it connected to speech anxiety? Gender perspective is the theoretical outlook that this study has which is used to find out if there are any differences between boys and girls in the amount they talk in the classroom and the way the children themselves describe how it is to talk in the classroom. To find out if children in 5th grade experience any speech anxiety while speaking sitting down in everyday activities I interviewed six boys and six girls and to find out how much they spoke I observed the grade for a total of nine lessons. The result shows that some of the pupils do experience speech anxiety when sitting down and speaking so that everyone can.
Hur barn i åldern 4;0-5;11 år presterar på taluppfattningstestet HöraTal : En analys av resultaten från en talperceptions- och entalproduktionsuppgift
Talperceptionstest har skapats för att få information om hur en person kan uppfatta ochdiskriminera mellan språkljud. HöraTal Test 1.1 är ett omfattande analytiskt datorbaserattalperceptionstest. Testet är anpassat för icke läskunniga barn från fyra års ålder. Det ärframtaget för barn med hörselnedsättning och/eller cochleaimplantat men kan ävenanvändas för barn med neurologisk skada, specifik språkstörning och/eller annatförstaspråk än svenska. Huvudsyftet med studien är att ta fram ett referensmaterial för hurnormalhörande barn med normal språkutveckling i åldern 4;0 till och med 5;11 årpresterar på HöraTal Test.
Möbius sekvens -Möbius sekvens samt effekter av leendekirurgi hos en person
Möbius sequence is a rare condition where affected cranial nervesoften lead to speech deviations due to reduced oral motor functioning. Thisstudy aimed to survey speech deviations, compensatory strategies and selfperceptionof speech in seven people with Möbius sequence, and to linkthese to oral motor function and intelligibility. Additionally, the immediateeffects of smile surgery were investigated in one person. The abovementioneddomains were studied instrumentally, perceptually and throughstructured interviewing. All participants displayed reduced oral motorfunction.
Den politiska debatten om yttrandefriheten : -
Abstract: The purpose with this study is to analyse the political debate about freedom of speech in Sweden and Denmark, after the caricatures of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed that the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten published in September 2005. For this debate four political parties have been chosen. These are: Socialdemokratiska Partiet and Moderata Samlingspartiet in Sweden and Socialdemokraterne and Venstre in Denmark.An idea analysis has been chosen as method, and dimensions as an analysing tool. The overall result of the analysis is that right- and left political parties in Sweden and Denmark are more alike, than different in their political debate about free speech. They all wish for total freedom of speech, and see that as the foundation of the democratic society.
Talstörningar hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom ?
Speech disorders are common in children with 22q11-deletion syndrome, but there is limited knowledge about speech in adults with this syndrome. The aim of this study is to describe speech and voice in adultswith 22q11-deletion syndrome, and compare the results with a control group.Ten adults between 19-49 years participated in each group. The study wasbased on the Swedish dysarthria assessment, Dysartribedömningen. Thetested abilities were respiration, phonation, oral motor function, velopharyngeal function, articulation, prosody and intelligibility. Communicative participation was examined as well.
Taluppfattning av enstaviga ord i stationärt brus med och utan top-down stöd.
Teorier inom Kognitiv hörselvetenskap beskriver hur uppfattning av tal beror på två olika typer av processer. Bottom-up processer associeras med akustiska och fonetiska egenskaper hos en inkommande signal och top-down processer associeras med lexikala, syntaktiska, semantiska samt kontextuella egenskaper. Förmågan att utnyttja top-down processer tros bero på kapaciteten hos arbetsminnet. För att undersöka en skillnad mellan bottom-up och top-down samt deras förhållande till arbetsminnet har ett Speech-in-Noise (SIN) test utformats och genomförts på 15 försöksdeltagare. Testet undersöker skillnader i tröskelvärden för att identifiera ett enstavigt ord i ett uppåtgående förhållande till stationärt brus, mot tröskelvärden för att identifiera ett enstavigt ord i stationärt brus med hjälp att top-down stöd.
Automatisk Identifiering av Inandningspauser i Spontant Tal - ett HMM/ANN-hybridsystem i Matlab
This thesis presents a system which has been implemented to satisfy a need in theresearch on how speech planning interacts with syntactic and prosodic structure inspontaneous speech. The long-term purpose of the research is to provide models forautomatic parsing of spontaneous speech and for psycholinguistical modelling of speechproduction. Identification of inhalation pauses is an important step in the developmentof automatic methods for spontaneous speech parsing.Identification of inhalation pauses is considered to be a keyword-spotting speechrecognition problem. Hybrid HMM(Hidden Markov Models)/ANN(Artificial NeuralNetworks) approach is applied to this problem. Method gets 90,8% in Recall, 66,4% inPrecision and 76,7% in F-score.
En analys av Hosni Mubaraks sista tal som Egyptens president
On the 10th of February 2011 Hosni Mubarak gave his last speech as the president of Egypt, on the following day he resigned the presidency after more then two weeks of violent protests against his rule, and with that his 30-year long rule over Egypt had come to an end. This bachelor thesis aims towards examining this speech using both qualitative and quantitative research methods in order to reach a useful analysis of the speech. The conclusions of this thesis is that several methods were used in the speech in order to win the listeners acceptance and approval for the speaker, and then to use these in order to soothe, or preferably to completely stop, the current revolution. The methods that have been found to play major roles in achieving this are; portraying the speaker, defining the listener, promises of improvements and of justice/revenge, and nationalism. This thesis is written in Swedish with Arabic excerpts..
Talet hos 3-7-åringar födda med unilateral läpp-käk-gomspalt opererade med Göteborgsmetoden i Bukarest
The aim of the study was to assess the speech outcome in children with cleft palate operated with the Gothenburg Technique at Maria Sklodowska Curie Children?s Hospital. Eighteen participants with unilateral cleft lip palate were recorded and assessed through a single word test. Percent consonants correct and cleft speech characteristics were calculated after phonetic transcription. Intelligibility ratings and velopharyngeal composite scores were reported.
Taluppfattning i ofördelaktiga förhållanden : Hur pa?verkar kognitiv fo?rma?ga perceptionen av enstaviga ord i brus besta?ende av talande ro?ster?
Inom disciplinen kognitiv ho?rselvetenskap tilla?mpas en integrerad ansats da?r taluppfattning beskrivs ur ba?de ett auditivt bottom-up-perspektiv och ett kognitivt top-down-perspektiv. Studien underso?kte hur taluppfattning varierar med, respektive utan top-down-sto?d och vad de kognitiva fo?rma?gorna uppma?rksamhet, minne och inhiberingsfo?rma?ga hade fo?r inverkan. Taluppfattningsfo?rma?ga utva?rderades med hja?lp av ett Speech-In-Noise-test (SIN-test) som bestod av tre deltest da?r enstaviga ord presenterades i en ofo?rdelaktig miljo? besta?ende av ro?ster som talande i mun pa? varandra.
Undersökning av artikulation, prosodi, förståelighet och kommunikativ delaktighet hos vuxna postlingualt döva personer med cochleaimplantat
The aim of the study was to investigate the performance of postlingually deaf adults on parts of the swedish dysarthria test Dysartribedömningen, and to compare these results with a matched group consisting of normal hearing speakers without any known speech disorder. The group consisted of 17 participants ranging between 42-86 years of age. Participants were assessed focusing on articulation, prosody, intelligibility and through a self-assessment of communicative participation. There was a statistically significant difference between groups on prosody that manifested primarily as a slower speaking rate in the cochlear implant users. No significant differences between groups as to articulation, intelligibility or communicative participation could be found.
Att vara eller inte vara Charlie : En retorisk analys av opinionsmaterial fra?n svenska webbtidningar efter attentatet mot Charlie Hebdos redaktion
This study aims to examine the argumentation regarding freedom of speech and the statement ?je suis Charlie? (?I am Charlie?) in eight opinion articles from different Swedish web magazines. Two doctotral dissertations who?s main topics are the freedom of speech and different types of arguments regarding freedom of speach, was used in this study. The study also uses the actual Swedish law surrounding the freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of the press and breaches of these laws.
Perceptuell bedömning av dysartri: jämförelse av detaljerad kontra övergripande analys
The aim of the present study was to compare two differenttypes of assessment of dysarthria to be able to conclude which methodmight be more suitable for use in research and in clinical practice.Five speech pathologists with extensive experience assessed 20different recordings of individuals with dysarthric speech using twodifferent forms, one more detailed and one designed for a more overallassessment. In the detailed form 30 aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. In the short form 5 overall aspects of voice and speech wereanalyzed. Six of the recordings were duplicated to serve forassessment intra-judge reliability for each form. The results show thatthere was a high correlation between the two forms and that theymeasures the same types of speech deviations although on differentlevels of details.
Logopedisk intervention för barn med språkstörning ur ett historiskt perspektiv : en uppföljningsstudie
One of the largest work areas for speech and language pathologists is intervention for children with speech and language disorders. The purpose of the present study was to describe and analyze the clinical management of language impairment in children by studying and comparing medical records and literature from the years 2000 and 2009. The present study is a sequel to two previously published papers by Christina Samuelsson (1997; 1999), in which medical records and literature from the 1920-, 60- and 70?s were studied and a paper by Helén Sämfors (2001), in which the years 1985 and 1995 were studied. The medical records used in the present study came from a medical ward for speech and language pathology at a university hospital in Sweden. The results showed that significantly more children were referred to the clinic for speech and language problems in 2009 than in 2000, and more children were treated for their impairments.