

2854 Uppsatser om Specific surface - Sida 52 av 191

Vad kostar en förlorad apotekskund - en estimering av bristkostnaden för receptbelagda läkemedel på ett konkurrensutsatt apotek i Sverige

After the deregulation of the Swedish pharmacy market customers can be lost due to stock-outs. Optimization of pharmacy inventory levels has thus become increasingly important. To minimize inventory costs while considering the cost of shortages the latter must be estimated. However, the shortage cost is very difficult to compute. Thus, the aim of this paper is to estimate the pharmacy-specific shortage cost parameter and its relation to other inventory costs.

Hantering och mellanlagring av jordmassor

This report deals with handling and interim storage of soils which are planned tobe reused in construction works. The types of soils that are dealt with are gravel, topsoil and sand. The thesis work has been carried out in collaboration with Skanska Sverige Väg och Anläggning Sydost. The main goal is to find an area for using to store soil in between projects.Studies of laws and regulations regarding exploitation and storage of soil has led to a theoretical background upon which the report is based. Background informationhas also been gathered in meetings with the employees at Tekniska Kontoret and Länsstyrelsen in Jönköping.On the basis of literature studies results, a general template has been developed for which desirable properties a possible location should meet.The model was applied to find a number of possible options in the vicinity of Jönköping.

Induktiv provning av ferritiskt rostfritt stå

The report examines the factors which may be a contributing cause to the problems that are present when ferritic stainless steel are eddy current tested in a warm condition. The work is carried out at Fagersta Stainless AB in Fagersta which manufactures stainless steel wire. In the rolling mill there is an eddy current equipment for detection of surface defects on the wire. The ferritic stainless steels cause a noise when testing and this noise complicates the detection of defects.Because of this, a study was made of how the noise related to factors such as steel grade, temperature, size and velocity. By observing the signal and with the possibilities to change the equipment settings the capability to let a signal filter reduce the noise level were evaluated.

Hör upp!!

In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements. As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity, which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from my theoretical assumption about room and sound.

Postanställdas konstruktioner av arbetsmotivation: En jämförande studie mellan postsorterare, lagledare och brevbärare

In order to broaden the understanding of work motivation the aim of the study was to compare how three different teams within the same organization constructed motivation. The three teams consisted of post sorters, team leaders and mailmen. Three focus group interviews were conducted with three men and eight women. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed with QSR NUD*IST. The result showed both similarities and differences in the construction of work motivation in the three teams.

Idrott, ungdomar och identitetsskapande : En studie i hur ungdomars identitetsskapande påverkas av utövandet av en lagidrott respektive en individuell idrott

The main objective of this essay is to examine how the identities of young people are influenced by their choice of an individual sport or a team sport.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? How does the sport influence the creation of an identity for active young people?? How will the choice of an individual sport or a team sport affect the development of an identity in young people who practises sport?To achieve the objective of this essay I have used a qualitative research approach. The empirical material has been collected with help of eight semi-structured interviews. Four of them were held with young people who practised swimming and the other four with young people who played soccer. The essay is structured from Derek Layders model regarding how to understand the social reality.

?Gift att dö eller drömmar att leva?

The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.

Att lämna en kriminell livsstil : En studie om ungdomars motivation och friskfaktorer efter en dom om institutionsplacering eller samhällstjänst

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesC-essay in Social work, Advanced course2006To give up a criminal life styleA study of motivation and protectional factors of juveniles after a sentence of institutional care or community workEmma Henriksson & Karin TengnäsABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that juveniles sentenced to institutional care or community work perceive as important for their decision to give up a criminal life style. The study approach was based on a few specific questions: (1) What aspects of the treatment have contributed to a motivation to abandon the criminal life style? (2) What have motivated the juveniles to make a decision to leave the criminal life style? (3) Are there any specific internal or external protectional factors that have been decisive for the rehabilitation process and, if so, are they linked to intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? The study rests on the theoretical foundation created by earlier research on institutional care, motivation and protectional factors. Interviews were chosen as a method to secure qualitative data and the interview manual was designed on the basis of themes that reflect the questions of the study. Six young people?s perception of their treatment is documented in the study, as well as their opinion on the effectiveness of the treatment.

Bevingad service? : En fallstudie av företaget Ving och dess kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compare if a charter company's attitude and vision of service can be reconciled with the attitudes and visions that the customers have in the same area. In order to carry out the study a qualitative approach is used. The data has been collected by interviews, focus groups and observations. The framework is theories on the subject of customer satisfaction, quality of service at customer meetings, Self-Service technologies, quality assurance and gap in service.The study has concluded that the approach to service is relatively equal between the company and customers, but the future visions differ. Focus group participants have been thinking bigger and further into the future, while the company focuses more on specific functions.

Metod för analys av elförbrukning i hushåll

Warehouses are a key aspect of modern supply chains and play a vital role in the success or failure of businesses today. Figures from the USA indicate that the capital- and operating costs of warehouses represent about 22 % of a company?s logistics costs while figures from Europe indicate 25 % (Baker & Canessa, 2009). Because warehousing is such an important function within a company, the authors chose to focus on this in their thesis. The purpose of this thesis has been to examine the significance of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and item identification with attention to logistic efficiency.

Visuell Perception : En studie av visuella faktorer kring ett musikaliskt framträdande

The essay investigates the visual element as seen by the audience and artist to be of greatest importance to a musicalperformance. The study was conducted in the form of a field work which included doing interviews with artists, surveys of the audience and interpretive observations of live performance. The fieldwork was conducted in three different environments in which I found myself on the spot and performed the various stages included in the field work. It was done to create a surface that could be used in an essay, and through that use this material to compare and analyze my results and in the end be able to answer my questions. I started from eight different factors which all could beexperienced visually on stage.

Reklam för Responsiva Webbplatser : En studie i hur reklam bör utformas för internet

Advertising in responsive websites is a quite new phenomenon and has therefore, previously not been a target for any mayor research. Todays society, where new technological innovations persistantly supersede others must be seen as a possible changer for how companies advertise to this society. This paper sheds light on many of the difficulties connected with advertising for responsive websites, but also possibilities and advices for the future. Through a litterature review and a focus group with respondents from a large communication agency in Umea?, insights, implications, solutions and thoughts both connected to specific websites but also around advertising for the future as a whole is presented.

Arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En empirisk analys av vilka kommunala faktorer som kan påverka den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda

Unemployment amongst Swedish citizens is higher within the group which falls under the designation foreign-born. The aim of this thesis is to examine which municipal factors that can explain the differences in unemployment amongst foreign-born relative to native born.The empirical models are examined with both cross-sectional data for the year of 2010 and panel data for the years of 2002-2012. The examination is implemented through a linear regression analysis of the type Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Fixed Effect regressions. A theory section will be presented where the theory on Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate (NAIRU), theories on discrimination and country-specific human capital are illustrated.The result from the cross-sectional data shows that the amount of foreign-born, the level of foreign-born immigrated from Nordic countries have a significant negative effect on unemployment amongst foreign-born. The general unemployment shows a significant positive effect on the unemployment amongst foreign-born.

Western på ett nytt sätt : NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN som western?

This addresses the problems when a film doesn?t easily fit in to one specific genre. Using No Country for Old Men as an example the study analyses the film from a Western perspective. Is it possible to say that it is a western? To determine that, I compare a number of acknowledged westerns, on the basis to list a number of generic conventions.

Fosforförluster från lantbruket och dess bidrag till övergödning av sjöar och vattendrag i Växjö kommun

The possibility for plants to utilize phosphorus in soil is a prerequisite for conducting agricultural production, both small scale and professional. Spreading of phosphorus fertilizers and manure is therefore seen as a necessity in today's agriculture in order to achieve high yield. Manure management, livestock farming and manure storage could contribute to the eutrophication of lakes and rivers. For instance, when the ground becomes saturated, phosphorus leakage could be seen in surface runoff or in point sources resulting from inadequate manure storage management.In the municipality of Växjö there is still many bodies of water that do not reach the Swedish environmental water quality standard of "good ecological status". This thesis has therefore analyzed the manure management and storage on agricultural farms which may have contributed to eutrophication in the municipality.The method for this thesis was a literature study, a questionnaire survey with 820 receivers and a summary of issued inspection reports from 2013.The results highlight the ways in which agriculture may have contributed to the eutrophication of lakes and streams in the municipality of Växjö.

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