3554 Uppsatser om Speech-test - Sida 11 av 237
Bedömning av oralmotorik och talmotorik med VMPAC hos typiskt utvecklade barn, 4-10 år
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur en grupp typiskt utvecklade, svenska barn, i åldrarna fyra till tio år presterar på tre deltest i VMPAC, för att därmed skapa ett underlag för en referens för svenska barn i bedömningen av avvikande utveckling. Studiens frågeställningar är: 1. Hur presterar en grupp typiskt utvecklade, svenska barn, i åldrarna fyra till tio år, på tre deltest i VMPAC (Focal Oromotor Control, Sequencing Maintenance Control och Connected Speech and Language Control)? och 2. Förekommer det några skillnader mellan en grupp typiskt utvecklade, svenska barn, jämfört med den amerikanska normeringen i VMPAC och barn med verbal dyspraxi (CAS) undersökta inom ramen för en magisteruppsats (Björelius-Hort, 2009)? Oral- och talmotorisk förmåga hos 23 svenska barn i åldrarna fyra till tio år, som åldersmatchats mot barn med verbal dyspraxi (Björelius-Hort, 2009), testades med deltest två, tre och fyra ur VMPAC.
Ungdomars ljudupplevelser i vardagsmiljön
Noise is a growing health problem. People are not always aware of the injuries that noise can cause. The media culture of today has a big influence on teenagers. This is caused by portable music players, computers, concerts etc. The schools are having larg classes and that can cause a lot irrelevant speech during lessons.
Automatiserad unit testning
Dagens utveckling av mjukvara går snabbare och snabbare samtidigt som mjukvaran blir allt mer komplex. Att under dessa omständigheter kunna bibehålla en lika om inte högre kodkvalité är en utmaning. På UIQ bestämde de sig för att undersöka om ett automatiserat unit test kunde hjälpa dem. Metoderna för att komma fram till resultaten i denna rapport har varit intervjuer, en enkät, intern information och litteratur så som forskningsartiklar m.m. Denna rapport är en utredning av automatiserade test, vad man bör tänka på, vilka fördelarna är, vilka testfall som är möjliga att automatisera med mera.
Representativa testnät försvenska eldistributionsnät
This project was started within the Market-Design programme of Elforsk, with the aim of developing representative test systems of Swedish distribution networks. Using such test systems as a basis for reliability and customer interruption cost calculations makes it feasible to analyse the network tariff regulation of Swedish power istribution companies. In particular, it enables studies of the incentives for companies to invest in system reliability. Until now, the available test systems are either not representative of Swedish conditions, or too small in scale and limited in function.Within this project we have created two test systems. In order to represent the diversity of actual Swedish distribution networks, we have created one test system for urban environments and another for rural environments.
En för alla och alla för en : En jämförande studie mellan traditionellt grupparbete och kooperativt lärande
This is a comparative study between traditional group work and cooperative learning among 9 graders at a Swedish high school. The classes did an assignment that involved translating and then both students and teachers answered a questionnaire. An example of how profitable cooperative learning is is the fact that the speech activity was more equal in the cooperative groups. All the students in the cooperative groups had to contribute to the assignment in order to fulfill the assignment. The reason for higher speech activity is the structure of cooperative learning, which involves roles suited for the assignment.
Konfrontationsbenämning av substantiv och verb hos svensktalande vuxna utan anomi
Confrontation naming is commonly used in speech and language pathology to diagnose neurogenic communication disorders and evaluate naming ability. The existing Swedish assessment instruments for adults consist of pictures depicting nouns. In this study, parts of the instrument An Object and Action Naming Battery were used, containing pictures depicting both nouns and verbs. The study?s purpose was to explore the degree of difficulty in the material, based on the naming of the participants, and examine whether different variables correlate with the results in confrontation naming.
This is a report of our examination project in electronics carried out for Bofors Test Center in Karlskoga. The task was to construct an electronic devise for starting up different kinds of measuring systems in exact time during test sequences. The modules that are used today are old and unreliable. Our goal was to construct a prototype, which later on is supposed to be developed into a useful system..
Utvärdering av en snabbtest för diagnostisering av hypokalcemi hos nötkreatur :
Clinical signs of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows are easily recognized, and a rapid response to treatment generally confirms the diagnosis in the field. However, clinical signs of other disorders in cows, such as toxemia, calving paralysis, or muscoskeletal injury, may mimic those associated with hypocalcaemia. Therefore, making a diagnosis of hypocalcaemia on the basis of clinical signs alone may be difficult. In ambulatory veterinary practices, cow-side tests are useful to make the diagnosis and prognosis easier.
Kruuse?s Kalcium Test is a cow-side test based on the principle that calcium ions are necessary for coagulation of blood, and that chelation with EDTA prevent coagulation.
Självbedömning i förhållande till uppnått resultat : Nationella prov och processbarhetsanalys på sfi
The aim of this essay is to investigate which of the goals in the syllabus, and with that what knowledge of Swedish, four students taking the SFI (Swedish for Immigrants) level 3 course believed themselves to have attained and to compare their self-assessments with their results on the National Test of Swedish for adult immigrants.The method used for the investigation is the individual interview. In addition to taking the National Test, the participants in the investigation were asked to mark the goals they believe themselves to have attained.The results show that the informants who best demonstrated awareness of their own knowledge are able to talk freely about their knowledge and difficulties, and when they mark the goals they believe they have attained, these correspond, on the whole, to how they responded in the interviews.One of the informants finds it more difficult than the others to assess her knowledge. A comparison between her experiences and the National Test results revealed several inconsistencies. For example, she claims that she can communicate in Swedish, but still she didn?t pass the test..
Laktester för riskbedömning av förorenad mark :
Using leaching test is a way to get a picture of pollutants retention and leaching in a risk assessment on contaminated land. There are several different types of standardised leaching tests today, where the natural leaching processes are speeded up to make it possible to predict the leaching of pollutants. These leaching tests have been developed for waste and there are no specific guidelines on how to judge the results from the tests, when making a risk assessment on contaminated land. This work is an investigation on how to use leaching test in this type of risk assessments. The strengths and weaknesses of the different types of tests are discussed.
Depending on what type of information you want from your leaching test, different types of tests are suitable.
Intensiv Stamningsterapis effekt på stamningsbeteenden, förståelighet och attityd till kommunikation hos fem barn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects ofparticipation in an integrated intensive stuttering program (IST) on stutteringbehavior, intelligibility and communication attitude, at individual and grouplevels. Five children aged eight to twelve years participated in the study.Stuttering behavior and intelligibility were judged by two independentstudents in speech and language pathology based on a total of eight videorecordings, before, during and after therapy. Communication attitude wasmeasured by the Swedish version of the self-report questionnaireCommunication Attitude Test (CAT-S). At an individual level, the initialstuttering profile and the changes shown during and after the IST varied. Ata group level, a significant decrease in stuttering frequency and asignificantly higher level of intelligibility were found, after as compared tobefore therapy.
Utvärdering och jämförelse av olika fälttester för fotbollsspelare
Different field tests are currently used in a wide extent in different levels of soccer teams. To be able to assess the players? physiological status the tests must have high validity, reliability and external validity. Many different tests have been developt, but currently only five of these tests are most commonly used: Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (YIRT), Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test (YIET), Multi-sprint-test, Beep-test and Cooper-test. Presently there is no definitive conclusion regarding which of these tests is most suitable for soccer players.
Automatiserad unit testning
Dagens utveckling av mjukvara går snabbare och snabbare
samtidigt som mjukvaran blir allt mer komplex. Att under dessa
omständigheter kunna bibehålla en lika om inte högre kodkvalité
är en utmaning. På UIQ bestämde de sig för att undersöka om ett
automatiserat unit test kunde hjälpa dem.
Metoderna för att komma fram till resultaten i denna rapport har
varit intervjuer, en enkät, intern information och litteratur så som
forskningsartiklar m.m.
Denna rapport är en utredning av automatiserade test, vad man
bör tänka på, vilka fördelarna är, vilka testfall som är möjliga att
automatisera med mera. Rapporten kommer även att presentera
grunderna i testning av mjukvara, en introduktion till eXtreme
Programming och Test-Driven Development samt hur testningen
utförs på UIQ idag.
Då jag kom fram till att ett automatiserat unit test skulle passa sig
bra på UIQ kommer jag i slutet av denna rapport presentera ett
implementerings förslag. Man bör även införa en test driven
utvecklings metodik för att säkerhetsställa att det kommer att
utvecklas automatiserade testfall..
Hon är inte arg, hon är bara stressad! : En studie om hur lärare i förskolan upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö
In January of 2014 a newly founded company held a press conference in central Stockholm. The purpose of the conference was to inform about Lexbase, the largest database on the Internet with legal information about the Swedish general public. The aim of this particular paper is to use news reports about Lexbase as material to identify the theses and their types presented in Swedish newspapers, and to examine the ideology constructed and presented by the theses in the said news reports. The questions asked in the paper are 1. What the distribution of different theses looks like and is there a type of thesis that more often invokes an implicit argumentation? 2.
Mätning av Mikroläckage i Dentala Implantat
Osseointegrated titanium implants have become a commonly used method in edentulous jaws and today there are success rates in the magnitude of 82 % in the lower jaw and 98 % in the upper. During first year after implantation a fully normal marginal bone loss of 1-2 mm occurs. If the bone loss continues there is a risk of implant failure. High tensions in bone and inflammation caused by bacteria are possible reasons for this problem. It has been shown that a leakage of bacterias occurs between the parts of the implant and there are theories that this has effects on the marginal bone loss.
The aim of this thesis has been to increase the knowledge about microbial leakage with help of in vitro tests and virtual simulations.