

583 Uppsatser om Southern China - Sida 4 av 39

Analys av miljöaspekter för en planerad svensk fabrik i Kina

A Swedish company, company F, will establish a new factory in China. Company F is adivision within Company F. The factory in China will manufacture wire products. Thepurpose of this final thesis is to analyse which legal and practical measures the company hasto undertake during the process of localization to get approval from the Chineseenvironmental legislation.An analysis of the influencing factors on the environment from the production in theconstruction in Sweden was carried through. A material-balance was analysed according tothe flowchart of the production.

Försämrad korrelation mellan storleken av Kebnekaises sydtoppsglaciär och andra klimatindikatorer

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognizes glaciers as the best land-indicator of climate change. A variety of studies have concluded, using both modeling and field studies, that above all climate parameters precipitation, particularly winter precipitation, and summer temperature controls the change in glacier mass balance. With global warming almost all glaciers on Earth are losing mass. In this study, the summit-glacier constituting Kebnekaise's south summit (called the Southern-summit henceforth), Sweden's highest point, is studied to see how it is affected by winter precipitation and summer temperature during the period 1968?2013.

Internationaliseringsprocessen för svenska småföretag i Kina : Fallstudie av två svenska småföretag

The purpose of this thesis was to study how an internationalization process to China may appear for a small Swedish enterprise and to identify important factors that may be essential for the process. The focus extends from the point where the enterprise makes its first connection with China up to the point where they are well established. Their business is up and running and they have begun production. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject a gathering of existing theory and research articles was conducted. The gathering of theory yielded knowledge of different approaches and methods that can be used to implement internationalization and provided a greater understanding of cultural and regional differences in China compared to Sweden.

Är klassisk imperialism fortfarande relevant? : En komparativ fallstudie av Marocko-Västsahara och Kina-Tibet

Imperialism has for a long time been an important concept in international relations. The literature identifies many different types of imperialism. After the great de-colonization scientists stopped discussing ?classic? imperialism, i.e. using physical strength in the form of conquest and occupation to subdue weaker states.

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality : Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

Södra Thailand: Civila samhället - roten till våldet?

Using Varshney's theory about intra- and interethnic networks, this thesis examines how civil society in southern Thailand is built up.During 2004 the violence between Muslims and Buddhists rose in southern Thailand. The government tried to fight the insurgency using violent police and military forces, resulting in hundreds of deaths and part of reason why Thailand is loosing rank in Freedom House's democracy index. Varshney means that a civil society built up on intraethnic networks works favourable to violence between different ethnic groups. Sorting out and defining what is meant by ?ethnic? and ?civil society?, this thesis shows why to look at the insurgency in southern Thailand as an ethnic conflict surviving partly because of an intraethnic civil society.

Mittens Rike : etableringsmöjligheter och framtidstrender

China has the world?s largest population and during the last thirty years the country has implemented political and economical changes that have affected China to move towards a more western market economic direction. At first this development was going slow but during the last five years it has increased which today has made China the world?s greatest growing economy. China?s improved cooperation with the world is one reason for this growth which has led to a cumulative of the consumer market.

LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China

Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.

Movement patterns of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) around their kills in southern Sweden

During the last ten- fifteen years the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) population in southern Sweden has increased considerably. This area has a high density of both people and roads and have a higher roe deer (main prey of lynx) density than the rest of the country. Movement patterns such as how long animals utilize their kills and how far they travel from their kills between revisits is unknown for lynx in southern Sweden. The aim of this study was to examine how different factors affected the time lynx used their kills and the distances they travelled from the kill between revisits. The data was prepared and calculated using ArcGIS and the study is based on 98 ungulate kills and 12 lynx individuals.

De Nordeuropeiska långhögarna : Hus för de döda

The discovery and excavation of Long Barrows has been one of the major developments in the understanding of the Early Neolithic in Southern Scandinavia during the last decade. The Long Barrows are one of the oldest monumental burial forms that we see in northern Europe in the neolithic. They are also the first example of a common idea that is connected to a monumental burial form amongst the people. In this essay I attempt to show that there actually are quite a large number of Long Barrows in Scandinavia that show similarities with Long Barrows in well-known areas such as Kujavia (Poland) and Pommerania (Germany/Poland), in both architecture and location in the landscape. I also scrutinise some theories regarding this phenomenon and discuss, and i some cases, criticise them.

En studie av drivkrafter hos kinesiska medarbetare : ? ur fo?retags perspektiv

In 2009, the estimated number of residents in China was 1.331 billion, representing approximately 22% of the total world population. China is the world's most populous state and is in constant growth. This is also a market that offers huge opportunities. The major cultural differences between China and the rest of the world can often cause problems for companies that choose to expand in China. A major problem with the cultural differences is that Chinese employees feel that foreign managers do not understand the Chinese culture which is said to be the reason why Chinese people tend to change jobs often.

Kinesisk klassifikation: daoistiska, konfucianska och maoistiska influenser i fem kinesiska klassifikationssystem

The aim of this thesis is to mediate to the reader an image of Chinese classification systems and in what way the methods of classification have progressed during time. The tradition of classification in China is very old and dates back more than two thousand years, but it wasnt until the downfall of the dynastic era in the beginning of the 20th century, that Chinese libraries and methods of classification were modernized. This thesis also identifies the development of Chinese librarianship which is of old age since Chinese literature stretches three thousand years back. The main question is in what way the values of three different philosophies are reflected in five classification systems compiled between 1953-1975. The three philosophies are Daoism, Confucianism and Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought.

International Strategy Implementation: Understanding of Local Challenges in China

The thesis has two purposes. First, to give a practical insight into the challenges that Swedish companies might face, and how these challenges are tackled, when implementing strategy in a local area. Second, to develop a general applicable model as a conceptual contribution to the field of international strategy implementation in local areas. This empirical-driven thesis is written in a qualitative and explorative approach, where abduction is adopted in order to find mysteries and contribute to the forming of new theories. The empirical foundation is twenty-two interviews and observations of three large Swedish companies.

The diffusion of minimum tillage in agricultural China : a study of the factors influencing the farmers? choice of tillage system

The Chinese government´s aim to be self-sufficient in food production in combination with the increased food consumption in China has put high pressure on the productivity within the Chinese agricultural sector (He j et al, 2010). In order to increase the productivity, modernization and adoption of new farming techniques are essential. The opportunity to adopt and import foreign technology has lately been possible in China, as more authority and decision rights have been given to the individual farmers and the country has opened up for foreign trade (Zheng, 2012 & Fan, 1991). A more open Chinese market enables new opportunities for foreign agricultural companies to expand their businesses by introducing their products to Chinese farmers. But to succeed with this strategy the Chinese farmers must be willing to adopt these, for them new innovations. Minimum tillage is a tillage practice used worldwide that is suitable in northern China where drought and erosion are the main problems in the crop production (pers.com., Arvidsson, 2012). Potential users? opinion of new innovations such as minimum tillage is closely related to adoption (Rogers, 2003).

El nino- Southern ocsillation och de tropiska cyklonerna i Stilla havet

ReferatDe tropiska cyklonerna har både skrämt och fascinerat människor genomtiderna och det pågår en hel del forskning kring dem. I detta arbete studeras omEl niño?Southern ocsillation påerkar antalet, intensiteten eller livslägden pådetropiska cyklonerna i Stilla havet. Till detta anväds temperaturdata frå bojarsom den amerikanska väertjästen National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration placerat ut i Stilla havet och insamlad information kring detropiska cyklonerna. Studien baseras pådata frå en 15ås period under åen1995 till 2009.Studien visar bland annat att antalet tropiska cykloner påerkas relativt mycketav de olika faserna i El niñ? Southern oscillation.

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